4* Lady Thor for Europeans



  • lokiagentofhotness
    lokiagentofhotness Posts: 192 Tile Toppler
    I finished 50th with only 22 point ahead. I dropped 30 places in the last 4 hours because I needed the sleep. With normal times it would have been pretty easy to get a cover.

    in normal times i have no problems getting one cover as well - and i'm in Asia. but this was a tough, tough grind and being American didn't really make that much of a difference because you kind of had to endlessly grind. i missed out on top 10 because i slept one night and then the next day which means missing a fair amount of refreshes - and i slept on the third night and woke up dropping from 10 to 18, which is where i ended up after playing a little because of rb. it's no one's fault but my own and i'm okay with that because i decided i needed sleep more; some people decided without it, and they deserved the covers they got.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    It ultimately comes down to "Balance" and "Moderation". Some people have them and some people don't. There's also "accountability".

    A game is < Real Life. A game is supposed to be fun. When people lose "Balance" and "Moderation" they become stressed and emotional about virtual things inside the game. Things that don't really exist. The game no longer becomes a game, but a way of life. When you stop seeing the game as fun, then you should either look for your lost "balance" and "moderation" or stop playing the game.

    Then there are those that play every minute they can, ignore their family, ignore their job, ignore sleep, just so they don't miss a refresh time on a node, just so they can be top 10 or 1. The virtual prize means that much to them. That's absolutely fine as long as their families, work and bodies don't mind as well. They place the value of the virtual item to be equal to the effort and are cool with what they get. Then there are those that do the same thing but complain about it. They willfully make these extreme choices, then complain to the developer that they are being 'forced' to do this. This is where 'accountability' comes into play. The game developer made a game, YOU chose WHEN and HOW to play it. It is up to you to choose what you find to be an acceptable level of sacrifice for a virtual prize... nobody else, just YOU.

    Start times, end times, refresh times, are irrelevant to a balanced player. A balanced player chooses his/her event. I really want this cover, I will grind this event because I really want it. He/she will make sacrifices deemed acceptable because they are the exception to the rule. But some who lack balance, do this EVERY event, and then complain to the developer.

    It's like a person with diabetes complaining to the grocery store that they shouldn't be open 24 hours because then he is forced to buy candy all the time because they never close. If they would just close periodically, he wouldn't be able to buy candy and he'd be healthier for it. Ridiculous right? It's his problem, not the store's problem. Who needs to evaluate their practices, the diabetic or the grocery store? Accountability.

    Top prizes are for those willing to sacrifice the most, be it time, energy, money, relationships, employment, etc.

    When you want top prizes without the sacrifice, and then complain that you don't get them, then it just sounds like whining. I understand we need to vent, we get frustrated, that's perfectly acceptable, but to listen to the same people complain about the same thing, and the only person responsible for their situation is themselves, yeah it sounds like whining.

    The last time I stated something like this people rated me down. I ask that instead of rating me down, lets talk about personal responsibility, accountability, balance and moderation. If you just don't agree, then don't agree. Rating down is for people behaving inappropriately, etc. Rating people down because they have a different opinion is just mean and rude. You have a different opinion, reply and express yours. Opinions are never wrong, because they are a persons expression of how they feel, and you can't tell a person that isn't how they feel. The facts that a person bases their opinion on may be wrong or you may come to a different conclusion.

    Thank you for listening, and I tried to tone down my sarcasm and obnoxiousness.
  • nic13
    nic13 Posts: 87
    Sorry man. Asian timezone here. Agree that pve end times suck for Europeans on most events, but for this one? It's fair game through out. I woke up every fsking 2.5 hour for this. It could have ended at 3 am in the morning for me, or 9am at night, didn't make a difference, because I knew I wanted that extra cover, and I bloody worked for it.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    ark123 wrote:
    None of us that got 4 or 5 covers slept much.

