New Event End Times Feature Coming Soon

David [Hi-Fi] Moore
David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
edited November 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
Greetings Marvel Puzzle Quest players from across the globe!

We wanted to provide you with a small, but exciting update regarding Event end times. While we cannot provide an exact date just yet, we can confirm that a new feature that allows players to choose from a variety of Event end times is actively being worked on. Additionally, you'll see the feature in-game within the next two months. Ideally, even sooner than that - but we're keeping a buffer open for any fun bugs that may arrive as we finalize details.

We've heard you loud and clear that Event end times haven't always been ideal for a worldwide playerbase with varying time zones. We've been hard-at-work testing out solutions and we think we've come up with a great feature that will please a wide variety of players - regardless of where they are located.

While it may seem so at first glance, the new feature hasn't been an easy one to implement. It involves many moving parts; dispersion of rewards, brackets, Alliances with members spread across the globe, etc. Our plan is to start with an in-game Beta test, collect your feedback and proceed forward from there.

Thank you for your patience while we work on the new feature. We think you'll be pleased when it arrives in the near future.

Long story short: Helpful changes are on the way for Event end times and they're coming as soon as possible!

Work-In-Progress screenshot description: Select from a variety of Event start/end times. If the new time selected is after the default start time, but hasn't yet begun, players may need to wait until their Event Shard begins. Players will be matched only with others who have also chosen that Event Shard.


  • ironsmudgie
    ironsmudgie Posts: 155 Tile Toppler
    I'm down. Is the beta all inclusive or is there a sign up?
  • Wow, that's what I call a perfect announcement.

    We've definitely been listened to lately ! Every ingredient for a perfect announcement is included.

    Let's see if the community reacts wisely to this. I sincerely hope so.
  • Excellent. Thank you for working hard on this, and thank you for giving us a heads up. I hope I speak for the majority when I say that we will be patient as you work the bugs out.
  • Carnage_78
    Carnage_78 Posts: 304 Mover and Shaker
    Thank you very much for helping all of us out with this issue by putting forward a clever well thought out idea... icon_e_biggrin.gif

    The last hour of an event is always a big rush so it will be fun to consistently be able to participate in it to try to keep our rankings instead of just the few times that it actually fits our time zone.

    A universal end time will always make someone somewhere unhappy but that solution with the possibility to choose for ourselves what suits us seems to hit the spot...which will be very appreciated by the entire community I think...and I know for certain by myself who is playing from beautiful but far away with a weird time difference New Zealand! icon_mrgreen.gif

    Cheers mates! icon_cool.gif
  • This could be so good. I like the end times they listed. I'm on PST and I'd still choose to end the event at five in the afternoon. No more checking my rank at 8:30 in the pub!
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    THIS is a good announcement. I don't simply mean that the new feature is welcome, but that the communication is ongoing and we are getting an idea of what we might expect and when. Thank you!
  • yogi_
    yogi_ Posts: 1,236 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2014
    Definitely some interesting ideas here. Looks good to run as a trial. Give it a few goes even.

    Interesting point I read somewhere else that it still isn't going to resolve getting the **** beaten out of you in the last X hours, but at least you can now choose WHEN to have the **** beaten out of you. Hopefully there are still plans for this eventually.

    But as solely a timing mechanism, this is a good thing to be trying.

    Also a pretty well and clearly explained introductory post (albeit it this is not a controversial one and should theoretically be positive to most people).

    This is also going to have slightly broader implications such as expanding the overall timing of events which will impact on other things, but this is not a huge deal and possibly has advantages. ie. you have to wait for all the events to finish before you start the next one, I think? Do they overlap? but would slow down events a little, which is not a terrible thing.
  • Looks great to me.....midday end times have been the hardest to stay even close to HP neutral coz of the need for 8 hour shields for finish, plus any shielding needed to get to that score in the first place.....much appreciated that there looks like an Asian (Australia) time too, 12 hours offset to U.S.
  • Oldboy
    Oldboy Posts: 452 Mover and Shaker
    edited November 2014
    Thumbs up for the feature and post!

    I have a question. Is there going to be a clock and date featured in the game? Because the time stated may not be local times and it could get confusing for those of us in different time zones

    Edit: or is there already a clock feature and i completely missed it these past couple of months?

    2nd edit: saw the "current time" on the image
  • Good news icon_e_smile.gif
  • Oldboy
    Oldboy Posts: 452 Mover and Shaker
    Also i'd just like to say it's a good thing that they mentioned it's in beta testing when they first launch it. At least then we know to expect bugs.

    However can i suggest that the 3* covers given out be something less... "Popular"? e.g. ragnarok, loki etc? At least then players wont feel so much angst if the bugs ruin their rankings/gameplay.
  • Shadow
    Shadow Posts: 155
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]Players will be matched only with others who have also chosen that Event Shard.

