What happens when you get sandboxed?



  • esoxnepa
    esoxnepa Posts: 291
    Zoot wrote:
    Can we volunteer to be boxed? Or do we have to actually do something to anger the "mpq gods"?

    I'm actually not sure, but I am going to guess no.

    I tried to get this answered in a Q&A, because it's the game I'd like to be playing, without cheating to get put there.
  • Is there still an iso-8 among that can sandbox you?
    I've been hoarding for a while now with the secret hope that I might get booted one day.

    I too have been hoarding, and I am now over 1 million (1,150,562 at time of post) in legit ISO, been hoarding while doing some ISO tracking for all of the last season, and into this one. I'm averaging about 21.5k per day in that time. I have been informed that breaking 1 million may raise concerns about your account, but does not auto-sandbox you.

    More interesting to me is that that amount which looks huge... only maxes seven 3*, or about a bit less than three 4*. Not sure I want to do the math on how much ISO the 19 maxed 3*, and 2 4* have taken.
  • bknfoodie
    bknfoodie Posts: 53
    j12601 wrote:
    Is there still an iso-8 among that can sandbox you?
    I've been hoarding for a while now with the secret hope that I might get booted one day.

    I too have been hoarding, and I am now over 1 million (1,150,562 at time of post) in legit ISO, been hoarding while doing some ISO tracking for all of the last season, and into this one. I'm averaging about 21.5k per day in that time. I have been informed that breaking 1 million may raise concerns about your account, but does not auto-sandbox you.

    More interesting to me is that that amount which looks huge... only maxes seven 3*, or about a bit less than three 4*. Not sure I want to do the math on how much ISO the 19 maxed 3*, and 2 4* have taken.

    How many maxed characters do you have?
  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    no alliance kinda sucks but able to win all pvps then after a while all pves. this sounds awesome. boo hoo you are a ghost you are only fighting the computer anyways. so no lost on competition, you are just an unsung fighter which is fine with me cause i don't do it to be recognized anyway.
  • bknfoodie wrote:
    j12601 wrote:
    Is there still an iso-8 among that can sandbox you?
    I've been hoarding for a while now with the secret hope that I might get booted one day.

    I too have been hoarding, and I am now over 1 million (1,150,562 at time of post) in legit ISO, been hoarding while doing some ISO tracking for all of the last season, and into this one. I'm averaging about 21.5k per day in that time. I have been informed that breaking 1 million may raise concerns about your account, but does not auto-sandbox you.

    More interesting to me is that that amount which looks huge... only maxes seven 3*, or about a bit less than three 4*. Not sure I want to do the math on how much ISO the 19 maxed 3*, and 2 4* have taken.

    How many maxed characters do you have?

    4* - 2 at 269 (I like primes), 1 at 180.
    3* - 19 maxed, 6 at 120-140, 5 at 100-110.
    2* - 4 maxed
    1* - 3 maxed (widow is cover capped at 2/5 and level 25, but I count her anyway)

    Next daily resupply will be for day 411.
  • Heartburn wrote:
    no alliance kinda sucks but able to win all pvps then after a while all pves.
    Just to be clear, you're not all that much more likely to win events while sandboxed than during normal play. You still get placed in brackets, and you're still given a placement reward relative to where you finish in that bracket, even if you don't show up on anyone else's leaderboard.

    In PvP you do have a distinct advantage, since you can never lose points to attacks (you can still lose points if you actively lose a match or retreat), but you're still "competing" with the other people in your bracket. If you want to win you're still going to have to put up a lot of points.

    In PvE there's essentially no change. Again, you're still placed in a bracket, and you're still rewarded based on your placement. So if you want covers, you're still going to have to grind. Or cheat. I mean what are they going to do at that point? Sandbox you again? Double super secret sandbox?
  • Wonko33
    Wonko33 Posts: 985 Critical Contributor
    Kinda sounds good to me since I'm semi retired, left the Alliance not to bring them down anyway. I do the DPdaily, but have a hard time doing anything else because I just can't be bothered to care anymore or change my real life schedule to do well.

    I'm playing because I like match 3 games and this one is way more fun because of the heroes , powers and the combinations of such.

    Sounds like sandboxing removes most of the complains forum users have.
  • MarvelDestiny
    MarvelDestiny Posts: 198 Tile Toppler
    There is something inherently wrong with a game when players prefer exile. Can't help but agree though, I wanna get zapped into the phantom zone! Opps, wrong publisher..
  • cletus1985
    cletus1985 Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    If you're sandboxed do you have to compete with other sandboxed users for prizes? If so, this dream place may not be quite as great of a vacation spot as I'm thinking.
  • evil panda
    evil panda Posts: 419 Mover and Shaker
    i'm still waiting for a post that mentions any downsides of this icon_mrgreen.gif
  • morgh
    morgh Posts: 539 Critical Contributor
    Well the downside is that if you are sandboxed, you can just patch in any amount of HP/ISO you want and then buy all the covers possible and max everything that is possible... however... why even play at this point when you already have everything maxed?
  • Is there still an iso-8 among that can sandbox you?
    I've been hoarding for a while now with the secret hope that I might get booted one day.

