Anniversary? Not so much!
Firstly, credit to the developers, they ran a poll for fan favourite events, and delivered them as promised. The anniversary goodies, depending on expectations, are indeed better rewards than the norm.
So most of us has had a shot at the anniversary tokens and probably gotten something good. Now that its not given out like candy anymore, do you miss it? Do you long for it? If this token starvation goes on for another two days, will you even for a split second contemplate that "click buy" button?
I don't think it is bad planning that they started off the week with all the token goodies, and suddenly closed the tap. Quite on the contrary.
They do know what they are doing.0 -
Sandmaker wrote:I don't understand this mentality...
Here is what they promised:
-A week of celebrations
-Player chosen events (DP PvE, Combined Arms, BoP, DP PvP)
-Introduction of Devil Dino 4*
-Small token for logging in
Here is what we got:
-A week of double iso in all events
-DP PvE, Combined Arms, DP PvP and most likely BoP in 2 days.
-Introduction of Devil Dino 4*
-Anniversary Token for logging in
They gave everything they said they would give. And, personally, way more than what I was expecting. I definitely didn't expect the cheap, daily high % tokens, or the anniversary PvP season and progression.
Everything you think is "missing" about the event is your entitlement speaking.
100% agree0 -
FaerieMyst wrote:I am very conflicted over this situation.
On the one hand, I find it absolutely hilarious that anyone would expend the energy to be that angry about a match 3 game.
On the other hand, I am so jealous that you have this much energy to expend being angry about a match 3 game.
Then again, it makes me feel incredibly normal. I mean, you have to be nuts to keep doing something that so enrages you. That means I must not be as crazy as I thought I was.
But what if you took the energy you have spent being angry at MPQ and got angry about something really substantial - like how many people die decades earlier than they have to just for lack of clean water. That kind of energy could have serious impact.
Except that is just waaaaaaay too serious and it's more fun to imagine you as a rage monster over MPQ. It's like your a match 3 Hulk.
Now I'm sad. Because a rage monster over MPQ is like being a tiny, little Hulk. Lots of sound and fury but no real substance. What a pathetic existence.
Which makes me happy because it's you and not me. I can go on being blissfully oblivious to the gross injustices that a match 3 game inflicts upon the more aware and enlightened among us.
Oh dear. It appears I've snapped and fallen into an endless loop of meaningless philosophical ramblings about the import of virtual game rage.
This is all D3's fault. If they had not created MPQ then I would never had played the game. I would never have found this board and I would certainly never have fallen into my own personal well of insanity. Yes, I blame D3 totally for this.
How dare they????
People get upset about all types of crazy things. Favorite ice cream gets discontinued. Traffic. The way the writers concluded a TV show. Waiting in a doctor's office when you got there 15 minutes earlier. Tons and tons of stuff make people just want to vent. Fortunately we have you here to tell us simple minded knuckle draggers exactly what is and isn't worth getting upset about.
I have read many times the argument "If you hate it so much just leave." "You must be a masochist to keep doing something you hate." I think I will address this now.
Once again, as I said in another thread, this is not about entitlement (another snarky remark that is so not the point). I have received everything I can desire from the Anniversary Week(end). I love the double ISO and have gained many levels for several characters. But here is the thing. Just because I love something 90% of the time and hate something 10% of the time, doesn't mean I have to "suck it up" when the 10% comes up. I am entitled (ha, now they got me saying it) to my opinion. Just because I complain about something doesn't mean that I am torturing myself and suffering through the game. It simply means that I am disappointed in an aspect of the game.
On the same topic, D3 holds the monopoly on superhero match 3 games. I don't want to match candy forever. I don't want to gain AP so my wizard can cast "Fireball". I want to play with the characters I read about, grew up with, and love. So, in short, I can't go anywhere else, even if I wanted to. Someone once posted that they wished DC had a match 3 game. I agree. It may be run better or it may be run worse. But I would have a choice. But once again, I love this game 90% of the time, so I am ok.
Next on the agenda, thirsty kids in 3rd world countries. Famine, war, pestilence, death. All horrible things. If that guy ranting that Dumbledore is better than Gandalf, or that girl who is pissed because My Name is Earl never got a final season, or that angry group of people who cant sit together at the movie theatre because they were stuck in traffic and they were late and there are no seats together.....if all of these upset people would just band together, just think about what could be accomplished. Most likely not giving water to kids in 3rd world countries because there are laws, and bylaws, and passports, and visas and who knows what else involved. So, as for me, I will donate 10% of my income to my church who regularly sends out missionaries to do the best they can in a dying world. Just one little impotent, patheitic, rage monster flailing away at life, the universe, and everything.
