This Isn't Fun



  • After almost 100 mark posts I just first decided to check this thread, read OP and couldnt agree more. My alliance is doing very well thanks, we all talked a lot about what our 60 members would do with the amount of information we had, and by reading the forum and facebook groups I can see we are together with the top alliances with AvU.

    But this doesnt changes that Devs have been lacking information from the player base. OP pointed that Devs have been off the forums for about a month for this event, I guess it was way more because on their video pre-release they even said we undervaluate Cap! I mean, Steve is one of the most well-round characters, because even with one less power (very low cost-effective yellow) hes good on PvP and a god on PvE, cant even argue about that.
  • lockness
    lockness Posts: 39 Just Dropped In
    wymtime wrote:
    My alliance is in round 6 and the essential survivial nodes are the hardest. Ultron has not been that difficult. I have lost a couple of people every now and then but not much. So far Ultron Prime has been fairly easy, and I will say this running Hulk Lthor against Ultron prime to get more green on the board is very helpful especially when they start doing much more damage. Round 6 is also when you need multiple players to clear the event twice to move on o Ultron Prime. I think they are trying to keep players from beating Ultron in one day, but if a 20 person alliance has all 20 people clear all essentials and all Ultron powers you alliance should get Ultron Prime. This mechanic severely limits smaller alliances and I don't think someone who is in a 10,12,15 person alliance should be punished this way. The later rounds will definatly get harder and unlike the Gauntlet you entire alliance will need to step up to win.

    We're in round 5 right now and the participation is dropping like flies. I would like to see better progression rewards early in the climb to help motivate those with weaker rosters. We have people who have tiny little rosters who are doing their best to contribute even without the essential character, but not getting close to the progression prizes some of us have. While I understand that better rosters get better prizes, this event is a team effort and even the "little guy/gal" who contributes over the inactive members should be rewarded with some of these Ultron packs earlier than 100,000 points.
  • acescracked
    acescracked Posts: 1,197 Chairperson of the Boards
    Everyone's experience seems to be on the negative side, maybe that's just because negative people are more vocal.

    So far I've mostly enjoyed this event though that might be due to the fact being on day 468 any new game mode would be interesting. My alliance is on round 8 and almost done. Yes, the scaling is a bit crazy but I'm enjoying the challenge. I would get far more frustrated with a game I could beat without any effort. Ultron is at 400 now and he's only beaten me I think 3 times the whole event. Yes, the nodes are a bit repetitive but to fix that I don't play for awhile.

    The only thing I'm still pissed about is the server connection issues that kept me from playing the event the first four rounds. That was not cool at all. Other that that, thanks d3 for this event and doing finally something different.
  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    Who thought it was a good idea to allow the Ultron Sentries to move the board?!?!?! The whole purpose of goons is that they have enough CD power to kill us, especially on a bad board. These guys.. well every turn they destroy the bottom of the board, place a ton of special tiles, and can also place critical tiles and heal themselves THEN they get to swap tiles.. seriously?! Why are they also gaining board control?

    If you actually understand your opponents it makes sense.

    Only the green (warrior?) ones can destroy 4 tiles at the bottom of the board and only if there are less than 5 specials on the board. So part of the trick is maintaining the right number of enemy specials.

    The opponent can only add special tiles to the board during their turn, so they can only add specials by a green goon destroying 4 tiles or by making a match. If you remove the ability to make a match then once there are more than 5 specials on the board your enemy become totally static and just waits to die. Removing matching would also mean that every wave would need to eb stacked with greens to give them some chance, where now you may get waves of two yellows and a blue, which is wayyyy easier to manage.

    TL:DR without board control your opponent woul dbecome static as they circumstances where they can add specials to the board becomes too limited.
  • Ultron Sentries creates new special tiles whenever any new tile enter the board regardless of how made the match. It's usually fairly irrelevent because whenever there's a Gunner/Fighter combination you cannot possibly risk them getting any Core Meltdowns in and you've to keep the special tiles as low as possible to avoid it. If you have only Fighters or only Gunners it's fairly easy to maintain the right number of special tiles most of the time.
  • Turbosmooth
    Turbosmooth Posts: 213
    The only thing that isn't fun is having a below average Alliance. Since my score is half of the total score, I'm missing out on Scarlet Witch. I'm getting Quicksilver though.

    But what was even worse was that I spent $100 on the 42x Ultron Rewards, and my results are ridiculous:
    With a 7.6% SW drop, you should get 3 of her. I only got 1.
    To make it worse, I only got 9 total *** covers and ZERO special tokens and no ****! The odds added up are that you'll get 12 *** or better covers/special tokens.

    This is such a big punch to the gut. I have zero luck. Just like when I spent $200 to attempt to get 6% Squirrel Girl and got zero.
    I wouldn't be crying if the prices were perhaps 1/5th of what they are.
  • The only thing that isn't fun is having a below average Alliance. Since my score is half of the total score, I'm missing out on Scarlet Witch. I'm getting Quicksilver though.

