Weekly 4* proposal

wirius Posts: 667
So now that the second coming has happened in MPQ and we are now in heaven with the daily, I'm proposing to take it one step further for complete bliss. A weekly pve non-competitive 4* fight. Just like the daily, you will have to have the four star in question to join it.

Lets do some maths here:

6 4 stars=6 weeks before one of each cover is, er, covered. You need 12 extra covers assuming you start with one. 6*12=72 weeks to max all four stars. There are of course 52 weeks in a year. 72-52=20 weeks beyond a year.

In total, this would mean it would take 1 year and 20 weeks to max out all four stars if you never missed a weekly, always won the weekly, and always had the cover to do it.


Quite frankly, there are plenty of people who hate the PvP portion of the game. Further, there are people who are mostly 3* covered, and four stars are what they need. If you feel you can't make progress, or progress is too slow, people quit. But if you know that every week you can gain some progress, you stay! Also, its not like people are going to max out quickly, you'll still need to do some pvp or pve if you want to max a 4 star reasonably quickly.

How will D3 get revenue off of 4*'s then?

Again, its not like a person doing the daily will be even CLOSE to maxing 4*'s in comparison to those who still do pvp and pve. If D3 thought they needed to, they could charge 150-300hp for the priveledge to do the weekly, or make it extra hard to complete. The point is this: The game needs opportunities for progress ALWAYS. Opportunities for progress keep the game fun. And the rate of cover obtainment isn't fast. I can see buying that last 4* cover knowing I wouldn't get it for another month otherwise.

*Edit to answer excellent replys below*

Weekly? That's too fast! It should be bi-weekly!

If we double the week rewards, that's 144 weeks! That's 2 years and 40 weeks! for only 6 4 stars. The game may not even be around that long down the road. Really ask yourself whether IF you already have the four star cover, waiting a year and 20 weeks/4-5 months, is really too little time investment? Again, the game may not even exist by then.

NEW ADDITION: I'm seeing in the replys below that people still think a weekly reward is too fast. Please just don't reply with your gut. Give numbers! If you think 1 year and 5 months to max out a 4* is too soon, please give an alternative pace. 2 years? 3 years? Never? Just give more than, "I feel" please so we can have a good discussion!

*More edits due to excellent ideas below*

But that's STILL too easy! What's to prevent people from skipping the 3* transition?

Several posters below discussed requiring you to complete a node with one of the 3*s required for the deadpool daily. If you could complete 5-7, you would then have the opportunity to win the four star. This would require you to have a substantial 3* roster, encouraging people to spend HP on roster slots, while ensuring the 3* transition phase could not be skipped. Thank you Tredo, Grupysmurf, and SnowcaTT.


  • Dartmaster01
    Dartmaster01 Posts: 634 Critical Contributor
    I would like more free stuff also, but as someone who has played for a while (almost a year). I think DPs Daily was extremely generous of them. They are giving you 3*s so you can go get the 4*s. Don't look the gift horse in the mouth. Just don't look.
  • I would be down for an increased difficulty DDQ on like Sundays for a 4* instead of a 3*. Plus you know they aren't done releasing them, so the cover rotation length increases over time to well over a year. Also Also Wik, that would mean a 4* in the Taco Tokens every week.

    Giving us more stuff does not invalidate other strategies of getting stuff. Like you said, covering up quickly involves PvP, but covering up passively right now involves 490 days of play time to get a single TGT cover. That's a lot. The only problem I could see is in cover frequency. Right now, that blue C.Mags I am after is MANY DDQ's away, since it seems like they might go down the cover list, so it's C.Mags 3rd appearance to get (of the current 33 3*s). Assuming they don't give out Devil Dino (Hey, he's Deadpool, he can have whatever characters he wants) there are only 5 4*s to hand out, so while it might take 70 weeks to get 12 covers (of each), it would take substantially less time to get 1 cover of each and then imcoin.png your way to a 13 cover.

    Also, convieniently, 490 days (the start of the TGT daily cover rewards) happens to be 70 weeks. So if this did go in, every new player would not even need the daily cover rewards for TGT, Elektra, Starlord, or future 4*s. Maybe weekly is too frequent. Maybe like the 1st of every month DDQ can be a 4*.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    There are already 7 four stars (X-force, IW, Fury, 4hor, Elektra, Starlord, Dino) and probably 8th coming out three weeks from now. Something needs to be done for sure, I've seen two in random drops over the last 6-8 seasons. Had 6-8 more through season reward (one per), and I'm getting up to IW daily rewards (yay?). I don't really have the roster to possibly get them in PVP.

