Hulk PVE insane scaling?



  • SnowcaTT wrote:
    Phantron wrote:
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    Thought I may as well give hard node this time a shot. I joined day one, so my bracket should be good and full.

    Played the easiest node - one still very difficult essential node, one time. That's all the points I have in hard.

    I moved to #178. In a thousand person bracket. 800 people haven't been able to win ONE NODE worth of points (or completed that same node, one time...or my one attempt rubber-banded me over their one attempt): or they just gave up. What a way to run an event, just lock out most of the people who are in it.

    The essentials are considerably easier than the whacked combinations of enemies you face on normal nodes and are worth more points, so that's not very surprising. For some reason the game thinks just because the enemies are 50 levels lower it's clearly much easier to fight something like Venom + purple feeder versus just 3 DAs straight up, because it's not like getting stunned every other turn is going to adversely screw you up.

    Right, but what part isn't surprising? Essentials are easier and worth tons, so I would expect anyone who tried hard would try one of those first.

    The part that surprises me is scaling is so extreme for every roster that one clear of one node puts me in top 200. This is at least the third time I've played this event, with a weaker roster I was able to take every essential. Those with weaker rosters now can't take one essential in hard anymore.

    Edit - one reason might be I'm in slice 4, whose start-time is work-time in US time zones. Another reason might be that folks just haven't even tried one node since they've been full twice while at work/school/sleep - closer to end time (six more hours) may be a better indicator, to see how many else bother to start. I'll just sit on my one node clear and see where it ends.

    Maybe they don't have Luke Cage?

    The scaling on essentials on normal seems out of whack in recent events. In my normal my essentials are 150 and hardest non essential is 70. In my hard the essentials are about 200 while my highest nodes are 250. No idea how this impacts people with less scaling, but essentials are never supposed to be the highest level nodes both because it's to reward people to have the nodes, and that being forced to use someone inherently makes the node harder.
  • Phantron wrote:
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    Thought I may as well give hard node this time a shot. I joined day one, so my bracket should be good and full.

    Played the easiest node - one still very difficult essential node, one time. That's all the points I have in hard.

    I moved to #178. In a thousand person bracket. 800 people haven't been able to win ONE NODE worth of points (or completed that same node, one time...or my one attempt rubber-banded me over their one attempt): or they just gave up. What a way to run an event, just lock out most of the people who are in it.

    The essentials are considerably easier than the whacked combinations of enemies you face on normal nodes and are worth more points, so that's not very surprising. For some reason the game thinks just because the enemies are 50 levels lower it's clearly much easier to fight something like Venom + purple feeder versus just 3 DAs straight up, because it's not like getting stunned every other turn is going to adversely screw you up.

    Strangely enough, for me the essential node with Ares + Venom + Daken is by far the hardest node in that West Sahara sub. Lvl wise they are comparable to the normal nodes as well.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards

    Strangely enough, for me the essential node with Ares + Venom + Daken is by far the hardest node in that West Sahara sub. Lvl wise they are comparable to the normal nodes as well.

    Both essentials start at a lower level than the first path node in hard mode for me. Throughout the day the harder essential has scaled up to almost the first node for me - probably more people running only the essential for points. In easy, the essentials are indeed much higher levels than the regular nodes (assuming single hulk = 1/2 to 1/3rd level for comparison).
  • I'm not talking about the actual encounter itself. Obviously some combination of enemies can be much harder than their level indicate, but I don't think essentials nodes were ever meant to be the highest level nodes in any event but this is clearly not true in this event. I don't know if it's something that just impacts people with very high scaling and it doesn't really matter to me anyway because all the nodes on normal is still pretty trivial but it's weird to see a level 150 essential on the normal bracket when the highest non essential is level 70.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    New rotation, Hulk out Juggs in. Call me crazy but I'd rather fight a +300 Hulk than a +100 Jugg
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phantron wrote:
    I'm not talking about the actual encounter itself. Obviously some combination of enemies can be much harder than their level indicate, but I don't think essentials nodes were ever meant to be the highest level nodes in any event but this is clearly not true in this event. I don't know if it's something that just impacts people with very high scaling and it doesn't really matter to me anyway because all the nodes on normal is still pretty trivial but it's weird to see a level 150 essential on the normal bracket when the highest non essential is level 70.

