Blind Justice - Apr 9 - 12 - Season XIII



  • slow, dull, borring. did i forgot something?
  • Well, that was Brutal. Shielded 7 hours before the end at 750 in #12 spot, 30 minutes till end found myself at 770 in #35. Unshielded to try to get back up and was pushed back way down despite winning every offensive battle. Ended up in top 100 - still no Ms. Marvel purple power for me icon_e_sad.gif

    Was there such a thing as a "good defensive" team in this one? I was running maxed Patch/maxed DD / 140 Loki, and only skipping XForce+Hoods.
  • kalirion wrote:
    Well, that was Brutal. Shielded 7 hours before the end at 750 in #12 spot, 30 minutes till end found myself at 770 in #35. Unshielded to try to get back up and was pushed back way down despite winning every offensive battle. Ended up in top 100 - still no Ms. Marvel purple power for me icon_e_sad.gif

    Was there such a thing as a "good defensive" team in this one? I was running maxed Patch/maxed DD / 140 Loki, and only skipping XForce+Hoods.

    man... ye lucky to have a full DD, i only have him at 122. and incomplete heros like my xf at level 189 are not scary at all anymore. at the end of all that time spent i earn a fabulous blackwidow2 cover BP

    bye man/adios