Family Reunion VII Impossible?



  • Once you get to the point where Magneto can drop almost anyone with a Magnetized Particles it's more about getting more attempts and hope a good board shows up (or they skipped a Magnetized Particle). Patch is considerably better than normal in this node because Berserker Rage has effectively no drawback when you're fighting a guy that can normally drop a random character every 3-5 turns.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    dkffiv wrote:
    Its rainbow so if you can get any kind of match 4 or 5 in the beginning with 3x +2 in every color you can usually down Magneto.
    Wait, you can down Magneto with one ability? What is your scaling like??
  • NighteyesGrisu
    NighteyesGrisu Posts: 563 Critical Contributor
    tried the node 5 times wiped every single time. Patch, Loki, XF, Hood, IF, Hulk...none seemed to make a difference (though sometimes I just got bad luk on top of that). I have no idea how guys with really high scaling are beating that node....mine's currently at 250...can't even think how you'd beat these guys with 300+
  • Various38
    Various38 Posts: 101
    Various38 wrote:
    This one is a tough match, but blue stealing is the key to victory for me. I used Hood lvl 104, OBW lvl 94, and Captain Marvel Modern lvl 104 ftw. I may sometimes substitute Hood for Mystique or Blade, but their colors aren't as prominent on the board for me.

    Stealing blue is a great concept, but the fact that they have a goon that just auto-generates AND they get match AP is a horrifying, broken-**** combination. It really should be one or the other. Either you get auto-AP - or- you get match AP.

    EDIT: Managed to pull it off this round (finally) with icon_hulk.png/3 star.pngicon_wolverine.png/3 star.pngicon_caroldanvers.png

    I don't have Carol's redflag.png at the full 5 covers, but removing 3 shields at a time certainly helped.

    Arimis, that's what makes my combo work for me. With Widow stealing blue and adding extra damage on blue matches and Hood stealing blue passively it makes OBW's heal kick up faster. This delays the timers and keeps the enemy blue to a minimum. Also I noticed that when the enemy team uses a certain color for powers, if you match up with two people that use the same color then it dominates the board with that color more. Red is scarce in this scenario, but with OBW stealing with purple, I can get the red I need a bit faster. It also depends on the luck of the board draw. My OBW is 4/5/4, Hood is 5/4/2, and Captain Marvel is 5/3/0. I forgot to mention that.
  • dkffiv
    dkffiv Posts: 1,039 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez wrote:
    dkffiv wrote:
    Its rainbow so if you can get any kind of match 4 or 5 in the beginning with 3x +2 in every color you can usually down Magneto.
    Wait, you can down Magneto with one ability? What is your scaling like??

    Was around 320 or so during the final grind down. Magneto had around 10k hp so Fury blue would down, yellow would stun lock. 2x Cyclops red or red + some nice crits/match damage or Cyclops black would down him. GSBW purple into green would down him. IM had around 14k life and Don around 19k or something I think.
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hood/Cage + any damage dealer. I've been using X-Force.

    Hood steals AP. Cage protects Hood. Just manage which colors the AI can match. I have high scaling but walked out with no damage twice, and the last time, two characters took about one-third damage.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    dkffiv wrote:
    Was around 320 or so during the final grind down. Magneto had around 10k hp so Fury blue would down, yellow would stun lock. 2x Cyclops red or red + some nice crits/match damage or Cyclops black would down him. GSBW purple into green would down him. IM had around 14k life and Don around 19k or something I think.
    Christ, I really suck at this. Tried your form and wiped without even getting one ability off.
  • dkffiv
    dkffiv Posts: 1,039 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez wrote:
    dkffiv wrote:
    Was around 320 or so during the final grind down. Magneto had around 10k hp so Fury blue would down, yellow would stun lock. 2x Cyclops red or red + some nice crits/match damage or Cyclops black would down him. GSBW purple into green would down him. IM had around 14k life and Don around 19k or something I think.
    Christ, I really suck at this. Tried your form and wiped without even getting one ability off.

    It wasn't my first choice team but 4hor Xforce Loki died and I didn't want to risk running out of kits. Twice I cleared it handedly and once I got lucky that Magneto chose not to murder me. Three clears with no kits used, lost maybe 33% life per char.
  • With all said and done you still need a decent amount of luck to beat this node. I just did it 4 times for 4 wins + one retreat. One time I was one yellow short from a Thunder Strike by turn 3 which would've finished off Magneto and he's sitting on 10 blue, but then he skipped Magnetized Particles so I downed him next turn (collected the last yellow I need on turn 3) and went on to win easy. Had he elected to use Magnetized Particles on turn 3 then it'd have been a wipeout. It's not just luck that I had the moves that almost could've downed him by turn 3 but it is indeed luck Magneto decided to give me another turn to get my combo going. One game I had Don use Cooking the Books at 8 blue AP which made the fight incredibly easy (this delays the Magnetized Particle by 4 turns, which is an incredible margin given the kind of firepower you must have to beat this node). In that node in particular you have at most 5 turns before Magneto would normally drop someone and it can be as short as turn 3 if he made some blue matches, and since there aren't really any good blue powers to use against him, denying or even draining blue is not an option as his free blue AP pump easily favors any extended game.
  • dkffiv
    dkffiv Posts: 1,039 Chairperson of the Boards
    Demolition is a good blue to use against him, that's partially why it was effective. Avengers Assemble too for yellow denial.
  • famousfoxking
    famousfoxking Posts: 245 Tile Toppler
    Phantron wrote:
    With all said and done you still need a decent amount of luck to beat this node.

    Yeah, over half of my successful matches involved either CMags getting to 10 blue and sitting on it, or a Cooking the Books cd getting dropped instead. If CMags decides to use the 10 blue as soon as he gets it, it's just a retreat. I think the node needs to be redesigned since CMags redesign. It won't happen, but the changes have just made the node MUCH harder than it was the first time around. I wouldn't think it would be impossible to swap Magneto out for something else (BP or Steve would do some work towards returning the node to it's original design: spamming protect tiles, but BP would also have some of the same problems the CMags has since he'd be able to spend the black that the Don generates. Steve constantly stunning would be annoying, but wouldn't be the same sort of horrorshow that MagTranslocation with a blue pump is.) If they swapped CMags out for MNM, they wouldn't have to change the text (which, who knows, might be super difficult), but it wouldn't have the same hook that the node originally had.

    Ultimately, it doesn't matter, because they'll never do it.
  • My team was X-Force DD Hood - Stun is life saver if you managed to get enough of blue AP fast (Hood can help with that), probably Spider would be better with his cheaper stun.
  • Phantron wrote:
    With all said and done you still need a decent amount of luck to beat this node.

    Yeah, over half of my successful matches involved either CMags getting to 10 blue and sitting on it, or a Cooking the Books cd getting dropped instead. If CMags decides to use the 10 blue as soon as he gets it, it's just a retreat. I think the node needs to be redesigned since CMags redesign. It won't happen, but the changes have just made the node MUCH harder than it was the first time around. I wouldn't think it would be impossible to swap Magneto out for something else (BP or Steve would do some work towards returning the node to it's original design: spamming protect tiles, but BP would also have some of the same problems the CMags has since he'd be able to spend the black that the Don generates. Steve constantly stunning would be annoying, but wouldn't be the same sort of horrorshow that MagTranslocation with a blue pump is.) If they swapped CMags out for MNM, they wouldn't have to change the text (which, who knows, might be super difficult), but it wouldn't have the same hook that the node originally had.

    Ultimately, it doesn't matter, because they'll never do it.

    They won't redesign it, they didn't resdesign the xforce node