Overhaul the cover lottery



  • iLL619
    iLL619 Posts: 170
    It seems to me that the way covers are offered needs an overhaul. I have had several "heroic" recruit tokens, and what do I get, more Hawkeye and Black Widow. These characters are in the standards, yet I get them in supposedly higher recruitment areas. I have sold off over a hundred hawk eyes, and probably just as many Widows.

    Why can't you just separate the store by how many stars the character has? Maybe then I could have a better chance at getting my first invisible woman (which is required for certain battles), or maybe even punisher (same thing). I am getting extremely frustrated when I spend HP in the hopes of improving my characters and end up with these weak characters that have been maxed for months.

    I can see from several other posts that your lust for money and the unfairness of the character lottery is making people (myself included) feel like the game is no longer worth playing.

    Mod Edit (Riggy): Cleaning up the title for stickying purposes.
    Amen!! Preach! 100000000000% agree so tired of seeing same tired covers when I have other covers to upgrade.. Drop rate for covers you need is ridiculous
  • jobob
    jobob Posts: 680 Critical Contributor
    I would like to see two things that I think would go a long way toward making the cover system less frustrating...

    First, when you buy or win a 10-pack, guarantee at least 1 - 2 3* or better covers. This is pretty common in games that have in game purchases where it's "luck of the draw"... You will buy a random loot pack and it will say something like "contains 7 items, with at least 1 rare or better and 2 uncommon or better." I would drop some more cash if I weren't sick of getting burned on 10 packs of all 2*s.

    Second, allow 3* and 4* to be sold for a reasonable HP rate. Come on, 500 ISO for a 3* cover is ridiculous when you think about what it takes to get one. At least it wouldn't feel so unbalanced if you could sell them, for say, 500 HP. That way, 3 unusable covers would sell for enough to buy a 3* cover you want, and 5 would let you get a 4*. Again, I would drop more cash if I knew I could actually find some use for the 3* I might get from a pack, instead of having to hope for the specific ones I need.
  • The lottery absoltely needs to be revised. There must have been something going on behind the facade. In the past two months, my draw rates for gold tokens out of the heroic or event tokens have severely dropped. For example, out of the two 10-packs from the past PVP seasons, I have gotten ONE the star, a Falcon cover. That's all. Only two star garbage for the rest. Really D3? This does not even add up with the low percentages shown!!

    It's also heavily frustrating when you grind for tokens as progression rewards in PVEs, only to get two stars out of them, time after time.
  • We shouldhave a option available to obtain higher stared covers. Only having the options of high 2 starred covers of characters i already have maxed begin to be quiet annoying. really with no other options or ways of advancing to better characters i believe you tighten your own profit and also risk losing long term players
  • Highdark
    Highdark Posts: 75 Match Maker
    I like the lottery in general, but the problem comes with excess and redundancy.

    My suggestions. Make duplicates in a maxed power be able to roll for another on the same character. Ex 5/0/0 hulk gets a green cover he can reroll it to red or black.

    Another option would be crafting. Make it 10 to one to up a tier stopping at 4*(keeps legendary packs legendary) Ex. 10 2* covers gets a random 3*

    Last suggestion, simply remove roster slots. People can pool hp and feel good about new covers. Instead of terrible because they sold the required hero because they didnt have room.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    That's one of my biggest peeves, the insane HP required for roster spots. 1000 HP for a slot, I kean, common. 1000 HP should give you 3 slots, not one. Plus, the HP prices to level an ability. Micro transaction game yeah, but make it appealing for people to want to spend money on the game. What you spend doesn't equal what you get in return. It's a total bummer to have 10 great characters you could roster but have to spend $50 just for the slots, then those characters are unusable because they only have one cover and then have to spend even more money to level that power and character health up.

    When a game like this is so skewed towards high priced micro transactions at every corner, it just scares away people...people that many start out f2p, but could potentially become p2p customers if the value was there. Currently it's not.
  • Banjo
    Banjo Posts: 59 Match Maker
    I'm getting fed up of finally managing to get a legendary token, only to end up getting either a cover for a 4* I've already got fully covered, or one of the dreadful 4*s (IW, I'm looking at you).
    Hardly any progression being made there.