Explaining the "Hate"



  • Pylgrim wrote:
    forch wrote:
    Constructing a reward structure that forces everyone into Alliances and then making the alliance rewards require massive effort from all players (by creating a feeling that you are doing this for your alliance buddies, not the game) is a fundamentally dishonest action.

    Respectfully, I don't understand this point. Alliances exist as a way of forming competitive teams. All multiplayer games have something like this, called guilds, factions, etc. You are supposed to join an alliance that plays at your speed so you'll be comfortable with the amount of effort you can put and not feel like either a traitor or the one doing all the heavy work. You and your alliance members decide what tier of rewards you want and are able to get and work together towards that. NO ONE is forcing you to kill yourselves to attain a reward above your level of commitment. I don't understand why everybody acts as though it was their birthright and portion to get all three covers of a newly-released 4* and accuse Demiurge of villainously having set things to impede players from getting them.
    While honest, open and respectful engagement is often an excellent strategy to persuade others, it isn't always effective or appropriate. Would you politely explain to a used car salesman all the reasons why his offer isn't fair or balanced? Not if you wanted to buy a car at a reasonable price.

    Er, yes? Used salesman or not, the other person is still a human being and deserves respect and common courtesy. If you find yourself in a situation where you believe that truly cannot discuss matters peaceably and still get your car at a reasonable price, you just leave and find a dealer with whom you you can deal in that way. Or are you telling me that your strategy to deal with him would be to threaten him, try to ruin his reputation and damage his business? If you answer is yes, well that would actually settle the matter on who is in the wrong here.
    Hopefully MPQ developers change their course and starting making content that is fun without the grind.

    I am having fun. That's why I'm still playing, and you do right to leave if you are not having fun, but it doesn't mean that the absence of fun you feel is universal and even less that it is intentionally created. Yes, sometimes the game feels a bit grindy. What do I do? I put the godtinykitty phone down and stop playing. If that wins me one less cover, so be it! Everybody in my alliance understands this and whenever someone needs a break we just merc him out for the rest of the event and welcome back when they're ready. Do you realise it's not Demiurge the one forcing you to grind but yourself? Your own greed for whatever the rewards are? Rewards are tiered so everybody can play at their pace. Some people have more time to kill and are more resilient against the grindy feeling. Let them take all the rewards. Playing happily at my pace, I'm able to obtain around 75% of the rewards and that's fine by me. Some people only will be able/want to play less than that... well, they better be happy with the rewards tier that their comparatively lesser effort deserves. If you believe that whatever your effort is, you are entitled to all the rewards... then what do the people that can play harder than you get?
    Unless the community demands change (in a less than subtle way) it seems very unlikely to happen, which is why the "hate" might actually the best thing that folks can do to improve the game.

    Just no. The developers are PEOPLE. They can be spoken to and constantly they demonstrate that they're listening. Another thing is that people more easily pile frustration and whining than praise. People feel entitled to get one additional reward in Ultron that they couldn't get? HAAATE, dozens of bilious threads complaining about the matter and gaining page after page, staying around for weeks. Developers made away with the much hated vaulting, increased token odds, decreased iso costs, gave away 1 extra level worth of iso for every character and a bunch of etc.? A couple rachitic threads that amount to "oh ok that's nice I guess" and then it's back to business with the HAAAAAATE for that friggin' Ultron reward.

