A couple upcoming changes to PvP events



  • Unknown
    edited January 2014
    To D3 developers:

    Whatever happens, just dont get over zealous on nerfing too hard. THe means to make (more) profit is clearly showing.

    This game is inching close to 'not fun anymore' lvl as more nerfs are slamming people that worked hard to grind/waste their hours on.
  • Badman82 wrote:
    Kelbris wrote:
    Badman82 wrote:
    Also, thanks for the timely response to the ticket I sent you about the hunt event. Yeah I'm talking about the one that ended over 3 weeks ago lol.

    Tickets don't work, homie.

    It was sent from the link on the suggestions page homie. And if it doesn't work it should be removed from the game.

    You're supposed to email the d3support email in IceIX's post. They respond fairly quickly.
  • The problem isn't the shields. As it was shields benefitted everyone. People hit progression rewards and shielded, allowing people to continuously attack them to reach their own progression rewards. Even without a shield you were less likely to get attacked. The problem is allowing people who have just entered the tournament and have zero points to attack someone with over 2000 points which is what happened to me and a lot of other people. Losing 50 points from one match is ridiculous when you can't find an opponent to get that 50 back from. It seems now the second you take your shield down you get pummeled which also happened to me. The devs need to completely do away with their mmr system and try something else. Or only allow fighting within brackets and make brackets based on mmr not join time.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Badman82 wrote:
    It was sent from the link on the suggestions page homie. And if it doesn't work it should be removed from the game.
    It's not that they don't work. At this point, they do. At this current time however it is still faster if you want to receive quicker service to mail directly. It's more work on the user end having to gather some info we'll need yourself, but it's a little more direct. This is a bit off-topic however.
  • jozier wrote:
    Badman82 wrote:
    Kelbris wrote:
    Badman82 wrote:
    Also, thanks for the timely response to the ticket I sent you about the hunt event. Yeah I'm talking about the one that ended over 3 weeks ago lol.

    Tickets don't work, homie.

    It was sent from the link on the suggestions page homie. And if it doesn't work it should be removed from the game.

    You're supposed to email the d3support email in IceIX's post. They respond fairly quickly.

    I did that, i meant from the bugs page not suggestions page. Took them over 3 weeks
  • Agree on no penalties for skipping retaliations, please.

    The rest of this sounds great.
  • Kelbris wrote:
    Misguided wrote:

    Interesting, thank you for the response. Care to elaborate? What I was thinking was something along the lines of an increasing reward, that went up each time (possibly until some max) until you skipped, at which point it would reset. To me, that becomes a strategic choice if the reward is good enough. If I get a tough match I have to decide is it worth gutting out this fight in order to keep my iso bonus? That's the sort of thing I had in mind.

    Brilliant. Love the idea. Put this man in your think tank!

    Thanks, Kelbris, but there's nothing unique about that kind of approach.

    As a recent example, in Diablo III, Blizzard wanted to stop people from using the last waypoint before the major bosses and doing short bosses runs again and again. Rather than take the waypoint away or impose some penalty, the implemented a system (Nephalim valor, I think, but apologies if that is the wrong one) where you get a stacking bonus to rare item find for each boss that you kill without zoning. This got people to play longer sections of an act before hitting the major boss, so they'd get better loot when they got there.

    Make the desired behavior the most efficient/rewarding way to play and your players will do it all day long.
  • Copps
    Copps Posts: 333 Mover and Shaker
    We'll I just managed to hit 2400 with the new matchmaking and it is very hard to do. The pool of people that can hit you is so large that I almost never got a net point gain after matches once I passed 2300. Almost every match I won would come out with a -50 loss. I think it would make more sense to reduce the point loss a little for losing these high differential matches. Losing 50 pts a hit makes it extremely hard to progress.
  • Copps wrote:
    We'll I just managed to hit 2400 with the new matchmaking and it is very hard to do. The pool of people that can hit you is so large that I almost never got a net point gain after matches once I passed 2300. Almost every match I won would come out with a -50 loss. I think it would make more sense to reduce the point loss a little for losing these high differential matches. Losing 50 pts a hit makes it extremely hard to progress.

    Yeah I'm shielded around 1250 and I have been checking the game every 15-20 minutes or so. I have about 100-150 points in what would gave been losses if I had not been shielded every time I check. In my opinion the defender should lose 50% of what the attacker gains.
  • Bcorm
    Bcorm Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    I'm not quite sure exactly how your MMR is calculated but I'm afraid that these new changes might penalize and frustrate players. I noticed that I was seeing a lot of 50 point matches lately, the problem was there was no way I could beat them, even with the optimal combination of boosts. If these changes take place it would further frustrate people in my position. It would cost Iso to skip a battle I have no chance of winning or I burn 3 to 6 health packs to try and hope I can pull it off. Then after, hope I don't get 0 Iso as a reward and been attacked 5 times during the match. I'm not saying the MMR system is completely broken but it does need some tweaking before things playing off it are implemented further exacerbating the problem. I've noticed that I've been receiving 0 Iso rewards roughly 70% of the time so to institute these changes would make the Tournament system basically an Iso and Health Pack drain. I'm sorry if this comes across as whiney, that's not my intention, I just feel that with these changes and a flawed MMR it will just further the gap between players and be more of a test of wallet strength, not strategy.
  • Copps wrote:
    We'll I just managed to hit 2400 with the new matchmaking and it is very hard to do. The pool of people that can hit you is so large that I almost never got a net point gain after matches once I passed 2300. Almost every match I won would come out with a -50 loss. I think it would make more sense to reduce the point loss a little for losing these high differential matches. Losing 50 pts a hit makes it extremely hard to progress.

