Your Best MPQ Moment of the day (positive thread)



  • MrEd95
    MrEd95 Posts: 280 Mover and Shaker

    Finally champed my first 5*, Kitty Pryde, with my second and third 5*s also ready to champ behind her, as soon as I can pay the 20,000 iso cost for them both

  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards

    Decided to take the plunge into 5* land so I champed BRB. This almost feels like cheating. Oh and took t50 in Inv. Woman's pvp so the 60 shards were just enough to finish off my last cover for Professor X.

  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Got another level for Grocket! Now they buff Juggs enough to take out the "standard" goon nodes in one match!
  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,400 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's been a long road, but finally champed my Thano5! 
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    Did 50 pulls in the Cinema Legends store. Was looking to finish my 4/3/4 IM46 and 3/4/3 FA Cap.

    12/50 (24%)
    5 PPSM
    4 IM46
    3 FA Cap

    IM46 and FA Cap are DONE, son! Also got enough shards to get PX over the line for a champ level, iHulk over the line for a red cover, and shards from champ rewards added champ levels to Danver5 and Loki.

    Also had enough Peggy shards to get her to 360 for Level 451 and an LT from FA Cap. The only thing that caused me to roll my eyes a bit is that I had Peggy at Level 359 with 385 shards. Next pull, got her right to 400, but also came with 50 bonus shards. This has happened several times, especially with 3*s; literally the last pull I need to get them over the line and switch my shardget to someone else, and I get bonus shards (that preferably would have gone to my new shardget). Still, not a bad day! 😁

    If I'm not mistaken, Cap began this year as my worst covered Classic 5*, or maybe was tied for worst. 

    Now I'm down to just Phoenix (4/3/4), though Jubilee is only two covers away from 340, which will happen as soon as I climb in Yelena's PvP. Then 10 more covers and she's done. Widow is 2/4/3, but by the time this current PvE and the next PvP is finished, Blonde Widow should be in the low 340s. So less than 20 Blonde Widow covers, combined with the purple 5* Widow cover I'll get in about 90 days from Daily Resupply, will finish her. 

    That leaves my poor Doc Ock, languishing at 3/2/3 Level 375 as now my worst covered 5* Classic. He'll be my sole 5* shardget for the foreseeable future, and I'll eventually drag 4* Carnage up from 331. But with any luck, he'll be in a store and I can finish him off there. If today proves anything, it's that one good store can make a huge difference and take MONTHS off your long-term goals. 
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    I hit the mega-bonus-shards jackpot. 500 bonus BRB shards. On a Sinister pull to boot (1/1/1).

    I spent them on a green cover to make BRB 3/5/3. Two more to go... if I keep playing that long anyway. I feel like I've had a foot out the door since about mid last week.
  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    Had 2 Legendary tokens and pulled 2 Havok covers back to back! Never pulled 2 5* in a row before.

    Granted they were both Blue to take him to 2/2/5 which might cause me some problems later on down the line, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    Finally got the missing Quantum Realm Support I've been looking for,  and at Rank 2. Also got an increase on Sharon Carter, up to Rank 4 from Rank 2.

    Just need to get Tinkerer and I should have all the ones available (missing BW Batons and Kra-Van, which don't seem to be in Support store rotations, and all the stones, which I have no desire to spend 6 seasons chasing at any level).
  • grumbLEGO
    grumbLEGO Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    Saved up over 600 cp to use today to get a chance at a Yelena 5* cover. Got her on the second pull. Spent the remaining 560 covers on the classic legends store and got quite a few 5* covers. 
  • fiirst
    fiirst Posts: 438 Mover and Shaker
    Got t2 in cinama event.
    But @OJSP beat me for t1.
    Will race with him again next year!!
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    Even though it wasn't a "run around the house bellowing with joy and scaring the cat" sort of moment, it was satisfying to apply the 13th cover to both Shuri and 4* Black Panther. They'd been stuck at 12 covers each for over a year now, and the shards/covers from the recent events that awarded them gave me enough to put them at 13 covers each. 
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,168 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2020
    Using a champed, boosted iHulk's red (with some help from Okoye) to take out a Muscle at 90K health just as his Threaten tile was about to go off, all for the low, low cost of 7 AP.  Still not nearly as good as the LVL 650 Thugs, who set a countdown for 40K for 3 yellow...but effective nonetheless.
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hooray! For only the second time ever, I managed to hit 900 in PvP. I was pretty pleased to land a Karnak cover, bringing him up to 4/3/3. It was also satisfying to see that my shield was up less than five SECONDS before the hits started rolling in - I took seven hits in less than two minutes, including one smile-inducing defensive win. Will 923 be enough for me to place top ten? Eh, I highly doubt it, but my main goal was to get that Karnak cover, so I'm happy either way. 
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    Using the tried & true Switch/Red Hulk combo in SCL7 of Thick as Thieves.  I was on sub 3 in the Maria Hill essential (against Ares, Juggernaut & Moonstone).  I was trying to save on health packs so I was dragging a badly hurt Rhulk into the fourth clear along with the unboosted (albeit Lv266) Switch and two-cover Hill who was pretty hard hit herself.  

    Right when the AI just got a large yellow cascade, my only match available was on black.  This meant Hill ate the inevitable Sunder/Headbutt the next round dropping her instead of Rhulk.  Switches countdown gave me the purple I needed to end things the following turn.  Rulk was able to limp his way through the  rest of my remaining nodes without a healthpack.

    A small victory, sure, but thanks Maria for taking one for the team...literally...
  • helix72
    helix72 Posts: 1,000 Chairperson of the Boards
    Somehow in trying to swap between screens while I was multitasking I accidentally and inadvertently opened an LT. How shocked was I when it turned out to be a 5* iHulk Red. Yay!
  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,400 Chairperson of the Boards
    Received a 5Hawkeye blue cover in daily resupply. Sure, even with that cover applied he's still only 1/3/2, but progress is progress. Maybe I'll be able to champ him in 2023.
  • MrEd95
    MrEd95 Posts: 280 Mover and Shaker
    On MEH Hulk’s essential node on balancing act, I somehow managed to get a wonderful turn 0 win using gritty.

    Hulk triggered an almighty cascade that managed to avoid most of my strike tiles and kept matching until all 3 enemies fell. Now that was satisfying 
  • krakenoon
    krakenoon Posts: 355 Mover and Shaker

    Still time left. Throw up a scarecrow if you have anything better than that & try to get those last wins right before the event ends.
  • Jormagund
    Jormagund Posts: 175 Tile Toppler
    Day 686 and I'm finally (theoretically) HP positive.
    I've spend the last few months stabilizing my 2 star farm (as it was used for emergency roster slots and/or HP), starting my 3 star farm with 11 babies so far and recruiting those all important 1 stars.  I have four of the 5 stars left to roster including Apocalypse and after opening my tokens for the week have 4,025HP.
    Should be fairly straightforward to keep a buffer for whenever I get a cover for these last few characters.  Now to work on the ISO debt!  Currently 11 million so something to keep working towards.

    As a secondary moment I didn't think I'd have enough ISO for this but flipping four two stars and going up a shield level gave me enough ISO to champ 4 star Wolverine & Cyclops.  Can now play them with Teen Jean in the Apocalypse event.