Deadpool's Daily Quest - 3-Star Reward Tracker



  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is great! Perhaps there can be a list of which characters haven't appeared yet?
  • Good suggestions. I'm holding off for now to see if there is any confirmation that character blocks will stay the same (or not). And I want to see how the list looks after a month. I want to keep it simple so people can quickly scan to see when a character last appeared. But that may not be possible as the list just gets longer and longer (albeit slowly).

    And that would be really neat if tokens eventually rolled into new groups. The idea of just saving them all until one particularly interesting group shows up is intriguing (though I know I don't really have the patience for that anyway).

    I love Deadpool's Daily Quest, but I am starting to see it more as Deadpool's Daily Ms. Marvel Cover Distribution Scheme based on token pulls. =c)
  • VinoBrad
    VinoBrad Posts: 8
    No daily today... bummer. Is it over?
  • VinoBrad wrote:
    No daily today... bummer. Is it over?

    That sounds like a bug to me. I did my daily this morning just fine. You should submit a ticket if you are still not seeing it.
  • jojeda654
    jojeda654 Posts: 1,162 Chairperson of the Boards
    VinoBrad wrote:
    No daily today... bummer. Is it over?

    Are you mixing it up with the Deadpool VS MPQ subs? I know I did! Especially with how some PvEs have two subs going on at a time.
  • VinoBrad wrote:
    No daily today... bummer. Is it over?

    I almost posted this same thing a couple of days ago. In my case, there was about a 5-minute window in which DDQ simply didn't appear. I think it was right at the time the previous day's quest expired and the new daily quest went up. If it didn't re-appear within 10 minutes, try shutting down MPQ entirely and re-launching the program. Sometimes things just need to refresh (for example, sometimes player's Alliance info disappears and requires a refresh).
  • mouser
    mouser Posts: 529 Critical Contributor
    This is great! Perhaps there can be a list of which characters haven't appeared yet?

    15 characters have yet to appear:

    Blade, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Colossus, Cyclops, Doctor Octopus, Hood, Human Torch, Iron Fist, Iron Man 40, Patch, Punisher, Ragnarok, Sentry, Thor.
  • san
    san Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    I'm keeping an excel sheet of character covers given out for and easy glance to who has yet to be given a cover this rotation. Let me know if it would be of use. It looks something like this:

    Character Cover 1 Cover 2 Cover 3
    Beast x
    Black Panther x
    Black Widow x
    Captain America
    Captain Marvel
    Daken x
    Daredevil x
    Deadpool x
    Doctor Doom x
    Doctor Octopus
    Falcon x
    Gamora x
    Hood, The
    Hulk, The x
    Human Torch
    Iron Fist
    Iron Man
    Loki x
    Luke Cage x
    Magneto x
    Mystique x
    Psylocke x
    Punisher, The
    Rocket & Groot x
    She-Hulk x
    Spider-Man x
    Squirrel Girl x
    Storm x
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    mouser wrote:
    This is great! Perhaps there can be a list of which characters haven't appeared yet?

    15 characters have yet to appear:

    Blade, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Colossus, Cyclops, Doctor Octopus, Hood, Human Torch, Iron Fist, Iron Man 40, Patch, Punisher, Ragnarok, Sentry, Thor.
    15 characters, and I only need the first cover for 3 of them. Guess I can expect one usable cover per set here.
  • Quebbster wrote:
    mouser wrote:
    This is great! Perhaps there can be a list of which characters haven't appeared yet?

    15 characters have yet to appear:

    Blade, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Colossus, Cyclops, Doctor Octopus, Hood, Human Torch, Iron Fist, Iron Man 40, Patch, Punisher, Ragnarok, Sentry, Thor.
    15 characters, and I only need the first cover for 3 of them. Guess I can expect one usable cover per set here.

    Yes, but the Taco Tokens have good odds (for tokens, that is) for getting the other covers, should you need them.
  • kuroshiro
    kuroshiro Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    I can't seem to create a new topic, but here you go.

    I've created a Google spreadsheet with all the previous information and updated it. It's available at: ... DPVLnfYjbE

    I'll keep it updated. If for whatever reason I decide to stop playing, I can transfer it to someone else.

  • kuroshiro wrote:
    I can't seem to create a new topic, but here you go.

    I've created a Google spreadsheet with all the previous information and updated it. It's available at: ... DPVLnfYjbE

    I'll keep it updated. If for whatever reason I decide to stop playing, I can transfer it to someone else.


    Thank you. That's great!!
  • You are in the correct sub-forum; list is here:

  • Now that we're seeing a second round of characters this week (BP, Mags) anyone know if we're shifting to their second set of covers? That would be outstanding if they did. Today is Thor's Red (his 1st power), so maybe we'll just have to play the waiting game... (Man, the waiting game sucks! Haha).
  • Interesting, looks like we're not going to get Iron Fist or Ragnarok covers.
  • kuroshiro wrote:
    I can't seem to create a new topic, but here you go.

    I've created a Google spreadsheet with all the previous information and updated it. It's available at: ... DPVLnfYjbE

    I'll keep it updated. If for whatever reason I decide to stop playing, I can transfer it to someone else.


    This is great, thanks for doing this!
  • Needs one week long updates (last update march 14th), specially now that second full rotation has started with BP blueflag.png
  • wafflefries
    wafflefries Posts: 29 Just Dropped In
    ShionSinX wrote:
    Needs one week long updates (last update march 14th), specially now that second full rotation has started with BP blueflag.png
    OP wrote at the top of the post that he's going on hiatus from the game so he's no longer updating.
  • Billigoat
    Billigoat Posts: 71
    The wiki might be a better place to keep track of these (b/c anybody can update them) ... ailyCycle1 ... ailyCycle2
  • monstermike
    So, after this set, who will the next 5 be?