Change to Thick as Thieves alliance rewards



  • mjh
    mjh Posts: 708 Critical Contributor
    This is monumental in that a change was made due to feedback.

    I hope this has a ripple effect moving forward.
  • Chrono_Tata
    Chrono_Tata Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    Like already said, we give devs a hard time when they make terrible decisions, so when they do make good ones I think they deserve the positive feedback. Thank you for this change. This at least will get more people to be able to earn at least 1 cover, which will obviously be needed on the next event, without having to go completely crazy over it.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,364 Chairperson of the Boards
    Heres the question

    a... was this a one time thing or will all 4 stars be top 100.... how about moving players awards as well (maybe top 75 get it )

    B.. will 3 stars be move from top 150 teams to say top 200 or top 250.... or stay at 150

    C... Could the change Happen and went from top 50 to top 100 Cause 4 stars will now be coming every week (remember they said 4 stars will be common.

    Meaning more and more new people meaning more and more slots needed
  • slidecage wrote:
    Heres the question

    a... was this a one time thing or will all 4 stars be top 100.... how about moving players awards as well (maybe top 75 get it )

    B.. will 3 stars be move from top 150 teams to say top 200 or top 250.... or stay at 150

    C... Could the change Happen and went from top 50 to top 100 Cause 4 stars will now be coming every week (remember they said 4 stars will be common.

    Meaning more and more new people meaning more and more slots needed

    a was answered already, 4* will be given this way moving forward
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,364 Chairperson of the Boards
    raisinbman wrote:
    slidecage wrote:
    Heres the question

    a... was this a one time thing or will all 4 stars be top 100.... how about moving players awards as well (maybe top 75 get it )

    B.. will 3 stars be move from top 150 teams to say top 200 or top 250.... or stay at 150

    C... Could the change Happen and went from top 50 to top 100 Cause 4 stars will now be coming every week (remember they said 4 stars will be common.

    Meaning more and more new people meaning more and more slots needed

    a was answered already, 4* will be given this way moving forward

    so might as well say this is the start of the massive 4 stars that they said were coming a few months back.....

    How about jacking up PVP so the top 200 teams get the COVER

    Or Moving the players event Still only top 50 get the COVER.... Why not top 100 players in each bracket get the cover.
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    I remember a time when subs were 3 hours. I remember a time when events ended at midnite est, with no choice for a different time. I remember a time when weeks and months passed with nary a new character in sight. I think that, to some extent, the players have become spoiled. D3 is a business and trying to grow its player base so that the game MPQ can continue to thrive for years to come. As a player who started playing MPQ at the end of March 2014, I've seen a lot of changes to this game. While there are some decisions that I'm not too happy with, i.e. true healing, on the whole D3 has done a good job in continually improving game play and releasing new content (i.e. characters) to keep and hold the interest of MPQ gamers both veterans and newcomers. When D3 is willing to step up to the plate, in response to player feedback, and change the allotment of Wilson Fisk alliance reward to top 100, this is the sort of action that players really appreciate and remember long after the event is over.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    I haven't been able to find an original post - if anyone has it handy, a link would be a great.
    I'm glad folks were able to supply you with the link, but I have to ask, was it really necessary? Regardless of what was or wasn't said 3 months ago, shouldn't it be obvious that releasing a 4*, and a 3* and another 4* in such rapid succession is a really, really bad idea if you want to keep most people from getting frustrated or worse, totally burnt out?
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez wrote:
    I'm glad folks were able to supply you with the link, but I have to ask, was it really necessary? Regardless of what was or wasn't said 3 months ago, shouldn't it be obvious that releasing a 4*, and a 3* and another 4* in such rapid succession is a really, really bad idea if you want to keep most people from getting frustrated or worse, totally burnt out?

    While I agree, I'd wager that the top 10/25 of Thick as Thieves looks very similar to the top 10/25 of Iso8. They'll moan about it (some of them at least), but they'll be right back to grinding like it's any other event.

    The only way to really voice that this stinks is to not play the event. If there's no data that says "participation plummets when back to back new characters are run," there's no reason to believe the vocal minority's complaints of burnout, etc..
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    While I agree, I'd wager that the top 10/25 of Thick as Thieves looks very similar to the top 10/25 of Iso8.
    You're probably right. I can only speak for myself, but this is the first time a new 4* has come out in PvE that didn't get me hyped to play. But even if I DO succumb and decide to go for it, when they do things like limit boosts but continue to throw b.s. overscaled feeder nodes at us like Family Reunion 7, the game is forcing me to participate less, because there's absolutely no way I'm spending HP on boosts and health to win a character that is PvE-only.
  • Though I agree there could be some more competition for a new 4*, the reward structure is not good.

    Why ?

    OK, you want the noobs to think they can make it to the Top with a poor roster. That's the incentive many games provide so that the players get hooked. Yet, it will take them ages to level/max these 4*s.

