Are You Happy With the Nerfs/Buffs (Poll).
Purty Hawkeye wrote:I voted "I really don't care." If i was going to quit over nerfs when they took Loki and nerfed him soon after i spent my first money on the game to level him up I would've done it then. but I really don't care. I just started looking for a different team and became more aggressive at picking up the other covers and the goal of doing that was a lot of fun. Then I took the consensus best team and built up the 3* villains and Spidey and GSBW and that was a lot of fun. now they nerfed Rag and things have changed yet again and now I am having a lot of fun in The Hunt and Big Smash learning what the new best options are and where to spend some iso to max out the characters. I've been through everything the devs can do and I'm still having fun. For me that's my bottom line and I still enjoy the time i spend matching symbols.0
gobstopper wrote:Purty Hawkeye wrote:I voted "I really don't care." If i was going to quit over nerfs when they took Loki and nerfed him soon after i spent my first money on the game to level him up I would've done it then. but I really don't care. I just started looking for a different team and became more aggressive at picking up the other covers and the goal of doing that was a lot of fun. Then I took the consensus best team and built up the 3* villains and Spidey and GSBW and that was a lot of fun. now they nerfed Rag and things have changed yet again and now I am having a lot of fun in The Hunt and Big Smash learning what the new best options are and where to spend some iso to max out the characters. I've been through everything the devs can do and I'm still having fun. For me that's my bottom line and I still enjoy the time i spend matching symbols.
Sure you could say that but the money I've spent has been to upgrade the last couple of covers. In both Loki and Rag I was able to easily use them to win as much or more than I spent. As many have mentioned ever since the Lightning Rounds started having a 5Red Rag was the difference between winning covers or not. After all of the lightning rounds I have all the villains covers I want and enough iso to level them up to >Lvl 100. So yeah I spent money again and I am happy with what that purchase lead to. now that I pretty much have all the currently available covers and a nice bank of iso and hp all because of that purchase I'm not personally feeling all that foolish but I'm okay if you want to think so.0 -
Nonce Equitaur 2 wrote:The top six characters as of a week ago were Rags, Mags, Spidey, Wolverine 2*, Thor, BWGS.
The first five will be nerfed, according to the devs.
The two 4* characters will apparently be buffed.
BWGS was only top 6 because of Rags too...0 -
im all for balancing things, but fights now just take FOREVER. part of the reason that i dug this game was that i could pick it up, play for 5 minutes, and be done with it. those 240 ares matches jn the hunt can take upwards of 15 minutes now. i want to be distracted and entertained in small spurts....i think the game is too slow now. marc0
Voted "Yes. I think the characters on the list need to be nerfed/buffed and it makes the game more interesting" though 2nd pick would be "No. I've spent too much time and/or money developing the nerfed/to-be nerfed characters", only because all that sweet precious ISO I spent on Ragnorak (who now has the alt role of Thor stand-in for Grey Widow when out of health packs) could have been spent maxing both Original Black Widow and Classic Storm if I'd known the meta was going to swing that direction.
I'm sure there's irony in this next statement, but what I really want to see next is devs moving quickly on the rest of the nerfs; reasoning being there were 2 routes to easy victory previously - Rags/sniper speed or Spidey/most-decent-attackers everlasting - and with 1 route closed that means there's now no competing in rankings with the Spidey heal teams that aren't governed by health packs.
In a momentarily 'limbo' lull at the minute, where the slower pick-almost-anyone tempo is emerging but in the interim the last uber bastion of spammable strike tiles + endless health rules all - not that those teams weren't due a reign, given Rags dominance lasted some time.
It's the post-Wolvie, post-Spidey landscape I'm interested in seeing now; I know health packs get a lot of mentions (I mentioned them myself 2 lines ago!), but I think the Next Big Thing for the game is going to - shockingly - be about having a lot of developed characters, not a handful of uber characters.
Other characters = health packs with pictures & powers & things!
I think it will be an exciting time, and a shot of adrenaline for lots of characters e.g. Juggernaut, Venom, Bullseye.
It is been rewarding to play in the era of "turn 3 Thunderclaps into double Sniper Shot!" (which was lucrative for me indeed) and "stun-locked so hard they never got 1 move off!", but I rather look forward to an age of "outside the top 10 and all my squad KO'd then I beat The New Guy with just my 1*s!" and (may it please one day happen) "just Switcheroo'd 4 web tiles and Devoured Hulk whole!".0 -
djsquillz wrote:im all for balancing things, but fights now just take FOREVER. part of the reason that i dug this game was that i could pick it up, play for 5 minutes, and be done with it. those 240 ares matches jn the hunt can take upwards of 15 minutes now. i want to be distracted and entertained in small spurts....i think the game is too slow now. marc
It's interesting. I think of the 240 missions as my favorite missions. Completely out-leveled, every match counts, deny certain colors while getting your own, one mistake can throw everything off. Then the joy of winning the battle afterwards. Absolutely thrilling.
