shield cool down must go
I think I want to know more about why you think it must go.0
Yes shield cool down must go, due to the fact that it takes the fun out of the game and it makes no sense what so ever to have 3 hour shield with a 8 hour cool down thats sooo stupid, i feel that this is a way just for D3 is making this game alot less fun with that said if the shield cool down is still this season im going to stop playing MPQ and star playing CLASH OF CLANS.0
and wfer is 3th option " i like new cooldown system" ? I want to mark it0
I'm guessing his issue is one or more of the following....
1. You still cannot remain unshielded for any length of time if your score is above a certain threshold because you'll get battered to death. Adding an 8h CD on all shields just forces ppl to alternate 3h and 8h shields which costs more and severely limits how much you can play.
2. Shield hopping still means you win, just costs more HP so game has become MORE P2W.
3. Insanely harder to reach progression rewards. At 900 ish i'm lucky to find anyone over 10 points. Since I can't shield hop more than a couple of times every 8 hours, plus it costs a ton of HP, plus I can't remain unshielded for more than a few minutes without haemorrhaging points getting to 1100 as a normal player is not particularly feasible.
4. Once you realise ppl over a certain score can't remain unshielded AND you cannot hop very often locating higher score targets becomes really difficult/pot luck. The odds of getting to queue someone when they are only unshielded for less than 10 minutes a couple of times in 8 hours becomes very low. If only there was a way around that... hang on a sec.... OUT OF GAME COMMUNICATION. In a completely misguided attempt to reduce the impact in out of game communication they gave it an ENORMOUS buff. The impact of co-ordinated hopping now is SO MUCH BIGGER.
Basically this change was a total failure to meet ANY objectives they stated for it.
Meant to reduce the impact of out of game communication BUT they buffed it.
Meant to reduce the impact of shield hopping BUT they only made it more expensive and it still wins.
Meant to make the game more feasible for ppl who don't abuse shields BUT with hoppers being that much less visible because of how infrequently they hop anyone with a half decent score who is unshielded has an even BIGGER target on their backs.
Meant to make the game less P2W BUT by leaving hopping as the way to win in PvP and simply making it cost more they made the game MORE P2W.
All of this was pointed out in the thread before it was added and hey presto... there it is.
The only thing it does is give a FALSE impression of ppl doing better because, by reducing the scores people get from hopping other other people LOOK like they are closer to placing highly. They aren't though because they will never bridge that points gap without shield hopping and it costs a lot more AND requires you to arrange your life around time slots based on the 8h shield CDs.0 -
According to the devs, shield hopping is "unfun", and the money they make from it is "a drop in the bucket"
Good luck getting it changed0 -
The cooldown would be good IF the cooldown time was a bit less than the shield length time.
Like :
2h30 cooldown for a 3h00 shield
7h00 cooldown for an 8h00 shield
20h00 cooldown for a 24h shield
Other than that, we are playing a complete new game.
At the moment, considering the terrible scaling in the PvEs, I just have enough Health Packs to cover the game activities (and not willing to buy more Health Packs), so I'd say I am fine with the new system, except we can't reach the highest progression rewards anymore.
With the new system, we can play "normally" up to 600-700 and then shield, playing 2 or 3 matches every 8 hours.
Not sure if the fun of the game is just NOT TO play.
At the moment, I am playing LRs, PvEs and will start SIM again. A bit of a boring routine honestly.0 -
Literally no one was complaining about getting 50 point matches from the shield hopping whales.
Know what people are complaining about? The massive ISO shortage this game creates once you get a couple of maxed characters.
D3 addressed a problem that no one had but are ignoring a problem that just about everyone has...0 -
I don't think shield cooldown has any BIG effect on normal players.
As the shield cooldown started in the combined arms event, this is the 2nd event running shield cooldown.
On top of the leaderboard, all I saw was that everyone was shielding as the event coming to an end. < 1 day 5 hours approximately. It clearly didn't prevent normal players from shielding and climbing slowly to reach about > 900 in first and second shard.
Just my 2 cents but it's working as intended, yes it COSTS MORE to shield hop now, but it's not that bad as one may think. When I'm a transitional player I used to do a 3H shield, followed by a 8H shield, then another 3H to place safely inside top 25 each events. Players who don't spend HP on healthpacks need 4 hours to restore all healthpacks anyway.
