Character Rotations For Season VIII



  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    Knowing that the rotated characters are also going to be leaving the PvE tokens this afternoon makes it extra hilarious that my first Simulator progression token, pulled 90 minutes before the changeover, got me a Modern the one color I already maxed. So close to a perfect send-off!
  • FaustianDeal
    FaustianDeal Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    GuiltTrip wrote:
    So Daredevil, Doctor Doom, Human Torch (Classic), Loki, Ragnarok, Wolverine (Patch), Punisher, LThor and CMags are all going to be vaulted at the same time?

    There are 2 hypothetical scenarios we can draw from this:
    1 - We are now too villain-low to have a 5-character lightning round rotation. So either we go with 4 villians, or Mystique subs in. This is maybe cool for all of us, because she will have boosted drop rates in the lightning tokens, but it is also good for D3 because that same realization will drive up participation in lightning rounds as people compete for those tokens. (I know I would actually be glad to get a t25 finish in a lightning round again if Mystique cards were in the tokens.)

    2 - There are now enough 'vaulted' characters that an upcoming season could *exclusively* feature vaulted characters for every PVP. (S9 could be a 'comeback tour' for them.) In this scenario the players now have a *very* heightened interest in playing the events, because progression and placement tokens become the *only* way to finish a vaulted character. Possibly fun for us (but probably a bloodbath), probably good for D3.
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,535 Chairperson of the Boards
    The inside-the-sausage-factory details: most events, both PvE and PvP, inherit from a set of base odds and then make tweaks to them ("feature this character" or "feature this character and increase the odds of these other characters a smaller amount"). A few, and Nefarious Foes is one of them, have a different pack structure than usual and are custom-built. When it's time for character rotation and we change the base odds, most event packs change, but the custom-built ones won't until we run them again. (It would be technically possible to change those packs too, but we want to focus our testing efforts on making sure everything goes smoothly with the majority of packs - we try to measure our efforts in awesomeness-per-person-day, and changing the characters available in that one pack for 12 hours doesn't score highly.)

    I did note that Nefarious Foes had some interesting odds to it. I had actually assumed that all events worked like that - I figured you took a template based on a current odds, tweaked it, and then had it assigned to that event name. I had also assumed this wouldn't change until the event came up again (and the "pointer" would then go to a new set of instructions.) So I guess I was wrong. icon_e_smile.gif

    Thanks again for the insight in how the game works!
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have Patch at 3,3,2. CMags 4,3,5. Punisher 4,3,4. So 2 more months before I can complete them without having to drop HP?

    With 2* being given out like candy why not reduce the number of those in packs so the number actually useful characters increases slightly? Never know you may even see an increase in sales of 10 amd 40 packs. As it is they are seen as a waste of money with the rediculously low odds of getting something useful.

    In an ideal world there would be an option of Pack A or Pack B which would cover all the characters avaliable.
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,213 Chairperson of the Boards
    Linkster79 wrote:
    In an ideal world there would be an option of Pack A or Pack B which would cover all the characters avaliable.

    Or 3.

    Either way it could be set up like those weird Hawkeye/Black Widow Tokens that replaced a few of the early HP Rewards in the Prologue.

    ONLY for Heroic Tokens (Not Event Tokens), give us two piles to pull from. In pile 1 or the Recommended pile, offer exactly what tokens are being currently offered. In pile B or the Vaulted pile, offer the vaulted characters for 3*'s, and the same 2* options as always.
  • The problem is inbalance of character. Lthor , Sentry dominate the game
  • I've been lurking for awhile, but finding out about vaulting has pissed me off enough to create an account and post.

    How is this fair at all to people that don't even know about vaulting, who open packs in hopes of getting vaulted characters??
    Due to limited roster slots, many transitioning players are selling 3*s in hopes of making others usable.

    It just feels like you've sent a significant portion of your players on a wild goose chase, chasing after vaulted characters, that are not obviously vaulted to any casual player.

    If you actually see dilution as a problem, why don't you just split the characters into 3 pools (ex. A-H, H-O, O-Z) and let the players choose which packs they open from.

    It seems like there are so many ways to solve this problem, without ninja-handicapping a large % of your playerbase.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    I can't recall the last time I saw a LT outside of his event. Maybe a season and a half ago?
  • Spoit wrote:
    I can't recall the last time I saw a LT outside of his event. Maybe a season and a half ago?
    Speaking for myself, my use of LT went from "quite frequent while climbing" to "almost zero" at the exact moment of the XForce buff
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    For me, it was the laken color coverage nerf
  • Cmags his been featured in fewer pves than any other character baring newly released. I waited months and months to see him while they reworked him. And then after one event of his they take him out of rotation again. Pretty annoying. I know you can't please everyone but you could have pleased me. icon_e_wink.gif.
  • I have a question, why are the rotations based on seasons? A character being or not being in the token pool seems like it would have very little correlation with the changing of the season. This system could be quite exciting if the rotations happened on more rapid pace instead of helping some people by adding in new characters and hurting others trying to complete the characters being valuted, while giving them no timeframe for when those characters might come back into rotation.

    An accelerated cycle would provide ease of mind for those negatively impacted knowing that their most coveted characters will be back soon.
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,213 Chairperson of the Boards
    An accelerated cycle would provide ease of mind for those negatively impacted knowing that their most coveted characters will be back soon.

    That would be awesome. If vault rotations only lasted a week, you could hold your tokens for a week till the character you're looking for makes it back into the rotation.
  • I have a question, why are the rotations based on seasons? A character being or not being in the token pool seems like it would have very little correlation with the changing of the season. This system could be quite exciting if the rotations happened on more rapid pace instead of helping some people by adding in new characters and hurting others trying to complete the characters being valuted, while giving them no timeframe for when those characters might come back into rotation.

    An accelerated cycle would provide ease of mind for those negatively impacted knowing that their most coveted characters will be back soon.

    When they vault a character he won't be featured in PVP or PVE so a season gives them roughly a 4 week period to plan out event schedules. The Heroic 10 pack rewards being saved until the next season begins can also help justify the timeframe to then add in the newly released characters to tokens. I've benefitted from hoarding tokens but I do miss having Patch, Punisher & Torch boosted for PVE.