To each their own, of course.0 -
My biggest problem is the devs aren't gonna stop there. All the good characters are going to soon be unusable as we now know it. My magneto who I love playing with is about to get "corrected" Rags was only the begining. I like using different characters but not because I have to. To people who were bored with winning, soon everyone will be bored with playing. I like progression and developing a great team took me a long time to Max out my team now I have to start over!0
Kiamodo wrote:My biggest problem is the devs aren't gonna stop there. All the good characters are going to soon be unusable as we now know it. My magneto who I love playing with is about to get "corrected" Rags was only the begining.0
Rebalancing is nessesary, but not in Rags way.
First, the rebalanced characters should not be totally wasted.
Second, players with those characters could respec for free or get refund.
No, I'm not happy with the way they did.0 -
Purty Hawkeye wrote:Sure you could say that but the money I've spent has been to upgrade the last couple of covers. In both Loki and Rag I was able to easily use them to win as much or more than I spent. As many have mentioned ever since the Lightning Rounds started having a 5Red Rag was the difference between winning covers or not. After all of the lightning rounds I have all the villains covers I want and enough iso to level them up to >Lvl 100. So yeah I spent money again and I am happy with what that purchase lead to. now that I pretty much have all the currently available covers and a nice bank of iso and hp all because of that purchase I'm not personally feeling all that foolish but I'm okay if you want to think so.0
I voted no and reason was the fear of whole game slowing down. I really would like that you can play just quick rounds every now and then if necessary. Truth be told I'm a bit concerned about this "health pack conspiracy".
On the other hand I don't mind Rags being nerfed or any other character either. But IMO nerfs should be done gradually. Just minor changes first. Then if more tweaking is necessary yet another nerf. Now Rags became neutered so quickly that almost everybody who invested heavily in him lost their marbles. Luckily my Rags is only 2/1 so not much wasted ISO there. But maybe from now on people will remember not to put all their eggs in the same basket. Leveling multiple characters slowly might be a tedious task but it pays off in the long run.0 -
An enthusiastic yes here0
If I had the choice to make my own poll option, it would be "No, I don't agree with the Buff/Nerf ideologies the developer currently is using that left one character somewhat intact (C. Storm) yet two characters neutered like Bob Barker's pets."
*Disclaimer: I have a 1/2 lvl 28 rag, and I mostly used it as a Feral Strike engine if at all before IM40 was a solid member of my team*
I am of the opinion that "a rising tide raises all boats." That is, to make a game more enjoyable, I believe that there should be more buffs than nerfs (60/40). These are superheroes we are dealing with, after all. They are meant to be played with the feeling that you are controlling powerful characters, each with their own different styles of play and mechanics. To continue with my boat metaphor, Ragnarok was clearly the Titanic of the bunch, but the iceberg that D3P and Demiurge struck him with turned him into nothing more than a ship wreck at the bottom of the sea; plenty of Health, but left behind by all that once boarded it.
The main issue I have however is the fact that this buff/debuff campaign didn't happen across the board at once, but started on only ONE singular character out of thin air. If you're going to go through the trouble of adjusting all of these characters, why not do them all at the same time to all of the characters in need of tweaks? It is much easier to ease the pain of adjustments by just ripping the band-aid off instead of leaving your most dedicated player base second guessing which characters to invest Iso-8 into. Having all of the changes laid out in front of the players would have given credence to the idea of having a more balanced game instead of giving birth to thoughts of "This developer is only concerned about money, not about making a good game" that have run rampant across these forums ever since last Thursday. Hell, I've played Avengers Alliance for the longest time, and even Playdom had the decency to buff/debuff multiple characters at the same time rather than giving out a list of characters like Norman Osborn. D3P and Demiurge gained our trust by communication, transparency, and sound decisions, and now it seems that those courtesies were a luxury that is long gone.
I'm willing to wait it out and to see what other changes that will be made. I wish there could be room for a quicker (yet inherently riskier) style of play in combination with the slower style of play that seems to be prevailing, but so far it hasn't dampened my enjoyment too much so far. As for whether or not I'm leaving, I'm definitely putting in less time into the game. Organic Chemistry (and Biomedical Engineering in general, to be honest) is quite a time sink.0 -
Oversoul wrote:If I had the choice to make my own poll option, it would be "No, I don't agree with the Buff/Nerf ideologies the developer currently is using that left one character somewhat intact (C. Storm) yet two characters neutered like Bob Barker's pets."
*Disclaimer: I have a 1/2 lvl 28 rag, and I mostly used it as a Feral Strike engine if at all before IM40 was a solid member of my team*
I am of the opinion that "a rising tide raises all boats." That is, to make a game more enjoyable, I believe that there should be more buffs than nerfs (60/40). These are superheroes we are dealing with, after all. They are meant to be played with the feeling that you are controlling powerful characters, each with their own different styles of play and mechanics. To continue with my boat metaphor, Ragnarok was clearly the Titanic of the bunch, but the iceberg that D3P and Demiurge struck him with turned him into nothing more than a ship wreck at the bottom of the sea; plenty of Health, but left behind by all that once boarded it.