So, now that I got my counter-snark out of the way. Here is the deal. Different people see different sides to the story. This causes a rift in a community. Current its the D3 Butt-Kissers Who Swallow Whatever They Are Fed versus The Entitled Whiners Who Will Always Complain And Never Be Happy. I have explained in another post how I feel that D3 did supply what they said they would, but just in an inept way. Which is pretty much the only time I ever really complain. They set up expectation that day 1 would be the same as day 7. If they were going to have only 1 PvE and 1 PvP with anniversary rewards, it should have been the climax. You don't lead with your best and then provide the mediocre. Just my 2 cents, and I really don't want to rehash it again. NorthernPolarity (I believe it was NP) and I had a nice little discussion about it if you care, and if you don't, I completely understand as well.
Long story short, another mishandled fiasco. BUT, epic weekend. And for that, I genuinely thank D3.0 -
I read some where that a strong minded person will never complain no matter what the obstacles are or how hard it gets and that a weak minded person will always complain no matter how easy it has it. Take it easy guys the characters are there because they will be needed at some point. I remember that a few months ago they'd were neglecting 2* and 1* characters I was very close to selling them to make room for the endless 3* characters that we're being given out but I held on to them and now I'm so happy I didn't sell them. Don't complain newbie I have played for a bout a year so this is an anniversary for me next if you play long enough your anniversary will come too.
My daughter is 5 and she complains all the time but then again she is "5".0 -
Teno1 wrote:I read some where that a strong minded person will never complain no matter what the obstacles are or how hard it gets and that a weak minded person will always complain no matter how easy it has it. Take it easy guys the characters are there because they will be needed at some point. I remember that a few months ago they'd were neglecting 2* and 1* characters I was very close to selling them to make room for the endless 3* characters that we're being given out but I held on to them and now I'm so happy I didn't sell them. Don't complain newbie I have played for a bout a year so this is an anniversary for me next if you play long enough your anniversary will come too.
My daughter is 5 and she complains all the time but then again she is "5".
This is a perfect example of the point I am trying to get across. You start with wise words, move on to a thought about your own personal experiences, and then.....
compare people with complaints to 5 year olds. And people want to know why upset people don't try to hear the voice of reason.
P.S. I do realize the difference between a legit complaint and a temper tantrum. I also realize that both of these have been found throughout the forum lately. But c'mon. To all the people that think that people should stop complaining, don't you find the way things are going just the least bit odd? An anniversary popup saying Dino will be featured in events all week, and then not? The decision to put arguably the most hated PvE up during anniversary week? The decision to not put anniversary tokens as progressive prizes? I understand that you think people are taking the complaining too far, I really do, but please tell me you can see the point of their grief, if not understand it. Or else I truly am going mad.0 -
One thing to keep in mind is lightning rounds start tomorrow (Tuesday). Perhaps they'll be giving out anniversary tokens for those. If so, it's gonna be a blood bath, should be fun. Also there's going to be She Thor lightning rounds on Friday, perhaps another chance at anniversary tokens. Then again....maybe not..0
Paintsville wrote:Teno1 wrote:I read some where that a strong minded person will never complain no matter what the obstacles are or how hard it gets and that a weak minded person will always complain no matter how easy it has it. Take it easy guys the characters are there because they will be needed at some point. I remember that a few months ago they'd were neglecting 2* and 1* characters I was very close to selling them to make room for the endless 3* characters that we're being given out but I held on to them and now I'm so happy I didn't sell them. Don't complain newbie I have played for a bout a year so this is an anniversary for me next if you play long enough your anniversary will come too.
My daughter is 5 and she complains all the time but then again she is "5".
This is a perfect example of the point I am trying to get across. You start with wise words, move on to a thought about your own personal experiences, and then.....
compare people with complaints to 5 year olds. And people want to know why upset people don't try to hear the voice of reason.
P.S. I do realize the difference between a legit complaint and a temper tantrum. I also realize that both of these have been found throughout the forum lately. But c'mon. To all the people that think that people should stop complaining, don't you find the way things are going just the least bit odd? An anniversary popup saying Dino will be featured in events all week, and then not? The decision to put arguably the most hated PvE up during anniversary week? The decision to not put anniversary tokens as progressive prizes? I understand that you think people are taking the complaining too far, I really do, but please tell me you can see the point of their grief, if not understand it. Or else I truly am going mad.
