Best teams for Ultron event?



  • Alkyoneus
    Alkyoneus Posts: 116 Tile Toppler
    I'm fortunate to have a max covered Hulkbuster. Running him, Iron Fist, Cyclops. chase purple/yellow and convert to red, then punch Ultron's lights out. I have yet to even be hit by a bomb with this setup, sometimes I beat Ultron with zero bombs on the board.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm greatly enjoying GSBW/Prof X/LCap.
  • stochasticism
    stochasticism Posts: 1,181 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2015
    For Ultron, max Patch max Laken lvl 1 1* Hawkeye. Hawkeye is the MVP.

    I am running a similar team but using IMHB instead of Laken. IMHB black powers Hawkeye and lays even more strike tiles and blue makes even more red. Eventually you will have enough red saved up for a mega nuke with IMHB red but really all you need to make this work is a reasonable number of covers in black. Another red generator like 2* mags or cyclops would work nicely here too. Completely agree that 1* Hawkeye is the MVP against Ultron.

    Oh, and my hawkeye is l40 because random match damage nearly kills him every fight. I can't imagine how you keep a l1 hawkeye alive for long.
  • Turbosmooth
    Turbosmooth Posts: 213
    My GSBW+Cap+Punisher had a bad board morning.
    So I tried my previously non-recommended SW+IF+Cage for Bombtron twice. First time was perfect. Second time was dicey and Cage was hit once. But it has kind of been a thrilling experience. The more I play SW, the more I think that her CD placement is bugged. I'll take that up in her character thread.
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    Mmags, cap and cyc has gotten me through without a scratch twice. Boosted +2 all, +2 r/y & +2 b/p though to take a little bit of the luck out. My boosts usually just sit at 30 each since I don't normally use them, so I have plenty to use here.
  • Nooneelsesname
    Nooneelsesname Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    For Ultron, max Patch max Laken lvl 1 1* Hawkeye. Hawkeye is the MVP.

    I can't imagine how you keep a l1 hawkeye alive for long.

    Doesn't tank anything, so never takes match damage. His powers are all about specific board manipulation to get rid of bombs, so levels don't matter. We're in round seven and I've only been hit by a bomb once that Patch was able to take and I had one retreat on an unwinnable board. If he tanks anything at a higher level (esp. purple or red) I imagine the team would be unusable.
  • Arimis_Thorn
    Arimis_Thorn Posts: 541 Critical Contributor
    I've been having pretty good luck with Patch, Loki, Hulkbuster (2/5/1). I've been saving Loki's purpleflag.png as a hail mary if a Bomb gets close to the bottom. So far, it's only backfired on me once.
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    For Ultron I've been running Patch, Lazy Daken, and Punisher. At current bomb level (I think we're on round five), each clawed gentleman can take one bomb hit. With increasing returns on Retribution, a timely berserker rage + Molotov + Retribution has done the deed. Then, a quick trip to the prologue to heal Patch and Lazy Daken before the next Ultron fight.
  • Dauthi
    Dauthi Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    The Ultron Sentry nodes, which are usually the most time consuming/hardest, are a joke with a maxed Luke with 5 red. He keeps a 380 shield out which nullifies all their damage besides crits.

    Put any damage dealer with him and you will pretty much come out of the node unscathed. This leaves all the healthpacks in the world for Ultron, who isn't very hard to begin with.
  • babinro
    babinro Posts: 771 Critical Contributor
    Ultron Prime:
    - Doc Ock / Cage / Fist

    Ultron Boss:
    - LCap/ XF / Fist
    - IW / **mags / Hulkbuster

    Sentry Nodes:
    - Groot / Thor
    - Hulkbuster / Fist
    - Patch / Loki
    - Cage / Doc Ock

    Other teams can open up depending on the featured character.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    Does Blind Spot work to negate Ultron bomb damage when PX is last?

    I keep killing him with Master Plan and a Sniper Rifle before it gets down to just PX.

    I realize that keeping the invisibility tile in play is going to be tough with the row clears every turn, but it might be a hailmary against bomb damage at the end of an event and it might be good to know.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    Main Ultron has been Patch, BP, IF. BR to rage of the panther is close to instant kill. In round 6. Round 7-8 don't know yet.
  • danae
    danae Posts: 101
    The team I use for main Ultron: Lazy Cap/Patch/2* Magneto (max covered at level 15)

    For Sentry Nodes: Luke Cage/Required/Various depending on colors of Required
  • vinnygecko
    vinnygecko Posts: 245 Tile Toppler
    Main Ultron I've been using one of these:


    For the first combo I usually go Deceptive Tactics, Sniper Rifle and then finish with Righteous Uppercut, ROTP or JJC.

    I pretty much bring Cage to all of the goon nodes. I have him at 5/3/5 but his protect tile is still enough to fend off most damage (other than those gunners ). I'm able to one-shot most of the goons with his yellow, and get pretty close with his black.
  • Bulls
    Bulls Posts: 141 Tile Toppler
    For round 8 Im using cmag, 2* volv and mystique, they all have relativly high dmg abilities, beside I dont have much more choices icon_e_wink.gif so far it's 3-0 to me ^^
    On sentry nodes since 4 round Im going with cmag and falcon, spam board with protect tiles and proceed to victory. Sometimes those rounds takes a lot of time (especially if my esencial is lacking in fire power) but most importantly it saves health packs (on round 7 I was forced to heal every 3-4 clears, so I guess that's fine).
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've been getting a major kick out of taking on Ultron with my newbie account, which is all 1*s and half-baked 2*s. (I'd level some of the 2*s up, but I can't seem to get covers for anything but Ms Marvel and Cap...)

    So far, level 40 im35, level 40 modern storm and level 20 classic hawkeye have been consistently kicking Ultron tinykitty. Just did in a round 5 Ultron at level 250 and they were even all alive at the end of it!
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've been getting a major kick out of taking on Ultron with my newbie account, which is all 1*s and half-baked 2*s. (I'd level some of the 2*s up, but I can't seem to get covers for anything but Ms Marvel and Cap...)

    So far, level 40 im35, level 40 modern storm and level 20 classic hawkeye have been consistently kicking Ultron tinykitty. Just did in a round 5 Ultron at level 250 and they were even all alive at the end of it!
    that must have taken forever... nice job
  • I've wiped the floor with Ultron using 2* cap, 2* magneto, and IM40. Not one bomb gets to the ground while IM40 and Mags are generating blue and red for cap's shields. By the time he's under 10k health I have full red and blue bars which are enough for IM40 to take him out. Of course you need a 3/5/5 cap and at least 1 IM40 yellow (2 is best, 3 is ok too) for this team to work.
  • RWTDBurn
    RWTDBurn Posts: 291
    I've been using either xforce/loki/cmag (massive board control team) or Hulk Buster/Iron Fist/Cyclops. Both hold up well.
  • Skorche
    Skorche Posts: 47
    for sentry nodes I've been using cage/squirrel girl + essential (mostly) Sometimes through in doc Oct instead of cage.

    For bomb dropping I'm using Cmarvel/Nick Fury/Punisher. Most times Nick will get Ultron below 60% and punisher finishes him off sometimes Cmarvel takes a bomb in the face to get the black and red I need to finish him off.