Most fun / Least fun Characters



  • babinro
    babinro Posts: 771 Critical Contributor
    I actually find defensive tactics to be fun despite the fact that they have almost no place in this game.

    I genuinely enjoy the gameplay surround Spidey's blue and purple and how your purple can feed into another character for spending. His yellow has never been fun though. True healing or not it wasn't

    Most Fun:
    XF - Nerf or not he's still a blast to play with due to the constant board shake
    Mags - See XF for reason
    Falcon - I love the unique playstyle of matching your own CD tiles as well as inspirations interaction with tons of characters.
    Fury - His blue is unique fun while also being frustrating. His yellow is a blast and fun to try and setup optimally.
    Kingpin - I've barely played this character due to lack of covers but his animations and his internal synergy just scream fun. I had a blast with his sampler matches.
    Iron Fist - I'll be the first to tell you that his purple deserves to cost more than 5AP. But that debate aside I love this characters design concept. The idea of having already good skills made even better under a certain condition you'd not normally strive for (Fist has no active black) is a fun one to me. I loved the idea with BP and Fist takes this a step further.
    Loki - He's amazingly fun because of the setups to generate his green and the interaction of his purple with so many characters in the game. The Black is one of the few hard counters out there for tough situations as well. Great character.

    Least Fun:
    LCap - This character does something unique AND creates an interesting in game dynamic of trying to protect your CD's. Everything about this guys design screams tactics. But in actual sustained play Cap just becomes tedius. Crazy effective though.
    IM40 or IM35 or Ares or Deadpool - Characters like these are a little too simple and straightforward for my liking. It's mostly just amass AP for damage and a minor kickers that are often forgetable. There could be more than these 4 but they are the ones that came to mind.
    Hulk or Captain Marvel - While I enjoy the concept of these characters I find it exceedingly difficult and frustrating to get them to 'work'. The tanking mechanics in this game are a little too difficult to manipulate now due to featured and boosted characters along with the popularity of 4*'s. It confines characters like these to a very small list of niche teams rather than something you can simply go out and have fun with at any time.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    Here are a couple of fun combonations I like
    Groot, Kamala Khan. Get groots blue to KK pruple to green and watch people get crushed
    Old Xforce Old She Hulk. This was my go to team in DPDQ survival node as She Hulk would take care of the CD and there was enough board shake and AP generation to wipe everyone out.
    IF, Cyclops. Cyclops full blast is my favorite animation right now.
    Patch Loki. This was good before Loki got a 3rd power and is better now. Once you fire BR to Trickery it will be "say goodnight to my little friends."
    I will also throw Squirl Girl in, just becuase of that stupid grin on her face. Her green is actually really good, but her grin just makes me laugh.

    Not so much
    Spiderman. So many better protect tiles. Only use him in enemy of the state.
    Rags- he was better before his recent buff
    BWGS- she is not bad, but once you play with KK you realize how BE should be.
    Hulk- the only time I have found him useful was in the past TaT against IF. His whole purpose is to take damage to spam green. I also really do not like the fact that he gets angry and the it leads to Thunderous clap. He should get angry and then Smash like in the comic and movies. Devs I will remove hulk from this list if you just switch green and red names and animations. Whose itch me for a Hulk to get Angry then Hulk Smash icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • morph3us
    morph3us Posts: 859 Critical Contributor
    babinro wrote:
    Fury - His blue is unique fun while also being frustrating. His yellow is a blast and fun to try and setup optimally.

    The thing I like most about Fury is the flexibility that Avengers Assemble offers, since you don't need to set off a fully charged AA every single time. Just need a stun and some damage? Prime blue and red, and off you go.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    It seems like my view on who's most/least fun to play is constantly changing based on the other characters I have available--it's really the team interactions that make it fun for me rather than the singular characters.

    Loki's variety of tricks make him a steady favorite no matter who he's with. Squirrel Girl's knock-out purple and random green are also fun, if a little quirky, for me. I've had enough fights against over-scaled nodes where CStorm's yellow pulled victory from certain defeat that she's certainly on the list (I have her at 4-5-4, for what it's worth). Even Daredevil, who I initially didn't like, has really grown on me as I've played him with more covers.

    If you asked me this a couple months ago, I would have immediately said three of the least fun characters I have were Hulk, GSBW and Thor (he's great--just boringly straight-forward, so his tactics can be dull), but with after an influx of 3* covers I had prior to the recent Ultron event, those three paired together were my go-to group against Ultron's sentries and I think partially because of their games I enjoyed the Ultron event more than any other PVE I've played. IM40, who I also never much liked, became an invaluable teammate to 2*Cap & Kamala Khan against Ultron himself. Mystique is also someone I didn't really like much, at first, but since I've gotten her more covered she's really grown on me as well (I was too late on her to run the MNMags combo, but her purple & black are my favorite of her skills--so much so that I might even go 5-3-5 with her, even though it's not at all the preferred build for her).