    What you are suggesting is basically to violently hold the developers' livelihood hostage until they listen to your demands. You yourself say that it is "reasonable" that their decisions are engineered to generate profit. Doesn't that mean that you are demanding of them to incur in losses just so you can get what you believe you deserve?

    got to say have no idea how much time u spend on this game. structure of this game makes alliance experience very different from regular mmo. lets say if i am a commander. first, there is no ingame LFG channel makes replacing regular for a merc an annoying job you got to do. second this is a game running a 20ppl event everyday. that is something other game run it once a week. real life issue happens all the time. this game is just insane needy on time commitment.

    just to be fair, they have never say ultron event is gonna be easy. but got to say everyone have an assumption this is gonna be a novelty event after playing the first round. if most people have that assumption, the developer must have been doing something wrong. do you get why most players are frustrated?? they clear their reallife schedule, and gonna play it with several friends decide to give the game one more try. just to find out that they have no chance to beat round 8 by design. Also, for other events, you know if you play hard enough u get what u deserve but ultron event isnt.

    the developer gets paid for doing what they do. they are not a fit for the job if they cant due with the pressure comes with it. and they have their method trust me.
    those updates are for the game's long overdue issue, there is no credit to claim here if overall satisfaction is decaying.

    i would also like to explain the hate about white knight and fanboism, but dont wanna make it seems personal. so i stop here.
  • Rodolfo78
    Rodolfo78 Posts: 70 Match Maker
    +1 to every single thing Pylgrim said. Insanely reasonable.

    Absolutely love the idea of incremental changes. At the end of every season, would be a simple thing to look at the stats on over/underused characters, and just tweak. +/- 1 AP to a skill, +/- 5% health or damage, etc. If one round of tweaking still leaves a char at the top or bottom of the lists, so be it, they'll get it again next month. People wouldn't feel betrayed by sweeping changes to chars they love, there would be new teams becoming viable all the time, and people would be willing to pay for those new teams. Imagine being the first to realize that Doc Ock has gotten five straight months of quiet buffs, and now has some cool synergy... seems fun!

    New events and such would be great, but probably have a high effort/value ratio for the developers. Incremental balancing (as long as it's in both directions!) seems way easier, and makes a ton of sense to me.
  • forch wrote:
    While honest, open and respectful engagement is often an excellent strategy to persuade others, it isn't always effective or appropriate. Would you politely explain to a used car salesman all the reasons why his offer isn't fair or balanced? Not if you wanted to buy a car at a reasonable price. As the owners of MPQ are, quite reasonably, motivated by money, the rationale response is rather simple -- spread vicious scathing commentary to discourage players, downgrade the ratings on itunes and play store, and put terrible reviews to scare away new users. If this is done openly by enough people, the developers might change their tactics and construct a game that many of us would enjoy much more (e.g., more fun, less grind). Otherwise, they will continue to do what they are doing now -- because they likely believe that this is what will make them the most money.

    No just no, ive already retired but this tactic will never accomplish its desired goal. You can't try to force someone into a corner and expect them to sit down and discuss things rationally and then give you what you want. You can't actively try to hurt their bottom line and then say you are doing it so they will make a better game that will make even more money. If you try to squeeze them by the pocketbook expect the game to become even more P2W, if you try to outright bully the game into being more fun/better/enjoyable then you will likely get the opposite reaction.

    If you really really want to show them how it should be done then either make a better game and get everyone to drop MPQ in favor of something better, or find an already existing game that does it right and simply let people know there is a better way.

    Hey guys have you tried PAD yet?
  • Respectfully to all those who say that making OP characters isn't "intentional"... you are either super naive or full of it. One or the other. In most cases they have only done this with 4* characters, but every once in a while they do it with 3* as well. This is a cover for what they pull. We look at a 4* that has a power or two that seems OP, and tell ourselves "It is a 4*, of course it is great." Yet the nerf cycle keeps dropping nerf bombs all over 4* characters that people fight hard for, and even buy. But it buffs ones that people have sold and no longer have?

    The only way that would make sense, as a business model, is if they are trying to sell more HP for hero slots... which they clearly are. Admittedly I do have a bad taste in my mouth about all of this, as I have sold multiple characters (with many covers on them) because they sucked for so long - only to have them buffed within 2 months of me getting rid of them.

