I don't mind losing but....

edited December 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
A level 86 Mystique continually wipes my maxed team of xforce, magneto and blade? Absolute ****. Every turn she has all 3 powers? Just garbage. Turn down the AI cheats.


  • Chrono_Tata
    Chrono_Tata Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    I'm assuming you are talking about PvE nodes, where the AI Mystique gets double-charged by goons every turn. Once she has charged up Infiltration, she can use it to charge her other two powers easily. It's a nightmare to fight, but it's "working as intended".
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    They need to add
    Masterstroke: ends turn
  • homeinvasion
    homeinvasion Posts: 415 Mover and Shaker
    try patch/ daken/ blade
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    try patch/ daken/ blade
    is REALLY slow, and do you really think that giving doom extra strikes is a good idea?
  • homeinvasion
    homeinvasion Posts: 415 Mover and Shaker
    Spoit wrote:
    try patch/ daken/ blade
    is REALLY slow, and do you really think that giving doom extra strikes is a good idea?
    The way I see it you are loosing a peep is mystique gets off her pink/ black combo, better to take some strikes to the face. Also daken/ blade will start filling up all the red tiles, just try it.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    Spoit wrote:
    try patch/ daken/ blade
    is REALLY slow, and do you really think that giving doom extra strikes is a good idea?
    The way I see it you are loosing a peep is mystique gets off her pink/ black combo, better to take some strikes to the face. Also daken/ blade will start filling up all the red tiles, just try it.
    if there are no open tiles, the AI just goes for masterstroke, which is worse. Otherwise, it only takes like 3 doom tiles to kill your regen, if he doesn't suffocate your laken with technopathic strike first
  • homeinvasion
    homeinvasion Posts: 415 Mover and Shaker
    Spoit wrote:
    Spoit wrote:
    try patch/ daken/ blade
    is REALLY slow, and do you really think that giving doom extra strikes is a good idea?
    The way I see it you are loosing a peep is mystique gets off her pink/ black combo, better to take some strikes to the face. Also daken/ blade will start filling up all the red tiles, just try it.
    if there are no open tiles, the AI just goes for masterstroke, which is worse. Otherwise, it only takes like 3 doom tiles to kill your regen, if he doesn't suffocate your laken with technopathic strike first
    Spoit mate, I am just trying to help. I think that this is a situation where you need to either chose PVP or PVE, you cant do both. This is just a theory but the 4 star roster is so limited and prohibitive in Iso to get to that if you level up 1 X 4 star you can scale yourself out of PVE, like with 166's you have a wide variety of choices for attacking a node, but if you only have 1 or 2 high level 4 star you have a really limited roster and you are trying to carry a 3 star through, its like those high scaled PVP where you had to have a 2 star remember. I think at the end of the Thor4 event last PVE after clearing every node every 2.5 hours, the whole event at the end I was up against 240 Mystique/ Doom.

    Anyway I think if you want to compete PVP have 3 high level 4 star, if you want to do PVE have a diverse 3 star roster. I think the game is now in a place where you can't really do both.
  • Lystrata
    Lystrata Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker
    edited December 2014
    A level 86 Mystique continually wipes my maxed team of xforce, magneto and blade? Absolute ****. Every turn she has all 3 powers? Just garbage. Turn down the AI cheats.

    Or... use a different combination of characters to defeat her? May be less of an 'AI cheats' matter, and more of an 'X-Force isn't perfect for everything' matter. I've used 2* BW and Ares very effectively. Gets me through all the Essential nodes, before I swap Ares for Daken and add LThor. Haven't run out of health packs yet and I'm #4 in main.
  • NighteyesGrisu
    NighteyesGrisu Posts: 563 Critical Contributor
    Spoit wrote:
    try patch/ daken/ blade
    is REALLY slow, and do you really think that giving doom extra strikes is a good idea?

    well yeah, but I think he was assuming the OP was talking about the mystique + 2 goons nodes. In those nodes daken/blade/patch works really well (though I often use falcon instead of patch to kill of the countdown tiles and power up my strikes).

    in a mixed node (mystique/doom/goon) powering up doom with strikes is a danger, but in those mystique is less of a threat since she gets fed less ap, so you might try another strategy. though in my experience I hardly ever manage to fill all reds, so one or two are always free. that way doom does unleash his demons with very little damage. icon_e_smile.gif and not master stroke.

    but even so, he should still be capable to beat lvl 86 mystique with maxed xforce/mags/blade, colour-feeding goons or not.
  • The essentials are considerably harder because they don't have conflicting powers like Inject Iso 8 or Summon Demons (Summon Demons is not nearly as deadly as Masterstroke spam because you'd have no AP left to do anything against the latter). I just boost green and try to hit X Force before Mystique can get Masterstroke off. Fireball and Berserker Rage should work too as cheaper 3 match alternatives. Otherwise you'd need a 4 match move and Mystique will probably beat you to it because her goons pump a ton of AP. Depending on your scaling Falcon + Daken/Blade may work but once she picks up enough levels you can't do enough damage reliably on time with Inspiration before she starts spamming Masterstrokes.
  • can use the buffed Magneto + Patch + Lcap.
    Try to get all the purple you can to unleash the polarity shift.
    once you done that, you probably can use cap to stun Mystique, and meanwhile, Berserker her asap
  • Stun her.

