**** Elektra (Unkillable) **** [PRE 2015-04]



  • Lerysh wrote:
    simonsez wrote:
    Busted Patch greenflag.png basically says "You die today or I die tomorrow". Patch green + Electra purpleflag.png says "You die today, if not - tomorrow; and I have no reasons to die". And it's cheap. It exceeds my current expectations icon_e_smile.gif
    Her purple, even at 5, is still going to leave 4 big strike tiles on the board, which can still ruin your day. So it's more like "you die today, tomorrow, or I die the day after tomorrow"

    No, no, no. You fill up the purple tiles with Str 14 enemystrike.png and there's no ROOM for their Berserker Rage tiles. Wolverine kills everyone, no threat to yourself.

    This is accurate. The second time you use her purple you'll very likely get zero zerker rage negative tiles, which is a *very* nice piece of synergy.

    Trap tiles need to be reworked. Red traps are useless. Black traps are much better but they can still be played around - I still maintain that her black is by very very far her best power, often playing a lot like a hulk-patch combo - get strike tiles out there and sit behind her.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    ark123 wrote:
    Lerysh wrote:
    simonsez wrote:
    Busted Patch greenflag.png basically says "You die today or I die tomorrow". Patch green + Electra purpleflag.png says "You die today, if not - tomorrow; and I have no reasons to die". And it's cheap. It exceeds my current expectations icon_e_smile.gif
    Her purple, even at 5, is still going to leave 4 big strike tiles on the board, which can still ruin your day. So it's more like "you die today, tomorrow, or I die the day after tomorrow"

    No, no, no. You fill up the purple tiles with Str 14 enemystrike.png and there's no ROOM for their Berserker Rage tiles. Wolverine kills everyone, no threat to yourself.

    This is accurate. The second time you use her purple you'll very likely get zero zerker rage negative tiles, which is a *very* nice piece of synergy.

    Trap tiles need to be reworked. Red traps are useless. Black traps are much better but they can still be played around - I still maintain that her black is by very very far her best power, often playing a lot like a hulk-patch combo - get strike tiles out there and sit behind her.
    Of course, if you have 14 extra AP, you might have well have gone with the loki combo instead. And he can actually give good support
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    After playing Elektra abit in the Season X node, I'm starting to think that Black might be her best power, however, I'm not sure it needs to be maxed either. Let's face it, she's not top PvP material for the big reason, she doesn't do direct damage and what she does is based off of traps. Which means, you have 2 options. Optimize her for that day that 4*'s might be the featured character in PvP or for SHIELD, or optimize her for PvE.

    In PvE, her Black helps her take out those CD tiles about ready to go off, by being able to absorb a full Sniper shot, or when Jugss goes to Headbutt next turn. Her purple as it is right now is literally just an anti-Daken skill because if the enemy team has no strike tile generators, it's a 14 AP skill. That being said, if all you need black for is to dodge damage, then level 3 is probably high enough.

    For me the only skill I see 100% being level 5 is red, and that's because it's her only form of direct damage. I think Elektra's biggest problem is that her skills are too high costed for what they do, if her purple cost 5-6 AP and her Red cost 8-9, well now we have something. And if her black did about double the damage then you have a semi playable character that's mid-tier, as I see her now she's probably lower-mid tier, I would rather have a maxed Gamora then a maxed Elektra if that says anything. They all can't be X-Force's but she just seems a bit too weak for a 4*, not as bad as Invisible Woman, but of the current 4*'s she would be next to last.
  • Easiest fix for Elektra: Make Double-Double Cross produce a strike tile for your side even if the enemy has none. Eliminate the need for Double DDX and make the ability more useful in non Daken/Patch scenarios. Even thematically, it's just plain STUPID that Elektra can't provide any useful intel on non strike generators.
  • I'm trying to see if she'd work with New Doom and Patch. Theoretically, we have:

    Blue -> Black
    Black used for attack tiles or to dodge a big incoming hit.
    Berserker Rage is mitigated both by Doom's traps, and the ability to steal extra attack tiles back.
    Pink can either counter powerful strike tiles, or deliver a decent hit.
    Red is relatively weak, but you could combo the hidden attack tile with berserker rage's attack tiles.
    No actives in yellow.
  • Oldboy
    Oldboy Posts: 452 Mover and Shaker
    turul wrote:

    [anchor=elektra4]Elektra (Unkillable)[/anchor] :elektra:
    3 Star Rarity (legendary) Discussion link. Wiki link.
    At Max Level: HP: 10960 Tile Damage: 11/64/10/82/09/73/3.0
      Double Double-Cross 7 purpletile.png
      Elektra has "defected" to the enemy team, working for them while feeding her true allies powerful information. Steals a strike tile, improving strength by 55. Converts 3 basic Purple tiles to strength 9 enemy strike tiles.
        Level 2: Increases stolen strike tile strength by 95 Level 3: Steal 2 Strike tiles and add 73, creates 3 minor Strike tiles for enemy. Level 4: Level 5: Steal additional strike tile if friendly Trap is present, adds +186 (lvl 139)
      Max Level: Adds 199 per Strike Tile (level 251)


        I have Elektra with 3 purple
        - 3 purple only steals 1 strike tile
        - 4 purple steals 2 strike tiles
      • I noticed the main post doesn't have full stats still. IceIX, could you add these when you get time?

