connection issue...



  • BlackIC
    BlackIC Posts: 65 Match Maker
    As of April 3rd, 21:33 CST I cannot play or advance in the PvE Kingpin event
  • Castle2124
    And so has begun Day 4 of not being able to compete.

    I don't know about the rest of you but I think we are all deserving of:

    Kingpin cover (for that event) for us and for our alliance members who are carrying our dead weight.
    Iron Man model 40 cover (for balance of power) for us and our alliance members.
    and a Deadpool just for missing out on his daily missions.

    Oh and 4 days of not getting the supply drop.

    Really this is kind of ridiculous, when PSN was down people got free games and steep discounts on stuff as well as those days extended onto their PSN membership.
  • Well this has messed up my placing in BoP and its going to affect my teams top 25 finish. I hope this gets resolved soon.
  • everything is back in order for me icon_twisted.gif

    it was time icon_evil.gif
  • Castle2124
    Back working for me!

    To D3 - thank you for fixing, it is much appreciated!
  • BlackIC
    BlackIC Posts: 65 Match Maker
    Hello D3 MPQ community,

    This is a request for response by D3. In light of the connection issues, some (or all) are affected in terms of progress / rank across different events. Specifically for the Kingpin event, I am way behind because of this malfunction. How is D3 proposing to allow those to catch up or give a chance to win those covers? Effectively, the contest heats had a reduced population size since some were hindered to compete. I hope for a response and thanks for staying on top of these issues.
  • Castle2124
    BlackIC -

    I think we are all in the same boat as you and awaiting resolution on this one. See my post above, I outlined what I thought was a fair resolution due to missing out on the Balance of Power event and being well behind for the Kingpin event.
  • Castle2124
    Bumping this, I'm sure we are still wondering what the resolution will be.
  • Azoic
    Azoic Posts: 269 Mover and Shaker
    Difference being that PSN is a paid service wherein you are playing a free game...

    In other news, I keep disconnecting from the game after each fight. It hangs there until I do a force close and relaunch
  • BlackIC
    BlackIC Posts: 65 Match Maker

    This is the official response from D3 at this anyone else getting the same response?
    Greetings D3P Customer,

    Thank you for contacting D3P Customer Support.

    The problems you are experiencing in the app are known issues, and a fix for these issues will be released soon. We are sorry to hear that you are experiencing problems with the app, and apologize for any inconvenience you may have encountered.

    If there is to be a compensation, it will be en mass, and it will be announced on the forums:

    We ask your patience as a decision is reached, and suggest that you keep an eye on the forums in order to receive the most current information regarding your issue.

    Many questions can be answered by visiting our helpful Marvel Puzzle Quest FAQ at:

    If you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again and it will be a pleasure to help you.

    Best Regards,
    D3Publisher Customer Support Team (JDN)
  • Castle2124
    Azoic wrote:
    Difference being that PSN is a paid service wherein you are playing a free game...

    In other news, I keep disconnecting from the game after each fight. It hangs there until I do a force close and relaunch

    A free game that basically requires in app purchases to be successful at and to enjoy, which I have made. Because the initial cost is free it is ok to have a bug that prohibits players from playing, players who have paid money? While PSN is in fact a required pay service, that should not mean it is OK for MPQ to have a bug which now is causing myself and others to miss out on rewards because we were 3-4 days late to starting the event.

    But hey you think that's ok, probably ok for you to continue to have to do a force close because it is a FREE game...
  • madx
    madx Posts: 7 Just Dropped In

    Please comment if/what mass compensation will be issued.
  • madx wrote:

    Please comment if/what mass compensation will be issued.

    i join you for your message icon_e_wink.gif
  • BlackIC
    BlackIC Posts: 65 Match Maker
    Bumping this as the next contest begins and Kingpin is a powered / necessary character in order improve top-tier placement.
  • Castle2124
    BlackIC wrote:
    Bumping this as the next contest begins and Kingpin is a powered / necessary character in order improve top-tier placement.

    Yup, that will keep us impacted by this out of the top spots.
  • Castle2124
    Bumping again, appreciate the admins weighing in on this.
  • Castle2124
    Still waiting.
  • Castle2124
    Ok so this is being ignored. I guess we will have to address it some other way.