connection issue...



  • Tiberseptim
    I will be furious if I miss the DDQ. I actually have the required 3* for a change...
  • gmp72
    gmp72 Posts: 163 Tile Toppler
    Yep ... Not to mention losing out on today's DDQ and the new PVE ....
  • madx
    madx Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    Is D3 checking the forums, or tickets only?

    If you guys check the forums, please reply to this thread. Even though I placed a ticket, there were not even a confirmation email stating that the issue is being worked on.
  • Demiurge_Anthony
    Demiurge_Anthony Posts: 156 Tile Toppler
    I have merged the recent topics that are related to the issue of pressing the fight button and encountering an infinite loading screen. We are currently looking into the issue and will post back here if we find anything.

    Thank you for your patience while we figure out the issue. Please write a ticket if you haven't done so that we know who is currently encountering the issue.
  • donietsche
    donietsche Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    Mottojoker wrote:
    I also just placed a ticket. Kinda sucks Being powerless and not being able to stop your rank from falling from top 10 to bottom hundreds

    I know that feeling, bro... just like everyone who is experiencing (once again) the bug.

    It already happened to me during the vortex event (dropped from 870 to 630... yes, I was in the middle of a climb), and today here we go again!

    What bothers me is the pve event: I joined slice 1 (and started the event) this morning, so the first sub is already messed up for me.
  • same problem..... icon_e_sad.gif

    a solution available to us or not icon_question.gificon_question.gif
  • I agree that this is not the way we want to finish out these events. I was certainly looking forward to the Balance of Power fun, but I have less than 20 hours left.

    Is there an update on where things are with this bug? Also, do we lose our Daily Reward progress for something like this?
  • Castle2124
    Having sunk a bit of $$$ into this game and now missing two events, this is a bit annoying. I do hope that there is some compensation for this or a way to make it right. Also advising me to keep checking the forum is kind of a weak way to go about things in my view.
  • Castle2124
    Just not cool. I really hope they make this right. Missing out on two events and dragging my alliance down. First world problems I know, but at the same time I have spent some $$$ on this game and I do enjoy it. Just not cool.
  • madx
    madx Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    I got the standard reply of - We are working on it.

    But no ETA.. and this looks like the individual accounts issue.....

    The season is starting and all the money spent of characters will not pay off... this sucks.
  • gmp72
    gmp72 Posts: 163 Tile Toppler
    Really frustrating.
    Next season has already started.
    I take it there will be no solution until next week due to the long weekend ?

    I hope Demiurge give us a choice of cover like the reward for the meme contest.

    Recruit token rewards will just result in more Moonstones !

    Any news guys ?
  • We've been having issues for a while and it's frustrating not beening able to play whilst dropping from top 15 down to 120...

    Please can we have an update on when you expect this to be fixed

  • madx
    madx Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    So much for balance of powers prices...there goes my Star Lord and Thor Chic.

    Cmon guys fix it...
  • Yapple
    Yapple Posts: 3 Just Dropped In
    Same problem here ... Started when I tried to get into the New season ...
  • Finally able to login only after falling from 8th to 24th in Balance of power. I feel like I got screwed on this
  • Teke202
    Teke202 Posts: 1 Just Dropped In
    Love how I have been unable to play for 48 hours now with no updates or responses. Thanks gd3p
  • Demiurge_Anthony
    Demiurge_Anthony Posts: 156 Tile Toppler
    Hey all,

    I was curious if people were still encountering this issue. We're working hard to identify the issue and prevent it from happening again.

  • gmp72
    gmp72 Posts: 163 Tile Toppler
    Hi Anthony,

    I have not been able to play now for more than 48 Hours.

    I have missed Balance of Power, Iron Man PVP, New PVE, and now the new season has started.

    Surely, you guys can do something to resolve this ?

    As soon as you tap "Fight" to get to the TU select screen it just loads forever. You can not start any matches at all.

    How widespread is this problem ?

    Do we need to log another ticket ??
  • gmp72
    gmp72 Posts: 163 Tile Toppler
    Update :::

    Just tried it now and it worked !!

    It's 23h30 here and I've got a lot of catching up to do ...

    Thanx for the response.

    Hopefully there will be some sort of compensation ...
  • The game don't world for me again =/

    I'm very sad to this...

    I tested uninstall, reboot phone etc etc...

    When arrives the fix patch ???