Having said that, it mostly affect transitional players from 3* to 4*. Previously it's much easier and less troublesome to get to 1300. Players can hop every half an hour in the last few hours where big points are available. Now with the cooldown it actually requires MORE outside communication to perfect a hop. So IMO d3's move is simply to slow down players getting to 'end game' stage and encourage more cover packs sales.
Why call it off when it actually let you enjoy the game more ? Would you like to see 270, Elektra , and new 4* dominate pvp. I doubt so. Slowly progressing towards 4* is actually a good thing.
0 -
hooicw wrote:Why call it off when it actually let you enjoy the game more ? Would you like to see 270
, Elektra , and new 4* dominate pvp. I doubt so. Slowly progressing towards 4* is actually a good thing.
And yet a few weeks ago they were talking about releasing a LOT new 4* in the current year and making the 3*->4* transition easier than the 2*->3* currently is, so I doubt it's that.
Hopefully they'll recalibrate the progression rewards to make them a little more attainable0 -
hooicw wrote:I don't think shield cooldown has any BIG effect on normal players.
As the shield cooldown started in the combined arms event, this is the 2nd event running shield cooldown.
On top of the leaderboard, all I saw was that everyone was shielding as the event coming to an end. < 1 day 5 hours approximately. It clearly didn't prevent normal players from shielding and climbing slowly to reach about > 900 in first and second shard.
Just my 2 cents but it's working as intended, yes it COSTS MORE to shield hop now, but it's not that bad as one may think. When I'm a transitional player I used to do a 3H shield, followed by a 8H shield, then another 3H to place safely inside top 25 each events. Players who don't spend HP on healthpacks need 4 hours to restore all healthpacks anyway.
Having said that, it mostly affect transitional players from 3* to 4*. Previously it's much easier and less troublesome to get to 1300. Players can hop every half an hour in the last few hours where big points are available. Now with the cooldown it actually requires MORE outside communication to perfect a hop. So IMO d3's move is simply to slow down players getting to 'end game' stage and encourage more cover packs sales.
Why call it off when it actually let you enjoy the game more ? Would you like to see 270, Elektra , and new 4* dominate pvp. I doubt so. Slowly progressing towards 4* is actually a good thing.
Well, that depends on what you consider a normal player.
I am by no means a whale, as I have never bought ISO or any 4 star covers out of principle.
But I sure would love to be able to hit 1300 when I would like to.
In the past it has cost me about 300 to 400 HP to get to 1300 and shield for the rest of the event.
Now, if I can even do it anymore, it would probably cost closer to 1000 HP. And that’s assuming I get to 1300 at all. I could attempt to get to 1300 then, after I’ve spent hundreds of HP, be 50 points away from 1300 and all my shields are on cool down until the event ends. Then I’m just ****.
If they are going to force this 3 to 4 star transition on us, at least make it possible to get those 4 star covers in some way other than lucking into Top 1 in PVP or grinding your face off to get top 2 in PVE.
I’m currently at a point in this game where leveling 3 stars doesn’t really do me much good. I have plenty of strong 3 stars maxed. Now I need to max 4 stars. But that’s impossible if they make 1300 impossible to obtain…0 -
Kappei wrote:hooicw wrote:Why call it off when it actually let you enjoy the game more ? Would you like to see 270
, Elektra , and new 4* dominate pvp. I doubt so. Slowly progressing towards 4* is actually a good thing.
And yet a few weeks ago they were talking about releasing a LOT new 4* in the current year and making the 3*->4* transition easier than the 2*->3* currently is, so I doubt it's that.
Hopefully they'll recalibrate the progression rewards to make them a little more attainable
I doubt anything will be done to rectify the situation in the near future. Even if 4* are easier to obtain, what about the problem with deficiency of ISO? I have about 10+ max covered 3* characters but no ISO to level them up. The ideal situation will be double the ISO rewards, increase the drop rates of 3* to ease everyone into 3* phrase before go crazy on those 4*. End game characters should not be obtained easily. After all if everyone had every maxed 4* within a month or two what's the point of playing the game.0 -
The 8hr cooldown on an 8hr shield is incredibly, incredibly annoying. If you pop an 8hr shield then want to pop another one afterwards then you have to be pinpoint precise in timing, which means scheduling your life to that 8hr shield.