    I'm assuming that among was meant to be amount? But the answer is yes. It happened to me recently prior to the current season. I thought I got booted from my alliance but knew that wasn't the case because I was recently promoted to commander status and was active in chat within my alliance, where we had great chemistry and fun times. Anyway, I submitted a ticket and a whole month later I got an email response stating that it is an automated feature that red flags players who accumulate excessive amounts of Iso, HP, or health packs. They feel that it is impossible to earn such amounts and so the computer sandboxes the player. I had earned over 2 million Iso and was basically told that inorder to get out of the sandbox I had to use it up. Actually being sandboxed wasn't as bad as it seemed, it's like you're playing under the radar. I was able to easily earn 3 Professor X covers. Since then I recently joined another alliance but I am slowly gaining back a high amount of Iso, currently 1.25 million. I guess I may be sandboxed soon again.
  • I'm assuming they lack the technology but they should offer a 'switch to sandbox mode' where you sandbox yourself and are given infinite HP/iso and do whatever you want, and when you get bored they'll roll back the roster to the point you were at before you sandboxed yourself. Sandboxed characters obviously don't create a significant resource drain because they can continue to play, so why not let people have the option to sandbox themselves? One day they might change their mind and come back to play again and if not, that's no different than anyone who gets sandboxed and still plays the game anyway.

    The guys who got sandboxed for having too much iso was due to a bug that looked at the daily change in iso but it didn't look at the year, so one guy gained a million iso in an year and one day (quite doable especially if you don't spend much) but the system only looked at the day and figured gaining 1 million in one day must be cheating.
  • Phantron wrote:
    Sandboxed characters obviously don't create a significant resource drain because they can continue to play, so why not let people have the option to sandbox themselves?
    Because they don't want the knowledge about it to go public. Even if entire forum knows about it it's still prolly bout 1-2% playerbase. Similar reason why you have lives in Candy Crush and timers to unlock levels, you can pay to skip them but also by simply changing clock, but the second option doesn't mean they remove system altogether. In addition a cheating/sandboxed account generate 0 profit. The entire reason they sandbox cheaters instead of outright banning is to protect legit users. A banned cheater would just create another account and 'harras' others, you must have way to have them satisfied somewhat to not redo accounts but still have features missing that normal users want to participate in standard game. Not having it reversible (outside of system error) is big part of that.
  • morgh wrote:
    Well the downside is that if you are sandboxed, you can just patch in any amount of HP/ISO you want and then buy all the covers possible and max everything that is possible... however... why even play at this point when you already have everything maxed?

    Based on the number of people with maxed out rosters that are actively competing to win duplicate covers for characters they already have fully built, sometimes twice over, I'd say that's not a very reasonable argument sadly.
  • orionpeace wrote:
    You never get attacked in the Sandbox. It's like MPQ Nirvana.

    Pretty much this. I know some people enjoy the competitive aspect of MPQ but quite frankly put I loathe it. I just want to play this tinykittin' game without hassle. But noooo, everything about MPQ (except DDQ) is competitive and I hate it. icon_evil.gif

    I wouldn't enjoy anything else more than just get a little bit of new content every now and then (read: 1 new character + 1 new event per month) and I'd happily pay around 10 bucks a month in return to support the game. But the devs have different idea what they want from the game and from us. So we see lots of characters and very very few brand new PvE events all the time. Oh yeah, we also get those random buffs/nerfs to shuffle the power balance and keep us on our toes.

    Bah. I haven't spent a dime on this game since the last year's anniversary celebration and devs haven't done much to encite me spend any more. I'd probably welcome sandboxing with open arms. I don't desire the competitive nature of this game, I just want to match few tiles every now and then with cool Marvel characters.
  • I've been upset with MPQ for quite some time. Then, I read this thread and decided to get myself sandboxed. It's the best thing I have ever done in this game.

    I've always hate shields. Paying money to not play the game is the stupidest idea I've ever heard of. Being sandboxed is pretty much PVP with unlimited free shields. PVE isn't even affected.

    By the way, the final straw was taking away my X-Force. I've been playing for 405 days, and many, many more hours than that, just to get to a 5/3/5 X-Force. Months of work and 400k ISO down the drain for nothing! With that build X-Force is worthless. Even at 3/5/5, X-Force is less powerful than many 3* characters. I was mad at the Spidey>Magneto>Sentry nerfs, but the costs involved there were nothing compared to what I put into X-Force. Now that I am sandboxed, I have a 3/5/5 X-Force (which I never use) and no one bothering me. It's great!

    I don't even feel bad about it. I written pages and pages of text telling D3 how to fix this game and it all fell on dead ears. Now I can play the game however I want!
  • grunth13
    grunth13 Posts: 608 Critical Contributor
    How does one get sandboxed, as that is the game I was hoping to play. I could even get the 1K award every time and start leveling all my players, and have a separate level 70 team for my pve's, and hp will be more than enough to keep supporting multiple roster spots.
  • Just re read the thread.

    I couldn't put the game down, and didn't enjoy playing it anymore. Hadn't enjoyed is much since anniversary week. Around 450 days today.

    I needed detox/intervention from the game. I was hard core addicted to this game ten/twelve hours a day or more.

    I put under $100 in the game, it was everything I could afford. Would have gladly put in several times more than that could I have afforded it. Pre X-Force Nerf that is.

    By Monday afternoon I didn't care anymore. So this thread might be your cure.

    Keep in mind I'm encouraging nothing what so ever. Wrong, right, or anything else.
  • All's I know is that you don't want to get sandboxed now. Not with being part of an alliance is so crucial in the Ultron events.