    As a rule, I think my least favorite characters tend to have a very straight-forward play style, so IM35, MNThor, Daken, etc tend to be dull for me, even if I keep spots on my roster for all of them due to their raw strength. They may win games, but they just aren't as fun as characters with more unique abilities. Even though Ares is similar, just because his two best skills have a drawback, there's a little more thought into playing him that he's not as drab for me.

    I only have 35 characters, though, so there's a lot I haven' tried.
  • My vote goes to Patch for his fun, high risk/reward. I also like GSBW because even though she's a bit slow I really love getting to place all those green tiles!
  • seth_is_OK
    seth_is_OK Posts: 48
    I like most of the characters and like playing around with different combinations. There are a couple of characters that stand out to me though.

    Most fun:
    GSBW - her powers feel the most "puzzle" like in a puzzle game. Random powers are inherently less fun for me when compared to precision (sorry KK - I do like you).
    Daredevil - spamming trap tiles trap.png over and over again feels very satisfying - when paired with Cyclops I try to set off 3 traps in a single match-3 icon_twisted.gif

    Least fun:
    Characters whose power hurts the team, drains extra AP, or gives AP to the enemy (Sentry, IM40, etc.). I know Ares is awesome but I rarely play with him because I don't ever want to use his powers. My opinion is flawed since he came out after I already moved on to the 3* transition and didn't need to use him. Even now, I'm still more likely to use Thor in 2* DDQ nodes than Ares.

    I will make an exception to the Hulk's Anger which is small enough damage to not bother me. I do miss friendly shields negating the damage to only -1.
  • ballingbees
    ballingbees Posts: 208 Tile Toppler
    edited May 2015
    I find the fun factor is in analysing the board and picking tiles to place/pop, that for me is what the puzzle in puzzlequest is about. And the characters that can do these are the old 3*Mag, old 2*Mag, GSBW, Kamala, Scarlet, and the upcoming Bul.. er, Character Y. (*edit: forgot to mention 1* Hawk, he was my fav 1* guy in prologue days) But sadly, these are the characters that you can trust the AI to screw up for you on defence.
    Un-fun characters are those that even the AI cannot screw up with, yes 3*Thor that's you.

    Some characters are only fun if paired with specific partners. I feel obliged to make a case for Gamora, alone she is pretty pathetic, but paired with iFist, she can be amazing.
  • most fun:
    steve roger, the hood, blade(ddq last node specialist)
    cap marvel, magneto, patch, daken, cyclop, shulk, beast, dr doom, loki, mystique, obw, 2 star mags and storm.

    hopefully fun:

    no fun(at all):
    any 4* i didnt covered lol, vision, colossus, 2*HT, bag man

    possible fun(not fully covered. . .yet):
    kamala, luke cage, and dany rand
  • OnyxSnake
    OnyxSnake Posts: 78 Match Maker
    Blade is my favourite to play. The bloody thirsty growl when he lays down his strike tile brings a mean smile to my face especially when I know the reds can't be matched or I'm playing goons. Seeing the amount of damage from his attack tile go up with the number of strike tiles. Stopping the ememy from using their abilities with the ap drain of Nightstalker is darkly satisfying.

    Luke Cage is next because unless the ememy gets a 4/5 match I'm only taking -1 damage! I like to wait till I have 12 black ap and 13 yellow and box them to death. Right jab, right jab left jab right cross then UPPERCUT! (Wipes sweat from noise and makes crazy sound like Bruce Lee).

    Dr Doom is like a time bomb to me. Watching his traps build up and counting how much damage each will do and waiting till there is enough to one shot who ever I choose who in most cases isn't who I'm fighting because they are taking match damage. I love using him most against Daken/Patch teams because I take out Patch with the above and turn all the blue to black so Daken suffocates himself to death.

    I don't think about why I don't use characters it's usually down to the covers and the power potential they have but I hate to say this my most disappointing character even though I use him every day is Hulk. I love Hulk, he is supposed to be the strongest there is but why is he so week? For 5 ap IF will do roughly 4000 damage but Hulk needs 10 ap to do roughy 1500! What happened their? He needs a buff.
  • Doc L
    Doc L Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    Ah, I'm probably going to sound weird with some of these, but what's the worst that can happen?

    Most fun:

    Luke Cage - Is it wrong I love punching people in the face? His yellow at 5 is especially fun, instant kill a lot of lower level guys.

    3* Daken - I hate it when in pve especially, Daken is buffed, heals and generates strike tiles against me. I love doing that against other people to feel my pain...

    Punisher - His red is both awesome in animation and effect, downing much stronger people at 40% health. Plus, his new health buff makes him much more useable and longer lasting than he used to be!

    3* Magneto - It's taken my 550+ days to get just 10/13 covers of him, but when he was buffed last week, I loved running his blue, a skill that often downs me in scaled pve (Hood-Magneto node at 395 anyone?). He seems one of the most balanced characters in the game currently.

