*** Squirrel Girl (Unbeatable) ***



  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    Basically, Squirellgirl is Deadpool without the M-Rated jokes. It's 100% fluff and light-heartedness. Whereas, while a lot of Wade's comments and tomfoolery are just that, his comics also tackle a lot of difficult or touchy issues (and we'll not even go into his "relationships" with Domino and Death). SG is seen by a lot of people as "childish", almost a My Little Pony of comic book heroes, whereas Deadpool is more of a hardened badass that makes jokes too.

    I personally don't like SQ. Some of her stuff is amusing, but she's just never did it for me. There's no real content to them to me. That being said, I respect how popular she is with the 'hardcore' comic crowd, because there is a lot of in-jokes throughout the series.

    The thing that really bothers me, is all her abilities look awful and very not fun, which is very not SQ. Though the descriptions are very SQ. icon_lol.gif
  • evil panda
    evil panda Posts: 419 Mover and Shaker
    bonfire01 wrote:
    They are trying to grab the often overlooked Furry demographic in gaming.....
    Isn't that demographic already covered by Nick Furry?

  • too many new characters too soon, roster spots also too expensive, we just got luke cage.
  • eaise
    eaise Posts: 217 Tile Toppler
    I just...I don't...Why...Why do the devs hate us. Not only are they releasing new characters too fast. Now they are releasing dumb characters like squirrel girl. I guess their goal is to see how stupid they have to be to get everyone to quit. That's the only rationale I can think of
  • DrStrange-616
    DrStrange-616 Posts: 993 Critical Contributor
    evil panda wrote:
    bonfire01 wrote:
    They are trying to grab the often overlooked Furry demographic in gaming.....
    Isn't that demographic already covered by Nick Furry?


    Just for that I'm sending SG's squirels after your nuts. icon_razz.gif
  • Congratulations to D3 for finally making a 3 star that I have absolutely zero interest in having (even as a semi-compulsive-collector). I don't care if I can't play the next essential pve nodes. I refuse to waste a slot on this. There are already too many new characters released as it is without adding more joke characters into the mix.
    Afrocigar wrote:
    I like it! No reason to grind PVE

    good point though. the vacation will be nice really.
  • eidehua
    eidehua Posts: 521 Critical Contributor
    With her green there is going to be a lot of strike tile fun icon_e_smile.gif
    (Another character for Snarky Remark bag man)
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm holding out hope for her green being the next world rupture. Cause you know, squirrel girl defining the meta would pretty much be the best thing ever.
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's either genius or utter retardation. I'm still trying to figure out which.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Demiurge messed up. What they should have done is made Squirrel Girl the new Sentry (her green is close to world rupture!). Then everyone will be forced to grind her covers, and hilarity would ensue because we would have a metagame defined by Squirrel Girl! Alas, it wasn't meant to be... icon_e_sad.gif
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2015
    I don't really know too much about Ms. Green. The one thing I remember most about her though, is that she once got into it with Wolverine and ripped him a new one. icon_lol.gif Of course, he wasn't using his claws or trying to hurt her, but it still counts. Kind of icon_e_wink.gif .

    As for playability, ..... I will wait until I've actually used her before passing judgment, however she looks fun. And since I play mostly for fun, I'll definitely be going for top 10. Don't need the blue Fury, so I don't have to worry about non stop grinding, but just enough to get top 10 for all 3 covers.

    To all you guys saying how D3 is bad because Squirrel Girl sucks, please keep in mind that they release a new character every 2 weeks, so they can't all be the best ones. Also, there are a lot of people that actually like her. Heck, even Wolverine himself had a "thing" for Squirrel Girl. It was suggested they were lovers at one point in time, but I can't remember if it was ever confirmed or not, just alluded to a few times.
  • I'm holding out hope for her green being the next world rupture. Cause you know, squirrel girl defining the meta would pretty much be the best thing ever.
    wr at 11 green is not wr. As all of us with maxed Sentries well know.