    As has been mentioned over and over again, in this thread, the timing of all of the actions that are taken does not allow for the "unintended consequences theory" that so many of the white knights espouse. The 4 star characters that haven't been as easy to get covered, are not on the nerfing line... but it is only because few people are using them. Once a decent amount of people have PX and HB they will get nerfed too, and we all know it deep down inside. I fought long and hard to get that Xforce covered enough to be viable and he was nerfed shortly thereafter... because by the time I had him usable, many others did as well.

    I actually believe I may have figured out the "mythical nerf curve" on all of this. They make the characters better than others to get people to fight for and buy them. They nerf them right around the time the F2P players are catching up to the Whales in having usable covered characters. That is when they decide that there are too many people "warping the meta". So basically if you are a F2P, D3 is why you can't have nice things. icon_e_confused.gif
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't thinkg HB will get nerfed, and i think Kingpin will stay as well.. I think those last 2 4* releases, they actually took some time and made the very nicely right from the start.

    That being said... PX is the only one i can see on the block for a change, but if they want people to really put effort into 4* transition, then they need to have characters that can decimate a 3* roster.. THAT IS THE POINT OF 4*'s!
  • Thamanator wrote:
    As has been mentioned over and over again, in this thread, the timing of all of the actions that are taken does not allow for the "unintended consequences theory" that so many of the white knights espouse. The 4 star characters that haven't been as easy to get covered, are not on the nerfing line... but it is only because few people are using them. Once a decent amount of people have PX and HB they will get nerfed too, and we all know it deep down inside. I fought long and hard to get that Xforce covered enough to be viable and he was nerfed shortly thereafter... because by the time I had him usable, many others did as well.

    I actually believe I may have figured out the "mythical nerf curve" on all of this. They make the characters better than others to get people to fight for and buy them. They nerf them right around the time the F2P players are catching up to the Whales in having usable covered characters. That is when they decide that there are too many people "warping the meta". So basically if you are a F2P, D3 is why you can't have nice things. icon_e_confused.gif

    Just as an observation, ...perceived OP 4* character released, vets/whales all push hard for 1k points and many others piggyback off of the increased point values to also hit the 1k mark making perceived OP character significantly more common than a normal or UP 4*. Lackluster 4* released whales pick those covers up just because, but everyone else says, not worth spending the HP on shields, i'll let this one go. Devs eventually realize what is going on and say, woah why are there so many of this one character everyone at the top tier is using, how did that happen, we gave them so many choices and they are only using one?? And then react to the player generated meta. Most players are starved for HP or ISO or both, not all but most. This encourages the behavior of players ONLY putting resources into their best options. If resources were more generously handed out there would be more roster diversity because players could afford to build sub optimum teams in addition to whomever is deemed the best. But that would actually be fun to have a full roster to play around with. Can't let people have that now can we.
  • noisnam wrote:
    got to say have no idea how much time u spend on this game. structure of this game makes alliance experience very different from regular mmo. lets say if i am a commander. first, there is no ingame LFG channel makes replacing regular for a merc an annoying job you got to do. second this is a game running a 20ppl event everyday. that is something other game run it once a week. real life issue happens all the time. this game is just insane needy on time commitment.

    It's kind of funny that high end MMORPG is usually considered one of the most hardcore activity in gaming but you only have to do it once a week and even while you're learning stuff you don't do it continuously every 8 hours every day. Also it's quite possible to carry a few weak players and in all but the most challenging content you could get away with say 15 awesome guys and 5 'stand in fire' guys and it just means instead of clearing something in 2 hours you need 2.5 hours, and you might even be able to get those 5 guys to momentarily stop standing in the red stuff for the real challenging stuff. In MPQ, good luck trying to carry 5 equivalent of 'stand in fire' guy in Ultron for any ambitious goal without some serious drama. It's certainly not going to be a matter of 15 guys needing half an hour more to beat it.
  • Smith13
    Smith13 Posts: 24 Just Dropped In
    I concur. I have a simple idea and it might've been laid out there before. Why not have a $5.00 monthly subscription and allow subscribers to keep spending on covers, health packs, shields like before and quit the constant changing/nerfing gameplay. I haven't though of all the logistics, but back when I used to hit up the arcade I could blow through $5.00 pretty quickly, so to say that's too much is not a great argument. Just a thought.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Smith13 wrote:
    I concur. I have a simple idea and it might've been laid out there before. Why not have a $5.00 monthly subscription and allow subscribers to keep spending on covers, health packs, shields like before and quit the constant changing/nerfing gameplay. I haven't though of all the logistics, but back when I used to hit up the arcade I could blow through $5.00 pretty quickly, so to say that's too much is not a great argument. Just a thought.