    Put Hulk in the way to feed a strong green user.

    Nuke her down with the help of 200iso boosts.

    Drain her AP.

    Restrict her black/blue matches.

    Bring characters with regen to soak the damage.

    etc. etc.
  • Yeah, I have been struggling with this but then switched to Hulk and OBW and, so far, that has worked. Hulk is slow, but soaks up so much when she inevitably gets her powers off on turn 3/4, plus Doom's Summon Demons on the Essentials piss Hulk off so I get damage that way.

    No doubt that this combo is frustrating though. Just can't work out if it is "challenging frustrating" or "stupid frustrating".
  • Yeah, I have been struggling with this but then switched to Hulk and OBW and, so far, that has worked. Hulk is slow, but soaks up so much when she inevitably gets her powers off on turn 3/4, plus Doom's Summon Demons on the Essentials piss Hulk off so I get damage that way.

    No doubt that this combo is frustrating though. Just can't work out if it is "challenging frustrating" or "stupid frustrating".

    Hulk gets sad if you don't bring a green user with him
  • Oldboy
    Oldboy Posts: 452 Mover and Shaker
    try patch/ daken/ blade

    I can vouch for this combination

    Patch lvl 132 4/3/4
    laken lvl 114 2/4/3
    Blade lvl 83 3/2/3 (before buff)

    This combi has been taking me through all the nodes in this sub except where 4hor is required. Sometimes i only need to use one health pack after one cycle. With Blade at a low level of 83, even when buffed to 113, Laken tanks purple and black for him so Blade never goes front unless Laken is stunned or downed
    The idea of Berserker Rage is to increase ur match damage to take down the opponent fast without having to garner AP for abilities. Those strike tiles also boost Blade's purple and black and allows Daken to go blue if needed. It helps if you have purple to match before u activate BR in the hopes of removing enemies strike tiles

    EDIT: collecting Black and Purple also doesnt feel wasted since Blade has useful black and purple abilities

    Edit again: for 4hor nodes, i still use Patch and Laken and BR and chem rxn all the way
  • siebenvier wrote:
    Yeah, I have been struggling with this but then switched to Hulk and OBW and, so far, that has worked. Hulk is slow, but soaks up so much when she inevitably gets her powers off on turn 3/4, plus Doom's Summon Demons on the Essentials piss Hulk off so I get damage that way.

    No doubt that this combo is frustrating though. Just can't work out if it is "challenging frustrating" or "stupid frustrating".

    Hulk gets sad if you don't bring a green user with him

    You are right. Typo. Meant Hulk and HT.
  • My team for the essentials has been X-Force + OBW. Infiltration helps feed both of them and it only takes a single recon or surgical strike to really give you momentum (as you're either going to get green, blue or black). If you're fortunate enough to have a Thoress blue, then a timely stun becomes very handy (and hopefully charges a blue tile to boot).

    For non-essential nodes, I've tried Fury since he likes both blue and purple but he hasn't worked out terribly well for me. I've used Psylocke to good effect b/c of her cheap black (though that generally means I replace OBW with Hood).

    Just some other thoughts for you, though admittedly my final non-essential node is only at 207 so far, which allows me to use some squishier characters longer.
  • Having trouble with any single hero + 2 goon nodes?

    Try this LCap + mNmags + Hood

    Give yourself the purple/blue boost, match purple twice feed Cap some blues and get him to stunning. If you can work an intimidate in you can quickly have many defense tiles out and have mystique completely stunlocked while taking out goon countdown timers. Can be very slow but can take out excessively high level teams with minimal risk/damage.

    Should work ok with 2* cap and obw for you 2* people also but will be even slower
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    What works for me is I always take out the mutate/goon/bot first. Without him to feed Doom and Mysty, I have no trouble denying them the colors they need while building my Ap enough to take them down. Especially if my characters use the same colors as Doom and Mysty. I might take a hit and sometimes 2 before I can take down the feeder mutate/goon/bot, but no where near enough to take my guys down. Especially if someone like Hulk is tanking. Of course, this may not work for everyone. It just happens to be strategy that goes well with my play style.