In my case, I couldn't wait until it expired (had to go to work) so broke it 30 mins early, then had to pop a 3hr shield as the next 8hr shield was still on cooldown, then had to do another 8hr shield after the 3hr shield to take me past the end of the event. Great for D3 as thats another 75hp I had to spend due to cooldowns, but not a great customer experience.
If they're going to persist with cooldowns then I sincerely hope they drop the cooldown to 5hrs or so.0 -
hooicw wrote:Having said that, it mostly affect transitional players from 3* to 4*. Previously it's much easier and less troublesome to get to 1300. Players can hop every half an hour in the last few hours where big points are available. Now with the cooldown it actually requires MORE outside communication to perfect a hop. So IMO d3's move is simply to slow down players getting to 'end game' stage and encourage more cover packs sales.
Why call it off when it actually let you enjoy the game more ? Would you like to see 270, Elektra , and new 4* dominate pvp. I doubt so. Slowly progressing towards 4* is actually a good thing.
Demiurge_Will also said that they have predetermined goals for the percent of players that they want to achieve particular Progression Awards. I bet they want between 0.1% - 0.01% of players reaching 1300, but sheild-hopping made it 10x that.
So, some people will probably quit playing over this, but Demiurge will still have 99% of their playerbase. The rest of us may find cool downs annoying, but not game changing. For example, I've only hit 1100 twice and 1300 once. If I never do that again, it won't be a big loss.0 -
I'm looking to see how they adjust the progression rewards with the new shield cooldowns.
That action is going to tell you much more about why the cooldowns were added. If they bring the progression rewards down to more reachable values, without more than say 2-3 shields total, then good. Making the progression rewards more reachable for the general players and not just the shield hoppers is good for the game, and should also yield positive returns on their bottom line through player retention, slot sales, and other purchases through players enjoying the game more.
If the new progression thresholds are set very high and less reachable, then we know the change was simply because they did not like the top players earning the 4* covers. That the change was to end them getting what they see as a reduced price, and not for the general player.
Like many sports and hobbies, I know my level of skill. I enjoyed watching the top alliances and top players slug it out at the top. The 6k push was cool. I hate those guys/gals had to spend so much money/hp to do it, but it was like watching these guy free-climb the granite face of El Capitan. Painful, time consuming, expensive, but cool.0 -
GuntherBlobel wrote:Exactly. Demiurge wants to release a bunch of new 4* characters, but they don't want to give them out more than their 4* rarity would suggest.
Demiurge_Will also said that they have predetermined goals for the percent of players that they want to achieve particular Progression Awards. I bet they want between 0.1% - 0.01% of players reaching 1300, but sheild-hopping made it 10x that.
He did also say that they want the transition from 3*->4* to be less painful than 2*->3* is. So I am hoping they are reevaluating those progression reward percentages, to try and gain player retention and satisfaction.
I'm probably delusional on this, and MPQ is just their version of a casino, and not a game, but I have hope that they want to have a great game, and not just a lottery.0 -
Anytime they change the meta, there are riots. Then people figure out the new meta, and the riots die down.
Personally, this change means very little to me. I rarely shield before T-8 hours anyway, and if I do it's usually around T-11 or T-14. So now I'll have to do T-10 (3-8 or 8-3) or switch from my typical 8-3-3 to 3-8-3. So there should be a 3rd poll option for "I don't care," but biased polls FTW.0 -
I dislike shield cool down, but I am waiting to see how they will change progression rewards. In my opinion progression rewards should contain only iso and HP rewards, while all covers should get to placement reward area. If they plan to release more 4* characters, and to make them more available as they said, 4* will have to be placement reward (individual not alliance). Make it for t1 to have all 3 covers, t2-5 2 covers, t6-10 1 cover. Give 3* covers for placing t11-t150. This way it would help transitional players from both 3-4* and 2-3* groups. In my opinion this would be logical solution, but I doubt it will happen.
Also I am not sure if this would be better solution than cool down, but return shielding to what it was but allow only 3 skips, that way people will think twice before pressing the skip button.0 -
I don't like the shield cooldown, but I'll freely admit it's more likely to help me (by lowering reward amounts) than hurt me. I don't shield at all that often anymore, but having the option to shield more than once is nice when I need the covers. The net effect of this is my shielding is going to become even rarer, because I"m going to be reluctant to use it in edge cases where I've shielded in the past.0
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