    Thanks for your impressions. I understand what they are trying to achieve, and I think it might be reasonable to cap losses at a lower value, e.g. 20. As you said, the pool of people that can hit you is much larger than it was previously, so this would still make it a greater challenge at the upper end. We also don't know what the new max progression reward will be. They said they would watch what happens and adjust if necessary.
  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    Make the people at higher rankings more powerful.

    People at the same rank -- no bonuses, flat 25 points.
    People at a rank 300 points higher -- 50% buff on opponents, but 50% more points.
    People at a rank 600 points higher -- 100% buff on opponents, but 100% more points
    People at a rank 900 points higher -- 200% buff on opponents, but 200% more points.
    People at a rank 1200 points higher -- 300% buff on opponents, but 300% more points.

    Currently, I'm looking at one team worth 6 points, and another worth 50 points. Each has the same characters. Currently, I'm going to fight that 50 point team. However, if that team has a 200% buff because it's a much higher rank, then I'll look around for something more my level first.
  • Bcorm wrote:
    I'm not quite sure exactly how your MMR is calculated but I'm afraid that these new changes might penalize and frustrate players. I noticed that I was seeing a lot of 50 point matches lately, the problem was there was no way I could beat them, even with the optimal combination of boosts. If these changes take place it would further frustrate people in my position. It would cost Iso to skip a battle I have no chance of winning or I burn 3 to 6 health packs to try and hope I can pull it off. Then after, hope I don't get 0 Iso as a reward and been attacked 5 times during the match. I'm not saying the MMR system is completely broken but it does need some tweaking before things playing off it are implemented further exacerbating the problem. I've noticed that I've been receiving 0 Iso rewards roughly 70% of the time so to institute these changes would make the Tournament system basically an Iso and Health Pack drain. I'm sorry if this comes across as whiney, that's not my intention, I just feel that with these changes and a flawed MMR it will just further the gap between players and be more of a test of wallet strength, not strategy.

    Rewards should be 70 or 140 (and it sounds like these may increase?) never 0. Not sure what you are referring to here.
  • Make the people at higher rankings more powerful.

    People at the same rank -- no bonuses, flat 25 points.
    People at a rank 300 points higher -- 50% buff on opponents, but 50% more points.
    People at a rank 600 points higher -- 100% buff on opponents, but 100% more points
    People at a rank 900 points higher -- 200% buff on opponents, but 200% more points.
    People at a rank 1200 points higher -- 300% buff on opponents, but 300% more points.

    Currently, I'm looking at one team worth 6 points, and another worth 50 points. Each has the same characters. Currently, I'm going to fight that 50 point team. However, if that team has a 200% buff because it's a much higher rank, then I'll look around for something more my level first.

    I'm intrigued yet skeptical.
  • Make the people at higher rankings more powerful.

    People at the same rank -- no bonuses, flat 25 points.
    People at a rank 300 points higher -- 50% buff on opponents, but 50% more points.
    People at a rank 600 points higher -- 100% buff on opponents, but 100% more points
    People at a rank 900 points higher -- 200% buff on opponents, but 200% more points.
    People at a rank 1200 points higher -- 300% buff on opponents, but 300% more points.

    Currently, I'm looking at one team worth 6 points, and another worth 50 points. Each has the same characters. Currently, I'm going to fight that 50 point team. However, if that team has a 200% buff because it's a much higher rank, then I'll look around for something more my level first.

    They WANT the higher level teams getting attacked. That was the whole motivation for the change.
  • This is... Good thing I have what covers I want and therefore play for ISO and not ranks/rewards anymore. This would undoubtedly cause a shattered phone.
  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    Misguided wrote:
    They WANT the higher level teams getting attacked. That was the whole motivation for the change.

    They would be attacked, because they'd give a lot of points. But they might also win if someone tries to make a huge advancement. Currently, there is no dis-incentive for a person low in the rankings to attack someone high in the rankings.

    If bracketed right, then there will be 5 or so tiers in the rankings. If you stay in your bracket, you'll face teams of the same strength and earn decent points.

    If you want to risk it, you can try a team with a 300% buff. If you succeed, you'll get a lot of points.
  • The effect of this should be that it's more dangerous at the top, and players at the bottom can rise faster. We're adjusting the progression rewards to take this into account.

    Top progression is 2400 still. If anyone has started, can you check shield costs, please?
  • During the are event I had seen and fought a lot of people worth 40+ points so in that respects it feels better however getting attacked by multiple people is the least enjoyable aspect, given that they have increased the number of avalibe targets, I would like to see a cap on the number of people who can attack each player simaltaniously this way you don't loose 80 point after winning a fight which that is the most frustrating part of the tournaments.
  • Bucky76 wrote:
    Perhaps make skipping free...but if you skip you get no or much less ISO on your next win.
    Like that idea. Reduce the ISO reward of the selected battle node by a small amout (e.g. 5%) every time you skip, capped at maybe 25%. Resets to 100% once you win or the event is over.