Overhaul the cover lottery

It seems to me that the way covers are offered needs an overhaul. I have had several "heroic" recruit tokens, and what do I get, more Hawkeye and Black Widow. These characters are in the standards, yet I get them in supposedly higher recruitment areas. I have sold off over a hundred hawk eyes, and probably just as many Widows.

Why can't you just separate the store by how many stars the character has? Maybe then I could have a better chance at getting my first invisible woman (which is required for certain battles), or maybe even punisher (same thing). I am getting extremely frustrated when I spend HP in the hopes of improving my characters and end up with these weak characters that have been maxed for months.

I can see from several other posts that your lust for money and the unfairness of the character lottery is making people (myself included) feel like the game is no longer worth playing.

Mod Edit (Riggy): Cleaning up the title for stickying purposes.


  • Yeah, the gold tokens are useless as they are. I wish there were a 'crafting' option: fuse X (say 10) heroic tokens to one superheroic that gives only ***+. (simple UI, have some more buttons with numbers.

    And I keep begging that cover distribution used by the lottery got revealed.
  • It seems to me that the way covers are offered needs an overhaul. I have had several "heroic" recruit tokens, and what do I get, more Hawkeye and Black Widow. These characters are in the standards, yet I get them in supposedly higher recruitment areas. I have sold off over a hundred hawk eyes, and probably just as many Widows.

    Why can't you just separate the store by how many stars the character has? Maybe then I could have a better chance at getting my first invisible woman (which is required for certain battles), or maybe even punisher (same thing). I am getting extremely frustrated when I spend HP in the hopes of improving my characters and end up with these weak characters that have been maxed for months.

    I can see from several other posts that your lust for money and the unfairness of the character lottery is making people (myself included) feel like the game is no longer worth playing.

    Just to let you know you really really shouldn't be **** about this. Every1 who whined about it in the past is either a noob to mobile gaming in general or an idiot. If hate to see more people join the ranks of stupidity. This game had randomness in cover packs yes, but once you find the initial cover you have the option to upgrade it specifically. 99.723% of other mobile games are 107.846% randomized with no feature to let you guarantee the cover. If your tokens were free then hey, you got some ISO. If you paid for them then the gamble was your decision. You could have just as easily chosen to level a specific cover at a moderately higher price depending. This is actually an area where this game excels.
  • That's weird. I thought you couldn't get a 1 star cover from 2 star recruit packs and so on. So, if I get a 3 star pack, I can get 2 and 1 star covers as well? I thought it would be at least 3 with a possibility to get something higher. Btw, I got Invisible Woman from a 1 star cover when I started the game.
  • KevinMark wrote:
    That's weird. I thought you couldn't get a 1 star cover from 2 star recruit packs and so on. So, if I get a 3 star pack, I can get 2 and 1 star covers as well? I thought it would be at least 3 with a possibility to get something higher. Btw, I got Invisible Woman from a 1 star cover when I started the game.

    You CAN get Black Widow and Hawkeye from heroic 2* token. CLASSIC Widow and MODERN Hawkeye, both 2*. icon_rolleyes.gif

    Standards get you a guaranteed 1*, Heroics a guaranteed 2*.
    Both packs can get you up to 4*, obviously at a decreased chance.

    Heroic packs are very good for new players, not so much for the older ones that sit at maxed covers 2*, yet again now and then getting the 3* and 4* does happen. It is just not worth to buy heroics late in the game, not even at the 100hp daily, but the freebies from daily/events are a nice lottery.

    This game HAS flaws, but I feel that the tokens are really NOT among them icon_e_wink.gif
  • But the OP said he got standard pack Black Widow and Hawkeye from heroic pack (2*). So I thought he meants 1* versions. I guess I misunderstood him.
  • eidehua
    eidehua Posts: 521 Critical Contributor
    KevinMark wrote:
    But the OP said he got standard pack Black Widow and Hawkeye from heroic pack (2*). So I thought he meants 1* versions. I guess I misunderstood him.
    OP doesn't seem to realize they are different characters. If it's original black widow, that's actually an awesome character to get.
  • eidehua wrote:
    KevinMark wrote:
    But the OP said he got standard pack Black Widow and Hawkeye from heroic pack (2*). So I thought he meants 1* versions. I guess I misunderstood him.
    OP doesn't seem to realize they are different characters. If it's original black widow, that's actually an awesome character to get.

    IMO the OP realizes what he experiences. For me output of gold tokens is over 90% BW** and Volverine** (with the big load of tokens), so the distribution is clearly not a flat one. And whatever small pool of ** is boosted for chance to open gets maxed fast, then you keep getting the redundant covers.
  • pasa_ wrote:
    eidehua wrote:
    KevinMark wrote:
    But the OP said he got standard pack Black Widow and Hawkeye from heroic pack (2*). So I thought he meants 1* versions. I guess I misunderstood him.
    OP doesn't seem to realize they are different characters. If it's original black widow, that's actually an awesome character to get.