The main issue I have however is the fact that this buff/debuff campaign didn't happen across the board at once, but started on only ONE singular character out of thin air. If you're going to go through the trouble of adjusting all of these characters, why not do them all at the same time to all of the characters in need of tweaks? It is much easier to ease the pain of adjustments by just ripping the band-aid off instead of leaving your most dedicated player base second guessing which characters to invest Iso-8 into. Having all of the changes laid out in front of the players would have given credence to the idea of having a more balanced game instead of giving birth to thoughts of "This developer is only concerned about money, not about making a good game" that have run rampant across these forums ever since last Thursday. Hell, I've played Avengers Alliance for the longest time, and even Playdom had the decency to buff/debuff multiple characters at the same time rather than giving out a list of characters like Norman Osborn. D3P and Demiurge gained our trust by communication, transparency, and sound decisions, and now it seems that those courtesies were a luxury that is long gone.
I'm willing to wait it out and to see what other changes that will be made. I wish there could be room for a quicker (yet inherently riskier) style of play in combination with the slower style of play that seems to be prevailing, but so far it hasn't dampened my enjoyment too much so far. As for whether or not I'm leaving, I'm definitely putting in less time into the game. Organic Chemistry (and Biomedical Engineering in general, to be honest) is quite a time sink.0 -
I am not competitive enough in the game to know if the nerfs were warranted or not. My only problem is that, while I understand there will be a "flavour of the week" character that is semi-op that the devs will want you to buy so the game can be funded, I'm not sure if the devs are nerfing for balance or they are just nerfing so that if you don't buy the fotw's there isn't a point to playing.0
It´d be nice if there was a general official direction. A lot of the negative reaction to the Rag nerf could propably have been avoided if there was an idea how strong he SHOULD have been. No one actually thought that Rag was going to stay the way he was.
While we know the upcoming change candidates (and no one is suprised exept thouse that think Bagman is anything but a joke), we´d apprechiate to know the direction they are supposed to go in. Stronger/rarer characters include more board interaction (scaling with number of color tiles, placing timer/attack/strike/defense tiles)?
How long are individual turns and matches supposed to last (in the context pvp and pve)? How long should a match with high healtloss on your side take compared to one without?
The best case scenario for balance is imho that every character (and ever skill) has a context in which they are valid to use.0 -
Can't find myself in the poll.
Yes, I agree nerfs were warranted. No, I'm absolutely not happy how they were done.
They take OP heros and make them pretty much useless. Happened 3 times now already. I really fear Thor, **Wolv and Spidey will end up in some dark corner of my roster together with loki, cstorm and bagnarok.0 -
I love the way people are complaining that fights now take FOREVER!
You understand that this is how long a fight takes for everyone that didn't have a high level Rag before right? Like, literally that is the only thing that is different at the minute.0 -
gobstopper wrote:Purty Hawkeye wrote:Sure you could say that but the money I've spent has been to upgrade the last couple of covers. In both Loki and Rag I was able to easily use them to win as much or more than I spent. As many have mentioned ever since the Lightning Rounds started having a 5Red Rag was the difference between winning covers or not. After all of the lightning rounds I have all the villains covers I want and enough iso to level them up to >Lvl 100. So yeah I spent money again and I am happy with what that purchase lead to. now that I pretty much have all the currently available covers and a nice bank of iso and hp all because of that purchase I'm not personally feeling all that foolish but I'm okay if you want to think so.
I feel bad for those who used their HP whether it was through sweat equity or $ that upgraded Loki or Rag just before the nerf. It stinks and there is no other way to say that. The problem with the nerf which has been covered extensively was the lack of warning. When IceIX was here we got around at least a few day's warning of upcoming Patch changes. The lack of even a couple days to digest this makes it sting all the more for those who upgraded right before the nerf. At least now there is a list of covers which are going to be changed and they have told us that well ahead of time. For the five seconds it was there we even know what the devs are using as a baseline. So now at least the layers who use the forum know where the more immediate change is going to happen. Many will see this as a bad thing but the smart player should see it as an opportunity.
This goes to whether I would advocate a new player to spend money to buy covers now. Right now the meta game is brand new again.Right now every player is trying to figure out what the next long term "best" team is. If you are an observant player and realize which covers make up the best team early then you have the same opportunity i took to get ahead of the crowds and place well. In that case I would advise a player to spend enough to take that character to the best build or at least if there is one critical cover to max that one and then use it a lot in every PvE/PvP going to get back the money you spent by winning stuff. I'm in the same boat as everyone else trying to figure out what's next. Those who figure it out first and start taking advantage will find that $ well spent. I know i don't regret paying to upgrade Loki and Rag because it paid off for me.0 -
abuelo wrote:I love the way people are complaining that fights now take FOREVER!
You understand that this is how long a fight takes for everyone that didn't have a high level Rag before right? Like, literally that is the only thing that is different at the minute.
Yeah, I find that interesting too. It's like how 90% of the player base plays already and how most all of us played for the first couple months. I personally remember fondly the times I went through the prologue and first 10 tournaments when I didn't have Rag and actually had to use health packs.0
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