Favorite 3 star teams for Big Enchilada



  • AlphaNik
    AlphaNik Posts: 45 Just Dropped In
    CMags, Hood, LazyThor all 166. I use Cmags red and blue to get rid of the most annoying goon first than just pile up AP. I generally try and finish off the last goon with Hood's black instead of match damage in order to shoot another ability first on the next wave, so the 2th and 4th waves are usually welcomed by a double CoTs right in their face. Most of the time I end up with no damage at all, or like 2K cumulative at most.
  • 166 LThor (3/5/5), 166 BP (5/3/5), 166 GSBW (5/3/5)

    - first wave and third wave building green and black (GSBW Pink is excellent at building green)
    - 2nd wave and 4th wave use Call of the Storm (LThor Green) and Rage of the Panther (BP Black) to defeat them before they even get an attack off.

    I very rarely take any damage in waves 2 and 4 because I am normally able to build enough green and black in the waves 1 and 3 to use two AoE to kill the team.
  • Picklechu
    Picklechu Posts: 15 Just Dropped In
    I use Patch (355) Spidey (355) and Blade (553) all at 166.

    Usually by wave 4 Spidey has so much Blue I just stunlock them all. Blade's attack tiles combined with all the strike tiles ends up with most enemies dying one round at a time. The Spidey shields get prioritised if the enemy have Teisatsu punch tiles.
  • I use, icon_blackpanther.png 5/3/5, icon_punisher.png 4/4/5, and star.pngstar.pngicon_blackwidow.png 5/5/3
    Build up AP in first wave, unleash on second wave, build up third wave, unleash on fourth wave.

    Takes about 5-10 minutes. Have been doing it since the beginning of DDQ
  • Patch + underleveled Loki + oBW. Huge strike tiles that oBW double dip on, AP drain or boardshake on purple, oBW blue for CDs. Sadly isn't as OP once Loki get more levels, would prolly drop oBW for Falcon.
  • HariSeldon
    HariSeldon Posts: 22 Just Dropped In
    I have to say, I don't even bother with a full 3* team. I take my Lcap (131, 3/5/5) along with 2* Thor (94, 3/5/5) and OBW (94, 3/5/5) and one turn the second and fourth waves every time. Since the event came out (roughly 70 days now?), I've had MAYBE 3 times where I had to Cap stun one hero in the final wave. Just gather tiles during wave 1 and 3, and you'll be set. You can go into 2 and 4 with 30 red, blue, green, yellow and purple very consistently. That said, obviously the full 3* teams are alot more fun and definitely faster, but total domination is definitely an easy option if you have the team I mentioned. Good luck finding your dream team icon_e_smile.gif
  • Deadpool, Lthor, Panther - my recipe for the Big Enchilada

    trim off the excess - take a Little off the Top.
    tenderize with a little Rage
    baste with CoTS
    add Whales.

    enjoy !

    PS I never let facts get in the way of a good story
  • Thanks to the OP for asking this, since I am also in a rut with thormagnetostorm,
    and thanks to everyone else for the great ideas.

    At the risk of appearing to hijack the thread, the recurring message seems to be:
    my level 40 Falcon (3/5/2) is worth bringing up from the minors and investing some ISO into.
    Does he need to be maxed (127 with his current 10 covers) or is level 90 or 100 plenty to be useful?

    (I have 150k ISO, a whole bunch of 3*s at level 40...and apparently can't start a topic because I'm new here.)
  • xsupermanx
    xsupermanx Posts: 11 Just Dropped In
    wow, ive been using all 2*'s, since i have no fully complete 3*'s.

    But thanks for the tips, i wish i had more covers for falcon.

    i usually use:

    Ares / OBW / Human Torch
    i gotta take my time and be strategic, banking my purple and blue for rough spots. Its really hard when i get absolute **** on matching...most of the time i just retreat and start over if 1st and 2nd rounds are ****.

    i used to use Magneto MN / Storm Classic / Thor or OBW but ever since they nerfd Magneto, its not been the same.
  • alaeth
    alaeth Posts: 446 Mover and Shaker
    I built my team after several defeats...

    #1 - OBW - heals and count-dwon tile mitigation. Plus AP steal - a must have
    #2 Deadpool - it's his event (makes sure I get the daily DP points), plus by wave 2 & 4 I usually have enough red for 3x "A Little off the Top" which puts a huge dent in their health
    #3 someone tanky, with fair group damage output. And for the rainbow, we should avoid colors the others are using... I know! Thor Modern.