Just as a heads up, this was the guy who argued that Sentry shouldn't be nerfed because he was a tough guy and could take on Sentry teams, so obviously that means the character is perfectly balanced (viewtopic.php?f=7&t=15719&hilit=teno&start=20). You might be barking up the wrong tree.0 -
NorthernPolarity wrote:Just as a heads up, this was the guy who argued that Sentry shouldn't be nerfed because he was a tough guy and could take on Sentry teams, so obviously that means the character is perfectly balanced (viewtopic.php?f=7&t=15719&hilit=teno&start=20). You might be barking up the wrong tree.
I remember him now... he was the guy claiming he could do 5 matches in 3 minutes with Im40, LThor, HT.0 -
My frustration is that Anniversary week was really just Anniversary hour. The Deadpool PvP was pretty much the only thing that was "anniversary styled" because of the Devil Dino rewards. The Deadpool PvE was kind of dull, and gave out a few tokens, but that's it. Basically at the end of those two events, anniversary is over. Massive grind up for 1 or two hours at the end of the tournaments, and that was your celebration. Congrats, I guess?
I was really surprised that Combined Arms doesn't't use anniversary tokens as rewards. Or that Venom PvE doesn't use anniversary tokens as rewards. Or pretty much anything from this point on, really. We're back to business as usual after an hour's worth of content. Nothing about this event really feels celebratory.0 -
I have to admit that I am honestly a bit disappointed that the last events were a PvP with no real "Anniversary Prizes" and a Heroic without any actual "Anniversary Prizes" (especially all the Moonstones, but I feel like that was an attempt at a meta joke, personally). I understand the point of Heroics - and *gasp* I actually like them - but it was a poor choice given the circumstances. Rerunning DPvMPQ with both subs open would have been a more satisfactory option, in my opinion.
I will also grant that giving everyone a literal Token for the 'token of thanks' was a bit lame, and it would have been infinitely cooler to get one Dino cover of each color, that was really unlikely, especially considering they're already giving them away as Daily Rewards. Granted also, some Hero Points would have been nice too, but with as cheap as the Anniversary Tokens were, at that rate they may as well have given the tokens to everyone anyways. ISO would have been a pretty lame gift too, unless it was a metric ton of it, and that's pretty unlikely too. A token with a really good drop pool (including 600/2900 Hero Points and 7,000/20,000 ISO, and a 9.9% drop rate for Devil Dinosaur - noting that the only thing nearly as common a drop being 2* Covers and just by half of a percentile - even further more the drop rates for Invisible Woman and Nick Fury were higher than any of the 3* cover drops) is a pretty satisfactory gift.
That being said, I have really enjoyed the celebration so far. The Anniversary Tokens were pretty nice and easy to obtain (especially the Daily Deal ones). I got two Moonstones, which was a bit of a wash, but I also got a Dino cover, a 2* Torch cover I needed, and a Spider-Man (which is technically a wash too, but I needed it for Essential Nodes anyways, so win for me). I've bought two Daily Deal tokens, so I spent 100 Hero Points for a 2* Torch, but I am okay with this because I've gained about 150 Hero Points so far anyways, so it was free practically. Then, of course, there was all the ISO I gained. Holy cow. I was able to finish maxing my 2* Widow, I've got 2* Torch 1200 ISO away from max, and yeah, I'm pretty happy about that chunk of progression.
Overall, there were some kinks in the armor, but it was overall a very enjoyable experience. 8/10. Would play again.
Did I mention I am also one of those people that is practically locked out of progressing in the Heroic? I get to use a Level 55 Thor [2 Covers, No ISO], Level 90 Iron Man [Maxed, Maxed], and a Level 110 mHawkeye [Max Covers, Level 70]. I'd be lucky to get a single clear riding on Hawkeye's match damage and lucky Speed Shots (and maybe a lucky Freon Beam or two). I'm still okay with this overall celebration.0 -
GothicKratos wrote:I have to admit that I am honestly a bit disappointed that the last events were a PvP with no real "Anniversary Prizes" and a Heroic without any actual "Anniversary Prizes" (especially all the Moonstones, but I feel like that was an attempt at a meta joke, personally). I understand the point of Heroics - and *gasp* I actually like them - but it was a poor choice given the circumstances. Rerunning DPvMPQ with both subs open would have been a more satisfactory option, in my opinion.