    Different subscription formats have been put in suggestions.. i am willing to pay for subscription perks, as were many many others. I think this really needs to be considered!
  • Honestly, If they allowed re-specing for subscribers, I might even subscribe... and I am honestly contemplating quitting this game...

    There are multiple things that are keeping me, one of which is the new, more reasonable ISO leveling costs. This allows me to field teams that I have always wanted to field, but couldn't afford to make viable. Like Punisher/Patch/Blade. I have wanted to run this team for a long time, and now I can. Captain America, Falcon and C Mags/Black Panther is another that I really like that I can now afford to level and make viable. Another is the alliance I run, and my alliance mates.

    I did sell my IW and XF Wolvie back for the HP and ISO, and I still don't regret it. They were the only decently covered 4s I had, but I did not like the way IW played, and I hated what they did to XF. So I now have half as many 4* covers as I had before AvU came out, since half of my cover total was in IW and XF.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    noisnam wrote:
    got to say have no idea how much time u spend on this game. structure of this game makes alliance experience very different from regular mmo. lets say if i am a commander. first, there is no ingame LFG channel makes replacing regular for a merc an annoying job you got to do. second this is a game running a 20ppl event everyday. that is something other game run it once a week. real life issue happens all the time. this game is just insane needy on time commitment.

    just to be fair, they have never say ultron event is gonna be easy. but got to say everyone have an assumption this is gonna be a novelty event after playing the first round. if most people have that assumption, the developer must have been doing something wrong. do you get why most players are frustrated?? they clear their reallife schedule, and gonna play it with several friends decide to give the game one more try. just to find out that they have no chance to beat round 8 by design. Also, for other events, you know if you play hard enough u get what u deserve but ultron event isnt.

    I dunno about the MMOs you have played but while Alliance VS events may happen only once or twice per week, in my experience you still have to keep grinding throughout the rest of the week through infinitely repetitive quests, killing literally thousands of the same monsters, collecting randomised drops, etc. JUST so you can stay atop of your game and at a level where you'll remain useful to your alliance. That's why I stopped playing MMOs; I got frustrated after years of playing and finally realising that I could never be as competitive as most people because I was working extra hours and they were idle college kids who could literally spend 24/7 in the game. Now that was a spirit-crushing grind!

    MPQ in the other hand is only as "insanely needy on time commitment" as you allow it to be. If you aim towards the rewards that you can get in whichever time-allotment you can spare to the game you shouldn't get frustrated. So why aim higher? Why torture yourself with the rewards that you could get if you grinded harder that you can/want to? For example, I'm positive that I could aim for a top 10 in the current PVE and get an additional IMHB cover. I've done it before. But I really need a break, so I'm playing at a much slower pace and aiming for top 50. My sanity and peace of mind are more valuable than a virtual cover so I make my choices.

    As for Ultron, you say that the developers are to be held accountable for the false assumptions of players, but really, shouldn't have players that have been playing this game and know its mechanics assume that an event rewarding a 4* character would be MUCH more difficult than exactly the same event rewarding a 3*? I think everybody who failed to make that assumption only have themselves to blame.
  • Dauthi
    Dauthi Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    noisnam wrote:
    got to say have no idea how much time u spend on this game. structure of this game makes alliance experience very different from regular mmo. lets say if i am a commander. first, there is no ingame LFG channel makes replacing regular for a merc an annoying job you got to do. second this is a game running a 20ppl event everyday. that is something other game run it once a week. real life issue happens all the time. this game is just insane needy on time commitment.

