Lightning Rounds???

darkmagearcanis Posts: 401
edited January 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
So I guess there won't be lightning rounds this week? Normally it is up by now.


  • Lightning rounds would mean people could use Rag, and we don't want that do we?

    Yea, I know. Snarky Rag comments are getting old. But it's hard to stop.
  • Last week they didn't get off the ground till 3pm (est). I imagine might be the same this week.
  • Kyosokun wrote:
    Last week they didn't get off the ground till 3pm (est). I imagine might be the same this week.

    Let's hope so. I got some characters who still need to be leveled.
  • I'm finally looking forward to the Lightning rounds (as opposed to just thinking of the free ISO). I got a lucky blue Doom pull from a standard token this week (making him 2/2) as well as getting a Hood from a Heroic (making him 2/0/2). I feel like I have enough strength to get at least a couple of Diabolic tokens. My Rags has been 1/0 since I got the Daily Reward and my Mags has been 1 red for over a month now.
  • I've noticed my.daily rewards coming in later sometimes so I imagine its the same case here. I honestly.wasn't expecting.them until 30 min-1 1/2 from now.

    Also, Gl riggy. With that team you will likely need it. Rag was nerfed but the players are still there. The only big change will be how well ppl with non-rag villains do imo.

    Ps..serious good luck. Sounds snarky but I wasn't meaning be lol.
  • Ps..serious good luck. Sounds snarky but I wasn't meaning be lol.

    I agree as well as I suggest tanking a round to hit bottom and then going all out as I have the following 3* Villians.
    Rags - 1/3 lvl 41 max
    Doom - 2/1 lvl 28 max
    Loki - 0/2 lvl 25 max
    Mags - 0/0/2 lvl 25 max
    Hood - 0/1/1 lvl 18 max

    Still haven't been able to get even a Heroic out of it before the end.
  • Unknown
    edited January 2014
    Yeah I need these lightning rounds to tank for the hulk tourney icon_e_smile.gif
  • Thanks, I didn't take it sarcastically. I've been doing 85 Wolvie / 85 Thor + hero du jour which was typically a level 15-18 villain. I could consistently get heroic tokens placing as high as 57th. With a 38 Doom, and assuming that I tank in the prior round or 2, I feel like I should be able to place in top 50 (if not consistently, then at least in a couple of the rounds).

    My full list of villains is:
    lvl 28 Hood (2/0/2 - need to level at some point)
    lvl 15 Mags (0/1/0)
    lvl 18 Loki (1/1)
    lvl 38 Doom (2/2)
    lvl 15 Rags (1/0)

    So I suspect that I have a chance in either Doom or Hood tourney to perhaps sneak in an off-hours Diabolic token with proper tanking.
  • I may be one of the rare people that actually plays this game just because it's fun. I would lilke to see some different kinds of lightning rounds such as 1* or heroes or the covers that no one uses (marvel now mag,bag man spidey,bullsye, etc).
  • kevind722 wrote:
    I may be one of the rare people that actually plays this game just because it's fun. I would lilke to see some different kinds of lightning rounds such as 1* or heroes or the covers that no one uses (marvel now mag,bag man spidey,bullsye, etc).

    I think we all would like that too ...we're just going off the stuff we know.
  • itstime1234
    itstime1234 Posts: 369 Mover and Shaker
    Usually the grey screen is seen 30 min before the round. I dont see anything
  • And past 3pm (est), no rounds. My prediction was FALSE! /wrists ;_;
  • itstime1234
    itstime1234 Posts: 369 Mover and Shaker
    Damn was really looking forward to it too
  • They could still be coming. We'll see. Or Maybe they've got something new up their sleeves. *shrugs* Hoping for something, but it's all good.
  • Nuts. Just got an update applied but it only implemented the changes to IW, still no Lightning Rounds. Guess I'll try a couple of the IW Hunt missions while I wait.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Tomorrow is the plan, with some changes. The changes being that Shields are now available for them (at reduced cost compared to normal Tournies) and that all buffed characters are only buffed 100% instead of 175%.
  • Excellent. This will be a big boon to the lightnings rounds and the ability of all levels of player to compete. Buffed char still have the advantage, but nice it won't be so overwhelming.
  • IceIX wrote:
    and that all buffed characters are only buffed 100% instead of 175%.

    Great another nerf to Rag!

    I'm kidding, i'm kidding icon_e_smile.gif This is good to see.
  • Yes!! icon_twisted.gif Thank you IceIX.
  • icon_e_sad.gif would much rather them put out today instead if losing a days worth if lr. 2/3 weeks now they haven't worked. That is a lot of lost ISO. Now I actually have to DO things during my in between times on a Tuesday lol.

    Ps.. if you are messin with the lr...make the 500 point progress reward 25-50 hp instead of 500 ISO.