    Maybe this is because scaling takes into account all character buffs now? The required characters for essentials are always buffed, so maybe those nodes are scaling higher due to that.

    After hitting the "easy" essential in hard mode once earlier in the day, I'm down to almost 400th nearing the end of event. It looks like (only?) 3/5ths of the players of this bracket were unable/unwilling to play more than one node one time.
  • benben77 wrote:
    wymtime wrote:
    Quebbster wrote:
    daibar wrote:
    Even Cstorm does in a pinch if you have a 2* roster with no Punisher. Every time I saw a leveled up Hulk I knew it was CStorm time.
    Good call. I wonder if you can get Anger to trigger Raging Tempest? That could be fun in a neverending cycle of death kind of way. icon_e_smile.gif

    The more fun for anger death would be Sentry WR + Sacrafice for lots of Anger Tiles. Then you would see Hulk destroy your entire team from Anger and Match damage from green alone.

    actually i dont see how this is a problem.... players have tools like 1* BW 2* storm or any stun character to handle him or you can choice big guns, save AP and like hulk in 1 turns . That is totally possible.

    This Is Always My Strategy. Get Your Heavy Hitters, Alternate Them To Get AP And Share The Damage. Then once YouR Saved Up Skills Will Take Him Out, Give Him All At once.
  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    I had a lot of fun with Punisher, GSBW, and Thor. Punisher's black skates under the radar. I only have 5/3/3 in Punisher, but that's enough that when Hulk (398 for me) is down from 26k to ~6600 HPS, Punisher shoots him. Game over.

    I basically match all yellows and purples to put heaps of green on the board, and either CtS or Sniper him down. It's not difficult to whittle him quickly.
  • Punisher is the key!
  • Kingofpopcorn
    Kingofpopcorn Posts: 65 Match Maker
    Really ?

    I just got killed 3 times in the hard essential battle.
    I have maxed x-force goddess Thor and punisher.
    If the AI gets a cascade I loose.

    Seriously it s not hard modes it s nightmare or hardcore modes.
    Even in normal mode I can be beaten with this team.

    I m not playing this ****ing pve anymore
  • Not only is scaling incredibly, but I swear something is up with points and ranking etc... I've done sub and finished minimum top 50. (ie when I couldn't play much b/c of sleep so that top 10 push etc wasn't possible) Yet somehow I am ranked 148 and literally FIGHTING tooth and nail for at least ONE Doom purple cover... How does that make ANY sense??

    Also, give me 349 Hulk over 100+ Ares, Jugs, and Daken ANY DAY... Screw these nodes! They are so dumb!

    Their scaling b/c you have the required who's super boosted needs some tweaking... Hey look! You have a 2 cover Luke Cage! Here's crazy scaling to use that all but useless character on!
  • Arimis_Thorn
    Arimis_Thorn Posts: 541 Critical Contributor
    Kind of hating this event. I'm running into PVE teams that are no Sh#% 30-50 levels below my team, but have an incredible knack for cascades that wipe out my team. The "Easy" parts of the event are kind of manageable, but the Hard (even though marked Easy due to my cover levels - I tend to run Hulk lvl 153, 2 * Black Widow lvl 134, 2* Cap lvl 134) are nearly impossible. The Punisher node (granted my Punisher is only lvl 70, but Hulk and Widow are as above), I'm having level 92 AI eat me alive.

    Part of the problem that I have is when you have AI heroes/villains teamed up with the AI soldiers who get auto-AP every turn, plus the matches that the hero/villain AI get. It lets them use their powers absurdly often and I honestly have no idea how to mitigate it.