's your Simulator scaling?



  • snlf25 wrote:
    I'm having a hell of a time trying to beat any of the essential nodes than require Iron Man (Canned Beast). Just got beat by Deadpool, BagLady and BagSilver for chrissakes. The worst damn part of it is that it took them god dmaned forever!!! to finish me off! No damn fun at all. I don't think the devs actually play this game. icon_e_confused.gif

    I think the Devs play the game occasionally from behind the AI curtain. There's probably just someone at a computer controlling the matches they make and probably altering the RNG so the AI gets the best odds. Sometimes I could swear I'm playing an actual person--and it's always when I'm half-paying attention or half-tinykittying it.
  • I think a lot of it has to do with Hulk only being good if you are feeding him health packs and no one wants to feed him that many in a row.
  • Lerysh wrote:
    I think a lot of it has to do with Hulk only being good if you are feeding him health packs and no one wants to feed him that many in a row.

    Why would you even use Hulk against guys that can still one shot him unless it's required? The high level match nerf means your level 395 enemies can't trigger Anger but can still down you with almost any move.
  • Omega Blacc
    Omega Blacc Posts: 69 Match Maker
    Phantron wrote:
    Lerysh wrote:
    I think a lot of it has to do with Hulk only being good if you are feeding him health packs and no one wants to feed him that many in a row.

    Why would you even use Hulk against guys that can still one shot him unless it's required? The high level match nerf means your level 395 enemies can't trigger Anger but can still down you with almost any move.

    That has a lot to do with my main issue with PvE...the game is called Marvel PUZZLE Quest, right?

    The situation is fluid in PvP. You fight against teams that people put together, based off of synergy, broken design or whatever. It's about who can get their colors and fire off more attacks.

    PvE is full of developer designed teams scaled to nearly double or triple max levels. We all know that 1 and 2 star characters scale wildly, so I find it very inconvenient that I have to fight people *cough* hit man sniper tile *cough* that can down me with one attack.

    Where is the puzzle aspect if there is no sure fire way to solve the match? Countdown tiles pop up in unsolvable positions and dry boards are actually pretty frequent.

    Perhaps consider a mode with loaner heroes and abilities with boards that have to be solved a certain way. (certain amount of moves, or fire off all powers. Maybe even a time limit). Increase difficulty for higher prizes.

    Anything but this stuff. High level Iron Fist and Cage teams? That's just sadistic.

    So is 2 Bagsilvers trying to outrace each other. I'm glad that's finally over.
  • Phantron wrote:
    Lerysh wrote:
    I think a lot of it has to do with Hulk only being good if you are feeding him health packs and no one wants to feed him that many in a row.

    Why would you even use Hulk against guys that can still one shot him unless it's required? The high level match nerf means your level 395 enemies can't trigger Anger but can still down you with almost any move.

    That has a lot to do with my main issue with PvE...the game is called Marvel PUZZLE Quest, right?

    The situation is fluid in PvP. You fight against teams that people put together, based off of synergy, broken design or whatever. It's about who can get their colors and fire off more attacks.

    PvE is full of developer designed teams scaled to nearly double or triple max levels. We all know that 1 and 2 star characters scale wildly, so I find it very inconvenient that I have to fight people *cough* hit man sniper tile *cough* that can down me with one attack.

    Where is the puzzle aspect if there is no sure fire way to solve the match? Countdown tiles pop up in unsolvable positions and dry boards are actually pretty frequent.

    Perhaps consider a mode with loaner heroes and abilities with boards that have to be solved a certain way. (certain amount of moves, or fire off all powers. Maybe even a time limit). Increase difficulty for higher prizes.

    Anything but this stuff. High level Iron Fist and Cage teams? That's just sadistic.

    So is 2 Bagsilvers trying to outrace each other. I'm glad that's finally over.

