Change to Thick as Thieves alliance rewards

Demiurge_Will Posts: 346 Mover and Shaker
edited April 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Hi, all,

Just updated the Thick as Thieves alliance rewards so that the top 100 Alliances will earn a Kingpin cover, instead of the top 50.

Thanks for all of your feedback today.


  • lukewin
    lukewin Posts: 1,356 Chairperson of the Boards
    As always, you come thru Will. Thanks a lot.
  • DecoyDuck
    DecoyDuck Posts: 620
    That's not a SMALL change. icon_e_surprised.gif
  • notamutant
    notamutant Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    Thank you! I wasn't even going to bother playing before. Now if you could just change individual rewards to match...
  • Woo Hoo!!!
  • Demiurge_Will
    Demiurge_Will Posts: 346 Mover and Shaker
    DecoyDuck wrote:
    That's not a SMALL change. icon_e_surprised.gif

    You got it. Thread title updated.
  • nonnel
    nonnel Posts: 128 Tile Toppler
    This is good news. Will prevent a lot of alliance switching at the end of the event.
  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    I wish I could thumbs up this a 2nd time. You probably just saved 50x20+ digital friendships.
  • Arondite
    Arondite Posts: 1,188 Chairperson of the Boards
    If we scold you for misdeeds, positive actions should be encouraged all the same.

    Excellent form on adjusting the rewards to fit your ever-expanding playerbase and ever-expanding list of competitive alliances.

    This is sincere, as this actually won't benefit me at all.
  • warcin
    warcin Posts: 118
    Hi, all,

    Just updated the Thick as Thieves alliance rewards so that the top 100 Alliances will earn a Kingpin cover, instead of the top 50.

    Thanks for all of your feedback today.
    Still horrible here. My alliance never breaks 200 and neither do 95% of them, but still we were lied to by D3. So a very small number of people are slightly better off, but most still have to deal with this very bad decision. Short of sending everyone a cover, tweaking the rewards at this point is not going to help.
  • rbdragon
    rbdragon Posts: 479 Mover and Shaker
    This is fantastic news - not just because a change that benefits more alliances was made, but simply because it makes the players feel like they were heard when having a legitimate complaint.

    I still wish someone in red would comment in the "Change the 4* structure" thread, but this was definitely a step in the right direction.
  • That's much better, then.
  • mags1587
    mags1587 Posts: 1,020 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is a very, very welcome change. thank you!
  • Trisul
    Trisul Posts: 887 Critical Contributor
    Tinykitty yeah.
  • Demiurge_Will
    Demiurge_Will Posts: 346 Mover and Shaker
    warcin wrote:
    still we were lied to by D3.

    Hey, warcin - sorry that you felt misled, but I'm not sure about what. Could you say more, maybe point me at the post where your info came from?
  • babinro
    babinro Posts: 771 Critical Contributor
    How DARE you make a change AFTER an event has started without first giving us a plenty of notice or even a test event to gauge player feedback!

    People are going to rage quit over this... you've been warned.

    Big thumbs up for this. Thank you.
  • warcin wrote:
    still we were lied to by D3.

    Hey, warcin - sorry that you felt misled, but I'm not sure about what. Could you say more, maybe point me at the post where your info came from?

    Pretty sure he means the back to back character releases.
  • warcin wrote:
    Hi, all,

    Just updated the Thick as Thieves alliance rewards so that the top 100 Alliances will earn a Kingpin cover, instead of the top 50.

    Thanks for all of your feedback today.
    Still horrible here. My alliance never breaks 200 and neither do 95% of them, but still we were lied to by D3. So a very small number of people are slightly better off, but most still have to deal with this very bad decision. Short of sending everyone a cover, tweaking the rewards at this point is not going to help.

    This mentality only encourages them to never listen to the forum at all. When you say "we were lied to by D3" what are you referring to? A comment from many months ago about not doing back to back character releases? Hardly a binding contract that they are breaking.

    Thank you Will, and your team. This new structure may not solve all the complaints the forums has, but it should help keep alliances from tearing themselves apart in a Kingpin frenzy and that is a very good change to make.
  • Raffoon
    Raffoon Posts: 884
    Oh good, you ARE listening. So when will you acknowledge/fix 4Thor, then?
  • warcin
    warcin Posts: 118
    warcin wrote:
    still we were lied to by D3.

    Hey, warcin - sorry that you felt misled, but I'm not sure about what. Could you say more, maybe point me at the post where your info came from?

    We were told that you were not going to do back to back new character releases anymore after all the stink they brought up in the past. They are way to draining and the fact you had to do well in the first one to even have a chance in the second is a true pain.

    Also the whole 2 4 stars in 3 weeks is such a bad decision I can not even begin to understand it. Especially after all you have done in the last couple weeks to completely devalue them with the pvp changes, and the fact that any 4 star that is observed to be slightly better than 3 stars is either nerfed to oblivion or rumored to be next on the nerfing block. Unless and until you work out exactly where you want them to be and unless that is significantly better than 3 stars since they cost 3 times the resources you need, and I truly mean need to stop releasing new ones.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    this bone that players have asked for on every 4* release in no way excuses the decision to release new characters in consecutive events