Last minute season quitting...



  • Bloo_Alliance

    I wasn't on the moment they left but about 15 minutes before we were about 90. Like I said earlier, they told me later they left to be top 40.
  • D2KM_
    D2KM_ Posts: 134

    I wasn't on the moment they left but about 15 minutes before we were about 90. Like I said earlier, they told me later they left to be top 40.

    Wow, that is such a **** bag move...I just read the post where you wrote that, my bad for not reading all posts before making mine icon_e_wink.gif

    I read someone say you should post their ign, which I think would be a good idea. I also think it would be good to know what alliance they went to, pretty pathetic on that alliance's part to recruit or accept anyone in the last minutes of the season ending.
  • mrfssd
    mrfssd Posts: 13
    edited November 2014
  • hello fellow members, the sad and untrue reality of whats been said is so un true , first of all the member was not originally part of bloo alliance only went to bloo 3 days before season end to see if it was possible to secure a thora cover .second of all, the member stood with alliance till the very last 20 minutes of season in which bloo alliance was ranked 102 with 1300 separating them from100, on my alliance we had extra room we were ranked 20 with one member missing as a would never hurt an alliance chances of securing she thora the player decided to come in and get thora cover , so enough of the lies please the player was never a member of bloo alliance it was business from day one . have you asked yourself really why would member leave last min unless she thora was not secure as a fellow commander i felt bad that player had a great season score so i allowed player to collect thora cover. there it is as a player worked hard all season and deserved the cover.
  • harada78 wrote:
    hello fellow members, the sad and untrue reality of whats been said is so un true , first of all the member was not originally part of bloo alliance only went to bloo 3 days before season end to see if it was possible to secure a thora cover .second of all, the member stood with alliance till the very last 20 minutes of season in which bloo alliance was ranked 102 with 1300 separating them from100, on my alliance we had extra room we were ranked 20 with one member missing as a would never hurt an alliance chances of securing she thora the player decided to come in and get thora cover , so enough of the lies please the player was never a member of bloo alliance it was business from day one . have you asked yourself really why would member leave last min unless she thora was not secure as a fellow commander i felt bad that player had a great season score so i allowed player to collect thora cover. there it is as a player worked hard all season and deserved the cover.

    I'd be careful with words like lies. There is no full season ranking so far on the boards, but looking at this numbers:

    91. MisfitRightIn - 179945
    92. Lazy Surfers - 179938
    93. IggyFenton - 179918
    94. _Underscore_ - 179904
    95. Agent Archer - 179886
    96. DMZ Mob Disco - 179810
    97. The Best 20 - 179798
    98. Alliance 2014 - 179776

    I highly doubt, that there is a gap of 1300 points between position 100 and 102. And i guess, most people will agree, that i am right to doubt that. And if you are right to doubt that, what can you really believe?
    I see at least a chance, that you have been fooled for whatever reason.

    And it will not solve the issue as such. I still favor the idea of an alliance score pool for the season, like i described earlier. That for sure would save us of such unworthy discussions.
  • ballingbees
    ballingbees Posts: 208 Tile Toppler
    some look for an alliance to take them there.
    some work to take their alliance there.
  • There is a simple solution to this but I don't know if people would like it. Make players unable to leave their alliance in the last 7 days of seasons.
  • Or perhaps take the free-agency aspect out of it entirely. Once you're with an alliance and the season has started, you can't leave until the season is over. The only way you can leave an alliance is by getting booted by your commander. Or maybe you even take that away. The only way to leave an alliance is for the season to end and you leave/get booted.

    If you want to make it super convoluted/complicated, you could scrap that idea, and make it more sports-like. You have a "trade deadline" around the 14-day out point. Prior to the deadline, it's business as usual, anybody can come or go as they please. After the deadline, a player must request permission from their Commander(s) in order to leave the alliance. If consensus is given (read: multiple commanders must come to a majority decision) then the player may leave the alliance for greener pastures. There will also be a "Roster Change deadline" at the 7-days out point. Anybody who leaves an alliance with less than 7 days remaining in the season forfeits their current points on the season to the team they're leaving, and becomes ineligible for end-of-season rewards. If a commander boots a player (majority decisions if multiple commanders) after the window closes, the alliance forfeits the points of that player, and any points earned by the player brought on to replace them.

    So, if the CareBearStares beat Django Unbuffed and DeadPoolsTacos beats XMen2 in the American Southwestern Division East Northern, then The XMen goes to the D3 Cup, unless The Best There Is can upset 5DeadlyVenoms and Skrull Empire ties S.H.I.E.L.D., then Wrecking Crüe would play Lock & Load and HulkUnited in a blind choice round robin. And if no clear winner emerges from all of this, a two-man sack race will be held on consecutive Sundays until a champion can be crowned.
  • Bloo_Alliance
    Untrue? Please. I started this thread to point out what I feel is a flaw in this game that possibly could be addressed if enough people put out good ideas and I believe that has happened. I have been very careful not to give out the name of who left to make this about the issue and not us. Obviously the person who left is feeling is guilty and sent you here for damage control. Meutrich already pointed out why your FUD doesn't add up a few posts ago so I will address some other things.

    First of all, this person did not join 3 days before although they were new to the alliance joining at the beginning of the season. Afrocigar, who also posted in this thread, was brought in to the alliance by request of the quitter. You can also ask Afrocigar what is true or not. This person was also requesting to bring in their friend Kotador but the rest of the alliance are all long-timers with no bad seeds and thus I could not make room. I also created a Line account at the request of this person so we could chat outside of the game as well as becoming "friends" on Xbox Live. All of this in three days? That gave me a good laugh.

    For almost the entire month we were hanging around 50. As always, things get crazy and by the last day we were hovering in the mid-seventies. I never saw our score worse than 90 and none of the alliance, most of which were playing until the last minute, saw us drop beyond 100 until this person left. Our lowest player finished with about 7500 so obviously we have an alliance where everybody pulls their weight. I don't want to derail this thread with this he said/she said but I felt I had to respond.

    Believe it or not, I have no hard feelings towards the person who left. Hopefully we can get back on track to making positive change in MPQ and not start up an unnecessary soap opera. See y'all in Season 8 icon_e_smile.gif
  • V1rusHunter
    V1rusHunter Posts: 201 Tile Toppler
    I don't want to hijack this thread as I like the brainstorming, but wanted to opine because my alliance was mentioned in one of the posts.

    Last minute season quitting is obviously **** for the team impacted, but it's also **** for all other teams as everyone's rank gets shifted only because of point reallocation. It's doubly bad when there is so much merc'ing at the last minute. I saw my alliance drop from 70's to the 90's in the last 3 hours. Maybe I have too much loyalty to my alliance members, but when I spend time bonding with people over a season, or seasons in my case, I don't want to boot people because I want to maintain a rank that I had but am now losing due to the whim and/or greed of other people.

    You have my sympathies. I think it's every commander's worst nightmare.
  • HailMary wrote:
    Fievel wrote:
    Sorry if anybody is upset that I'm making light of this, but I can't help but picture Alliances as street gangs right now. "Blood in, blood out." I'm picturing players getting jumped out of alliances in order to relocate.

    "You're in a Django Unbuffed, bracket son. You don't belong here."
    When you're a Django,
    You're a Django all the way
    From your first big cascade
    To your last tankin' team.

    < vvv Dino Jazz Hands vvv >

    Hey, look...I found HailMary in a node for 50 points....oops...I accidentally attacked...twice;)