    Even those getting much higher draw rates than I have, 1.5 per season is ridiculous. My solution for this is have two-week seasons, so the drop rate is doubled.

    Edit: that's an every other week solution, I like Lerysh once a month 4* in Daily Daredevil to go along with once a month season reward idea, again every other week (and obtainable by a moderate 3* team, to actually start getting into 4* land - and like others have said, make the covers available so folks will buy more....)
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would like more free stuff also, but as someone who has played for a while (almost a year). I think DPs Daily was extremely generous of them. They are giving you 3*s so you can go get the 4*s. Don't look the gift horse in the mouth. Just don't look.

    THIS ^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^^

    D3 did a super awesome job with the DDQs. Lots of iso, a 3*, and 2 taco tokens. (one of which I cashed in this morning and got 1k Hp icon_e_biggrin.gif ).

    The only thing I will ask is that they leave it as it is. For now at least. If they do plan to change it, I hope it does not happen for several months.

    Think about what it means.....

    Players say that they need iso,... now we get a few thousand extra everyday icon_e_biggrin.gif .
    Players say they need 3* covers,..... now we get one everyday icon_e_biggrin.gif .
    Players say roster slots are expensive, (and they totally are), and we need more Hp to pay for them,.... now we have 2 chances at 1k Hp everyday icon_e_biggrin.gif. (plus doubling the Hp daily rewards)

    My advice to everyone;.... enjoy what we have. Take advantage of the DDQs as much as possible, as long as possible.
  • mjh
    mjh Posts: 708 Critical Contributor
    I would say like previously mentioned the DP Daily Quest was generous (and awesome) and instead of handing out 4*s they should work on balancing 3*s that can have some type of chance at beating XF/4hor (LThor is 1)
  • Azoic
    Azoic Posts: 269 Mover and Shaker
    I agree. I got very lucky getting a 4* Thoress from a standard token, and then won the pve event to get a second cover. But there is no way in hell I can get 1000 progression pts in pvp events or take first there.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Players say roster slots are expensive, (and they totally are), and we need more Hp to pay for them,.... now we have 2 chances at 1k Hp everyday icon_e_biggrin.gif. (plus doubling the Hp daily rewards)

    On that point:

    Two tacos per day, each with 4% chance at 250 HP and 0.3% chance of 1,000HP.

    New character every two weeks, every 14 tacos, so now you've had about a 50% chance to get 250 ISO [I know statistics don't work this way exactly, but let's just roll for now.]

    Next character out is 63rd - already paying 800 HP per roster slot every two weeks, and that will be 850 soon. By end of year it will be 1050 for each.

    I've seen this "more HP, roster slots fixed!" argument a few times and it just doesn't add up. Until roster spot costs are lowered (or have a flat cost), any HP added simply won't keep up with the continually increasing slot prices (end crusade rant).
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    Azoic wrote:
    I agree. I got very lucky getting a 4* Thoress from a standard token, and then won the pve event to get a second cover. But there is no way in hell I can get 1000 progression pts in pvp events or take first there.

    Which is where the daily 3*s come in. Get as much iso and 3* covers as you can. And then it won't be too long before you have a roster strong enough to break 1,000 every event. It will not happen over night, but the DDQs are a huge help, and will build rosters a lot faster than before. The 4*s will come in time.
  • Dartmaster01
    Dartmaster01 Posts: 634 Critical Contributor
    I agree with most points in the OP. I would just rather them give a few more ways to gather iso as opposed to giving me more 4*s I won't be able to level for 6 months anyway.
  • I think it'd make more sense to have a 4* for progression on a bi-weekly basis in PvE, though that'd involve revamping PvE events such that this would make sense so I guess having a special edition of DDQ would be far more likely at this point than a considerable revamping of PvE. Note that you can't just easily slap this on because it'd likely be way too easy for anyone with low scaling unless they made it like the original Heroic Oscorp of "I heard someone somewhere got within halfway of the 4* progression".

    On another note, I'd really like a 'back in the days' DDQ quest, like say you get a level 100 GSBW, level 100 pre nerf Ragnarok against 3 level 395 guys and you start with 10 red AP. The reward can be trivial. It'd just be fun to relieve some stress when you Thunderclap a level 395 guy 25 times.
  • wirius
    wirius Posts: 667
    edited February 2015
    Hm, I'm hearing you want a biweekly reward for 4*'s. That means to max 6 four stars it would take 144 weeks, or

    144/52=2 years and 40 weeks!

    That's almost THREE YEARS assuming no other four stars are ever released.

    I sense that people think 72 weeks to max out four stars you already have is too quick for people? Isn't that longer than the game has actually been released?!

