This Isn't Fun

Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards
edited April 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Did the developers truly find the Ultron event fun when they were testing it? Don't get me wrong, it was fun at first especially during the early stages but now it's completely out of control.

Who thought it was a good idea to allow the Ultron Sentries to move the board?!?!?! The whole purpose of goons is that they have enough CD power to kill us, especially on a bad board. These guys.. well every turn they destroy the bottom of the board, place a ton of special tiles, and can also place critical tiles and heal themselves THEN they get to swap tiles.. seriously?! Why are they also gaining board control? Those match 4's and 5's should be mine, they don't need the AP, they don't need the tile damage with all their other abilities. Sure I could bring OBW to steal and heal, but let's not buff her, leave her health low after the health patch. Sure I could bring Loki, oh wait he's only level 80, should I level him? Wait there will a decrease in ISO levels so maybe I should wait even though we have no details on it.

Ultron dropping bombs seems like a cool concept and definitely makes great use of 'puzzle' but if I get an unlucky board, forget about it. Too risky to board shake, CapAm is too slow and his CDs get destroyed. It's sad when I feel the need to bring Moonstone to move his bombs away.. yes Moonstone.. maybe that was their plan all along! It would had been nice if we could stun him, I understand why we can't but maybe instead of immune, he can only be stunned for 1 turn. There's just not enough time to stop him. I am up for suggestions and team build.

I missed the first 3 rounds, which I heard was easy. It was bad enough the event started at 12pm for me when I'm at work but when I went to play during lunch.. server down! But it doesn't even matter, I don't see how it's possible to reach QS (not that I want him) and beat Ultron Prime for SW with the scaling of their broken abilities.

The developers were missing on the forums for nearly a month to make this.. maybe from all the money with all the health packs we're buying for Ultron, end of PVP and now another PVE, you can hire some more people.

Thanks for the vent. Now it's time to go back to enemystrike.pngeattack.pngenemyprotect.pngredcrit.png


  • Esheris
    Esheris Posts: 216 Tile Toppler
    I actually enjoy fighting Ultron, and I've had plenty of bombs hit me by now. (And a good laugh after hoping I could get lucky with Illusions only to be hit by two bombs XD.)

    I do really dislike his minions, they aren't fun at all...if only they couldn't make matches! Do they happen to have bonus luck with cascades/matches?
  • wirius
    wirius Posts: 667
    I'm fairly certain they intended the first few to be fairly easy, and the last few to be extremely difficult and only to be handled by max 3* rosters. They expect the top 100 alliances and a few others to actually finish this I'm sure, but its not designed for everyone to beat, just like everything they do in the game.
  • Agreed. It was fun at the beginning but now it's ridiculous.
    I have maxed 2 stars, so they all die pretty fast with their low health. I have been using OBW for the 5 rounds for the healing, now she just dies in one shot.

    Yeah the sentries shouldn't move. It's not fun to watch the AI do 4 moves a turn and kill of your whole team. The sentry that makes critical tiles is too strong.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards
    Esheris wrote:
    I actually enjoy fighting Ultron, and I've had plenty of bombs hit me by now. (And a good laugh after hoping I could get lucky with Illusions only to be hit by two bombs XD.)

    I do really dislike his minions, they aren't fun at all...if only they couldn't make matches! Do they happen to have bonus luck with cascades/matches?

    Ultron was fun for me too, but with scaling, 1 bomb will probably kill me by round 7. Shocked they didn't make the bomb an AOE!

    The developers know we have been complaining about cascades so they decided to create these minions to further fuel our rage! They are already getting cascades from the bottom board destroy ability, leave me with the match 4's and 5's. They have full AP by turn 3! I wonder what they would of been like if their abilities had to be activated.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards
    wirius wrote:
    I'm fairly certain they intended the first few to be fairly easy, and the last few to be extremely difficult and only to be handled by max 3* rosters. They expect the top 100 alliances and a few others to actually finish this I'm sure, but its not designed for everyone to beat, just like everything they do in the game.

    True, but the point of this event was also to bring in new players. They could have scaled it down a bit. I hope they at least remove the Sentries ability to swap tiles on the next Ultron event for Hulkbuster. There is a difference between a challenging battle and just straight not a fair battle.

    Btw.. if they decide to start adding these Sentries to Deadpool Daily Quest.. the rage icon_mad.gif
  • Esheris
    Esheris Posts: 216 Tile Toppler
    edited April 2015
    Esheris wrote:
    I actually enjoy fighting Ultron, and I've had plenty of bombs hit me by now. (And a good laugh after hoping I could get lucky with Illusions only to be hit by two bombs XD.)

