12 hour subs - love it or hate it?

bdksni1 Posts: 103
edited December 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
I've been seeing many people complaining about 12hour subs but i just can't get it. More HP, more ISO, more tokens, more oportunities to rank high in each sub, less grinding and therefore less 'jackpot' 20iso rewards. Despite the fact you may miss a couple of subs due to sleep/work/life i don't see such a big downside to it unless you're a hardcore player.
Even those who have to get everything everytime just have to grind at the 1st and last hour of each sub to rank at least top 50 ir higher so, not bad, not bad at all..
I wish there were more events featuring half a day subs.


  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2014
    I'm enjoying it. I probably wouldn't have if time slices hadn't been implemented though, as that would have meant the subs would end at 6AM and 6PM. 9AM and 9PM is much better.
    It also helps a lot that I have no interest in the prize in the main, I am mostly using it as an ISO/HP mine. And the trivial opposition also contributes a lot to my enjoyment. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • I actually really like this set up.

    If they made each PVE like this, I could see myself being much more involved.
  • I love it. Never saw my HP, tokens and Iso go that fast up. That last one is big thing, with 24/48h nodes both are easily going 4/4 leaving you with 20 Iso, here you're getting full rewards rotation each 12h (though I wish they replaced that aweful Crit Damage boost rewards for anything really).
  • Pretty sure that this event has always been very good on the ISo and HP front anyway? Put it this way, when it was announced, loads of people posted saying they were very happy as they could get HP back for all the new characters slots we have needed recently. Plus they have lowered the difficulty.

    I don't like it personally. Key will be if/when they try it on a different event, for a new character.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    I like it in this kind of event where my own time is limited and I don't care much about the rewards, so I can pick up some HP/Iso without much effort in a couple subs.

    I'd love it if I had the time and rewards were minimal, where I could grind the heck out of it for 1000+ HP.

    I would abhor this if it gave out FourThor or other award where the world is scratching and clawing and everything was a fight for placement.

    So...it depends.
  • Hate it. Combined with forcing you into a bracket, it means I'm not getting any HP, and I'm going to end up missing tokens now too. If I pick an end time I don't want it applying to only half the subs.

    Last time they ran this I got at least 50 HP every single sub but one or two - I thing I ended up with like 1000 HP out of it. This time, I've gotten 50 hp twice. I may not even get tokens in the four subs this morning and tomorrow morning.

    It would bug me more if there were actual prizes at stake.
  • Lidolas
    Lidolas Posts: 500
    I picked the 3pm end, not realizing that made half my subs end at 3am. It would be nice if they showed the whole schedule when picking a shard.
  • I like it. Picked the 9pm EST end time, so it works out well for all the subs for me.

    Lots of tokens, lots of ISO, and a bunch of HP (haven't grinded the subs as much as I could).
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    Have to go Hate it. The issue is with time slices you are placed in a sub without entering, so unless you are starting right on time and then start your 2 and 1/2 hours you are SOL for placement. From a ISO standpoint I love this event as it drops a lot of ISO. With time slices these should now be 24 hour subs instead of 12.
  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    Short subs are OK but 12hrs makes me miss a few. 24hrs would be ideal, especially with the new time slicing.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    I love it! So much less grinding! Sure, from time to time I miss a sub and some rewards, but the rest of time I am so grateful that I didn't have to slave away for days to get those 50 HP and golden token! And even with the bad middle-of-the-night end times for half the subs and the auto-placement some mention, I'm comfortably and without much effort staying within the top 50 which is perfectly fine by me for an oldish character like Cap Marvel.
  • The people who like it probably have the exceptionally low scaling bug so you can get 50-100 HP for doing nothing. I happen to be on the beneficial side of scaling for once and it's stupidly easy to get 50-100 HP and sure I used to get 100 HP every sub but it took considerably more effort so I'll settle for 50 HP for facerolling easy difficulty. It's generally a bad idea but maybe that's why scaling suddenly went way down for no apparent reason to compensate.

    At any rate the amount of HP adjusts to some target set by D3 not the format of the event. If this is going to be a recurring thing expect to see these 12 hour sub to give 25 HP for the 1-10 and 0 HP for everyone else. I don't get why people think they're gaining some kind of advantage as the result of the format. D3 isn't likely to be in the business of giving out unusual amount of HP so it's probably a one time deal.
  • _______Yes.
  • SymmeTrey
    SymmeTrey Posts: 170 Tile Toppler
    I like it for this one event but wouldn't want to see it always this way. In fact, since we are picking end times now, I would prefer to see ALL subs end at the same end time throughout the event. It would be nice to be able to have 3pm end times like the above example, but, not be straddled with some subs that end at 3am. If we are picking end times now, it just makes no sense to have subs mixed in an event at other times... isn't the whole purpose of picking your end time to make for more convenient play to fit into your schedule?
  • I like it - 7am and 7pm (MST) are reasonable, and with the loooow enemy level, it's an MPQ girls night (and day) - running pretty much exclusively Gamora, Psy, and OBW (I do change it a bit for the heavy hitter gateway nodes, though)

    and HP and ISO and Tokens, oh my....

    To be fair, I don't know whether it is the 12h format I am enjoying, or the fact that my C team is cakewalking to success; either way, I'll take it.
  • Both. I love the reward pace and ease of the 12 hour subs in this event, I hate that I basically have to constantly be playing because the events are so short, and that I miss 3/4 of a sub just to sleep.
  • Konman
    Konman Posts: 410 Mover and Shaker
    I only do each node once anyway, so all it means is less time to wait around for everyone else to grind their lives away.
  • The only think nice about it is the reward structure, really, and as Phantron mentioned, I doubt that's going to be a thing we'll see a lot going forward. I can't even believe how easy it is to get 50-100hp... and doing it with a 125 patch/tinyD combo in 15m or less to boot. It speaks to me of 'can't be on purpose', and I have a feeling that the dude that was supposed to key in the correct reward structure for the shortened event format forgot to actually make the changes before it went live. I mean they are literally just giving away gobs of their premier commodity twice a day for any player that has the time to chase 2.5hr refresh timers and slam out some nodes at the end of the subs.

    That being said, its nice for the moment, as I've been able to take advantage of some of the HP. Gawd, I might even be able to add a character to my roster that isn't a new release for the first time in well over a month. However, under the normal way I need to compete with work/family/ other adult responsibilities, a 12h sub changeout rotation would mean missing out more often than reaping. It'd be great for those with tons of time perhaps, but those folks already have a pretty big advantage, no?

    I wish for more features allowing folks to play a reasonable amount on their own time. 12hr subs goes in the opposite direction a little imo
  • Katai
    Katai Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    12 hour subs means more ISO rewards, but makes it impossible for me to get any ranked rewards. I can't play for extended periods twice a day, especially when I have to sleep for 8 hours during one of the subs.
  • AXP_isme
    AXP_isme Posts: 809 Critical Contributor
    Love it. Great timing 11am/pm and the peculiar scaling make this a great experience. It reminds me a bit of the prologue in that it's quite enjoyable and achieving something doesn't require the soul destroying grind I've come to expect of MPQ.