*** Blade (Daywalker) ***



  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    vudu3 wrote:
    Torch works perfectly fine with blade. You just dont use fireball until the end of the match. Flame jets also gives you more strike tile triggers for good measure. Hes obviously not ideal since you want more colors than 4, but eh. Cmags probably works well with blade since cmags red can help replenish red tiles on the board after youve matched them away and the two cover 5 colors.

    Powerful red/yellow/green user but has a mediocre red so you won't be matching it much anyway.

    Blade and Daken both have 6800 health. You're going to want to add a tank. Torch and cMags do not fit the bill. Hell, Panther could practically wipe out that entire team with one swipe.

    Yeah, Thor is a strong choice as well. Honestly though, Thor is one of those cases where the only reason why he works well with Blade is because he's a tank and has active abilities not in blades color. Torch's green synergizes a lot more with blade than any Thor ability ever will though. Thor is probably just going to end up better than Torch though, which is really sad imo.
  • vudu3
    vudu3 Posts: 940 Critical Contributor
    I'd worry about his yellow wiping out Blade's special tiles, but I guess in that scenario having strike/attack tiles to soften people up for Call the Storm and AP steal to accelerate it is a strong enough contribution.
    If you're at the point where you can launch Thunder Strike into Call the Storm then the game's over. You don't need the attack/strike tiles any more. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    There's still synergy of a sort. Thor has an expensive AOE cannon and another slightly less expensive board-shaker that enables CTS. Blade has powers that can accelerate Thor's one-two punch, and whittle down the enemy team with attack tiles and increased match damage so it's more likely that when you do call the storm, it's a game-ender. That's helping!
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    Abilities are up in the Hunt.

    His purple looks really powerful. At level 1 with Blade at base level 40, it has the potential to create a 192 attack tile. Imagine how high that can get with more levels in the ability and the character maxed out.
  • Jathro
    Jathro Posts: 323 Mover and Shaker
    I had high hopes for his purple, if nothing else because it's an ACTIVE PURPLE - praise Jeebus!

    But seeing as it creates a purple tile, now not so much. I mean, you'll likely end up matching away the attack tile you created to create another one...

    Aw, who am i kidding. It's still an active purple and that's a good thing
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jathro wrote:
    I had high hopes for his purple, if nothing else because it's an ACTIVE PURPLE - praise Jeebus!

    But seeing as it creates a purple tile, now not so much. I mean, you'll likely end up matching away the attack tile you created to create another one...

    Aw, who am i kidding. It's still an active purple and that's a good thing

    You know you don't have use it right away like the AI does, right? You can wait a turn or two until there are no purple matches available.
  • Jathro
    Jathro Posts: 323 Mover and Shaker
    scottee wrote:
    You know you don't have use it right away like the AI does, right? You can wait a turn or two until there are no purple matches available.
    Right, but I'll still likely want to create another one at some point.
  • vudu3 wrote:
    I'd worry about his yellow wiping out Blade's special tiles, but I guess in that scenario having strike/attack tiles to soften people up for Call the Storm and AP steal to accelerate it is a strong enough contribution.
    If you're at the point where you can launch Thunder Strike into Call the Storm then the game's over. You don't need the attack/strike tiles any more. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    2.5k + cascade? + 4.5k/2.5k damage is not necessarily game ending depending on your opponents.
  • vudu3
    vudu3 Posts: 940 Critical Contributor
    You don't launch Thor's abilities on full-health opponents. It's generally going to take at least 10 moves and that's if get a good board and you're focusing exclusively on yellow and green. In most cases it'll be turn 15 or 20 before you're ready. If you plan your match damage wisely and use one or two cheap abilities from another character then Thunder Strike into Call the Storm will easily down any team unless you're facing level 395 opponents in PVE.
  • Guess I was wrong about the attack tiles.
    Am thinking Daken/Thor, full rainbow for abilities. Daken's strikes help Nightstalker, and you pretty much avoid red with Daken anyways.
  • sorcered wrote:
    Never hope before you see the actual numbers icon_e_smile.gif

    But Spider Man and Blade are two of my favorite characters in game! They can't be both bad, right? RIGHT!?!??!!?!!?

