Facebook link after recent patch.



  • IamTheBiggs
    IamTheBiggs Posts: 215 Tile Toppler
    xdogg wrote:
    I'm one of the fortunate ones who was able to sync Steam and Android when they offered it...

    Whoah whoah whoah! This was a thing?!

    (So not the point of the thread, I know, but still...)
  • kookykrazee
    kookykrazee Posts: 15 Just Dropped In
    Whoah whoah whoah! This was a thing?!

    Yes, for people that were part of the alpha test before the game came to be live, we were given the ability to link mobile & steam. It's nice, but I miss it right now, along with everyone else who misses their multiple devices.
  • Demiurge_Anthony
    Demiurge_Anthony Posts: 156 Tile Toppler
    Hey all,

    We have the fix going through the testing and approval process. At this time, we recommend that users only use one device. Once the R76.1 patch is made available, you will be able to save your progress between multiple devices again. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  • klonewarrior
    klonewarrior Posts: 19 Just Dropped In
    So how do I get my phone to reconnect to my facebook account. I hit the connect to facebook button it does some stuff, says I am connected...but Im still stuck with the tutorial game.

    Look D3...I have a fever. And the only cure is to get back my account.
  • Pentagoon
    Pentagoon Posts: 98
    Hey all,

    We have the fix going through the testing and approval process. At this time, we recommend that users only use one device. Once the R76.1 patch is made available, you will be able to save your progress between multiple devices again. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    THANK YOU for the continued transparency towards delivering a hot fix for us users experiencing problems. There's a separate thread off of the main bug page that could use this update on it as well, I'm glad I checked both threads.

    I have verified that my save data is being backed up on FB and am limiting my use to just my Android phone for now. For those trying to make sure that your data is backed up and secure, go to the options screen like Anthony says, and once the data is synced properly, you'll get a little green checkmark to the right of the FB icon:


    I went through a few rounds of adjusting notifications and joining events until that green check mark came up. Hope that helps alleviate some concerns as to whether or not your game data is safe.
  • Philly79
    Philly79 Posts: 422 Mover and Shaker
    thanks for posting above as I did not see the post by Anthony about R76.1 and probably would not have checked this thread again if I did not see your recent post.
  • About two days ago i was switching from two profiles because my friend is a marine and is unable to play this week, so i was playing for us both. When i finally went to switch back from his to mine, i clicked to load my facebook data, i signed in and then instead of showing me my game, it loaded nothing and had me start from the beginning. I tried loading the game again and when it asked to log into facebook, it didn't even let me put in my email and password even though i wasn't signed in. my account name is still there and once i play the first two missions it finally shows me my alliance. The same thing happens when i try to log into my friend's account. when i'm on one account and i check on the other's i see all of our characters as do all my other alliance members. i really hope this gets fixed soon, if i have to start from the beginning, then i'm just done with this game.
  • Pentagoon
    Pentagoon Posts: 98
    The save bug is now fixed with the latest update. I swapped devices three times last night with no issues. Thanks Devs!!!
  • klonewarrior
    klonewarrior Posts: 19 Just Dropped In
    why cant i download R76.1 from Google play?

    I deleted the game like 10 times since the new version came out...and the only version i can download is R76.0

    How do i get the latest version since Google will NOT give it too me.
  • klonewarrior
    klonewarrior Posts: 19 Just Dropped In
    why cant i download R76.1 from Google play?

    I deleted the game like 10 times since the new version came out...and the only version i can download is R76.0

    How do i get the latest version since Google will NOT give it too me.
  • klonewarrior
    klonewarrior Posts: 19 Just Dropped In
    Is this even being resolved? Lost yet more rewards 3 heroics/5 standards / 2750 iso. No to mention i cant play...and haven't been able to since R76 came out.
  • I'm still waiting for a response too. I knew this was a problem but I forgot about it on Friday and now, I'm stuck on the first screen on both my Tablet and Phone. I lost a lot of good cards too. I still gain Alliance rewards just to insult me.
  • klonewarrior
    klonewarrior Posts: 19 Just Dropped In
    Yup, I tried to reinstall again....something I try 2 - 3 times a day. Just to see if I can get in. I was 400 points from the PVP 10 pack award with 7 days left. I still get all these rewards and gifts from my alliance that get lost each time I try. I just lost 3 heroics/5 standards/and 3750 in ISO as rewards/gifts from the game....which are all lost....which brings my week of lost rewards to 3 Herioic/13 standards/7750 in ISO and thats just the last 4 days when I realized that they aren't working too hard to fix this game....they are working hard on releasing more toons...and more toons...and more toons.

    Seriously D3, how about fixing your busted game, before adding more broken features.
  • xdogg
    xdogg Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker
    Seems like the sync problem is back, played DPD on Steam this morning, then went to play on my phone later on and I had to play DPD again to get the rewards
  • So day 8 with zero reply from anyone in regards to my account. I sent the info asked of me and still no answer no nothing. My account was completely overwritten along with my profess and instead of 74 I only got 4 characters. This is total **** because before the update I was switching devices with zero problems now it's a bad decision and you start posting up warnings saying its not a good idea but never thought about completely testing out the update to see this potential problem. It's not fair over a year and some change worth of work sitting in limbo and I send in what was asked and not a peep.