    Usually makes it a breeze, by wave 4 I have maxxed yellow and green AP so Thor basically owns the show. icon_e_smile.gif
  • Alzulra
    Alzulra Posts: 18
    I went with my first maxxed 3*s - GSBW, Black Panther, Lcap. The first round can be a little unpleasant if I get a bad board, but once Lcap gets rolling, it's cake. By the time the last team comes around, I just hit with sniper rifle + RotP and everyone is dead.
  • sorry for posting at the wrong place. Newbie in the forums. Is it just me or did they increase the difficulty of the hand ninjas at deadpool's daily? I used to be able to bring my 2* OBW, Thor and Wolverine and always still win(with damage boosters) with some diffculties but still able to win but somehow yesterday, I just got back handed in a silver platter. Their damage was ridicuolus! I barely survived wave 1 and died at wave 2 due to all the damages I got from the ninjas!
  • smoq84
    smoq84 Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    Picklechu wrote:
    I use Patch (355) Spidey (355) and Blade (553) all at 166.

    Usually by wave 4 Spidey has so much Blue I just stunlock them all. Blade's attack tiles combined with all the strike tiles ends up with most enemies dying one round at a time. The Spidey shields get prioritised if the enemy have Teisatsu punch tiles.
    Agreed. I'm using exactly the same team icon_e_smile.gif
  • Patch / Falcon / Blade here. By the last wave, the damage you do regularly is < 2k. icon_mrgreen.gif
  • Lately I've been using Patch + Dead Pool + Falcon.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    Rico Dredd wrote:
    Patch / Falcon / Blade here. By the last wave, the damage you do regularly is < 2k. icon_mrgreen.gif
    to that team and the deadpool team:
    none of my ***s are ready to attempt the big enchilada and I'm not having much trouble finishing with my thormneto but for falcon teams, don't you need a yellow outlet for matching yellow to activate inspiration? my general philosophy is I don't mind leaving one color without an active but unless its a highly specialized group (this group might qualify there), I don't like leaving 2 colors with no active abilities because then there's much more risk of a board drying up on you. I've had it happen with thormneto where most of the board was black/TU, then it takes several turns to get anything useful and then you're behind if its early.
  • dash16
    dash16 Posts: 15 Just Dropped In
    Storm Mohawk, OBW and Falcon. First round, focus on building blue to take out countdown timers and add time with OBW's blue. After blue grab purple to steal AP, black to drop Hailstorm. Yellow matches start improving Hailstorm tiles and feed Storm's yellow attack.

    My only complaint is this build doesn't use red at all, so I tend to cap on AP there pretty quick. Steal as often as you can, I have my OBW 5/5/3 so it saps the other teams AP, which is entirely necessary once round 4 rolls around. I tend to save my green storm attack for round 4 unless I get in a tight spot, then drop 3 (sometimes 4, if I steal enough back) greens and yellows from storm, then replenish the hailstorms.

    Two hailstorms on the board with yellow matches and it can easily do 2-3k damage per round, it starts clearing baddies QUICK.
  • TxMoose wrote:
    Rico Dredd wrote:
    Patch / Falcon / Blade here. By the last wave, the damage you do regularly is < 2k. icon_mrgreen.gif
    to that team and the deadpool team:
    none of my ***s are ready to attempt the big enchilada and I'm not having much trouble finishing with my thormneto but for falcon teams, don't you need a yellow outlet for matching yellow to activate inspiration? my general philosophy is I don't mind leaving one color without an active but unless its a highly specialized group (this group might qualify there), I don't like leaving 2 colors with no active abilities because then there's much more risk of a board drying up on you. I've had it happen with thormneto where most of the board was black/TU, then it takes several turns to get anything useful and then you're behind if its early.
    Rainbow is soooooo overrated. Game usually goes with fast track to one or two powers, so you don't CARE about the other colors. Match dmg is pretty insignificant on most teams as well.

    With that said, I DO prefer a yellow outlet for Falcon personally. I use CMags/Falcon/Blade, so Falcon does clean up and boost, while CMags does dmg and protect, while Blade does AP reduction and *eventually* attack tiles. I don't worry about strike tiles until CMags has at least one red saved up.

    Per someone else in I think this thread, I've been contemplating Steve Rogers, with my team, the board can fill up with protect and strikes and attacks VERY easily, and making matches can be detrimental to killing if you will, so those shields would be pretty helpful as a way to keep attacking with red, stunning with blue, etc.

    I started off DP Event using Patch/Daken because - regen, but it just wasn't fun. I've sinced ditch Patch (plus caltrops and tinykitty with purple strikes aint cool), and subsequently dropped Daken as 'raw strikes' bring nothing to the table, and with less regen, protection became more important. When he gets leveled up, I might bring in Cage every now and then to replace CMags.
    - Unreall
  • spatenfloot
    spatenfloot Posts: 662 Critical Contributor
    I use Rogers, Blade, and a variable third (sometimes OBW). Usually by the last round, the strike and attack tiles can kill everyone with match damage alone.
  • LambadaDave
    LambadaDave Posts: 129 Tile Toppler
    A bump and a thank you for a post that was exactly what I was looking for.