[Poll] How many Ultron Rounds did your Alliance clear?

GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
edited April 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Just curious. My Alliance is on Round 7, but interest is waning. How far did/will your Alliance go in Avengers vs. Ultron?
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  • rixmith
    rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    We're on Round 7 and will almost certainly clear it, but there isn't enough time left for us to clear 8. We have a fairly casual alliance with a number of 2* and transition rosters, so overall I'm extremely happy with how we've done.
  • evil panda
    evil panda Posts: 419 Mover and Shaker
    i don't know if you care, but you might get quite a few votes from the same alliances, which will screw things up if you're looking to use these stats to measure overall progression.
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    Our alliance is close to finishing round 8, and we're having to decide amongst ourselves who can continue playing and who can't, so those close to a prog reward can still get it. I hope there won't be similar restrictions on round 2 and we can keep playing past clearing round 8.
  • Yasuru
    Yasuru Posts: 99 Match Maker
    We're done with round 7 and close to 8. The heavy hitters have actually stopped to help a few others hit the 1M mark. We'll probably go into 8 with about 16 hours to go.

    Yasuru of the Thunderkittens
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    Our alliance is on level 8, with 40% health left.

    3 at 1,000,000+ and 4 more at 900,000+
    as an alliance we decided to open the last Ultron Prime node to ensure the entire alliance gets the 3rd SW. Worth sacrificing a QS for a SW.

    Our sister alliance beat level 8 last night.
  • TheWerebison
    TheWerebison Posts: 431 Mover and Shaker
    Yasuru wrote:
    We're done with round 7 and close to 8. The heavy hitters have actually stopped to help a few others hit the 1M mark. We'll probably go into 8 with about 16 hours to go.

    Yasuru of the Thunderkittens

    You actually might want to tell your heavy hitters to take it to 8. Trust me, 8 has PLENTY of health to chew through.
  • Proud to say we made it through all 8, with 11 players making the 1 million mark and everyone else at at least 500k plus. It took some co-ordination to maximize rewards but was worth it. Overall score for our alliance: 17.622 Million.

    Slowing heavy hitters down at the million mark paid off huge late in round 8 where some of the less hardcore were able to catch up in the late refreshes. We had them on standby tho if it looked like we might not finish. Careful monitoring by the commanders led to rewards as evenly distributed as we could manage.

    Assuming next run is second verse same as the first we are going to use our new knowledge to greater effect, hopefully bumping up a couple of those 500k to 750k.

    It is a bummer that a complete victory is not enough points for everyone to hit the final progression reward tho.
  • Round 7, most likely will not make it to clearing 8. icon_e_sad.gif
  • Flare808
    Flare808 Posts: 266
    X2 finished Ultron fairly quickly with 9 over 1 million.

    Keep in mind that this poll will be heavily skewed to higher Ultron levels as the forumgoers tend to be more invested/dedicated and have stronger rosters. I'd imagine the majority of alliances would fall into the lower to mid range as the Ultron waves got stronger and chewed health packs.
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    With 19 hours to go, Roaches are on Round 6, Ultron has 90% of his 3 million health left, so we're going no further.

    We've got 1 over 1 million (me), 1 over 750k (other me), 1 over 500k, 2 over 250k, 2 nearly at 250k, the rest 100k or less.

    It's just too hard at Round 4+ for most of the guys to beat.

    And the sentinel rounds are ridiculous if you don't have Cage or someone else with shield tiles.
  • patch/loki for all reset nodes works about 95% of the time
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    My current alliance is on round 7 and we're probably not clearing it. Pretty much the top 10 were carrying the bottom 10 the whole way through...those dirty slackers...

    This is a great event! Please never do a PvE in any of the old ways ever again ever!
  • smoq84
    smoq84 Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    My Alliance is on Round 6 and I am not sure if we manage to clear it.
    I guess there could be a little more time for this event.
  • SnagglePuss
    SnagglePuss Posts: 702 Critical Contributor
    700k left on round 7 which should be doable

    About 6 players over or should make 1 million.
    Not good is about the top 3/4 probably carrying the bottom 10.
    Tad frustrating as round 8 should have been within reach
  • About 6 players over or should make 1 million.
    Not good is about the top 3/4 probably carrying the bottom 10.
    Tad frustrating as round 8 should have been within reach
    Same here.
    We're around 50% of health left in round 8, but I think there's too little time left for us to make it, and we'll end up within a hair of completion.
    I'm more worried about next around as I know some of our players are going to be off for the whole 3 day (1st of may) weekend.
  • Doc L
    Doc L Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    Managed to clear all 8, everyone contributing, and the top 9 or 10 getting 1M or more points. To add context to this, we are usually a top 100 pve alliance, and we have a number who finish in the top 20 or so ranks.

    I think that, whilst the curve was hard, and scaling was probably not ideal for everyone, the health should not alter for the next run through. It's a brilliant way to release new cards to people, only competitive vs Ultron to get the covers, pretty much what everyone wants. I guess the only real drawback for some, is that it is really alliance-based, and you can be awesome, but still only earn one cover if you are pulling others up. I wouldn't change that myself, as it's an interesting, different mode to the game, like the Gauntlet for individual non-competitive, so long as it's only run every so often.
  • As this poll will be skewed heavily to top 50 Alliance members... to add some perspective from a vet in a non-vet alliance, I joined up with a middle-tier (season rank around #150) Alliance just for this event to try it out. They only cleared 6 and nowhere near 7 as it stands.

    As the #2 performer in this group I was able to achieve two Quicksilver covers and the single SW cover from the event with fairly regular but not 'hardcore' play which feels about right for the effort. However I'm very aware that due to lack of activity from a number of alliance members, clearing round 7 should have been achieved.

    All in all it was an interesting event to try out but clearly has the potential to be incredibly repetitive if repeated too frequently. Hey ho, off on a stag do this weekend so can't play HulkBuster anyway so back to retirement!
  • dgt73
    dgt73 Posts: 28 Just Dropped In
    Only got part way through round 5, am currently sitting just under the 750k point reward, but once cooldown expires will get the second QS cover. Current alliance is pretty casual, only a handful of active players, no way in heck were we getting to the SW covers. Really hoping they are available as progression rewards for Hulk Buster event. Guessing she is going to be a required cover for next Event based on recent history... that's going to hurt my point scoring ability.
  • metallion
    metallion Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    My casual alliance (last season rank around #250) managed to hit round 8 just before the final 24 hours. As it stands I don't think we can clear round 8, but participation looks pretty good for a casual alliance, the top 10 all has at least 750k points, not sure about the bottom half though.

    I'm still 200k points away from 1M though. It's definitely within reach if i can do max clears all the way, but I can't really be bothered since my roster isn't really strong enough to handle more than 2 essentials (3 if I'm lucky) on top of the main node, and I prefer to save my health packs for other emergencies. We can't finish him anyway since he still has 4.9M health with 15 hours to go, and any further pushes will probably just be for drops and progressions.

    Was also just fresh out from a grueling 20 minute essential battle using 2* cap + 166 Falcon. Battles always take this long using this team, and this is one of the only 2 teams I found so far that can survive the essentials. Considering how long I take to fight this battle I would be surprised if I have the energy for a 2nd fight with this team without a break.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    We cleared 4 rounds with only seven players participating, which shows me the difference between my casual alliance and what others consider to be a "casual alliance" icon_e_smile.gif