    Quit your ****.
    Actually, I didn't interrupt my sleep schedule at all, and I got fifth place plus an alliance cover. I'm not saying it was easy, but it can be done.
  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    Great, another sub ending at 6pm here, and i am working till 5pm. Looks like i should join the very last hours only of the main pve, as intended by D3P
  • DayvBang wrote:
    ark123 wrote:
    None of us that got 4 or 5 covers slept much.

    Quit your ****.
    Actually, I didn't interrupt my sleep schedule at all, and I got fifth place plus an alliance cover. I'm not saying it was easy, but it can be done.

    Heh, now thats suprising and 100% impossible for a Europe based person to achieve.
  • NighteyesGrisu
    NighteyesGrisu Posts: 563 Critical Contributor
    DayvBang wrote:
    Actually, I didn't interrupt my sleep schedule at all, and I got fifth place plus an alliance cover. I'm not saying it was easy, but it can be done.

    well yeah, if you were already an insomniac before, a pve won't disrupt your sleep schedule icon_e_wink.gif
  • NighteyesGrisu
    NighteyesGrisu Posts: 563 Critical Contributor
    turul wrote:
    Great, another sub ending at 6pm here, and i am working till 5pm. Looks like i should join the very last hours only of the main pve, as intended by D3P

    I like those much better than the usual 6am icon_e_smile.gif
  • Hi guys,

    as Francky said I believe that pve is a game of will and there are different ways of playing that can help.

    But regardless what you do, you should play the last 2 or 1,5 hours before the end of pve if you want to be in top5 or top 10. There is no way out.

    I am looking forward the new pve shard system, but to be honest I would have preferred that the gThor pve would come after the tests were run. She is a way too nice cover to get and this pve has just anihilated me life rhythm.

    Many people have raised this flag prior to the pve and it would be good if we could have another pve with gThor as reward to compensate this one.
  • Lystrata
    Lystrata Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker
    Phillipes wrote:
    Guys you didnt see the OPs point. Yes it WAS possible to win Thoress. But it is difference that with same affection and hard work we can be only TOP 10 and you US players TOP 1.

    Not really. In all honesty, the 4hor PvE was a slaughterhouse. Unless you were grinding every 2.5 hours, or apparently with a bunch of people who simultaneously decided to all be sane and sleep, your hopes were slim.

    I certainly appreciate the end times difficulty in all other PvEs, but for that one... nope. Doesn't cut it. Because throughout the entire event, regardless of where people lived, they would have been getting up at all hours. If you weren't doing that, the end time made no difference. And if you were doing that... then surely the end time, again, made no difference by that point. icon_lol.gif

    Definitely think this one should have had the 'choose your own end time' option available, but... the sheer volume of competition for 4hor really made it pretty irrelevant where you lived.
  • NighteyesGrisu
    NighteyesGrisu Posts: 563 Critical Contributor
    Lystrata wrote:
    Phillipes wrote:
    Guys you didnt see the OPs point. Yes it WAS possible to win Thoress. But it is difference that with same affection and hard work we can be only TOP 10 and you US players TOP 1.

    Not really. In all honesty, the 4hor PvE was a slaughterhouse. Unless you were grinding every 2.5 hours, or apparently with a bunch of people who simultaneously decided to all be sane and sleep, your hopes were slim.

    I certainly appreciate the end times difficulty in all other PvEs, but for that one... nope. Doesn't cut it. Because throughout the entire event, regardless of where people lived, they would have been getting up at all hours. If you weren't doing that, the end time made no difference. And if you were doing that... then surely the end time, again, made no difference by that point. icon_lol.gif

    Definitely think this one should have had the 'choose your own end time' option available, but... the sheer volume of competition for 4hor really made it pretty irrelevant where you lived.

    absolutely. there are many PVE where the timezone really was a killer. but in this one the grinding requirement really killed pretty much everybody who would have liked to play at least semi-casual. BTW, IIRC the top player in my Alliance was British...