    Also, D3 is not being "generous". They've done the math on their end, realized there are problems to the games long term health, and realized a daily rewards could fix those problems. This is to get people on track for the reward structure they want, and makes the game more fun. The weekly 4* is not being generous, its giving people a reason to play and something to keep them coming back.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    mjh wrote:
    I would say like previously mentioned the DP Daily Quest was generous (and awesome) and instead of handing out 4*s they should work on balancing 3*s that can have some type of chance at beating XF/4hor (LThor is 1)

    Sorry to go off topic yet again, but AAAAARRRGG!

    How many times did you beat 166/166/166 with 94/94/94??? Why should 166/166/166 beat 270/270/270 with any regularity?

    Disclaimer: I have zero covered 4*'s, and only one with more than seven covers. I have zero 166's as well, though several covered. But you know what? I'm looking forward to moving into the 4* land someday and not have to worry about the 166's any more than I have to worry about the 94's. Shoot, it is both an INCREDIBLY lucky and highly boosted 2* team that would be able to gets a vary rare win against undercovered 127/140 team mixes. Shouldn't it be an incredibly lucky and highly boosted 3* team that gets a rare win against undercovered 210/233 (10-11 cover) 4*'s?

    Any balance done needs to be making the 4*'s -not- lose to 3*'s, not the other way around.
  • rednailz
    rednailz Posts: 559
    I would like more free stuff also, but as someone who has played for a while (almost a year). I think DPs Daily was extremely generous of them. They are giving you 3*s so you can go get the 4*s. Don't look the gift horse in the mouth. Just don't look.

    Yeah, give me a pile of maxed out 3* and that doesn't get me any great chance of getting a 4*. I have a pretty ok roster, and since shield changes am trying my first run for 1000, and am finding it quite a challenge despite having a maxed out feature charecter and not contending with an xforce.

    I'm haven't been on the complain about not getting 4* covers for nothing train, but I'm using this and one other pvp event as a sample to see how plausable it is for me to even wait around and spend the time and HP to try and grind for the additional 8 covers I need for GT to be one of the "big boys".

    The old pvp and pray grind is getting stale, especially to players with a lot of max cover 3*. I still have fun playing, and am not sure what I'd play for (other than fun) once I have my GT covers.....but I really, really, really understand the comments about there being literally no 3* - 4* transition and pvp being a mundane chore that's roadblocked after a certain point.

    I can only shield hop every 8 hours, which means I can take on a couple 270 teams for my points, which is all good and fine, but since I can only do 1 - maaaaaaybe 3 matches without getting hit when I'm high enough (especially when I don't have maxed 4*s) it's seeming like more of a task than it's worth, and it's seeming like it all hinges on not getting hit. It's literally 1 bad hop away from 2 days of work and 500 HP beign for nothing.

    I think the OP has a decent suggestion, but maybe bump it down o once a season or something to meet in the middle. IMO the daily has literally saved this game, but there are still glarring issues with the 4* transition, and I have no issue working for and maybe even dropping $5 to top up my HP for a 4* cover.
  • wirius wrote:
    Hm, I'm hearing you want a biweekly reward for 4*'s. That means to max 6 four stars it would take 144 weeks, or

    144/52=2 years and 40 weeks!

    That's almost THREE YEARS assuming no other four stars are ever released.

    I sense that people think 72 weeks to max out four stars you already have is too quick for people? Isn't that longer than the game has actually been released?!

    Also, D3 is not being "generous". They've done the math on their end, realized there are problems to the games long term health, and realized a daily rewards could fix those problems. This is to get people on track for the reward structure they want, and makes the game more fun. The weekly 4* is not being generous, its giving people a reason to play and something to keep them coming back.

    Having some kind of years of service award for a F2P guys doesn't do anything good for the bottom line. Even though there is probably some network externalities just from having a lot of guys playing even if they never spent anything, it's also not worth that much. PvP you at least have to spend some HP which has a very high correlation to spending money. I'm not a fan of PvP but the cover at 1000 HP should generate some revenue while I'm not seeing how a similar thing for PvE would. Maybe if you made really hard survival nodes that do not allow boosts, immunity to Whales, and allow players to continue to 100 HP each time they got wiped out that gives a 4* cover it might work. I'm not opposed to giving out more 4*s but I don't see the content that can justify both the difficulty and the revenue generation. If D3 wants to work on a new rule set that'd generate revenue comparable (or better) than what the 1000 4* covers progression do in PvP and put that in PvE, I'd certainly welcome it, but I don't think they have the plan or even the capability at this point.
  • wirius
    wirius Posts: 667
    Phantron wrote:
    wirius wrote:
    Hm, I'm hearing you want a biweekly reward for 4*'s. That means to max 6 four stars it would take 144 weeks, or

    144/52=2 years and 40 weeks!