    Everyone is so pleased with this announcement but I am concerned with this one sentence honestly. For PvE, it is actually a great feature to have events ending at a time convenient for us. But for PvP, there is a significant impact.

    I'd assume that all X-men will choose the same end time as they need to hop off each other. That will make other top alliances want to choose the same end time as well so that they can find those X-men. This will have the trickle down effect to the rest of the vets trying to match that same end time too. So, if you happen to choose an end time that doesn't match up, those high point targets are going to be hard to find meaning choose a wrong end time and kiss 1300 progression good bye. Very bad for PvP I'd say.
  • Looks to me like PvP might be shortened to 2 days per bracket with a 12 hour window for varying start times, maintaining the 2.5 day total event time.
  • yogi_
    yogi_ Posts: 1,236 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2014
    Shadow wrote:
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]Players will be matched only with others who have also chosen that Event Shard.

    Everyone is so pleased with this announcement but I am concerned with this one sentence honestly. For PvE, it is actually a great feature to have events ending at a time convenient for us. But for PvP, there is a significant impact.

    I'd assume that all X-men will choose the same end time as they need to hop off each other. That will make other top alliances want to choose the same end time as well so that they can find those X-men. This will have the trickle down effect to the rest of the vets trying to match that same end time too. So, if you happen to choose an end time that doesn't match up, those high point targets are going to be hard to find meaning choose a wrong end time and kiss 1300 progression good bye. Very bad for PvP I'd say.

    Someone also manages to say the things I can't always quite seem to get out.

    This is a good point. Possibly a great outcome for PvE (is this even part of this?). Choosing end time for PvP while having advantages, adds another level of complexity when you want to reach the top. Given that the inherent structure of PvP is already problematic, apart from the clear advantage of player convenience on when to battle out the last few hours, what is the expected outcome of the devs with this change?

    Is there an accompanying change so that PvP rewards are more reasonably gained? Because there is much about this change that is not going to help that cause; if anything, the opposite. Everyone is going to have the time to beat the **** out of each other together now as opposed to across the broader time frame. This is going to make PvP even more stupidly competitive, which is really the last thing it needs.
  • I think it's safe to say that this is the announcement most deserving of the happy dance since respec was introduced.
  • Shadow wrote:
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]Players will be matched only with others who have also chosen that Event Shard.

    Everyone is so pleased with this announcement but I am concerned with this one sentence honestly. For PvE, it is actually a great feature to have events ending at a time convenient for us. But for PvP, there is a significant impact.

    I'd assume that all X-men will choose the same end time as they need to hop off each other. That will make other top alliances want to choose the same end time as well so that they can find those X-men. This will have the trickle down effect to the rest of the vets trying to match that same end time too. So, if you happen to choose an end time that doesn't match up, those high point targets are going to be hard to find meaning choose a wrong end time and kiss 1300 progression good bye. Very bad for PvP I'd say.
    I presumed 'matched up' means in brackets, not in the actual match-making range. Why would I suddenly I see 2/3 fewer matchups even if I choose a bracket suited for my timezone?
  • locked wrote:
    Shadow wrote:
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]Players will be matched only with others who have also chosen that Event Shard.

    Everyone is so pleased with this announcement but I am concerned with this one sentence honestly. For PvE, it is actually a great feature to have events ending at a time convenient for us. But for PvP, there is a significant impact.

    I'd assume that all X-men will choose the same end time as they need to hop off each other. That will make other top alliances want to choose the same end time as well so that they can find those X-men. This will have the trickle down effect to the rest of the vets trying to match that same end time too. So, if you happen to choose an end time that doesn't match up, those high point targets are going to be hard to find meaning choose a wrong end time and kiss 1300 progression good bye. Very bad for PvP I'd say.
    I presumed 'matched up' means in brackets, not in the actual match-making range. Why would I suddenly I see 2/3 fewer matchups even if I choose a bracket suited for my timezone?

    This is exactly how I took it too. If matches were locked too that would be a huge change! We need a clarification on this I think.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    locked wrote:
    Shadow wrote:
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]Players will be matched only with others who have also chosen that Event Shard.
    I presumed 'matched up' means in brackets, not in the actual match-making range. Why would I suddenly I see 2/3 fewer matchups even if I choose a bracket suited for my timezone?
    I kinda assumed the opposite, i.e. players can only see and fight opponents who share their Event Shard.

    It seems terribly obvious that only players who share an Event Shard would share a bracket.
  • Nellobee
    Nellobee Posts: 457 Mover and Shaker
    This is an awesome announcement. Congrats!
  • I assumed matched up in terms of bracketing, not MMR as well.

    Even if that were the case, though, there will be some interesting side effects. At the very least, the very beginning of an event (for the First Shard) and the very end of an event (for the Last Shard) will have significantly less opponents. I wonder whether that will be beneficial or detrimental (seeds vs no seeds)?