I am so over your PVE format

homeinvasion Posts: 415 Mover and Shaker
edited October 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
Guys come on, we have been screaming at you for ages to change PVE. Have you guys ever ground your way through another tinykitty Ragnarock, Venom, Bullseye, Daken tinykitty scaling, rubberbanding rubbish before, it is not fun or a puzzle or interesting or require intelligence, it is boring, a grind fest, infuriating and down right unfair. GET RID OF THIS PVE NIGHTMARE.

What part is fair of having 2 star cap marvel available as a reward for a PVP for max 4 covers, or buying a **** ton of random lottery draw tokens to get the character, then feature it in half the PVE, so you have to either buy multiple 42 packs and 100K iso to level up a 2 STAR CHARACTER and carry that through level 400 champs, OR spend a minimum amount of money and carry a 1 or 2 cover 2 STAR TINY KITTY CHARACTER through level 400 teams that do over a thousand damage per match WITHOUT STRIKE TILES, so you are basically using 2 level 166 characters versus 3 X level 400 characters with a 2 star rubbish that gets one shot and whose 9 black does less damage than their 1 match that are never less than 3 or 4 abilities and matches every turn. I had a max level patch go down first turn to a small cascade. Every node needs 3 health pack, you guys must be rolling in money, why can't you afford a whole factory full of developers to come up with decent, fun and puzzling games, not the same trite rubbish you force us to play to get a new character.

Don't even get me started on end times, but seriously guys, pull your heads in this PVE rubbish needs to be relegated to 'oh, that's how we did it when we started, weren't we silly".


  • What bothers me most (in diplomatic words) is that we have to face Venow, Yelena, Daken 2* and Bullseye over and over again. I'm just so sick of Venom and Bullseye. 53 characters released and we face the same **** 1* ??

    But that's not the only problem I see : goons with countdown tiles which can make up to 10K damage in one strike, lvl 395 characters that we can't fight against anymore...

    So, besides the fact we are currently tired of playing so much to rank in the Top 10 (to get all the covers and decent Iso), we have to go through a PvE like the hunt, where you indeed have to use health packs to keep on playing...
  • homeinvasion
    homeinvasion Posts: 415 Mover and Shaker
    Is that worse, or they gave us a taste of the Gauntlet then shelved it?
  • MarcusGraves
    MarcusGraves Posts: 495 Mover and Shaker
    need more gauntlet PvE, not even being jokey, the idea and format was so good and popular I don't understand why there hasn't been a 2nd one yet.

    -no grinding nodes, beat one after another to get your eventual and immediate prize (which is also fantastic)

    -no hardcore competition for the top prizes which means you don't need to constantly be on to make sure you don't get knocked out of the prize bracket you want, a very leisurely event really.

    -all the different character combinations on the nodes was a fun and refreshing break away from the constant level 100+ ** Daken (who gets really **** to fight since AI can have 5/5/5 builds and he gets really scary around level 105-110)/ rag/ whoever teams.
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    Guys come on, we have been screaming at you for ages to change PVE. Have you guys ever ground your way through another tinykitty Ragnarock, Venom, Bullseye, Daken tinykitty scaling, rubberbanding rubbish before, it is not fun or a puzzle or interesting or require intelligence, it is boring, a grind fest, infuriating and down right unfair. GET RID OF THIS PVE NIGHTMARE.

    What part is fair of having 2 star cap marvel available as a reward for a PVP for max 4 covers, or buying a **** ton of random lottery draw tokens to get the character, then feature it in half the PVE, so you have to either buy multiple 42 packs and 100K iso to level up a 2 STAR CHARACTER and carry that through level 400 champs, OR spend a minimum amount of money and carry a 1 or 2 cover 2 STAR TINY KITTY CHARACTER through level 400 teams that do over a thousand damage per match WITHOUT STRIKE TILES, so you are basically using 2 level 166 characters versus 3 X level 400 characters with a 2 star rubbish that gets one shot and whose 9 black does less damage than their 1 match that are never less than 3 or 4 abilities and matches every turn. I had a max level patch go down first turn to a small cascade. Every node needs 3 health pack, you guys must be rolling in money, why can't you afford a whole factory full of developers to come up with decent, fun and puzzling games, not the same trite rubbish you force us to play to get a new character.

    This i agree 100%.

    Look, D3, i like it when i played Sentry pve, DP vs mpq... heck, i even found the Hunt fun...... when i played it the *first* time.

    But when you repeat the pve so many times..... it gets soooo boring, that it becomes a mindless grind.

    I rather played the Sims, as it featured different combination of teams to fight. No more combination of the dark avengers.

    Really, i am so glad my alliance has no pve requirement, because i would have left the game by now.

    I like the gauntlet. It was refreshing it was fun. Sims is fun too.

    I have very, very *high* hopes of the new game mode that you have been talking about. That it will be totally different... and most importantly, fun.
  • I hate having to juggle 2 subs simultaneously gets very draining.
    Here's how a standard battle has looked for me so far:
    1. Match a few
    2. Thunderclap
    3. Godlike power
    4. Thunderclap
    5. Godlike power
    6. See 3
    7. Never ending cycle of bulltinykitty
    8. Die
  • I don't like Hunt. There are just too many nodes. It takes a very long time to clear even a single sub.
  • They could release more vilains so we wouldn't have to fight the same guys all the time . Where are Carnage, Mister Sinister, Iron Patriot, Mandarin, Red skull, Apocalyspe ... now that Blade is here, I want Dracula (and not for next year).

