R65 MPQ high data consumption alert

edited November 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
Hi guys, you prolly don't notice but please check ur data/bandwidth usage while playing MPQ.
In summary : Post R65, MPQ start consuming bandwidth at enormous speed 120-180 KB/s (even when idle).

If u guys experience the same issue, please keep sending ticket so they can immediately fix this.

Thread on suggestion and feedback :

sorry for the subject, coz that what MPQ is now for me, a malware.
Mod edit: Made the subject more objective and informative. If you have to apologize for your subject line, there's a problem with it


  • h4n1s
    h4n1s Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    tobi69 wrote:
    Hi guys, you prolly don't notice but please check ur data/bandwidth usage while playing MPQ.
    In summary : Post R65, MPQ start consuming bandwidth at enormous speed 120-180 KB/s (even when idle).

    If u guys experience the same issue, please keep sending ticket so they can immediately fix this.

    Thread on suggestion and feedback :

    sorry for the subject, coz that what MPQ is now for me, a malware.

    that's scary, but I did not experience such consumption on my cell phone during idle time of MPQ post R65. But thanks for highlighting this as potential issue, I will monitor it
  • Well for some reason MPQ is always sitting second in my Data consumption stats. It has downloaded 160MB this month only from my plan. Second place after YouTube with 190MB. This is only counting 3G data and not Wi-Fi. It has been like this ever since they reduced the app size. It just keeps draining data very fast. I made a post in the past about this but Hi-Fi said it is a "One time thing after the update". Well, I don't know what's up but this app is surely draining data too fast. I make sure I play on Wi-Fi as much as I can.
  • wow, i just checked my device and since the 19th over a 1 gig of data for MPQ. in comparison, the same amount of data was used from november 2nd to the 19th. something is definitely going wrong. good thing i'm on wi-fi, but still....

    thanks for the heads up tobi!
  • I just thought I would mention that, my data usage seems to be greatly up as well, since the patch. No where near the levels you are reporting, but then again I am not playing MPQ nearly as much as I used to over the past couple of days. MPQ is just ahead of Exchange Services, on my phone, which says alot, as I get a ton of work email.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    my MPQ data use has jumped over the last couple days as well
    11/1-11/17 312mb
    11/18-11/20 .9gb
  • Yikes. Thanks for the heads up. In the same boat as the rest of you.
  • anamosity
    It's nuts! I was about to post a thread about it myself. I've gone through more data with MPQ than the app used to use in a month.
    I'm 2 days into my billing cycle and at 90% of my bandwidth. That leaves 28 days and 10% of my cap before I start getting overages. Not going to be F2P for me this month.
  • Good spot. Saved ppl tons of trouble. This problem is worse than the million other complains around now to me.
  • Holy **** - you're right. It's eating tons of data, that's a massive issue. (Android here)

    If that isn't fixed then some people (worse depending on region and plan) could be seeing significant monthly bills as a result of MPQ overconsumption.

    This needs an immediate response.
  • esoxnepa
    esoxnepa Posts: 291
    tobi69 wrote:
    Hi guys, you prolly don't notice but please check ur data/bandwidth usage while playing MPQ.
    In summary : Post R65, MPQ start consuming bandwidth at enormous speed 120-180 KB/s (even when idle).

    If u guys experience the same issue, please keep sending ticket so they can immediately fix this.

    I thought it might have been full of it, but I went and checked, and you are absolutely right! Thank you for pointing this out, as it could have cost me a pretty penny.

    I'm careful about my data plan usage, and try to do everything over wi-fi, and I went from normally using around 1/10 GB a month to 1GB for this month.
  • Since 19th Nov it's eaten around 4-5 times it's usual amount. I've also seen my phone battery performance drop in the same period but not sure if they are related. I will have to seriously consider taking a break from MPQ until it's fixed or my bill will not be pleasant.
  • I'm on daily 50 MB limit past few month and yesterday first time ever I recieved warning that I used it all that day, was wondering how this could happen seeing I only used connection for this game.
  • I also submitted a ticket just in case. This is a massive issue and I could see some people clocking up massive bills if this isn't sorted quickly. For now I'll go Wi-Fi only and hope for a quick fix.
  • This needs to be sticked and titled in ElectroCaps
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    gamar wrote:
    This needs to be sticked and titled in ElectroCaps
    since most players don't frequent the forums they will probably just add another pop up alert to the start up screen...
  • Trisul
    Trisul Posts: 887 Critical Contributor
    Is this because of the size reductions of the apk? Resources are now added via in-game "Loading" more often, perhaps those downloads are eating up your data?
  • I literally had to take another gig on my data plan this month due to the extreme amount of data the app is using! And that's with me using wi-fi at home etc! Not really sure what's going on! But it needs to be fixed ASAP!
  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    probably they are updating the content file more often for some reason.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    This needs to be addressed immediately, at the very least with an in-game warning. Bugs are bad, bugs that cost your customers extra money are worse.
  • Trisul wrote:
    Is this because of the size reductions of the apk? Resources are now added via in-game "Loading" more often, perhaps those downloads are eating up your data?
    turul wrote:
    probably they are updating the content file more often for some reason.

    Guys, like my prevs statement "even when idle". See below image, 3rd row it's 160KB/s (idle) :

    U should know that when app is idle, it should cost 0 byte.
    I just run my TaT for about 40mins, it cost me around 45Mb. Normally, that enough to run MPQ for the whole day.
    This issue reside from R65 update that cost around 90Mb.

    @Riggy : thx for changing the subject,it's now more relevant.