I will also grant that giving everyone a literal Token for the 'token of thanks' was a bit lame, and it would have been infinitely cooler to get one Dino cover of each color, that was really unlikely, especially considering they're already giving them away as Daily Rewards. Granted also, some Hero Points would have been nice too, but with as cheap as the Anniversary Tokens were, at that rate they may as well have given the tokens to everyone anyways. ISO would have been a pretty lame gift too, unless it was a metric ton of it, and that's pretty unlikely too. A token with a really good drop pool (including 600/2900 Hero Points and 7,000/20,000 ISO, and a 9.9% drop rate for Devil Dinosaur - noting that the only thing nearly as common a drop being 2* Covers and just by half of a percentile - even further more the drop rates for Invisible Woman and Nick Fury were higher than any of the 3* cover drops) is a pretty satisfactory gift.
That being said, I have really enjoyed the celebration so far. The Anniversary Tokens were pretty nice and easy to obtain (especially the Daily Deal ones). I got two Moonstones, which was a bit of a wash, but I also got a Dino cover, a 2* Torch cover I needed, and a Spider-Man (which is technically a wash too, but I needed it for Essential Nodes anyways, so win for me). I've bought two Daily Deal tokens, so I spent 100 Hero Points for a 2* Torch, but I am okay with this because I've gained about 150 Hero Points so far anyways, so it was free practically. Then, of course, there was all the ISO I gained. Holy cow. I was able to finish maxing my 2* Widow, I've got 2* Torch 1200 ISO away from max, and yeah, I'm pretty happy about that chunk of progression.
Overall, there were some kinks in the armor, but it was overall a very enjoyable experience. 8/10. Would play again.
Did I mention I am also one of those people that is practically locked out of progressing in the Heroic? I get to use a Level 55 Thor [2 Covers, No ISO], Level 90 Iron Man [Maxed, Maxed], and a Level 110 mHawkeye [Max Covers, Level 70]. I'd be lucky to get a single clear riding on Hawkeye's match damage and lucky Speed Shots (and maybe a lucky Freon Beam or two). I'm still okay with this overall celebration.
Yeah, I love the anniversary token. I have said several times since the anniversary started that I hope they start putting ISO and HP rewards into Heroic tokens. I think someone said they used to do it? Must have been before my time. And X-Force gained almost 40 levels this weekend thanks to double ISO. Good times.0 -
Honestly, i haven't heard so much entitlement from players than I have this week. Just saying.0
Interesting thread. I've been having a fun anniversary week and have certainly already gotten more than my shares worth out of it. Quite satisfied. But, I'm sympathetic on one point -- that anniversary week really should try to be as inclusive as possible. The choice of the Venom Heroic PVE with such a limited roster, though I don't take issue with the PVE itself, just doesn't feel a good fit in my opinion.
I was impressed with the user selected PVPs -- BoP, and CA, despite what you might think of them -- both of these PVPs are more inclusive to players. I imagine if they'd run the Gauntlet again for the whole anniversary week instead, with the rewards changed, the response would have been very positive with fewer threads like this. The event is arguably as hard as any heroic, maybe harder so it's not a giveaway, but more inclusive to players.
Once on Bill Maher there was an argument (haha, no joke) about Warren Buffet's (one of the richest guys in the world) complaining that the rich should pay more taxes -- Warren Buffet had commented something to the effect that he pays a lower tax rate than the janitor that cleans his office and that it's not right.
A common counter-argument to Buffet, and one made by one of Maher's guests on the show was, "if you want the rich to pay more taxes, then why don't you shut up, stop complaining, put your money where your mouth is, and just pay more than you owe on your tax return? No one's forcing you to pay the minimum". But, one of the other Maher guests responded and pointed out, correctly in my opinion, that (paraphrasing), "the money isn't the necessarily the point here, it's the principle that matters."
For what it's worth, this is a metaphor.I can't help but feel some of the counter-arguments on these threads altogether miss the point.
Anyway, let the celebration continue!0 -
FaerieMyst wrote:I am very conflicted over this situation.
On the one hand, I find it absolutely hilarious that anyone would expend the energy to be that angry about a match 3 game.
On the other hand, I am so jealous that you have this much energy to expend being angry about a match 3 game.
Then again, it makes me feel incredibly normal. I mean, you have to be nuts to keep doing something that so enrages you. That means I must not be as crazy as I thought I was.
But what if you took the energy you have spent being angry at MPQ and got angry about something really substantial - like how many people die decades earlier than they have to just for lack of clean water. That kind of energy could have serious impact.
Except that is just waaaaaaay too serious and it's more fun to imagine you as a rage monster over MPQ. It's like your a match 3 Hulk.
Now I'm sad. Because a rage monster over MPQ is like being a tiny, little Hulk. Lots of sound and fury but no real substance. What a pathetic existence.
Which makes me happy because it's you and not me. I can go on being blissfully oblivious to the gross injustices that a match 3 game inflicts upon the more aware and enlightened among us.
