4* Lady Thor for Europeans

edited December 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
So now that the yanks have been gifted up to 4 lady Thor covers, when are we getting them?! You've made a great effort with implementing end times for us then you go ahead and just give the yanks a full set of the best character in the game!?
What the **** is that all about?!?

Great work! Very fair indeed Devs! 5am is a **** ridiculous time, it always has been and we hate you for it!
You suck! HARD!!!


  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    As much as I would want to, I can't blame this PVE on end times alone.
    You were always going to lose T5 to the people who don't sleep, of which there were a lot of.

    T10 would have been possible with better end times, yes. I definitely would have been able to get T10 with optimal clears in the last 18 hours.
    T5? Not a chance.
  • homeinvasion
    homeinvasion Posts: 415 Mover and Shaker
    I got third, so three covers, as an Australian my end time was 4PM Monday, at least 5 am you can choose to be awake not at work.
  • ballingbees
    ballingbees Posts: 208 Tile Toppler
    I've heard the last and only time they ran the same PVE end to end was for Hulk (Ep2?). No interval in between, so it's one end time for each end of the world.

    Let's see if they at least have the grace to do the same once more.
  • It sucks, but you can choose to be awake then if you want. I refuse to give them any more cash until they have event times that let me compete at the top level, that is my little "protest" but the game is what it is.

    Depends how bad you want the rewards I guess. I looked at my leaderboard and came to the conclusion that some people just live for this game. Good for them. That kind of dedication is not for me though for a spare time activity, and I have to adjust my reward expectations accordingly (though the game is smacking me around all over the place currently, which is a bit testing).
  • Ah, my favourite subject.

    We're still waiting on time slice PvE. It will really make a huge difference, unlike PvP where the jury is out for me.

    The thing with PvE is that while the 2.5 refreshes are important to hit (especially for the last 10 hours of each sub) it's really... REALLY... about the grind to the finish. To effectively grind out a lead takes around 1.5-2 hours at the end of the sub to reduce points values for each node to minimal amounts. For UK people that means having to be awake at around 1am for the final 'normal' refresh and then getting up at 3am for a 2hr push (after which it's hard to get back to sleep).

    Two things at play here are:

    - Node refresh timings. A 'clear' takes around 30 mins every 2.5hrs (or 20% of your life if you will) which is just unpleasantly designed. If it was saaaay 4 hours as a minimum then people could have got some actual sleep and some time with their families on Sunday. 4 hours would also mean being able to do a double clear before going to bed (on a 'non sub-finish' night) without hurting your ranking too much.

    - Lack of time-sliced PvE. No one wants to be awake from 3am-5am (or 4am to 6am) for a game. We wanted time slice for PvE and fully expect it to be implmented soon. Just a shame that it wasn't in time for recent, strong reward PvE events.

    Lets be clear... this 2hr 'grind phase' is the money maker for the publishers and in a way I quite like it. No change needed to that mechanism. Instead, just implement time slices AS SOON AS POSSIBLE and please, pleaae increase the node refresh to 4hrs+. I don't think many people buy health packs until the final grind anyway? So it's just making everyone's life worse.
  • OP could have just said "we need to implement time slices in PVE" and he would have gotten his point across, instead of sounding so immature.

    Also, the yanks weren't gifted anything. Exactly 1 out of every 1000 participants won 4 ladythor covers. And 950 other players didn't get any Thoress covers at all. How is that considered gifting?
  • Too right, it's a little insulting to say anyone was gifted multiple 4Thors from this event unless they put in minumum effort and happened to be in a well ranked Alliance.

    Everyone who got Top 10 ranking (and most who got a Top 50) would have put in a considerable effort to get those rewards.

    However, I totally understand the anger from the OP because it's two PvE events in a row where European based people have had to massively disrupt their sleeping patterns in order to get the top rewards. We know the devs are working on a solution, and it would have been good to see it before this most recent event.

    On the bright side, at least it had one sub that finished during our daytime \o/
  • I consider going to bed at midnight on a Sunday night with at least three 4* covers a great gift indeed.
    As mentioned above, if the effort is applied then it is very easy to top your bracket with some good old fashioned grinding. The working week generally starts on a monday, blah blah blah...
    Why do we have to do this every bloody event!? Its been going on for over a year for Thor's sake!!!
  • HulkSmash wrote:
    I consider going to bed at midnight on a Sunday night with at least three 4* covers a great gift indeed.
    As mentioned above, if the effort is applied then it is very easy to top your bracket with some good old fashioned grinding. The working week generally starts on a monday, blah blah blah...
    Why do we have to do this every bloody event!? Its been going on for over a year for Thor's sake!!!

    You don't have to do anything. If you continue to complain that other people are more insane than you that they'd give up sleep to win, but you insist you should have the same privilege without sacrifice, than you'll continue to look like a over-privileged nutter. Even time-slices won't help because there will still be the same few crazy people who will sleep in 2 hours shifts.

    Face it, other people love the game more than you. Stop trying to compete at their level, since you're not willing to make the sacrifice. You'll feel better in the long run.
  • The have I speak of is this topic of a European finish time which has been ongoing since the game was released and this forum opened.
    The yanks get the privilege of sleep. No matter how much you love a game, if you lose your job then your income is cut and d3p lose revenue. Its a poor business model. The event could have finished 5am Sunday and 80% of the European workforce would have the day off after an all night grinding session to sleep.
    Its not rocket (& Groot) science!! I mean... Come on!
  • The have I speak of is this topic of a European finish time which has been ongoing since the game was released and this forum opened.
    The yanks get the privilege of sleep. No matter how much you love a game, if you lose your job then your income is cut and d3p lose revenue. Its a poor business model. The event could have finished 5am Sunday and 80% of the European workforce would have the day off after an all night grinding session to sleep.
    Its not rocket (& Groot) science!! I mean... Come on!
  • Just wake up early.

