Explaining the "Hate"



  • Pylgrim wrote:
    noisnam wrote:
    now tell me what you can do with this game in 2 month by playing 3-4 hours a day.

    I actually play less than that per day and I remain competitive. I perhaps grazed that limit of 4 hours during the Ultron event, the anniversary and maybe some event here and there. In 1 hour in-game I can:

    -Get 300+ points in PVP (I more likely than not, aim for 800 points and get a top 25 finish)
    -Complete a full refresh of a PVE sub (which I only do the first time it opens)

    In half an hour I can:

    -Completely finish DDQ
    -Do a refresh of a PVE sub (most valuable nodes only. This is usually enough to get 1 cover in 4* releases and 2 covers in 3* releases if you hit all refreshes.)
    -Get 200+ in SHIELD sim. (Which I do very seldom as my scores in PVP alone are good enough that I need less than 1k in SHIELD to go over 8k season)

    So in two months, playing at that pace, I get approximately:

    -Around 160 3* covers
    -Around 6-8 4* covers
    -Countless tokens, ISO and HP

    That's a lot of progression right there.
    what if hulk is my favorite marvel hero, i missed his release week due to RL issue. how long i have to wait until i get a chance to get him again? 42pack???

    A week after the PVE release there's a PVP event with that character and then he's the progression reward in the next PVP and also the progression reward in the next PVE which also rewards lots of tokens containing it. Then it gets added to the DDQ rotation. 1 month after Kamala Khan's release I already had 10 out of 13 covers. Nowadays fully-covering a 3* character happens absurdly quick. 4* characters? Well those are never supposed to be easy.
    let me explain why people come here to complaint. because they all think the game used to be better. we all love the game. we all have high hopes for the game. but the one whose running is not loved and is taking everything for granted, we have to remind them not to push us too far.

    Hahaha sorry what? Used to be better? Before DDQ? Before the (twice) improved chances of opening rare characters in packs? Before the lowered Iso costs? Before the increased HP and Iso given away? When half the characters sucked badly and a bunch of them had only 2 abilities? When they were only 4 types of PVE events? Before survival nodes and gauntlet? This IS my problem with negative people. They focus solely in the mistakes and screw ups (which undeniable happen) while completely ignoring all the good stuff, so when they look back in time they can only see history of wrongdoing, bitterness and frustration of their own fabrication. Denying that the game has come a long way up and that it's obvious that the devs are hard-working at making it even better (even if they screw up from time to time, like, um, all humans do?) is a blindness of their own creation and the sanity-shortening rage that they seem to constantly seethe on is also of their own design.

    If you truly enjoy the game, please learn to forgive mistakes and move on (providing feedback is ok and necessary, though, just do it calmly and rationally, in polite discourse with human beings rather than as frothing demands, threats and mockery). If all these issues actually impede you from enjoying the game, though, you owe to yourself to quit. Trying to apply a bat to the devs' heads in the hopes of the game becoming exactly what you want it to be is only going to make you frustrated and bitter whilst having little result whatsoever.

    gonna quit the game. really no fun. enjoy your 10 mins per match.

    white knight and fanboy are the worst. keep thinking opinion are facts.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    noisnam wrote:
    gonna quit the game. really no fun. enjoy your 10 mins per match.

    white knight and fanboy are the worst. keep thinking opinion are facts.

    Don't worry, I never mistook your opinions for facts! icon_e_wink.gif
  • Pylgrim wrote:
    noisnam wrote:
    gonna quit the game. really no fun. enjoy your 10 mins per match.

    white knight and fanboy are the worst. keep thinking opinion are facts.

    Don't worry, I never mistook your opinions for facts! icon_e_wink.gif

    but int the mean time, you push your opinion as facts.

    answer this,
    usa is the best country in the world, facts or opinion.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    noisnam wrote:
    Pylgrim wrote:
    noisnam wrote:
    gonna quit the game. really no fun. enjoy your 10 mins per match.

    white knight and fanboy are the worst. keep thinking opinion are facts.

    Don't worry, I never mistook your opinions for facts! icon_e_wink.gif

    but int the mean time, you push your opinion as facts.

    answer this,
    usa is the best country in the world, facts or opinion.