    That's almost THREE YEARS assuming no other four stars are ever released.

    I sense that people think 72 weeks to max out four stars you already have is too quick for people? Isn't that longer than the game has actually been released?!

    Also, D3 is not being "generous". They've done the math on their end, realized there are problems to the games long term health, and realized a daily rewards could fix those problems. This is to get people on track for the reward structure they want, and makes the game more fun. The weekly 4* is not being generous, its giving people a reason to play and something to keep them coming back.

    Having some kind of years of service award for a F2P guys doesn't do anything good for the bottom line. Even though there is probably some network externalities just from having a lot of guys playing even if they never spent anything, it's also not worth that much. PvP you at least have to spend some HP which has a very high correlation to spending money. I'm not a fan of PvP but the cover at 1000 HP should generate some revenue while I'm not seeing how a similar thing for PvE would. Maybe if you made really hard survival nodes that do not allow boosts, immunity to Whales, and allow players to continue to 100 HP each time they got wiped out that gives a 4* cover it might work. I'm not opposed to giving out more 4*s but I don't see the content that can justify both the difficulty and the revenue generation. If D3 wants to work on a new rule set that'd generate revenue comparable (or better) than what the 1000 4* covers progression do in PvP and put that in PvE, I'd certainly welcome it, but I don't think they have the plan or even the capability at this point.

    If you notice I address this by stating D3 could charge 150-300 hp to even access the weekly. I do understand they need to make money. Also, there are going to be more people willing to shell out big bucks for 4* covers instead of waiting over a year for them too.
  • Tredo
    Tredo Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    What if they made it available with a node that had three required 3* characters? That way, only people that are seriously transitioning from 3 - 4 would be able to compete.
  • wirius
    wirius Posts: 667
    Tredo wrote:
    What if they made it available with a node that had three required 3* characters? That way, only people that are seriously transitioning from 3 - 4 would be able to compete.

    I think I see what you're saying. You don't want some lucky 1* team to be able to compete in the weekly. To solve this, simply make the team or teams you have to fight very difficult, even with 2 max 3*'s.
  • Unknown
    edited February 2015
    wirius wrote:
    If you notice I address this by stating D3 could charge 150-300 hp to even access the weekly. I do understand they need to make money. Also, there are going to be more people willing to shell out big bucks for 4* covers instead of waiting over a year for them too.

    The amount is costs to enter will be similar to whatever D3 is shooting for people hitting 1000 in PvP, but in PvE you've the additional complication that while PvP there are side benefits to trying to hit 1000 even if you didn't reach it (seasons/event placement), while in this hypothetical buy-in event I'm guessing you wouldn't have much to show for it if you didn't beat it. However the event can't be so unconditionally easy that anyone who's willing to pay 500 HP will always win, because then that's vastly underselling what they expected to make per 4* (2500 HP). I think getting this to work in PvE is considerably harder than PvP and while that's not a reason to not do it, I'm not particularly confident that we can expect a working model anytime soon. If D3 surprised me and did come up with something that's modestly challenging and fair, then of course they should go for it, but I'm guessing the reason we haven't seen anything like this yet is because it's pretty hard. We did have 4* on progression once, during the original Heroic Oscorp, but I don't think anyone in the entire game got it. I think I had 1/3 of the points needed for the 4* and I won my bracket by a decent margin. While D3 probably improved since those days, it's still a very hard thing to get right between the right mix of cost to charge players and the proper difficulty.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Tredo wrote:
    What if they made it available with a node that had three required 3* characters? That way, only people that are seriously transitioning from 3 - 4 would be able to compete.

    I like this concept. I would expand it to coordinate with the current DDQ, thus requiring you to have all 5 of the DDQ characters, plus the 4* in question.

    3 with a single essential, then the final (maybe survival) with the 4* and the other two 3*s required. 4* cover is rewarded on progression.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Tredo wrote:
    What if they made it available with a node that had three required 3* characters? That way, only people that are seriously transitioning from 3 - 4 would be able to compete.

    I like this concept. I would expand it to coordinate with the current DDQ, thus requiring you to have all 5 of the DDQ characters, plus the 4* in question.

    3 with a single essential, then the final (maybe survival) with the 4* and the other two 3*s required. 4* cover is rewarded on progression.

    Could do it like now - the single essential could have the 4* (the same one you are earning, so you have to have one to earn one) - lets you use a low level character in a weaker node, since you theoretically need to level that character, you don't have all the covers. Then let any 3 of the 5 current 3*'s take on the final node.