    In life, you usually have to wake up early and put in the work for a big goal.

    So much crying on these forums.
  • Switchman wrote:
    Just wake up early.

    In life, you usually have to wake up early and put in the work for a big goal.

    So much crying on these forums.

    To ensure I got top 10 I ended up with 1.5 hours sleep. That's not waking up early, that's Guantanamo Bay style torture. It's not just getting up early (3am BST if you want top prizes) it's also hitting the refresh before that which given a clear takes 20-30 mins, gives you at most 2 hours to sleep before the final grind.

    The OP has a valid point, but we know (right Devs?) that time slices are coming for PvE soon. Personally I'd like to see those slices limited to three to avoid overly slow filling of brackets, or possibly the reduction of the number players per bracket. The biggest issue with PvE slicing is people entering when the leaders might have already completed 2 or more clears.
  • Phillipes
    Phillipes Posts: 431 Mover and Shaker
    edited December 2014
    The OP is absolutely right. I want to be competitive.
    Last two PVEs have (together) 6 subs, and lasted for 9 days.

    5 ended badly for EU - 06.00 am.
    1 ended normaly for EU - 06.00 pm, but it was saturday, so it ended normaly also for US (10.00 am west - 12.00 am east)

    It IS NOT possible to be top 1 in pve, because EU players have one night more than US players. (ALL PVEs last 0,5 days - ...6,5 days, 3,5 days.. etc)

    In last Thoress pve I was 1st in second sub, which ended 06.00 pm. Why? I grinded for last 2,5 hours to dust.
    But imagine this:
    it is 11.00 pm. You are 2nd. Players in top 10 have minimal differences in their score (my reality in this Thoress pve). I was forced to do 2 full sweep. WHICH cost me 20 percent of points in SECOND night sweep. I went to bed, it is midnight.
    Ofc, US players make one normal sweep in same time than me, but their second sweep is after 2,5 hours, and full 100 percent of points value. They have big advantage.

    I get up at 05.00 am. Americans are already playing for one hour in that time. Im grinding like hell. Result: 8th place.

    There is only one solution for EU players: one sweep at midnight, other at 02.30 am, last mega sweep from 04.00 am to 06.00 am. ALMOST EVERY SECOND - THIRD DAY.

    Im asking you americans: are you willing to do that?

    Im getting up at 05.00 am EVERYTIME when PVE sub finish at 06.00 am (80 percent of cases, 100 percent of main pve nodes cases)

    We in EU are top 10 at best, because of night.

    Many of you have won X-force and other 4* because of top 2 in pve... But rest of us cant...
    So please, dont tell me I have lack of dedication, Im hardcore everyday player, but Im also sick about such unfairness. (Im at day 210, so hardly a newbie).
  • Moral
    Moral Posts: 512
    This particular event I did 9 clears per day and placed 4th.


    They were within 6000 points of my score.

    They missed one refresh over a four day period. Skipping THREE nights of sleep. I'll wager many fell out of contention because they slept through an alarm.

    End times could have been anytime and the results the same.

    Don't tell me it's unfair that the event ended at 4am when everyone in my top 10 was grinding every 2.5 hours for over 3 straight days.

    Don't tell my wife that those 3 covers were 'gifted' when "that was all I did all weekend".

    I'll sympathize with you for almost every other PvE.

    But not this one.

    No way in hell.
  • sigh. back to back 6am end times for EU players. seriously? again? didnt win 4or, wont win gamora. frustrating...
  • None of us that got 4 or 5 covers slept much.

    Quit your ****.
  • NighteyesGrisu
    NighteyesGrisu Posts: 563 Critical Contributor
    edited December 2014
    unco_dan wrote:
    sigh. back to back 6am end times for EU players. seriously? again? didnt win 4or, wont win gamora. frustrating...

    what do you mean back to back? it's been like this since the dawn of MPQ...I don't remember a single PVE that ended at a europe-friendly time.

    As for the OP. I can relate to the anger, since the situation has been messed up for so long. but there's no need to go over the top like this. When I see how my teammates grinded, you can hardly say that they got handed Thor, it took them quite some work.

    Btw, in my alliance there were Europeans that did win Thor, I think (not me, obviously....)
  • franckynight
    franckynight Posts: 582 Critical Contributor
    edited December 2014
    I joined 12 hrs after start.. Played 3 days around the 2.5 hrs schedule.. Sunday morning i missed 2 refreshes at 4 am CET.cos i fell asleep.. I Couldnt catch up the loss.. Finished 7th even if ground nodes down to 1 after my 5th pass monday morning (waking up at 3.30 am CET).. Conclusion what lost me was not the end times but the insane schedule of 2.5 hrs each refresh.. There were 6 ppl more crazy than me.. Pve is a game of will..
  • franckynight
    franckynight Posts: 582 Critical Contributor
    I joined 12 hrs after start.. Played 3 days around the 2.5 hrs schedule.. Sunday morning i missed 2 refreshes at 4 am CET.cos i fell asleep.. I Couldnt catch up the loss.. Finished 7th even if ground nodes down to 1 after my 5th pass monday morning (waking up at 3.30 am CET).. Conclusion what lost me was not the end times but the insane schedule of 2.5 hrs each refresh.. There were 6 ppl more crazy than me.. Pve is a game of will..