  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well I was spot on about the cost of the passive. I think Blade is a straight up 5/5/3 build, unless the threshold gets lower at higher levels for Thirst greenflag.png or possibly creates 2 strike tiles, I just can't see you being able to constantly rely on it to create strike tiles. 11 is a lot and giving that it is also red...a color you don't really want to leave hanging around, I think maxing out his black and purple are the way to go.
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,705 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phaserhawk wrote:
    Well I was spot on about the cost of the passive. I think Blade is a straight up 5/5/3 build, unless the threshold gets lower at higher levels for Thirst greenflag.png or possibly creates 2 strike tiles, I just can't see you being able to constantly rely on it to create strike tiles. 11 is a lot and giving that it is also red...a color you don't really want to leave hanging around, I think maxing out his black and purple are the way to go.

    Yeah, if you don't take red, then the AI will. Red is almost never left untouched. Hopefully the count goes down from 11, but I doubt it will go below 8 or so (9 is more likely.)

    Still, purple looks damn good coupled with a strike tile generator like Daken. Black doesn't look half-bad either, depending on where it goes with more covers.
  • sorcered wrote:
    There aren't any red tile generators in the game, are they? Iron Man doesn't count, he just restores AP, won't create actual tiles.

    Captain America will place one red. Of course it costs red to do that, and it's a countdown so it doesn't last very long, but he does generate a red tile.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, about the only way to really generate red is to do it by other tile removal. What I mean is Surgical Strike, Polarizing Force, Mistress of the Elements will remove all of one color, or lots of TU's, thus having more tiles fall, and in theory increasing the other colors, however it also creates cascades which can negate that effect. Twin Pistols could be used to the same effect, if you could destroy to 3x3 areas without red in them.

    Short of those ways, yeah, nothing else other than a Captain shield will put red on the board.
  • Nellyson
    Nellyson Posts: 354 Mover and Shaker
    :blade: ??? Testing this without previewing it...hope it's there!

    Anyways...I like the look of Blade. I want to see the full covers lay out before I go deciding everything....and why do you have to have 5 covers in two abilites? What's wrong with a 445 build? Once I see the abilities, I'll know what I want for sure, just like probably everyone else, but just looking at him I'd probably go with a 4/5/4 build. Unless the black increases significantly, I don't see why a 5 there would be necessary. Anyways, so far it looks like a great set of abilities. And no regen probably cause we only get 3 powers. Better be a super fast healer. Faster than icon_spiderman.png at that as well!
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would almost guarantee the red threshold lowers as it levels up. Hood's blue starts out at 11 tiles as well. I'd guess level 5 requires something like 9 tiles on board.
  • Joker117
    Joker117 Posts: 124
    If you want go overkill blade,XFORCE with hulk Infront tanking could be a good group hulk brings red, xforce yellow and blade a passive and pink ...so you get red ,pink and 2 passives (hulk and blade) with green x3 ..

    Yes I know overkill ..I said that lol not enough colors spread out but whatever .
  • Joker117 wrote:
    If you want go overkill blade,XFORCE with hulk Infront tanking could be a good group hulk brings red, xforce yellow and blade a passive and pink ...so you get red ,pink and 2 passives (hulk and blade) with green x3 ..

    Yes I know overkill ..I said that lol not enough colors spread out but whatever .

    X-Force & Hulk both have a tendency to destroy special tiles, so I don't think they'd pair well with Blade. Daken & Falcon would work well with him. Human Torch could be awesome with him especially if Blades countdown tiles steal Red or Green from the enemy team. I'm hoping he'll pair well with Patch too since collecting and using purple might convert enough of the remaining purple tiles into attack tiles that using berserker rage won't give the enemy fewer strike tiles.
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
    Red Panda wrote:
    Joker117 wrote:
    If you want go overkill blade,XFORCE with hulk Infront tanking could be a good group hulk brings red, xforce yellow and blade a passive and pink ...so you get red ,pink and 2 passives (hulk and blade) with green x3 ..

    Yes I know overkill ..I said that lol not enough colors spread out but whatever .

    X-Force & Hulk both have a tendency to destroy special tiles, so I don't think they'd pair well with Blade. Daken & Falcon would work well with him. Human Torch could be awesome with him especially if Blades countdown tiles steal Red or Green from the enemy team. I'm hoping he'll pair well with Patch too since collecting and using purple might convert enough of the remaining purple tiles into attack tiles that using berserker rage won't give the enemy fewer strike tiles.

    Human Torch would be a poor pair since he destroys the Red tiles that are needed to get Blade's Passive going.