The 1000 Point Challenge



  • bdksni1
    bdksni1 Posts: 103
    event fatal atraction
    slice 4
    joined at prejoined
    team composition 153 5-2-5 patch / 127 5-2-4 daken / 166 5-3-5 loki
    points at which i shielded 864 3hr, 940 8hr, 1016 8hr
    number of matches per hop 3-4
    hp spent 425 2x8hour + 1x3hour +1healthpack
    did i actually reach 1000points? Yes 1059
    this will be much harder to achieve when they switch to a different set of buffed characters...

    Let's enjoy it while it lasts..
  • Qwertylot
    Qwertylot Posts: 30
    Event: Teenage Riot
    Slice: 1
    Joined At: ~1 hour after opening
    Teams: 115+ (boosted) Kamala, 166 Hulk, 166 Patch with 166 Blade, 140 Daken, 166 Black Panther early on
    Shielded At: 840-3 hr, 954-8 hr; 908-24 hr x_x; 994-3 hr finished at 989
    Matches per Hop: 2-4
    HP Spent: 900
    Did you reach 1000: NO

    So this was kind of a mess, and I spent more HP than I intended trying to get a much needed X-Force cover. I didn’t, and it really, really sucks.

    I didn’t go into this one planning to try for 1000, but I found myself at 575 points this morning and realized it wasn’t ending until 10 p.m. rather than a.m. So, I thought I'd go for it since I managed to reach the 1000 progression during Hot Shot. It was frustrating because I actually got to 1008 from 954, but got hit several times during the last battle, so that 1008 was really ~940. I ended up getting shot down to 908 before I decided to shield and try again later.

    Worked my way back up to 994 and shielded while I looked for a reasonable team and waited for about thirty minutes for retaliations and queued fights to taper off. I finished the battle that should have taken me from 994 to 1105 in 2 minutes. I was literally unshielded for 2 minutes. I saw the X-Force progression pop up again, but, wait! Nope! Shot down to 968 and worked my way back to 989 before it ended.

    I don’t need Hulk covers. What a waste of HP. icon_redface.gif

    PS: Kamala's passive on both sides slowed things down a lot in this one.