    Even if green generates ap, it's a 11ap ability that has marginal synergy with the other 2.

    Mine is already 5/5/3 in my mind, best buddies with ldaken and patch.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm still hoping for Rescue ._.
    I don't care if she became 2* Iron Man, I'd still max her out.
  • DD-The-Mighty
    DD-The-Mighty Posts: 350 Mover and Shaker
    Ew. They picked the wrong Squirrel.
    Picking the worst version that hasn't even run for 6 issues.... Demi confirmed for knowing jack all about comics...
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
    ark123 wrote:
    I'm holding out hope for her green being the next world rupture. Cause you know, squirrel girl defining the meta would pretty much be the best thing ever.
    wr at 11 green is not wr. As all of us with maxed Sentries well know.

    Even if green generates ap, it's a 11ap ability that has marginal synergy with the other 2.

    Mine is already 5/5/3 in my mind, best buddies with ldaken and patch.

    Seriously? A turn ending defensive move over something marginally useful and likely to generate AP?

    Sorry, my SG has a final build of 3/5/5 unless something amazing happens with her yellow after it hits 4 or 5.
  • famousfoxking
    famousfoxking Posts: 245 Tile Toppler
    You're all angry about Squirrel Girl?
    Say that out loud. Say "I am angry about Squirrel Girl" out loud.
    Listen to the words as they come out of your mouth, then think about how your life got to this point and do something to fix it.


  • Pwuz_ wrote:
    ark123 wrote:
    I'm holding out hope for her green being the next world rupture. Cause you know, squirrel girl defining the meta would pretty much be the best thing ever.
    wr at 11 green is not wr. As all of us with maxed Sentries well know.

    Even if green generates ap, it's a 11ap ability that has marginal synergy with the other 2.

    Mine is already 5/5/3 in my mind, best buddies with ldaken and patch.

    Seriously? A turn ending defensive move over something marginally useful and likely to generate AP?

    Sorry, my SG has a final build of 3/5/5 unless something amazing happens with her yellow after it hits 4 or 5.
    For 3 giant protect tiles? Heavens yes. Even if it's linear, which it won't be - you'll probably get +1 tile at 5 or even +2. "Ends the turn" isn't nearly as bad when the effect is huge, as people using Hood have discovered. Notice nobody is complaining about the yellow anymore?

    I can't think of a team where I'd save 11 green ap and still have SG be useful.
  • DrStrange-616
    DrStrange-616 Posts: 993 Critical Contributor
    You're all angry about Squirrel Girl?
    Say that out loud. Say "I am angry about Squirrel Girl" out loud.
    Listen to the words as they come out of your mouth, then think about how your life got to this point and do something to fix it.

    Boy, you told us! What was I thinking making a post about something MPQ on an MPQ forum? icon_e_wink.gif
  • ark123 wrote:
    Pwuz_ wrote:
    ark123 wrote:
    I'm holding out hope for her green being the next world rupture. Cause you know, squirrel girl defining the meta would pretty much be the best thing ever.
    wr at 11 green is not wr. As all of us with maxed Sentries well know.

    Even if green generates ap, it's a 11ap ability that has marginal synergy with the other 2.

    Mine is already 5/5/3 in my mind, best buddies with ldaken and patch.

    Seriously? A turn ending defensive move over something marginally useful and likely to generate AP?

    Sorry, my SG has a final build of 3/5/5 unless something amazing happens with her yellow after it hits 4 or 5.
    For 3 giant protect tiles? Heavens yes. Even if it's linear, which it won't be - you'll probably get +1 tile at 5 or even +2. "Ends the turn" isn't nearly as bad when the effect is huge, as people using Hood have discovered. Notice nobody is complaining about the yellow anymore?

    I can't think of a team where I'd save 11 green ap and still have SG be useful.
    If her green reaches the point where it is destroying 6 or more basic tiles each turn I will be all over that like squirrels on Dr Doom