    IMO the OP realizes what he experiences. For me output of gold tokens is over 90% BW** and Volverine** (with the big load of tokens), so the distribution is clearly not a flat one. And whatever small pool of ** is boosted for chance to open gets maxed fast, then you keep getting the redundant covers.

    Your small sample size does not 'clearly' indicate that the distribution is not flat. You are suffering from confirmation bias.

    Until recently, I almost never got wolverine covers from tokens, for instance. I maxed my covers from some tournaments. I think I've gotten a whole 1 OBW cover from a token.
  • One option that I recall seeing in Zelda: Minish Cap and one (or more?) of the Smash Bros. games was a system where you could spend any number of tokens/rupees/whatever on each "pull" for a collectible. The more tokens, the higher percent chance of getting one you didn't have. As you collected more and more, it cost more and more tokens to raise the percentage to a meaningful degree. This could work for a game like MPQ as newer players would have a high return on their limited resources, while veteran players could save up and invest in hunting down the relatively few covers they still need and still have a sense of fair random chance.
  • KevinMark wrote:
    That's weird. I thought you couldn't get a 1 star cover from 2 star recruit packs and so on.

    You can't, the OP is confused. The tokens are one of the best things to happen to this game.
  • eidehua
    eidehua Posts: 521 Critical Contributor
    pasa_ wrote:
    eidehua wrote:
    KevinMark wrote:
    But the OP said he got standard pack Black Widow and Hawkeye from heroic pack (2*). So I thought he meants 1* versions. I guess I misunderstood him.
    OP doesn't seem to realize they are different characters. If it's original black widow, that's actually an awesome character to get.

    IMO the OP realizes what he experiences. For me output of gold tokens is over 90% BW** and Volverine** (with the big load of tokens), so the distribution is clearly not a flat one. And whatever small pool of ** is boosted for chance to open gets maxed fast, then you keep getting the redundant covers.

    "It seems to me that the way covers are offered needs an overhaul. I have had several "heroic" recruit tokens, and what do I get, more Hawkeye and Black Widow. These characters are in the standards" -op

    You should check out the recruit token stats page for more reliable data
  • Stop complaining its pot luck sometimes you win sometimes you loose, your just the kind of person who is a sore loser, I've had bagman plently of time from heroic token and I have had 4* characters that's how it works and its fine the way it is.
  • DD-The-Mighty
    DD-The-Mighty Posts: 350 Mover and Shaker
    wow. Petty name calling and pisspoor cherrypicked comparisons to "worse games". The MPQ defense force is out if full swing.
    OP may be misleading as to which version of what he's getting but he is not 100% wrong. The covers system exists solely to pad out the minimal content.

    Too many times progression in this game comes to a dead halt on characters you actually care about because now you have to grind your **** off fighting overpriveleged "end gamers" like yourselves just to get a 2* token that is most likely to give you the one cover you don't need. And please don't give me some **** about "standard tokens". they drop like candy and give 2* and up like trash. they are the single most unreliable way to level a 2*star character short of just not playing.

    Is it broken? no but it sure as sh*t aint in your favour. OP has a valid criticism.
  • Is it broken? no but it sure as sh*t aint in your favour. OP has a valid criticism.

    No, he doesn't, because the tokens allow you to build your roster over time, even if you can't compete in the upper reward tiers. When the game first started, there were no tokens, and if particular covers weren't in prologue missions, and you couldn't compete in the tournaments, you had no way to progress. Anyone can do two matches in a lightning round to get a cover. Will some of them be junk? Absolutely. But you've got a shot to get something good, and over the course of time can build a two-star roster that can compete effectively in other events. The problem isn't the tokens or over privileged end gamers, but people that want everything handed to them within five minutes of starting. It is a process and takes time to accumulate a roster.
  • DD-The-Mighty
    DD-The-Mighty Posts: 350 Mover and Shaker
    Misguided wrote:
    Is it broken? no but it sure as sh*t aint in your favour. OP has a valid criticism.

    When the game first started, there were no tokens, and if particular covers weren't in prologue missions, and you couldn't compete in the tournaments, you had no way to progress.
    and i'm sure you were right there telling people to "suck it up" back then too. That has no bearing on the game that we are playing right now. when or if they return it to that state, then we can comment on that.
    It "used to be worse" or "it was worse in some other random game" is such a weak argument...
    Misguided wrote:
    Anyone can do two matches in a lightning round to get a cover. Will some of them be junk? Absolutely. But you've got a shot to get something good, and over the course of time can build a two-star roster that can compete effectively in other events.
    You refute the very point you bring up. again he has a valid criticism. This game has a very inflexible play structure. It could use a bit of loosening up. Everyone is not the same, you like abuse he may not, if people cant comment on what they think is fair and unfair how is there supposed to be a happy medium? some people are not in the business of gamblers logic.
    Misguided wrote:
    The problem isn't the tokens or over privileged end gamers, but people that want everything handed to them within five minutes of starting. It is a process and takes time to accumulate a roster.
    No-one here claimed they wanted things "handed to them in 5 minutes" stop over-exaggerating the temperament of a player to make your point seem stronger. and it makes you look like a petty snob. (see what i did there?)

