Let's all pour one out for neskAw, down 1400 points in 15min



  • franckynight
    franckynight Posts: 582 Critical Contributor
    edited November 2014

    I've lost 1000+ probably a dozen times but fortunately never a the end of a PvP and SOME of my shield breaks are intentional. In fact I didn't shield Saturday night and lost 1300 pts in this very PvP. I guess someone forgot to tell TMZ though because it didn't make the news icon_e_sad.gif
    Same old wr.. I thank you for the free points you gave to the community... (And me especially) .. I feel now a lot more relaxed now that i know you did it on purpose..
  • i didnt bask in the loss of points. i sympathized with it. It takes a ton of dedication and HP to put up those kind of #s...i dont like seeing anyone lose something for which he clearly fought so hard to gain. We have a player or 2 in the TacoRings to whim this happens frequently. Its never pleasant, but its all about how u recover.

    Safe Hops & Shields next time Nesk.

  • Sleepy72
    Sleepy72 Posts: 31 Just Dropped In
    Yeah this makes my 600 point oversleeps pale on comparison will get through one season without doing it ... not this one but
  • whitecat31
    whitecat31 Posts: 579 Critical Contributor
    sms4002 wrote:
    So I guess he mistimed his shield / fell asleep? But in 15 minutes he lost over 1400 points. Crazy!

    I reaaaaly hope he got a screenshot of -1400 points. Although if this were me I would have probably broken my phone out of frustration. icon_lol.gif

    I will take the blame for this, because of my **** mentoring.

    Now to the meat of the matter.
    sms4002 aka "sauce" I am not a fan of this post.
    I don't think this post represents you or your alliance well in any shape or form.

    I would appreciate, if you deleted this post and net images, I don't think it is fair to single somebody out like this.
    I am sure Nesk feels bad enough as it is, than to have somebody highlight an error done to either a battery dying or falling asleep at the wrong time.

    Thank you
  • Unknown
    edited November 2014
    EDIT: double post!
  • I was quite sad when I read this post.

    Normally, from where I come from, when you see such a bad incident happening, you go direct to the person and maybe try to cheer him up. Things like this can happen with all of us and as many here said he has invested time and money to reach that. And also importantly he might have provided you sweet points for you to climb.

    I am aware that this is a game and everyone wants to win, to some extension. But to do that you should do on your own merith. And above all, I think if Nesk would write a post everytime gets a top spot or breaks the 2k this forum would be quite busy only with his posts. But again, it seems part of the human nature to enjoy when someone has lost something or is under a not so nice experience.

    Next time before creating a post like this, take the time that you have to making the screen shots and making the post and try to reach out to the person and help.l can assure you I have done this even with people outside x-men and this is very gratifying.
  • Everyone loves a bit of schadenfreude but we don't all need to create a thread especially to point and laugh. Nesk took it very graciously and will no doubt come back even stronger so I will pour one out for when he probably goes on to win his season bracket anyway icon_rolleyes.gif

    On to the next event where we will no doubt see another shield break to make this one history. We still love ya Nesk! icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't see this post as mocking or in poor taste at all. There is maybe a little levity for a sad situation, but that is often what we need most in those times. I'll pour one out next time I have one icon_e_smile.gif.
  • Nellyson
    Nellyson Posts: 354 Mover and Shaker
    Actually, this post goes to show the need for a better scoring system. It's absurd to lose that many points in such a short time, yet as it does to World Runner, it happens all the time. All shields are doing is putting a nice little "shield band-aid" on the problem and calling it fixed. I don't think we'll ever see it fixed tho...
  • I've never seen people get so pissed about somebody posting how it must suck to lose 1400 pts. in 15 min. I guess its safe to assume some are having a hard time adjusting to puberty or its that time of month.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    A salute: ._.7
  • arktos1971 wrote:
    Considering the time and money it takes to go to 2400, it's more devastating than funny. So the topic name could be different. But I'm glad it could be shown here, because it is stunning.

    I'm sorry for him.

    I for one think it's hilarious
  • lukewin
    lukewin Posts: 1,356 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't think the post was meant to kick someone while they were down. I think the X-Men alliances are just used to being on the defense, when it comes to the forum, so that's how they take it. I feel sorry for the guy, and I can't even score half of what that guy lost on a consistent basis. It is interesting to see and document what happened. Seems like stuff like this is new to a lot of people. I never knew you could lose that much points in that amount of time. And it has brought out people that have been thru the same thing, so at least they know they're not alone.

    I also think a lot of people cringed, just imagining what the guy went thru. It'll probably also cause a lot of people to make sure they check when their shields expire, so it's helped people in that respect.
  • rednailz
    rednailz Posts: 559
    The title is "Let's all pour one out for neskAw"

    I don't see any mocking or ill will in the post at all. Looks to me like a little empathy.
  • arktos1971 wrote:

    It happened to WR numerous times. But WR is like Beep-Beep.


    I've lost 1000+ probably a dozen times but fortunately never a the end of a PvP and SOME of my shield breaks are intentional. In fact I didn't shield Saturday night and lost 1300 pts in this very PvP. I guess someone forgot to tell TMZ though because it didn't make the news icon_e_sad.gif

    I think the other difference is that you've often been the one to post things like "whoops, forgot a shield, look what happened" and make light of it on your own, as well as doing amusing stuff like tossing in Bagman Esq. Since it wasn't neskAw who posted it, it certainly could be perceived as in bad taste, but I don't think it was meant that way though.

    Still rough to see someone drop that far, regardless of which alliance they're in. Anyone hitting those heights even once knows how ridiculous it is to do so, and can certainly sympathize when it happens to someone else.
  • "Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall down an open sewer and die."

    Mel knows.
  • Lidolas
    Lidolas Posts: 500
    Maybe not everyone knows what it means to "pour one out." It is a sign of respect and honor for a fallen friend. The OP was light-hearted and respectful at the same time. He had just noticed an incredible fall and wanted to share it with the community. I'm amazed that people score that high, and it sucks to lose all the time and effort those points represent. But being light-hearted is not always the same as disrespectful or mocking.
  • sms4002 wrote:
    And just why was this worth posting about? It seems that we should pour one out for you since you seem to have nothing better to do than make a post about this. I'll say a few words for you, don't worry.

    Wow, angry much? lol Don't be mad at me because one of your guys made a bad mistake. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Actually, I am not angry at all. I just don't see the point in making a thread about it. Mistakes happen all the time. I'm sure you have made more than your fair share of them.

    It's not about someone making a mistake, it's about losing 1400 pts in 15 minutes which is 100% insanely ridiculous.
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lidolas wrote:
    Maybe not everyone knows what it means to "pour one out." It is a sign of respect and honor for a fallen friend. The OP was light-hearted and respectful at the same time. He had just noticed an incredible fall and wanted to share it with the community. I'm amazed that people score that high, and it sucks to lose all the time and effort those points represent. But being light-hearted is not always the same as disrespectful or mocking.
    This, right here. I think people may not have been familiar with this sign of respect and took it the wrong way.
    http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.p ... y%20homies
  • This is a worthwhile thing to post. A player lost more points in 15 minutes than I've ever scored in a PVP. How is that not news?