    Notable mentions go to 3* Thor (love using CtS), Spider-man (he may be nerfed, but pve perma-stun is a lot of fun) and Falcon (especially when matched with Daken or Patch).

    Least fun:

    Hood - I've had him at 166 for a while, and I know he's one of the best at the 3* level, certainly for support, but why does he sodding well tank every colour he feels like, despite having less health than an 80 year old?!

    X-Force Wolverine - I know I only have him as a 2-3-4 covered character at 166, but his green even before the nerf was toothless with 2 covers. He just doesn't seem to do any damage!

    Doom - I know he is supposed to be strong, a lot of health and so on, but I never seem to be able to use him correctly, just ending up with him unconscious first, before he's released any of his skills!

    Sentry - Perhaps an obvious one, but he's so slow, and seems to do so little damage without killing himself. What a waste of a character that should be like Patch - risk versus reward.

    Notable others here for me include Raganok (sad), Daredevil (one of favourite characters, but no direct damage move?!) and Psylocke (another favourite in the comics, but seems to be using blunt swords).
  • The most fun character in any Marvel game he's in will always be

  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    For fun, i know everyone hates sentry, but pair him with Kamala, so she can negate the self damage..

    Of course it will still require health packs, so wait and use it in the shield sim before you bed down for the night.. people will skip you, or take a defensive loss.. toss LDaken in for quick blue hits that also get you healed.

    Fun team, slightly long matches, but fun nonetheless.
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    OnyxSnake wrote:
    The bloody thirsty growl when he lays down his strike tile

    Wait, he makes a sound? Maybe I should turn sound on.....been playing since Oct 2013 and have never, not once, had sound on. What else am I missing out on? (and apologies for the derail)
  • I see QS being voted least fun a lot but I think we works really well for the 2*-3* transitioner. Using him with 2* Mags and 2* Storm is actually decent. Grant it, he doesn't play well with too many 3* teams but there are plenty of characters that don't as well.

    My vote for Most fun (in team up style)
    Iron Fist, Black Panther, Falcon
    CMags, Hood, Scarlet Witch
    Spidey, LCap (if you don't mind a long slow match - Protect tiles everywhere)

    Least Fun for me:
    Devil Dino
    Beast (before and after buff) - have yet to find a team composition that he works really well with.
    Mystique (before and after nerf)
    IM 40 - While he does fit on some teams his powers are still too over costed for my taste.
    Lazy Version 2* of 3* characters.
  • user311
    user311 Posts: 482 Mover and Shaker
    Not sure - maybe Im messed up in the head, but for me the most fun is when I use gimmick characters to win PVP like Dino and Squirrel. If only I had bagman.... Otherwise it becomes situational like the records thread -- how many special tiles can I lay out?

    Least fun is Vision.
  • Rogan_Josh
    Rogan_Josh Posts: 140 Tile Toppler
    Most fun:
    Iron Fist - Wiping a team with flying kung-fu punches
    Mystique - AP spawning, machinegun toting infuriating blue lady
    Ms Marvel - Embiggening all the fists.

    Least fun:
    The Hood - OMG do something already!
    Falcon - Defence tiles are dull.
    Spidey - Defence tiles are still dull.
  • snlf25
    snlf25 Posts: 947 Critical Contributor
    One of my favorites that never gets any credit is Captain Marvel. I love blowing up all the protect tiles right in the enemies faces.
  • elvy75
    elvy75 Posts: 225 Tile Toppler
    Most fun: cmag, loki, dp, cyke, kk,

    Least fun: colossus, spidey, rag, im40
  • vinnygecko
    vinnygecko Posts: 245 Tile Toppler
    Most fun:

    Black Panther: This might be mainly for nostalgia, as he was my first 3 star I fully leveled. Getting his Battleplan out, and using ROTP to knock out the entire team was very gratifying.

    Iron Fist and Luke Cage: These guys stand on their own, but together they are very fun, especially in DDQ survival modes (I often pair them with CMags). IFs purple and Cage's black and yellow are soooo much fun.

    CMags: I didn't have him fully covered until after the nerf, but I still very thoroughly enjoy his red and blue board shakeups

    Loki:His green power is awesome, and using his black with Patch makes both super fun.

    Falcon: His yellow is great. Love using him with Blade, Daken, Cage- seeing your strike tiles go up is great.

    Honorable mention: Blade, GSBW, Patch, OBW, LCap, Squirrel Girl

    Least Fun: Colossus, Beast, IW, Doc Oc, Quicksilver, Vision
  • I enjoy characters who do something different than match 3, convert AP to damage.

    Most Fun:
    Kamala Khan (Cool passive, high cascade potential)
    Iron Fist (Dual-modal power, strong passive, fast games)

    Least Fun:
    Hulk (Passive alters play patterns, slows games down)
    Loki (Passive alters play patterns, slows games down)
    Spiderman (Wet noodle syndrome, slows games down)
    Anyone significantly underpowered even when buffed (Doc Oc, Colossus, Sentry)