    Meanwhile, the loyal players/vets... (customers) have a harder time getting all 3 covers and many give up and shy away from 4* pves.

    So, in the end, you will need to introduce some sort of DDQ for 4*s because the problem was not well thought originally ?

    In MANY/MOST cases, D3 found out that forumites requests were legit since the beginning, so why wait so long and make us so angry/frustrated/disapointed/whatever negative feeling ?
  • Lidolas
    Lidolas Posts: 500
    simonsez wrote:
    I haven't been able to find an original post - if anyone has it handy, a link would be a great.
    I'm glad folks were able to supply you with the link, but I have to ask, was it really necessary? Regardless of what was or wasn't said 3 months ago, shouldn't it be obvious that releasing a 4*, and a 3* and another 4* in such rapid succession is a really, really bad idea if you want to keep most people from getting frustrated or worse, totally burnt out?

    Why get upset when he simply asked for what everyone was referring to without quoting it? I think the link provided shows that what D3 said has been mis-remembered by the forumites.

    Your view may be the view of the vocal majority of forumites, but it's not so obvious that it is bad for the game or for the general population of players. D3 has access to a lot more data than we do. They make the decisions they do based on that. What seems simple to us, would most likely change with more information.
  • Scoregasms
    Scoregasms Posts: 373
    Lerysh wrote:
    warcin wrote:
    still we were lied to by D3.

    Hey, warcin - sorry that you felt misled, but I'm not sure about what. Could you say more, maybe point me at the post where your info came from?

    Pretty sure he means the back to back character releases.

    Gotcha, thanks. I haven't been able to find an original post - if anyone has it handy, a link would be a great. I want to make sure that all of us that post here are doing our best to talk to y'all in such a way that it's understood that we're sharing our plans and our best current thinking, not creating contracts that will last for years, and I'd like to understand if and how we botched that in this case.

    This was around the time I started playing this game actually (felt like there was so much drama on these boards, was fun to read about), but here's what was stated earlier:
    "David wrote:
    The devs should think about returning to the one new character every two weeks model which seemed to be working before the Anniversary ignited this flood of new characters.

    Definitely! We will be returning immediately to the usual pace of one new character approximately every two weeks. After Gamora we are now back to the "normal" schedule. The extra characters added in recent weeks was really a perfect storm of our Anniversary week and the debut of Thor (Goddess of Thunder) on top of our usual schedule.

    You'll see one more new character arriving a few weeks from now and that character will be the last one of the year. We didn't anticipate that some players would feel overwhelmed or experience "burn out" with the extra characters and we're sorry for that. We'll be factoring this knowledge into our scheduling as we move forward.

    Link: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=19954&start=40#p260747

    Given that it wasn't that long ago and that there was a statement of every other week, you can probably imagine the frustration after seeing confirmation that this wouldn't occur again as the previous situation seemed like a special circumstance.

    Anyway, hope it helps!
  • Great news, and a start. 1000 players will earn an additional Kingpin cover, and inter-alliance drama should decline (a bit). There's still a lot of mileage between this change and legitimate 4* progression, but, you know...the journey of a thousand miles and all that.
  • I'm hoping the next step of this is that, when the next 4* comes out, the personal rewards are expanded to top 100 as well.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lidolas wrote:
    Why get upset when he simply asked for what everyone was referring to without quoting it?
    I wasn't getting upset that he asked for the reference. I'm sorry if it came off that way. My point was that they should have a much better feel for when they're pushing us too hard, regardless of the semantics in a post from 3 months ago.
  • ShanePHallam
    ShanePHallam Posts: 94 Match Maker
    Definitely applaud this change and appreciate making it. They def. didn't have to listen, but did. Feel like this wouldn't happen in most games. I am appreciative!
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,364 Chairperson of the Boards
    You know it will be so funny if they did this cause they are working on 5 stars and only the top 25 get them.... O the **** we will see then icon_e_smile.gif
  • Didn't bother reading thru all the previous posts, so sorry if this suggestion was made but, how about updating player rewards where top 100 also can receive Mr. Fisk for those who aren't in an alliance or alliances that constantly fail to hit top 100?
  • DrNitroman
    DrNitroman Posts: 966 Critical Contributor
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    I'm hoping the next step of this is that, when the next 4* comes out, the personal rewards are expanded to top 100 as well.
    As a player who belongs to a top 250 alliance and who relies only on solo play to earn cover, I must say that I agree!!
    Note that I dont ask anything and don't complain either... just saying it would make me happy icon_e_wink.gif
  • Top 100 for alliance rewards on the 4* is definitely a good move, so kudos for that.
    Not sure why they don't just make the individual rewards t100 at least, would still keep it quite a bit more rare than the t150 on 3* rewards.
    At t100 there is twice as many people buying roster spots & perhaps you entice another player or two to spend on buying his covers. Also, it would keep the player base much happier, I guess I don't really see the point/upside of T50 only on the individual rewards.