    You have never played an MMO hardcore then. When I was in a top Free Company in FF14 I easily put in more hours their than in MPQ by far. Any online game will eat as much time as you let it.
  • forch
    forch Posts: 11
    forch wrote:
    While honest, open and respectful engagement is often an excellent strategy to persuade others, it isn't always effective or appropriate. Would you politely explain to a used car salesman all the reasons why his offer isn't fair or balanced? Not if you wanted to buy a car at a reasonable price. As the owners of MPQ are, quite reasonably, motivated by money, the rationale response is rather simple -- spread vicious scathing commentary to discourage players, downgrade the ratings on itunes and play store, and put terrible reviews to scare away new users. If this is done openly by enough people, the developers might change their tactics and construct a game that many of us would enjoy much more (e.g., more fun, less grind). Otherwise, they will continue to do what they are doing now -- because they likely believe that this is what will make them the most money.

    No just no, ive already retired but this tactic will never accomplish its desired goal. You can't try to force someone into a corner and expect them to sit down and discuss things rationally and then give you what you want. You can't actively try to hurt their bottom line and then say you are doing it so they will make a better game that will make even more money. If you try to squeeze them by the pocketbook expect the game to become even more P2W, if you try to outright bully the game into being more fun/better/enjoyable then you will likely get the opposite reaction.

    If you really really want to show them how it should be done then either make a better game and get everyone to drop MPQ in favor of something better, or find an already existing game that does it right and simply let people know there is a better way.

    You might dislike the tactic, but saying that it will never work seems counter to a lot of data. There are many examples of companies that have terrible customer service for years and only address the issue in the face of overwhelming public shame. One of the more recent examples of this is Comcast, a company that defines bad customer service, had to send their CEO out to apologize because they were shamed by a series of video clips demonstrating the policy of putting near term money extraction techniques over customer satisfaction.
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    They said X-Force was going to be reviewed.

    And if they didn't say it for 4Thor, everyone on the forums was pretty sure the two top 4*'s were going to get balanced.

    I'm completely F2P, and used a maxed X-Force for a long time before the nerf. Got a lot of mileage out of him. I fully maxed my 4Thor less than two weeks before the nerf, but had her at a usable state for a long time. Got a lot of mileage out of her too. So if they were purposefully trying to screw me, they did a bad job.
  • Dauthi wrote:
    noisnam wrote:
    got to say have no idea how much time u spend on this game. structure of this game makes alliance experience very different from regular mmo. lets say if i am a commander. first, there is no ingame LFG channel makes replacing regular for a merc an annoying job you got to do. second this is a game running a 20ppl event everyday. that is something other game run it once a week. real life issue happens all the time. this game is just insane needy on time commitment.

    You have never played an MMO hardcore then. When I was in a top Free Company in FF14 I easily put in more hours their than in MPQ by far. Any online game will eat as much time as you let it.

    i ve played wow, guild war1&2, dc universe. none of them was free so you maybe right. but when i play those games, i am not the one that got everything right away. but i can easily progress to top gear in about 2 months by playing about 3-4 hrs aday. my gear usually better than the john doe sit next to me. i think i am consider high core.

    now tell me what you can do with this game in 2 month by playing 3-4 hours a day.

    and time commitment isn't only talking about time you spent on the game. its also about when. let me ask you if you played 6 days for a pve event but the last 6 hurs you got unexpected work to do, all your effort are wasted if you are aiming for that first place. this is not a game you can play whenever you have free time, you have to build your schedule around it if you want to compete.

    also, if i missed a new char release week, u think i get a chance on the next pve? that is time commitment.

    what if hulk is my favorite marvel hero, i missed his release week due to RL issue. how long i have to wait until i get a chance to get him again? 42pack???

