Round 2 of Facebook Sharing.



  • NFHQ43 wrote:
    Well, at the risk of getting my fake account shown as a fake account. My MPQ Facebook account is

    Elleby wrote:
    I am interested in doing this, but I don't want to do this with my main Facebook account.

    I see that many people has setup separate accounts, so I have done the same. The issue is how to get my game onto the new account. Currently the game is linked to my main Facebook account and I can't seem to find a way to change that.

    Anybody know how I can change the Facebook account it is linked to? I am on Android if it makes a difference.

    I went into Facebook and revoked MPQ's right to access my real facebook account. That made MPQ want me to log back in once it realized it had lost access. That was on Android as well.

    Thanks, that helped!
  • FB decided my new account was even faker than the first.

    However, I was able to get back into my first account.

    I will going back to using @ facebook going forwards.

    Super, super-sorry to everyone for any and all inconvenience. Friend me and I will send you tons of ISO as an apology.
  • ah that explains why some days i couldn't send to you, someguy
  • Any idea how to avoid FB thinking your account is a fake?
  • DumDumDugn wrote:
    Any idea how to avoid FB thinking your account is a fake?

    Like it says here, you have to pass the test of identifying people on your friends list. Google image search might help you, but you have to be's timed and runs out if you take too long.
  • someguy wrote:
    DumDumDugn wrote:
    Any idea how to avoid FB thinking your account is a fake?

    Like it says here, you have to pass the test of identifying people on your friends list. Google image search might help you, but you have to be's timed and runs out if you take too long.

    I never had to do this (yet) many friends did you have?
  • Does facebook only make you do the friends identification if you try to log on through too many devices?
  • I think it was because I added a ton of people within the space of 1-2 days icon_razz.gif

    For my first account (this one in my .sig), it made me take a multiple choice quiz to identify photos of a person on my friends list 5 times. With GIS I was able to wing it through after a bunch of tries. The test limits you to once per hour which is really annoying. icon_e_sad.gif

    I eventually got back my first account and wasn't sure which one I would use.

    Then, for my second account, it made me type in the full name of the person based on one photo instead of multiple choice. I said, forget that, I'm sticking with my first account. icon_e_wink.gif
  • Even if facebook prevented you from logging into that account, wouldn't MPQ still be linked to that facebook account so you can still get rewards from allies? Just not add new allies?
  • DumDumDugn wrote:
    Even if facebook prevented you from logging into that account, wouldn't MPQ still be linked to that facebook account so you can still get rewards from allies? Just not add new allies?

    No, when my first acct was locked out, the game said there was an error logging into FB and I couldn't send or receive rewards. icon_e_sad.gif That's why I made the 2nd acct.

    Anyway, as long as my first account still works, and it does, I'm fine now. icon_lol.gif
  • Feel free to add me

    Jax2k forums and Ingame
  • FB:
    Ted DarthKallous

    IGN - Kallous

    also have applied on sharing group
  • Email is . Feel free to add me on fb. It's an MPQ only account
  • I might already have a lot of you but my fb name is "adpowah owah" you can probably find it under adpowah. This is a game account only so I will accept any request.

    IGN: Majinfusion

    Feel free to add.

  • gaemagno
    gaemagno Posts: 2 Just Dropped In
    Feel free to add me.
    It is a facebook account for mpq only.
    Generally I get tier 2 or 3 prizes.
  • Feel free to add me

    IGN: Xanuri

    I am a very active player playing multiple times daily so I am always sending out gifts.
  • Feel free to add me as well.
  • Just opened a FB account for this game. Anyone know a safe number of people to add a day so I do not get the "Fake account" e-mail from facebook? If I do how would I validate anything since 90% of people I am friending use the MPQ logo?
  • djpt05
    djpt05 Posts: 178
    Is there a way for the claim rewards to only view people in the MPQ Facebook group? Each time I try to share it only shows 25 of my non MPQ Facebook group friends.