    There is no definitive way to solve any particular match, but that doesn't mean you can't improve your chances by having the right characters. This also includes not using the featured character just because he's the featured one. If anything, the featured nodes you're usually at a handicap because being locked in to one person tends to mess up your team composition which is why the enemies there have slightly lower levels. Yes there are unwinnable situations and sometimes the AI just randomly pulls a crazy cascade that you cannot possibly do anything about, but a lot of the time what appears to be an unreachable position can be reached, and that monster cascade that came out of nowhere was really my fault.
  • Xenoberyll
    Xenoberyll Posts: 647 Critical Contributor
    They really have to take a look at scaling. More health and slower damage already makes for longer matches without scaling - and when you have to kill 50k health on a node the AI is bound to hurt you. You can take it if it's just one or two nodes but 5 healthpacks are gone so fast now it's almost impossible to play PVE and PVP without buying health. Thinking about it, that might just be what the devs want icon_e_wink.gif
  • Just posted in the other thread, but my scaling for last nights new sub was as close to perfect as I'd feel comfortable asking for.

    It's like the devs looked at my performance in the last sub and waved a magic "reasonable expectations" wand... lol
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    Cayasha wrote:
    Plus I swear D3 upped the AI difficulty along with all the other changes they've been making. It's like I'm playing a whole new game sometimes.
    Yeah I wiped twice this morning on two separate nodes, and it felt like the AI was extremely devious in doing so. Wipe #1 was Kingpin / Spidey / Daredevil. AI was extremely wise to use yellow on Spidey rather than KP, extending the match over & over so Daredevil could fire his blue & red to keep stunning and then taking down my Blade (those wretched Spider-Sense tiles didn't help either). At that point I just retreated. My second try I pulled through though.

    Then on Juggs / MBW / CM, they quickly gathered 6 red and I thought "Ugh, here comes a Headbutt." But no, he didn't take it. Then he didn't take it again. I thought, "OK, the AI has decided to use the red for CM. I can live with that." I took a blue match for CStorm, and then *WHAM*! Headbutt for ~75% of her health. It's like the AI waited for me to put her out front.
  • Vinmarc43
    Vinmarc43 Posts: 266
    I feel like the IA is far better in this pve, after reading everyones post, I'm positive D3 is screwing with us. icon_lol.gif
    Now to D3, in hard mod pve subs, allow health regen. after battles, then, most would play instead of hitting the beach. icon_idea.gif
  • grunth13 wrote:
    I finished my second go through on simulator hard last night at midnight. I was in 2 or 3rd place. It has been 16 hours since and now I am in 5 place...hardly anyone is playing this pve. I have done 3 run throughs on easy and 2 on hard and I am currently in 17th and haven't played it since this morning at 7:30.
    I can't speak for everybody, but I don't feel like I ever have enough health to get up to 4,000 for the season while doing half-decent in a PvE so I haven't even opened the simulator this round. Maybe tonight since I got my 4,000 yesterday. I won't place highly, but it beats a poke in the eye.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    yes, after recently dropping **cap and now learning about the ultron event and likely need for avengers and my ***cap is woefully under covered, trying to get t50 in the pve and t25 in the pvp is proving to be quite a grind this week....
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    yes, the AI seems much more intelligent. It saves up AP for specific moves and waits for specific characters to be moved to the front.

    There is also an interesting phenomenon of the AI characters staying alive with miniscule life, then firing off their AP powers, then if you live, getting killed the next match. I had Thor down to 56 health after pounding on him while he was stunned. He came out of stun, did all 3 of his powers, and Bagman even did a trick, and seriously drained health form my whole team, then I killed them both the next round. I went from not needing a health pack to needing 3 because the AI happened to stay alive. I don't double check the math of the matches, but it's getting way too common now to be coincidence.
  • roberts_2
    roberts_2 Posts: 126 Tile Toppler
    My scaling is worst than ever, not only in the simulator, the complete season is my worst season. I don't see the point on focus to play when game wants (based on fights with rivals over your own level) and can't play when I want (based on my life time).

    The new MMR is pure nonsense.