    tell me again this game is not insane needy on time commitment.

    let me explain why people come here to complaint. because they all think the game used to be better. we all love the game. we all have high hopes for the game. but the one whose running is not loved and is taking everything for granted, we have to remind them not to push us too far.

    i love this game, but i am not blind.
  • forch wrote:
    forch wrote:
    While honest, open and respectful engagement is often an excellent strategy to persuade others, it isn't always effective or appropriate. Would you politely explain to a used car salesman all the reasons why his offer isn't fair or balanced? Not if you wanted to buy a car at a reasonable price. As the owners of MPQ are, quite reasonably, motivated by money, the rationale response is rather simple -- spread vicious scathing commentary to discourage players, downgrade the ratings on itunes and play store, and put terrible reviews to scare away new users. If this is done openly by enough people, the developers might change their tactics and construct a game that many of us would enjoy much more (e.g., more fun, less grind). Otherwise, they will continue to do what they are doing now -- because they likely believe that this is what will make them the most money.

    No just no, ive already retired but this tactic will never accomplish its desired goal. You can't try to force someone into a corner and expect them to sit down and discuss things rationally and then give you what you want. You can't actively try to hurt their bottom line and then say you are doing it so they will make a better game that will make even more money. If you try to squeeze them by the pocketbook expect the game to become even more P2W, if you try to outright bully the game into being more fun/better/enjoyable then you will likely get the opposite reaction.

    If you really really want to show them how it should be done then either make a better game and get everyone to drop MPQ in favor of something better, or find an already existing game that does it right and simply let people know there is a better way.

    You might dislike the tactic, but saying that it will never work seems counter to a lot of data. There are many examples of companies that have terrible customer service for years and only address the issue in the face of overwhelming public shame. One of the more recent examples of this is Comcast, a company that defines bad customer service, had to send their CEO out to apologize because they were shamed by a series of video clips demonstrating the policy of putting near term money extraction techniques over customer satisfaction.

    Comcast is a giant, small companies that are faced with overwhelming public shame likely wont be around long enough to change their ways but hey thats a risk you are willing to take right?
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    noisnam wrote:
    now tell me what you can do with this game in 2 month by playing 3-4 hours a day.

    I actually play less than that per day and I remain competitive. I perhaps grazed that limit of 4 hours during the Ultron event, the anniversary and maybe some event here and there. In 1 hour in-game I can:

    -Get 300+ points in PVP (I more likely than not, aim for 800 points and get a top 25 finish)
    -Complete a full refresh of a PVE sub (which I only do the first time it opens)

    In half an hour I can:

    -Completely finish DDQ
    -Do a refresh of a PVE sub (most valuable nodes only. This is usually enough to get 1 cover in 4* releases and 2 covers in 3* releases if you hit all refreshes.)
    -Get 200+ in SHIELD sim. (Which I do very seldom as my scores in PVP alone are good enough that I need less than 1k in SHIELD to go over 8k season)

    So in two months, playing at that pace, I get approximately:

    -Around 160 3* covers
    -Around 6-8 4* covers
    -Countless tokens, ISO and HP

    That's a lot of progression right there.
    what if hulk is my favorite marvel hero, i missed his release week due to RL issue. how long i have to wait until i get a chance to get him again? 42pack???

    A week after the PVE release there's a PVP event with that character and then he's the progression reward in the next PVP and also the progression reward in the next PVE which also rewards lots of tokens containing it. Then it gets added to the DDQ rotation. 1 month after Kamala Khan's release I already had 10 out of 13 covers. Nowadays fully-covering a 3* character happens absurdly quick. 4* characters? Well those are never supposed to be easy.
    let me explain why people come here to complaint. because they all think the game used to be better. we all love the game. we all have high hopes for the game. but the one whose running is not loved and is taking everything for granted, we have to remind them not to push us too far.