    I do really dislike his minions, they aren't fun at all...if only they couldn't make matches! Do they happen to have bonus luck with cascades/matches?

    Ultron was fun for me too, but with scaling, 1 bomb will probably kill me by round 7. Shocked they didn't make the bomb an AOE!

    The developers know we have been complaining about cascades so they decided to create these minions to further fuel our rage! They are already getting cascades from the bottom board destroy ability, leave me with the match 4's and 5's. They have full AP by turn 3! I wonder what they would of been like if their abilities had to be activated.

    You are right, I know I won't be laughing when I get one shot by one of those! I dread to see what the scaling will look like by the end. >_<
  • I don't mind the sentries too much. I can see why they move the board due to the way their powers work. The only thing that frustrates me is that the gunner's passive is always set off last, so there's no way to avoid a bunch of critical tiles popping up all over the place, and somehow just about every move they make turns into a super cascade. They usually have close to 30 of every ap by round 5. Otherwise I enjoy it for the most part, it's something different
  • brisashi
    brisashi Posts: 418 Mover and Shaker
    Not fun at all to a casual alliance.

    We have about 5-6 people taking it seriously. I doubt we will even make it to the first scarlet witch cover which is a bummer. His health just scales too high. I feel like you shouldn't have to wait 8 hours for the essential nodes to refresh.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    I posted in initial thoughts my hour-by-hour breakdown: by hour 3/4 it was "wow, this is more grindy than PVE...I get why it took the devs forever to launch it, it would take forever to test it even a little."
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,757 Chairperson of the Boards
    My alliance is in round 6 and the essential survivial nodes are the hardest. Ultron has not been that difficult. I have lost a couple of people every now and then but not much. So far Ultron Prime has been fairly easy, and I will say this running Hulk Lthor against Ultron prime to get more green on the board is very helpful especially when they start doing much more damage. Round 6 is also when you need multiple players to clear the event twice to move on o Ultron Prime. I think they are trying to keep players from beating Ultron in one day, but if a 20 person alliance has all 20 people clear all essentials and all Ultron powers you alliance should get Ultron Prime. This mechanic severely limits smaller alliances and I don't think someone who is in a 10,12,15 person alliance should be punished this way. The later rounds will definatly get harder and unlike the Gauntlet you entire alliance will need to step up to win.
  • Yeah, the fun factor is hit and miss, but as always with this game - am compelled to push onwards.

    The Enemy cascades in this Ultron PVE are more ridiculous than ever from what I've experienced in my 300 days on this. Haven't been too bothered with enemy cascades before. Sure, it has always had bigger cascades than I've ever had, but generally as the player I would get more overall more regularly (albeit smaller in size), so didn't feel cheated.

    Plus the sentry that places 2 critical tiles has always (prob 90% of the time) resulted in a huge cascade and damage.

    I suppose this is all part of the "puzzle" and challenge. But can't help thinking I'm doing ok based on pure luck - especially on Ultrom bomb drop levels - than any skill. I suppose that's just the nature of the game and has always been a big part of the game.

    The pure excitement of drawing a gold for a token is enough to compel me onwards!!!

    Anyway, any really successful team suggestions out there for Ultron bomb or goon nodes?

    I've been able to mix it up a bit, or rather have been forced to due to health pack constraints.
    For the Ultron bomb drop, have had most success with CapAm (2* or 3*), Ares and Mystique.
    The goon nodes have just been random teams, no real theme to the team I take.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is how much fun I'm not having: I'm seriously considering whether I should just stop now and play Heroic instead.

    In the 6th lap, my scaling is already making every battle tenuous. I don't see how the endgame is going to be playable for me.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    wymtime wrote:
    My alliance is in round 6 and the essential survivial nodes are the hardest. Ultron has not been that difficult. I have lost a couple of people every now and then but not much. So far Ultron Prime has been fairly easy, and I will say this running Hulk Lthor against Ultron prime to get more green on the board is very helpful especially when they start doing much more damage. Round 6 is also when you need multiple players to clear the event twice to move on o Ultron Prime. I think they are trying to keep players from beating Ultron in one day, but if a 20 person alliance has all 20 people clear all essentials and all Ultron powers you alliance should get Ultron Prime. This mechanic severely limits smaller alliances and I don't think someone who is in a 10,12,15 person alliance should be punished this way. The later rounds will definatly get harder and unlike the Gauntlet you entire alliance will need to step up to win.

    I was gonna write some stuff, but this covers it well.

    I'm having a lot of fun with this event. The Sentries are challenging, but there are ways to beat them. I've even cleared the Hawkeye essential using the 1-power, level 1 character, in other words 2 on 3.