    But what was even worse was that I spent $100 on the 42x Ultron Rewards, and my results are ridiculous:
    With a 7.6% SW drop, you should get 3 of her. I only got 1.
    To make it worse, I only got 9 total *** covers and ZERO special tokens and no ****! The odds added up are that you'll get 12 *** or better covers/special tokens.

    This is such a big punch to the gut. I have zero luck. Just like when I spent $200 to attempt to get 6% Squirrel Girl and got zero.
    I wouldn't be crying if the prices were perhaps 1/5th of what they are.
    It's not about luck. The cover packs are a TRAP. Never EVER buy them expecting good results. The biggest surprise to me is you fell for their trap not once but TWICE. Please for the love of god stop funding their degenerate casino gambling system.
  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phantron wrote:
    Ultron Sentries creates new special tiles whenever any new tile enter the board regardless of how made the match. It's usually fairly irrelevent because whenever there's a Gunner/Fighter combination you cannot possibly risk them getting any Core Meltdowns in and you've to keep the special tiles as low as possible to avoid it. If you have only Fighters or only Gunners it's fairly easy to maintain the right number of special tiles most of the time.

    No, no specials enter the board during your turn. Otherwise it would be impossible to 'maintain the right number', as specials would be entering the board as you matched them off making Meltdowns pretty much inevitable.
  • Eddiemon wrote:
    Phantron wrote:
    Ultron Sentries creates new special tiles whenever any new tile enter the board regardless of how made the match. It's usually fairly irrelevent because whenever there's a Gunner/Fighter combination you cannot possibly risk them getting any Core Meltdowns in and you've to keep the special tiles as low as possible to avoid it. If you have only Fighters or only Gunners it's fairly easy to maintain the right number of special tiles most of the time.

    No, no specials enter the board during your turn. Otherwise it would be impossible to 'maintain the right number', as specials would be entering the board as you matched them off making Meltdowns pretty much inevitable.

    I checked some of my games and that seems right. Maybe I just lost track with all the Swarms after a while.
  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phantron wrote:
    I checked some of my games and that seems right. Maybe I just lost track with all the Swarms after a while.

    No probs.

    That's why I make the greens priority target. Without swarms the blues and yellows become nonthreatening target dummies as long as I stay on top of the specials.
  • Chief270
    Chief270 Posts: 137
    I really am enjoying/enjoyed the event. The sentries were not really a problem for me, but that was due mostly to my not-yet-fully-covered Cage.

    As many people said, learning which color sentries did what went a long way into deciding how to proceed.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    i like to thank D3 for making the event so far that i can only play 1 to 2 matches every 8 hours so now i have time to go out and find a better game to spend my cash on.
  • Slidecage,

    Reposting this for you. Please enjoy.


    I'm very sorry you are frustrated. I also feel like a jerk for what I'm about to say next. Just as you are frustrated at D3, it is frustrating each and every day to see people complaining and whining. I started last September. Here are some resources that helped me.

    1) Read Northern Polarity's guide.

    2) Pay attention to what scottee posts.

    3) This is a marathon.

    4) Post your roster. Ask for help.

    5) These people who make this game. They are not your friend. However, they are not your adversary either. You have your goals (adding covers, getting superheroes you like, becoming more powerful in the game, executing a planned strategy and getting a reward, ...) The devs are here to challenge us. To push us out of our comfort zone. To create characters that appeal to all crowds who play this game (Powerful Heroes, Joke Characters, Combo enablers,...)

    But please. Stop complaining. It will do you very little. Put your time and energy into research instead. I;ve been recently (1-2 seasons) with a top 100 Alliance. I merced for them once, and they invited me back. They help me become each and everyday. I encourage you to find an alliance that suits your playskill.

    Please, stop being negative and yelling at D3. Please help make the forums more enjoyable for those who visit it.

    Again, I'm sorry for being rude. I'm just getting tired of seeing complaint after complaint. It's a match three game on mobile phone / computer. Which brings me to the last piece of advice.

    6) If it isn't fun, stop and reevaluate. Perhaps there are other games, pursuits, relationships you would rather strengthen than move tiles around.

    I'm glad you are trying #6. Please stop threatening to quit. Do or do not.
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, I'm over it now icon_lol.gif

    Just hit round 4, he's got a million hitpoints and each attack does 13K. My alliance is 5 people. Not a snowball's chance in hell.

    The grind is real. Fear the grind!

    Idea for future "boss" events like this; have hitpoint cut-offs for alliance sizes. 1-5, 6-10, 11-15, 16-20...something like that. Would mean a much fairer playing field.
  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    Yeah, I'm over it now icon_lol.gif

    Just hit round 4, he's got a million hitpoints and each attack does 13K. My alliance is 5 people. Not a snowball's chance in hell.

    The grind is real. Fear the grind!

    Idea for future "boss" events like this; have hitpoint cut-offs for alliance sizes. 1-5, 6-10, 11-15, 16-20...something like that. Would mean a much fairer playing field.

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