Fist Bump - Mar 6 - 8 - Season XII

They call me Mr. Fist!

Single Player Rewards

1. All rewards from the previous rank + icon_elektra.pngredflag.png
2-5. 5000 iso8.png, 100 imcoin.png, icon_lukecage.pngyellowflag.pngredflag.pngblackflag.png
6-10. 2000 iso8.png, 100 imcoin.png, icon_lukecage.pngredflag.pngblackflag.png
11-25. 1000 iso8.png, 50 imcoin.png, icon_lukecage.pngredflag.pngblackflag.png
26-50. 1000 iso8.png, 50 imcoin.png, icon_lukecage.pngblackflag.png
51-100. 500 iso8.png, 25 imcoin.png, icon_lukecage.pngblackflag.png
101-200. 500 iso8.png, icon_blackwidow.png Fishnets blueflag.png
201-300. 250 iso8.png, icon_blackwidow.pngblueflag.png
301-400. 2x Standard Token, 140 iso8.png
401-500. Standard Token, 70 iso8.png

Progression Rewards:

25. Standard Token
50. 100 iso8.png
100. +3 All Boosts redtile.pngyellowtile.pnggreentile.pngblacktile.pngbluetile.pngpurpletile.png
200. 250 iso8.png
300. Recruit Token -
400. 25 imcoin.png
500. icon_magneto.pngpurpleflag.png
575. 25 imcoin.png
650. 1000 iso8.png
725. 50 imcoin.png
800. Recruit Token -
850. 1000 iso8.png
900. icon_ironfist.pngpurpleflag.png
950. 1000 iso8.png
1000. icon_wolverine.png X-Force yellowflag.png

Alliance rewards:

1-2. 5000 iso8.png, 250 imcoin.png, icon_lukecage.pngblackflag.png
3-10. 5000 iso8.png, 100 imcoin.png, icon_lukecage.pngblackflag.png
11-25. 3000 iso8.png, 100 imcoin.png, icon_lukecage.pngblackflag.png
25-50. 2000 iso8.png, 100 imcoin.png, icon_lukecage.pngblackflag.png
51-100. 1000 iso8.png, 50 imcoin.png, icon_lukecage.pngblackflag.png
101-250. 1000 iso8.png, 50 imcoin.png
251-500. 500 iso8.png, 25 imcoin.png
501-1000. 500 iso8.png
1001-10000. 250 iso8.png


  • thanos8587
    thanos8587 Posts: 653
    "fist bump"?? oh brother...

    how about "iron will" or something not so lame.
  • thanos8587 wrote:
    "fist bump"?? oh brother...

    how about "iron will" or something not so lame.

    Iron Will:
  • Gowaderacer
    Gowaderacer Posts: 310 Mover and Shaker
    thanos8587 wrote:
    "fist bump"?? oh brother...

    how about "iron will" or something not so lame.

    Or "Fists of Fury" or literally anything else besides "Fist Bump". Quite possibly the worst name for a PVP yet. Does Iron Fist no justice...
  • morgh
    morgh Posts: 539 Critical Contributor
    Hopefully purple one is progression ;>
  • This....isn't going to be pretty, is it.
  • Please have Xforce Blk as the 1k reward. Pleeeeeease.
  • Arondite
    Arondite Posts: 1,188 Chairperson of the Boards
    Switchman wrote:
    Please have Xforce Blk as the 1k reward. Pleeeeeease.

    That would definitely make this a bloodbath.
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    Worst. Name. Ever.

  • Mikaveus
    Mikaveus Posts: 202
    Worst. Name. Ever.


    You sure about that? "Fist puuuump!"


  • vudu3
    vudu3 Posts: 940 Critical Contributor
    You guys sucks. FIST BUMP is awesome. Whoever thought of that deserves a raise.
  • Mikaveus
    Mikaveus Posts: 202
    vudu3 wrote:
    You guys sucks. FIST BUMP is awesome. Whoever thought of that deserves a raise.

