Family Reunion VII Impossible?



  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Scoregasms wrote:
    I just started running a month long experiment to only play PVE with characters only 110 and below on my roster. I have a few 4* and max 3*'s I normally run with and with this being my first PVE in this experiment, my scaling definitely has not adjusted yet for me.
    I think the takeaway is that it's a lot easier to raise your difficulty than it is to lower it. The one thing that seems to work reliably is to not play at all for a while. And I don't even have the energy to rant further about the twisted incentives built into this game...
  • I beat it pretty easily with X-Force/Loki/Hood. I boosted +2 all/+2 gb, but that probably wasn't necessary. I kept setting up match-4s, they kept making them, took out Magneto by about turn 3, and it was easy from there.
  • Blade/Falcon/Cage did the trick for me.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,364 Chairperson of the Boards

    ARES storm 3 star and Cy and had no problem with it
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thy answer is Loki and thy color is black. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • If your scaling is so low that you need to think about a strategy to deal with their yellow powers then it is clearly not impossible. Currently my node is at a relatively modest level 256 and Magneto's Magnetized Particles does 1099X7, or 7693 damage. Realistically anyone in Captain America (8500) or lower HP class is going down if that character accumulated any match damage (they got a goon for elevated match damage too) and that can happen as early as turn 4 with a single match 3 (3 + 4*2 AP gained for Don). I downed Magneto in turn 3 with Iron Fist but there's no reason to believe this is always replicable even with as broken as Iron Fist is, and note that Magneto can easily dismantle my combo by downing Iron Fist with a Magnetized Particle too.
  • avs962
    avs962 Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    I went with Daken/Blade/LThor with that one. Boosted green and black then just rushed Magneto. Thor was taken down late by a repulsor blast, but otherwise, it wasn't too bad.
  • SnagglePuss
    SnagglePuss Posts: 702 Critical Contributor
    Might have got lucky but downed this first time, 2* roster.
    OBW / Ms Marvel / Thor.
    Usual pattern, deny AP. Build up to CtS.
    Used Marvel (553) Red more than usual in this and it paid off. Glad i decided to go the 5 in red route with her.
  • I got destroyed the first time but learned my lesson and disposed of Mags first going forward. Haven't had a problem since. Of course, scaling might be a factor as well.
  • Beeline for Mags.

    My team was Hulk/ star.pngstar.pngstar.png Carol/Hood

    If it looks like Mags is getting fed bluetile.png , get Hulk up to tank and trigger Anger blackflag.png .

    Carol's redflag.png is your key to beating both enemyprotect.png generators, and it's cheap.

    (Sidenote: the emotes didn't exist the last time I posted so.... yeah)
  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    My team for this one has been Xforce/Hood and my 5 Red Captain Marvel. I actively want them to spam protect tiles all over the board, so i can spend 7 red and blow them ALL up. As long as I can down Mags before he gets off his blue (my scaling has it hitting for 9,000+) I'm usually good.
  • Arimis_Thorn
    Arimis_Thorn Posts: 541 Critical Contributor
    And now my entire roster is dead because of this node. All of a sudden I remember skipping this node because it had previously incited me to genocide.
  • Scoregasms
    Scoregasms Posts: 373
    Just wait until that 2 man CMags/Hood node comes up in a Sub or two from now... that was one I dreaded and will most likely be skipping this go round, lol. I remember only being able to beat it before with Max boosts and downing CMags as quick as I could, usually sacrificing at least one person each time. But with only +4, I'll need a lucky board for sure to have a chance since there's no Goon outlet for the AP they collect.

    Ah well, c'est la vie.
  • Various38
    Various38 Posts: 101
    This one is a tough match, but blue stealing is the key to victory for me. I used Hood lvl 104, OBW lvl 94, and Captain Marvel Modern lvl 104 ftw. I may sometimes substitute Hood for Mystique or Blade, but their colors aren't as prominent on the board for me.
  • dkffiv
    dkffiv Posts: 1,039 Chairperson of the Boards
    Managed a 6 clear without all boost and without buying kits in a 2hr window. A-team got killed on my third attempt and I had to go conservative because I wanted them alive for the next sub.

    Cyclops Nick Fury GSBW cleared the node three times and my final pass I hulk bombed with Patch and Elektra. Some berserker rages and a few ddx later and I was doing 3k match damage.

    Hood and obw got slaughtered by match damage when the node was 300+. Loki black was useless because it only raised match damage to 1k and im yellow and mag blue would go off and slaughter you before that mattered.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    dkffiv wrote:
    Cyclops Nick Fury GSBW cleared the node three times
    How do you get them going fast enough? This seems far from the speediest team.
  • It's not impossible according to D3, they'd do an emergency change if necessary *kappa*
  • Arimis_Thorn
    Arimis_Thorn Posts: 541 Critical Contributor
    edited April 2015
    Various38 wrote:
    This one is a tough match, but blue stealing is the key to victory for me. I used Hood lvl 104, OBW lvl 94, and Captain Marvel Modern lvl 104 ftw. I may sometimes substitute Hood for Mystique or Blade, but their colors aren't as prominent on the board for me.

    Stealing blue is a great concept, but the fact that they have a goon that just auto-generates AND they get match AP is a horrifying, broken-**** combination. It really should be one or the other. Either you get auto-AP - or- you get match AP.

    EDIT: Managed to pull it off this round (finally) with icon_hulk.png/3 star.pngicon_wolverine.png/3 star.pngicon_caroldanvers.png

    I don't have Carol's redflag.png at the full 5 covers, but removing 3 shields at a time certainly helped.
  • ynglink
    ynglink Posts: 195
    Been using Blade, Hood, and OBW. Blade and OBW are fully covered (4/4/5 for Blade). Neither of the 3*'s are fully leveled though. I've been rocking this team through the entire PvE aside from the Essentials for this event. AP denial goes far in this last node especially.
  • dkffiv
    dkffiv Posts: 1,039 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez wrote:
    dkffiv wrote:
    Cyclops Nick Fury GSBW cleared the node three times
    How do you get them going fast enough? This seems far from the speediest team.

    Its rainbow so if you can get any kind of match 4 or 5 in the beginning with 3x +2 in every color you can usually down Magneto. Barring a 4 match if you can rush a GSBW purple that usually generates enough AP to get 2 abilities off. Denying blue or yellow fuels really powerful abilities so its basically all good. I did get lucky once where the AI chose to delay a turn on 10 blue AP and I managed to kill Magneto the following turn.