    Hahaha sorry what? Used to be better? Before DDQ? Before the (twice) improved chances of opening rare characters in packs? Before the lowered Iso costs? Before the increased HP and Iso given away? When half the characters sucked badly and a bunch of them had only 2 abilities? When they were only 4 types of PVE events? Before survival nodes and gauntlet? This IS my problem with negative people. They focus solely in the mistakes and screw ups (which undeniable happen) while completely ignoring all the good stuff, so when they look back in time they can only see history of wrongdoing, bitterness and frustration of their own fabrication. Denying that the game has come a long way up and that it's obvious that the devs are hard-working at making it even better (even if they screw up from time to time, like, um, all humans do?) is a blindness of their own creation and the sanity-shortening rage that they seem to constantly seethe on is also of their own design.

    If you truly enjoy the game, please learn to forgive mistakes and move on (providing feedback is ok and necessary, though, just do it calmly and rationally, in polite discourse with human beings rather than as frothing demands, threats and mockery). If all these issues actually impede you from enjoying the game, though, you owe to yourself to quit. Trying to apply a bat to the devs' heads in the hopes of the game becoming exactly what you want it to be is only going to make you frustrated and bitter whilst having little result whatsoever.
  • grunth13
    grunth13 Posts: 608 Critical Contributor
    Pylgrim wrote:
    noisnam wrote:
    now tell me what you can do with this game in 2 month by playing 3-4 hours a day.

    I actually play less than that per day and I remain competitive. I perhaps grazed that limit of 4 hours during the Ultron event, the anniversary and maybe some event here and there. In 1 hour in-game I can:

    -Get 300+ points in PVP (I more likely than not, aim for 800 points and get a top 25 finish)
    -Complete a full refresh of a PVE sub (which I only do the first time it opens)

    In half an hour I can:

    -Completely finish DDQ
    -Do a refresh of a PVE sub (most valuable nodes only. This is usually enough to get 1 cover in 4* releases and 2 covers in 3* releases if you hit all refreshes.)
    -Get 200+ in SHIELD sim. (Which I do very seldom as my scores in PVP alone are good enough that I need less than 1k in SHIELD to go over 8k season)

    So in two months, playing at that pace, I get approximately:

    -Around 160 3* covers
    -Around 6-8 4* covers
    -Countless tokens, ISO and HP

    That's a lot of progression right there.
    what if hulk is my favorite marvel hero, i missed his release week due to RL issue. how long i have to wait until i get a chance to get him again? 42pack???

    A week after the PVE release there's a PVP event with that character and then he's the progression reward in the next PVP and also the progression reward in the next PVE which also rewards lots of tokens containing it. Then it gets added to the DDQ rotation. 1 month after Kamala Khan's release I already had 10 out of 13 covers. Nowadays fully-covering a 3* character happens absurdly quick. 4* characters? Well those are never supposed to be easy.
    let me explain why people come here to complaint. because they all think the game used to be better. we all love the game. we all have high hopes for the game. but the one whose running is not loved and is taking everything for granted, we have to remind them not to push us too far.

    Hahaha sorry what? Used to be better? Before DDQ? Before the (twice) improved chances of opening rare characters in packs? Before the lowered Iso costs? Before the increased HP and Iso given away? When half the characters sucked badly and a bunch of them had only 2 abilities? When they were only 4 types of PVE events? Before survival nodes and gauntlet? This IS my problem with negative people. They focus solely in the mistakes and screw ups (which undeniable happen) while completely ignoring all the good stuff, so when they look back in time they can only see history of wrongdoing, bitterness and frustration of their own fabrication. Denying that the game has come a long way up and that it's obvious that the devs are hard-working at making it even better (even if they screw up from time to time, like, um, all humans do?) is a blindness of their own creation and the sanity-shortening rage that they seem to constantly seethe on is also of their own design.