    Anyway. doesn't change the facts,
  • I like the tokens, especially since they are given out fairly liberally (though a little less so lately). I also actually can appreciate that they get less useful as time goes on and you progress more. I don't mind working for my covers, it's part of the fun. If you don't want to use tokens, you can always pay HP to directly upgrade an ability *shrugs* Which I have also done.

    You want a 4*, win a tournament, or grind for a progression award. If your roster is loaded enough that tokens rarely provide you anything or worth, you should have a roster capable of completing for covers in events.
  • DD-The-Mighty
    DD-The-Mighty Posts: 350 Mover and Shaker
    Kyosokun wrote:
    I like the tokens, especially since they are given out fairly liberally (though a little less so lately). I also actually can appreciate that they get less useful as time goes on and you progress more. I don't mind working for my covers, it's part of the fun. If you don't want to use tokens, you can always pay HP to directly upgrade an ability *shrugs* Which I have also done.

    You want a 4*, win a tournament, or grind for a progression award. If your roster is loaded enough that tokens rarely provide you anything or worth, you should have a roster capable of completing for covers in events.
    total agreement.
    Leveling 2* heroes is not as smooth as it was with the 1* heroes. the reward system does not transition very well as you level. When you start getting a few random 2** characters and want to progress them, the significantly lower availability of 2** tokens, the segregation between hero and villan reward packs, the already lower rate of 2**+ rewards in the standard pack, and the random nature of the rewards system means you most like ly will be waiting a long time to truly unlock that 2** hero you ant to level.

    A lot of people are in the sore spot of having good 1stars but they're quickly outclassed in pvp by mid level 2**'s and in their roster they have lots of random 2**s that are too weak to be in late level pve and mid to hi level pvp. And your only reprieve for ranking that one hero you really want a potentially long wait or the grind your way to the 2* reward tier. Which is not fun when your 1* teams are tasty bait to upper level 2**teams.

    MPQ could stand for a smoother transition from 1* teams to 2** teams is all.
  • While I believe tokens are fine the way they are, even though I very rarely get anything useful, I still love the idea of a crafting system

    10 *Tokens result in 1**Token
    10 **Tokens result in 1***Token

    Or maybe be able to buy a specific cover with a set number of tokens instead of HP.

    Or sell off tokens for (a probably small amount of) HP instead of ISO.

    It would make working towards a goal so much more rewarding than relying on just pure luck.

    I felt adventurous once and bought one of those 10 packs for **Covers with 1 ***Cover guaranteed and ended up getting 4x Modern Hawkeye Blast Arrow (Red). It was pretty excruciating to be honst.
  • and i'm sure you were right there telling people to "suck it up" back then too. That has no bearing on the game that we are playing right now. when or if they return it to that state, then we can comment on that.
    It "used to be worse" or "it was worse in some other random game" is such a weak argument...

    No, actually. Pretty unusual for me to say such a thing, but I think it applies here. As I said, The tokens were a phenomenal addition to the game. My argument wasn't so much that "it used to be worse" but that there are a number of reasons why the system is a good one. I believe I elaborated on some of the reasons why. Not sure if that was unclear or you chose to ignore that part, but apologies if it was.

    At any rate, you said something interesting, that your 1* characters are getting outclassed by mid level 2*s. if you haven't been playing long enough to accumulate a strong enough roster of 2* characters, you should be facing other players similar to that, not those with developed 2* rosters, meaning your matchmaking rating is too high. I have argued on a number of occasions that the matchmaking should be more transparent, so if people suddenly find themselves facing maxed Thor/Wolverine/Storm teams, they have some idea why (and it shouldn't happen in the first place, but it is going to unless they decide to replace the existing system which punishes for people for playing a lot with something more sensible that reflects the strength of your roster).
  • I am still relatively new to this game and the whole process of random covers is still fun and exciting for me, i'm just a big kid at heart!
    If I get a cover I dont want I can sell it and if I get a cover for a hero I have then I can level them up (I realise this will be of no use when my heros are maxed).
    What does annoy me as a starting player is that Hero Points in this game are scarcer than feathers on a fish. Obviously I am relying on those Hero Points to get slots on my roster to actually be able to use these randomly generated covers that i want and it is proving very difficult icon_e_sad.gif Sorry for going slightly off topic but it just feels wrong for them to be so hard to get for a starting player