    Or why not go in Civil War arc and make heroes go with Cap or Iron Man and fight each other ? Give us a new mode: people choose his side at the beginning and compete against the other group on scoring ... at the end the best get a special prize (like the possibility to choose one cover he want on all the roster). And for balance if too many people go on the same side, make the scaling accordingly so we have the same chances for each group.
  • Honestly, they should retire this point based scoring and ranking format to a progression format. They should keep the events we have now, but make them permanent additions to Prologue.

    They should make more Progression based events like The Gauntlet. If not the Gauntlet, more Prologue style events. Like having to clear 1 chapter of nodes to unlock the next. Then you can grab the 3* covers when beat the "final boss". Kind of like how Ragnarok is the "final boss" of the current Prologue.

    Maybe to make it more challenging, make it so once you clear the final boss and obtain the first 3* cover, all nodes are reset and you start from the beginning and have to clear them again and beat the boss once more for the second, then the third.

    Or make it so each Chapter's boss drops one if the covers with the second and third ones of greater difficulty.
  • The underlying problem is still the scaling because Gauntlet still had some nasty scaling issues. A superior format will alleviate the scaling issue but it doesn't make it go away. I thought The Hunt worked fine back when the difficulty was static because there are only 2 nodes above level 100 or so if I recall and even if you can't beat the 230X3 the rest sure are pretty easy, though back then you also didn't need to grind as much since that was way before the 2H 24M deal. Now for variety, I know they're trying to stick to the story but it just doesn't work especially since half of the DAs are the guys who scale poorly with levels (as in for the player facing them, not the DAs).

    Gauntlet mode wouldn't work for awarding 4*s unless there are some very specific restriction on some nodes but otherwise it should be relatively easy to get the same mix. You'd just make 3 bracket like 'Blade purple' , 'Blade green', and "Blade black". The length/difficulty would be such that you still only 2% finishing all 3 brackets before the event runs out. It won't be exactly 2% the first few times around but it should be something that's easily solvable with more data.
  • Vohnkar
    Vohnkar Posts: 158 Tile Toppler
    I agree with all of you.

    I can't do well in any PvE due to the insane grind it requires and the scaling. I could live with the grind (on weekends) but not if I have to face 170+ when I don't have any maxed 3* yet. The 2'5h refresh is insane if you have to work and ruber banding is not helping, at least for me. I prefered the 8-12h refreshes, at least then you only had to play a couple of times a day to stay competitive.
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    arktos1971 wrote:
    What bothers me most (in diplomatic words) is that we have to face Venow, Yelena, Daken 2* and Bullseye over and over again. I'm just so sick of Venom and Bullseye. 53 characters released and we face the same **** 1* ??

    Seriously. Why introduce another villain like Doc Ock and not make any effort to use him? Makes no sense.

    Oh, and screw Chemical Reaction. I honestly didn't think the PVE format could get any worse, but that damn ability proves me wrong every time I face a scaled out the wazoo Daken.

    God I hate you, man. So much.
  • MORE GAUNTLET PLEASE. NEED MORE 395 NOVA TU ! icon_mrgreen.gif

    Seriously though Devs, I spent like $50 in HP farming that stupid event to collect Tu tiles. BRING IT BACK!
  • I've been over the format for months.

    I'm on Day 363 and I have 10+ Level 100 3*s ..... and I still can't score the new Character in each PvE.

    Had some fun during anniversary week, but now we're back to the same ol' grind to nowhere.
  • Oldboy
    Oldboy Posts: 452 Mover and Shaker
    Bump to the top.

    Agree with OP and so most of those who posted.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just so the devs don't think it's unanimous, let me say that I still prefer PvE over PvP, and I still don't care if I never see the Gauntlet again. I don't mind at all that fact that I know that if I put in the effort, I'll get all the covers I want without having to worry about nonsense like shield-hopping.
  • Unofficial but very accurate D3 response:

    "We have been reading your concerns about PVE issues and problems mostly related to the scaling of the opponents.

    We would like to assure you that the problem is now in the acknowledgment phase. We give high priority to this phase and we take it very seriously as we have the moral obligation to acknowledge the issues of our community.

    Once the issue is acknowledged, I can promise you that it will be given the same priority and time to solve it as the End Times!

    Taking into consideration our successful acknowledgement and excellent work on solving the End Time issue, you can expect more news on the current PVE issues very soon.

    Thank you!
    Keep paying... err, playing! I meant playing!"
  • reckless442
    reckless442 Posts: 532 Critical Contributor
    Add one more problem with the format -- TUs. Why is it that when I get TUs, I consistently get the ones that require 14+ AP, but when I play PVE, the AI always has Thunderclap, Chemical Reaction, Gravity Warp, Photon Blast, Symbiote Snare, or Onslaught. The AI's TUs are never AOE, but low-enough AP to always go off and cause enough damage that they will require a health pack if I want to use the affected character in a subsequent PVE match.
  • homeinvasion
    homeinvasion Posts: 415 Mover and Shaker
    Okin107 wrote:
    Taking into consideration our successful acknowledgement and excellent work on solving the End Time issue[/i]

    wait what??

    what successful solving of the end time issue? is there something we don't know?
  • homeinvasion
    homeinvasion Posts: 415 Mover and Shaker
    oic sarcasm, got me man
  • The Gauntlet is the last time I felt I went on a quest for something...and that didn't even have a story. Just progression. Story is not the focus of this game.