    Or a fist bump? icon_lol.gif
  • I too am a fan of the event name. I also love the names Blind Justice, and Power of Attorney.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,539 Chairperson of the Boards
    with time flips it opens up more times for me on sunday

    before time flip
    Sunday 10am was pushing it. 4pm if i could make it home in time. Now 11am 5pm and 8pm all work for me on sunday
    think fridays will be the same

    tuesday weds will be the only bad one since tuesday first ends at 11 - got work at 1030. and i think last ends at 5pm (got to pick someone up at 430) so the tue-weds will give me problems but the sunday friday will be eaiser to find time slices

    the pves are going to be bad though. 4pm or 7pm end times. If they were on 24 hour slices not bad but 36 hours will be very bad. (4am start wont play till 9am be behind almost an entire slice) mostly forces you to pick the 7pm where more can grind at the end
  • Arondite
    Arondite Posts: 1,188 Chairperson of the Boards
    Fist Bump makes perfect sense now if they keep the prizes the same for this every time it runs - of course Luke and Danny would share a Fist Bump.
  • That feel when you come from a Death Bracket (1k not even T10) to easy bracket. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Even low lvl IF Black passive is annoying. 500dmg per turn will be insane.
  • Arimis_Thorn
    Arimis_Thorn Posts: 541 Critical Contributor
    Noobish question, but I've read elsewhere that for maximum returns on placement, you shouldn't even start the event until there are less than 24 hours left?

    Is that accurate? I've searched the Tips and Guides forum, but can't seem to locate the post where I read that. It just seems weird to me that D3 would implement a system that discourages players from playing for over half the event. If anyone has a link to the post, (or one with a better breakdown), I'd love to see it.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Noobish question, but I've read elsewhere that for maximum returns on placement, you shouldn't even start the event until there are less than 24 hours left?

    Is that accurate? I've searched the Tips and Guides forum, but can't seem to locate the post where I read that. It just seems weird to me that D3 would implement a system that discourages players from playing for over half the event. If anyone has a link to the post, (or one with a better breakdown), I'd love to see it.
    It's completely random.
    You can get thrown into a bracket where the t10 are all 1K+ even if you start in the last hour.
  • Tarheelmax
    Tarheelmax Posts: 190 Tile Toppler
    Noobish question, but I've read elsewhere that for maximum returns on placement, you shouldn't even start the event until there are less than 24 hours left?

    Is that accurate? I've searched the Tips and Guides forum, but can't seem to locate the post where I read that. It just seems weird to me that D3 would implement a system that discourages players from playing for over half the event. If anyone has a link to the post, (or one with a better breakdown), I'd love to see it.

    If you are talking about a 2* roster, it might have been my comment / approach to getting top 100 woth 2* only.


    I think my comment should be a bit more than half way down the page.

    Edit: I commented multiple times on that page, it's the one closest to the bottom.
  • Arimis_Thorn
    Arimis_Thorn Posts: 541 Critical Contributor
    Tarheelmax wrote:
    Noobish question, but I've read elsewhere that for maximum returns on placement, you shouldn't even start the event until there are less than 24 hours left?

    Is that accurate? I've searched the Tips and Guides forum, but can't seem to locate the post where I read that. It just seems weird to me that D3 would implement a system that discourages players from playing for over half the event. If anyone has a link to the post, (or one with a better breakdown), I'd love to see it.

    If you are talking about a 2* roster, it might have been my comment / approach to getting top 100 woth 2* only.


    I think my comment should be a bit more than half way down the page.

    Edit: I commented multiple times on that page, it's the one closest to the bottom.

    No, it was more of a PVP guide post I read somewhere, though your post speaks to the same thing somewhat. That is, if I play early to get to 400 for the token, the 3-4* teams will destroy me on their way up.

    So is the idea that if I wait, there will be more teams that are around my levels available to fight/climb against?
  • Tarheelmax
    Tarheelmax Posts: 190 Tile Toppler
    Basically yes. It's just trying to keep yourself from being worth enough points to target.