        From Colognoisseur's Elektra, we know the following for level 270 abilities:

        5 purpleflag.png : Steals 2 enemy strike tiles, improving their strength by 203. Steals 1 additional if a friendly trap is on the board. Gives the enemy 3 Purple strike tiles of strength 18.

        3 blackflag.png : Converts 3 random basic Black tiles into trap tiles, which do 417 damage when they activate (when Elektra would take damage).

        5 redflag.png : Trap tile does 1142 damage per turn.
      • turul
        turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
        I already PM'd IceX for the official stats, hopefully he updates it soon!
      • IceIX
        IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
        Updated OP with full stats. Thanks for pointing that out Turul!
      • Phaserhawk
        Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
        Still trying to figure out where she is playable.

        If you take her to fight Daken in PvE, her purple becomes very powerful, however her red is extremely weakened due to him overwriting your potential trap tile, and unless X-Force or Black Panther are locked out, it's hard to justify maxing her black, not to mention the damage is abysmal for the cost, the 3-4 turns of no damage is nice, but even if you were able to pop off all the tiles, thus making the skill cost 6AP, it's still only a 568 per AP dmg skill.

        Ugh, this girl is a mess.
      • simonsez
        simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
        Phaserhawk wrote:
        Still trying to figure out where she is playable.
        Probably just against Muscle. Pop her black when some strike countdowns are about to go off, then use her pink to flip them.
      • No build poll in the OP?
      • NorthernPolarity
        NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
        Phaserhawk wrote:
        Still trying to figure out where she is playable.

        If you take her to fight Daken in PvE, her purple becomes very powerful, however her red is extremely weakened due to him overwriting your potential trap tile, and unless X-Force or Black Panther are locked out, it's hard to justify maxing her black, not to mention the damage is abysmal for the cost, the 3-4 turns of no damage is nice, but even if you were able to pop off all the tiles, thus making the skill cost 6AP, it's still only a 568 per AP dmg skill.

        Ugh, this girl is a mess.

        "Only" 568 dmg per AP? That's what X-Force does without any cascades. Oh the imbalance that is 4or...
      • Phaserhawk
        Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
        Phaserhawk wrote:
        Still trying to figure out where she is playable.

        If you take her to fight Daken in PvE, her purple becomes very powerful, however her red is extremely weakened due to him overwriting your potential trap tile, and unless X-Force or Black Panther are locked out, it's hard to justify maxing her black, not to mention the damage is abysmal for the cost, the 3-4 turns of no damage is nice, but even if you were able to pop off all the tiles, thus making the skill cost 6AP, it's still only a 568 per AP dmg skill.

        Ugh, this girl is a mess.

        "Only" 568 dmg per AP? That's what X-Force does without any cascades. Oh the imbalance that is 4or...

        That is best case scenario assuming you get all the AP back, otherwise it's as bad as 340. I think in the end I'll probably shoot for 5/5/3 and make her a PvE specialist, considering I'll have better options for red than hers I won't miss it and worst case scenario I still get dmg just not a lot, because if I do make her an anti Daken/Blade/Psylocke, their strike tile creation can make her red obsolete, I think I would rather have her able to eat a lvl 395 sniper rifle CD tile than do 1000 dmg
      • turul
        turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
        added best build poll
      • simonsez
        simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
        Probably the best argument for 3 red is that Daken will overwrite her red trap. And I don't see any point to using her without a strike tile generator on the other side.
      • 5/5/3 her red costs too much if it was 8 or 9ap it be alot better, and even then its still kinda weak. Patch is great as the tile dmg carries.
        Doom is also a good pair with her to fill the conidtion of a trap tile being present, with her purple.
      • Oldboy
        Oldboy Posts: 452 Mover and Shaker
        I have her at 4/2/5 lvl 132 and i really wanted to like her but having tried playing her again in Enemy of the State, all i can say is "Ugh!". Her trap tile is a waste of AP since it gets overwritten so easily by red CD tiles. Enemy Caltrops is a much better ability than hers. Her purple isn't of much use when there are no strike tiles. Using purple twice to get ONE (or 2) strike tile out of none is a big waste of time and AP. With that amount of purple AP i could use another ability (Whales or Aggressive Recon come to mind). Her only useful ability in this event would be her Black and it's not worth bringing her in just for that most of the time.

        Pitting her against Daken is also useless if you're thinking of stealing strike tiles. She throws out another 3 enemy strike tiles for them and he just needs to go all Chemical Rxn on you and you'll immediately regret giving him those 2 additional strike tiles.

        Elektra is a mess and poorly designed. I really wanted to like using her and i waited to get 11 covers before using her but after playing with her in this event, she's gonna be relegated to once-in-a-while-for-the-heck-of-it playability status. The irony is that Elektra should have been a great character to use against The Hand but instead she becomes useless (or at worst a liability) on the team when fighing them.

        TL:DR Elektra needs to be redesigned.
      • simonsez
        simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
        Oldboy wrote:
        She throws out another 3 enemy strike tiles for them and he just needs to go all Chemical Rxn on you and you'll immediately regret giving him those 2 additional strike tiles
        I agree, her skills are so poorly designed, but with 5 in pink, she can convert up to 3 strike tiles, so it'd be a wash. Just another best-build argument in favor of 553 or 535
      • I think she just needs to copy the ninja skills in the wave nodes lol.
        Instead of Elektra red give her caltrops, maybe reduce black to 9ap and purple is fine, but i wouldnt mind if it was smoke bombs =P
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