    If you truly enjoy the game, please learn to forgive mistakes and move on (providing feedback is ok and necessary, though, just do it calmly and rationally, in polite discourse with human beings rather than as frothing demands, threats and mockery). If all these issues actually impede you from enjoying the game, though, you owe to yourself to quit. Trying to apply a bat to the devs' heads in the hopes of the game becoming exactly what you want it to be is only goin g to make you frustrated and bitter whilst having little result whatsoever.

    Pylgrim, I'm guessing you also started playing back in the day when it was easier to cover and level some of the best players. Patch is still good, you probably had sentry bombing, you had xf for a while, etc. It helps that you had those times to progress. Not taking anything away from the work you put into this game to get ahead, but it's quite different now. Getting top 100 for a transitioner is hard until recent mmr changes from what I've heard. I have tried both, late starting and starting as soon as the slice started, I was getting sporadic top 100. Getting sporadic top 100 doesn't work very well when there are 30+ characters with 3 covers each that you have get. The game is different now them it was a year ago. Today if you started as a f2p, it would take you upwards 6 months to a year to transition.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2015
    grunth13 wrote:
    Pylgrim, I'm guessing you also started playing back in the day when it was easier to cover and level some of the best players. Patch is still good, you probably had sentry bombing, you had xf for a while, etc. It helps that you had those times to progress. Not taking anything away from the work you put into this game to get ahead, but it's quite different now. Getting top 100 for a transitioner is hard until recent mmr changes from what I've heard. I have tried both, late starting and starting as soon as the slice started, I was getting sporadic top 100. Getting sporadic top 100 doesn't work very well when there are 30+ characters with 3 covers each that you have get. The game is different now them it was a year ago. Today if you started as a f2p, it would take you upwards 6 months to a year to transition.

    It is actually good that now it can take only as little as 6 months. It definitely took me a year. Admittedly, I was a bit slow on the uptake. I never got Rags, Spidey or Magneto maxed before their nerfs hit (mostly because I was an entirely F2P player) I enjoyed Sentry for literal weeks before the nerf and X-Force for a couple months only. Never even dreamed of getting 4hor maxed. Thing is that I never went for the "most broken character team-of-1 and two whatevers". I've always spread my HP and Iso around and underrated characters like Punisher, Hulk and post-nerf Spider-Man carried me through my transition, slowly but surely. Yes, players who invested in the broken characters had a very easy time, but that was an exploit of a mistake, not the natural order.

    I agree that I can only guess the experiences of new and transitioning players today, but looking back I can imagine the sense of giddiness I'd get if they added DDQ back then so I could have gotten 1 guaranteed additional cover of each colour for every character I already owned, or knowing that all of a sudden, I could take my 3*s to level 100 for half of the Iso cost. As for the PVP experience, I don't remember having a particularly easy time and I did have to work hard for my top 100 placements as well, so it seems to me that even with the MMR changes, that hasn't changed much and I don't really see why should it.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have seen a lot of thing in this thread about Devs looking to make a buck, and I just want to remind everyone about what the Devs have done over the past 12m to show that they actually truly care about the game itself and about the people who are in this forum.
    #1 they hired David [Hi-Fi] Moore to be a community manager.
    #2 they ran a great anniversary week to say thanks to the players.
    #3 they started a monthly Q & A to answer questions on the forum
    #4 they play the game and restart to see what new players feel and what transitioned go through.
    #5 they have solicited feedback from the forums about MMR changes last winter.
    #6 th realized they had a large group of 3* not being used, and a group of characters dominating the game. Hood, Loki Xforce and 4Thor. They brought Xforce and 4thor down and buffed everyone else's health giving Loki and hood a real weakness in health.

    Have they done any of these thing perfectly? Hell no! I have been angry on this forum about nerfs, and how the Devs have, and have not communicated with the player base, roster slot prices. I have talked about how I feel D3 is getting more preasure to get more marvel characters into the game. D3 doesn't just have to please the players to pay, they have to please Marvel. This game IS the Devs baby. They CARE, They want to be known for having a great game. A lot of criticizing is fair, but to think this game is just about money is not.