    Wow haha not touching that one with a 10-meter pole. I will let you dig that hole alone, friend.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Pylgrim wrote:
    noisnam wrote:
    Pylgrim wrote:
    noisnam wrote:
    gonna quit the game. really no fun. enjoy your 10 mins per match.

    white knight and fanboy are the worst. keep thinking opinion are facts.

    Don't worry, I never mistook your opinions for facts! icon_e_wink.gif

    but int the mean time, you push your opinion as facts.

    answer this,
    usa is the best country in the world, facts or opinion.

    Wow haha not touching that one with a 10-meter pole. I will let you dig that hole alone, friend.


    people come here to claim the game isn't fun, it is opinion and it is legit. you are just a **** trying to proof others experience on the game with your own opinion or stat can only use on your won. try to be constructive, tell [people why you are having fun instead of telling others why they are not having fun.
    you are not entitle to deal with complaint and there is no obligation here.
  • hurcules
    hurcules Posts: 519
    noisnam wrote:
    answer this,
    usa is the best country in the world, facts or opinion.

    Draw your own conclusion here:

  • hurcules wrote:
    noisnam wrote:
    answer this,
    usa is the best country in the world, facts or opinion.

    Draw your own conclusion here:

    seeing this video makses me think i may have asked a wrong question.

    Apple is the best fruit in the world, facts or opinion.
  • noisnam wrote:
    hurcules wrote:
    noisnam wrote:
    answer this,
    usa is the best country in the world, facts or opinion.

    Draw your own conclusion here:

    seeing this video makses me think i may have asked a wrong question.

    Apple is the best fruit in the world, facts or opinion.
    No! It's bananas! B A N A N A S!
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    noisnam wrote:
    Pylgrim wrote:
    noisnam wrote:
    but int the mean time, you push your opinion as facts.

    answer this,
    usa is the best country in the world, facts or opinion.

    Wow haha not touching that one with a 10-meter pole. I will let you dig that hole alone, friend.


    people come here to claim the game isn't fun, it is opinion and it is legit. you are just a **** trying to proof others experience on the game with your own opinion or stat can only use on your won. try to be constructive, tell [people why you are having fun instead of telling others why they are not having fun.
    you are not entitle to deal with complaint and there is no obligation here.

    /You/ ask /me/ to be constructive when you support the idea that threats, demands and complaints are a better way to cause change than rational discourse? But all right, I am happy to go there. I do want to believe that I've been trying to use my own experience with the game, which is more positive than not, to support my arguments. I'm not trying to say that you are objectively wrong for being in disagreement, I'm just offering you a different point of view (that of mine and many others) from where things don't look that bad, but I obviously cannot demand of you to have fun if you are not having it for whatever your personal reasons are. That's precisely why I always include a paragraph saying "if you are not happy, do quit" and I mean that without contempt or judgement. Sometimes relationships just don't work for deeply entrenched incompatibilities of aims and/or expectations and there's nothing you can do about it but cutting your losses.

    As for opinions (and yeah I avoided your first question because it was so politically loaded that I feared that it was flamebait) I do have mine and I am quite vocal about them as others are vocal about theirs. However I also try to bring facts into the equation. For example, saying that by playing 3 hours per day I can play competitively and earn around 160 3* covers and the such in two months... those are facts! Your mileage may vary somewhat but I leave that there to prove my point that it is possible to pace oneself and play the game optimally to avoid the grinding malaise while still earning a significant amount of rewards which allow me to keep progressing into the higher tiers. You opine that things were better in the past; I, yes, opine that's a laughable idea and then provide a list of hard, cold facts that support my opinion. You on the other hand, choose to call me a "white knight" and neglect to support your opinion with your own facts.

    You can ignore my opinions and dismiss my arguments as white-knighting, but know that I am trying to help. If you want to keep playing the game without constantly sinking deeper and deeper in a mire of frustration and bitterness, you need to change your approach, embrace the good, forgive the mistakes, provide humane feedback when you think that things need changing; if you possibly cannot, that's ok too, just quit and move on. You'll be happier and the forums will ooze a little bit less venom too.
  • Enoc99
    Enoc99 Posts: 141
    noisnam wrote:
    hurcules wrote:
    noisnam wrote:
    answer this,
    usa is the best country in the world, facts or opinion.

    Draw your own conclusion here:

    seeing this video makses me think i may have asked a wrong question.

    Apple is the best fruit in the world, facts or opinion.
    Chuck Norris doesn't teabag people, he potato sacks them. Fact or opinion?