Weekly 4* proposal



  • wirius
    wirius Posts: 667
    daibar wrote:
    If such a system were implemented, a whale might feel the need to quit. How would you feel if you spent thousands of dollars in token packs to get a 4* and then d3 decided to give them away for free? What is there for whales to spend on once they're getting free 4* covers every week? Or what if you're a f2p player and you worked like crazy to get these 4* covers, only for every player who's played 5 months to start getting them easily?

    In the 3* end game, you get 4* covers for free in 5 ways.
    1. PVE releases
    2. PVP 1000 progression.
    3. Saving up HP to buy covers.
    4. Daily rewards.
    5. Lucky token pulls.

    Some people are treating the game as if there's no way to get 4*'s but really, it's just not coming as fast as they would like. If you're REALLY in the 3* end game, you should be able to get a 4* cover EVERY 2-3 days! Hit 1000 in PVP. This is more than twice the number of 4* covers already available compared to a Deadpool Weekly Quest. If you haven't figured out how to do that, then either you need to build up your roster more or improve your PVP strategy.

    You need to explain why a weekly system that will take months to give max 4*'s is "easy". Whales can still get the three base covers, and buy them while it takes literally a year before a pure weekly player will max one 4* out.
  • wirius wrote:
    daibar wrote:
    If such a system were implemented, a whale might feel the need to quit. How would you feel if you spent thousands of dollars in token packs to get a 4* and then d3 decided to give them away for free? What is there for whales to spend on once they're getting free 4* covers every week? Or what if you're a f2p player and you worked like crazy to get these 4* covers, only for every player who's played 5 months to start getting them easily?

    In the 3* end game, you get 4* covers for free in 5 ways.
    1. PVE releases
    2. PVP 1000 progression.
    3. Saving up HP to buy covers.
    4. Daily rewards.
    5. Lucky token pulls.

    Some people are treating the game as if there's no way to get 4*'s but really, it's just not coming as fast as they would like. If you're REALLY in the 3* end game, you should be able to get a 4* cover EVERY 2-3 days! Hit 1000 in PVP. This is more than twice the number of 4* covers already available compared to a Deadpool Weekly Quest. If you haven't figured out how to do that, then either you need to build up your roster more or improve your PVP strategy.

    You need to explain why a weekly system that will take months to give max 4*'s is "easy". Whales can still get the three base covers, and buy them while it takes literally a year before a pure weekly player will max one 4* out.
    Easily is a relative term, which depends on how much effort/money a person thinks a 4* is worth.

    If you're only playing weekly without spending then it should take you a year or more to max a 4*, the most powerful type of character in the game.
    If you're playing even casually daily, it'll come much earlier than that. Completely ignoring other routes to getting 4* is disingenuous. That's like forwarding an argument where a player is ONLY going to get 3* covers from DDQ means no maxed 3* for a year, and yet we all know people who have maxed a 3* character in 3 months or less.
    Realistically it will take so long for a player like myself to get a fun new 4* that there is no point in me losing any sleep trying. If it were close, if it were a difficult but attainable goal I would go for it, rise to the challenge and even pay some money to reach that finish line.
    Funny, I think it is an attainable goal and shoot for it the long run for myself, but perhaps that is due to different playing style and attitude. I don't think maxed characters are the only way to fight; eg am using a slightly undercovered IF right now, hoping the RNG gods will smile upon me. Similarly, I find placing in the top 50 for a 4* cover attainable, but just not worth it. With the newer 3* there are plenty of unexpected combinations of characters to try out with my less than maxed 4*s.
  • daibar wrote:
    Funny, I think it is an attainable goal and shoot for it the long run for myself, but perhaps that is due to different playing style and attitude. I don't think maxed characters are the only way to fight; eg am using a slightly undercovered IF right now, hoping the RNG gods will smile upon me. Similarly, I find placing in the top 50 for a 4* cover attainable, but just not worth it. With the newer 3* there are plenty of unexpected combinations of characters to try out with my less than maxed 4*s.

    Maybe I do have the wrong attitude about it. But from my point of view:
    1. Utility characters can be awesome at any level even undercovered, IF is definitely utility who keeps getting better with levels.
    2. 4*s eventually surpass 3*s but only with the right covers and sufficient levels.
    3. I would rather put my iso into a 3* I can get the covers for, than level up a 4* whom it may be eons before I can get the covers to be competitive with.
    4. If and when I have a 4* that does earn enough covers to be a threat then I can divert iso to them.

    I look at it as a cost benefit analysis. I can save up HP to buy covers for a 4*, or I can use HP to regularly earn 3*s I also want to try and level up. I can buy roster slots to keep adding new characters who will be fun to play, OR I can sell off characters to funnel every shred of HP I earn into earning or buying 4* covers. I can maximize my play and readjust my priorities, but the simple truth is this.

    They are releasing new 4* characters much faster than my play style allows me to acquire them. So for now I take what I can get. But I see how long it has taken me to get this far, and how fast I am progressing, and see that realistically there are many characters I will simply never get a chance to play with. When the answer is eventually, or with hard work, or with good luck then I would be happy to keep striving. I'll have a finished x-force one day, and in time I will have a nerfed 4thor too, eventually my fury will get up there, but there will be more new 4*s that under the current system I will only be able to add to the list of, "likely never" to join electra, starlord, xavier, IW and dino. 3*s I still feel will come in time, and they can be earned fistfulls at a time if you work for them. 4*s used to be seen as manageable but now the majority of them are past the horizon.

    If you are progressing fast enough that your hope for finishing these characters remains unblemished then I am genuinely happy for you. Not all of us see it the same way, and I happily advocate for ideas like this weekly 4* thing because it would bring my hope back.