    It's a modified Gauntlet. Yes, its unfortunate that some people can't complete this, much like there are those who can't complete the Gauntlet. But if everyone could beat it, there's no real point in having a PvE, just hand everyone a cover.

    That's little consolation for those who won't get there, but that's the reality.
  • I'm not sure what D3 had in mind with Ultron, but I'm hoping it wasn't, "Hey, let's force alliances to rely on all members equally, in such a way that weaker members stand out starkly unless they immediately level 15-20 3* heroes and buy a ton of health packs..."

    My experience so far has been as follows...

    Whoa, it's starting! Sweeet!

    OK, first round. Gulp. Go time!

    I killed him! Woo hoo!

    I'll try an essential node next...

    Phew, that was rough, and my crew is down, including my essential, but hey, I contribut... WTH? Oh ****, my game is down! Wait, it's back up! No, no, it's definitely down. No, wait! It's... No, it's down. [Imagine me saying this over and over and over and over and... for about 8 hours...]

    OK! I'm back! Let's see where my alliance is... OH MY GOD. They're on level 5? OK, well, I can do this, right?

    Lots of dying, and I mean LOTS of dying follows, while our chat is steadily filling with chat about how great people are doing, and concerns about everyone pitching in... GREAT.

    Just tried another run at Ultron, murdered my crew, tried an essential, all down. From what I can tell, it doesn't even look like I'm trying as far as the scoreboard is concerned... LOVELY.

    Yeah, I'm not sure what this is. Stressful? But fun? Mmmm, yeah. Not-so-much.

  • liminal_lad
    liminal_lad Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    brisashi wrote:
    Not fun at all to a casual alliance.

    We have about 5-6 people taking it seriously. I doubt we will even make it to the first scarlet witch cover which is a bummer. His health just scales too high. I feel like you shouldn't have to wait 8 hours for the essential nodes to refresh.

    THIS. I had thought about trying to change alliances before the event but thought I would see how we did since the people I'm on the team with now seem decent and similarly casual. Now I'm sitting waiting for the 8hr timer to run down and only on Round 4 feeling very hopeless and frustrated.

    And I had all the essential characters and hit all the nodes and now I'm basically benched. On to Oscorp Heroic? (ha ha ha ha ha)
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards
    K-Dog wrote:
    Anyway, any really successful team suggestions out there for Ultron bomb or goon nodes?

    I've been able to mix it up a bit, or rather have been forced to due to health pack constraints.
    For the Ultron bomb drop, have had most success with CapAm (2* or 3*), Ares and Mystique.
    The goon nodes have just been random teams, no real theme to the team I take.

    Since I wrote this post I've been playing with some different combinations and I think I found a good balance to these enemies.

    For Ultron Bomb: I've been using to much success: Thor (2* or 3* depending on health), Captain America (Same as Thor) and 2* Magneto. Obviously Captain throwing shields, Mags makes blue and destroys bombs, Thor for pure damage or if I cannot reach a bomb his yellow has helped me with some amazing cascades.

    Sentries: Mohawk, GSBW, essential. Mohawk yellow the T/U's, Black all the titles and damage them each turn. GSBW to build green and destroy all special tiles and targets. I've been able to do this easily with QS (only have blue) who tanks all the colors to keep them from harm plus at least twice a fight his blue goes off for some AOE damage.

    I do not have any characters above level 105, only Mohawk and Rogers are fully covered.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    How is Ultron's health scaling for people?

    Django is on round 5, and Ultron has two million health.

    Not sure how people can be on round 6 already.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bowgentle wrote:
    How is Ultron's health scaling for people?
    Django is on round 5, and Ultron has two million health.
    Not sure how people can be on round 6 already.

    We're almost done with round 5 (about 200k left). Mine personally hasn't been bad, essentials are pretty easy with mid-high tier 166s
  • Oldboy
    Oldboy Posts: 452 Mover and Shaker
    On round 6. Ultron has 3 million health
    Ultron Prime scales according to individual scaling.

    Event started at 12 midnight for me. I can't confirm this but i read on forum the essentials refresh at every 8 hour mark. Meaning the Essentials refresh at 8am, 4pm, 12 midnight, repeat. It's 11:22pm now and i'll be waiting to see if the Essentials refresh at midnight. They refreshed at 4pm earlier if i recall the time correctly. I wasn't expecting it so seeing it was great as i could hit Ultron again. And the rest of my alliance pushed us into Round 6
  • Scoregasms
    Scoregasms Posts: 373
    We're in Round 7 atm, his health bar is at 4.5 Million and Ultron is level 350 and worth 23,010 points (also his health of course).

    Guessing Final Round 8 he'll be level 395, health bar of 6 Million and worth 27.5K per fight or something around there.