Oh dear. It appears I've snapped and fallen into an endless loop of meaningless philosophical ramblings about the import of virtual game rage.
This is all D3's fault. If they had not created MPQ then I would never had played the game. I would never have found this board and I would certainly never have fallen into my own personal well of insanity. Yes, I blame D3 totally for this.
How dare they????
I see your point. But being I am on an MPQ forum that is specifically about me expressing myself over MPQ stuff, then I should more or less stick to the topic.
I am pretty sure there are other forums or places to empathize with what you are saying. However, the fact that bad things have happened in the past does not mean that I should never ever express myself about something else than just the past.
If your goal was to bring awareness about past and current world problems to these forums and this thread, then I think THIS is hilarious.0 -
Sandmaker wrote:I don't understand this mentality...
Here is what they promised:
-A week of celebrations
-Player chosen events (DP PvE, Combined Arms, BoP, DP PvP)
-Introduction of Devil Dino 4*
-Small token for logging in
Here is what we got:
-A week of double iso in all events
-DP PvE, Combined Arms, DP PvP and most likely BoP in 2 days.
-Introduction of Devil Dino 4*
-Anniversary Token for logging in
They gave everything they said they would give. And, personally, way more than what I was expecting. I definitely didn't expect the cheap, daily high % tokens, or the anniversary PvP season and progression.
Everything you think is "missing" about the event is your entitlement speaking.
I see what you are saying and thank for clarifying things for me. As it happens I have been playing the game these last 3 days. And as I already stated, I DID like the first PVE event and got my Trex cover too. So I am happy about that.
However, we agree in one thing here. Everything they promised was given out in one weekend! So why where they talking about a week long thing? Where are the tokens now? Where is Trex covers now?
On to the PVE events. I made a post a while ago when they announced the anniversary "week":Okin107 wrote:I am excited but I hold myself back until the events start.
Please D3, before we start the Anniversary week, take into consideration the lines below:
1. I hope Devil Dino will not be essential in everything and ruin the events (Being he is temporary, I don't really want to throw money in him).
2. Do not have 6 essential characters for the PVE events. Buff every single character so that everyone has a chance at these rewards.
3. Increase the rewards given in normal events. Maybe double them here? (Some more HP for the slots would be more than welcome).
4. If you keep rank rewards for PVE, make them a bit more generous. After all, it is an anniversary party, we are supposed to have fun in it.
5. Thank you for the new characters. Please help me recruit them in some way. Players that are still expanding their roster should not feel pressured or left out of this because of roster space. Just sayin'.
I know there is a financial aspect to everything. But, this is your Anniversary party. This is the day to lure in new players and give older ones a reason to stick around.
Fingers crossed everyone!
Not that my opinion will represent everyone and it should be taken 100% into consideration, but, this is the #1 concern when it comes to Heroics. And they know it. But they still do it! So, how about avoiding a Heroic event during the so called "Anniversary Party" and include some other more enojoyable PVEs with wider roster choise.
So here you have it. I tried to illustrate once again in the same topic the source of my frustration. There can be numerous ways to counter what I think and I have nothing against that. But you all cannot hide the same frustration that I went through when I saw the characters they chose for this Heroic.
But it's ok, I will play with my single covered Hawkeye I got from the event and my under covered GSBW and my Thor that need a bucket full of AP before he gets going. Not to mention that half of the good nodes feature Daken, which you can only kill in the case you have charged your CoT. Otherwise he will heal every single damage you do to him and the goons will wipe you just because. So yeah, a fun anniversary 2nd part we are having...
Maybe they are all just hangover from the first part. We can't blame them right? But there are people that will see this as overreacting over a game. Well that is because the game has not sucked you in enough yet or you are a bit more indifferent than me about it. But if you play it enough, there will be moments like this. It is good to express it. Gives the Devs something to laugh about from time to time.0 -
I think a lot of the overall issue comes down to that this week was designed with metrics in mind and not people and then on top of that, it was communicated poorly. The way the messaging was put across was butchered (again) and this is really something that needs improvement (still).
Top PvP players are going to come out of this week very happy.
Random people who got random good tokens are going to be pleased.
Everyone will be a thankful for some more ISO.
But a whole subsection of players (say you are not competitive enough in PvP and/or lucked out on good tokens) are going to feel kinda cheesed off and even looking at it objectively, it's justified, particularly given the hype surrounding it.
This birthday thing was really not hard to get right for every player, fairly and evenly and there would not have been a single complaint. Apparently though, it was.0 -
I complained a lot before the anniversary week started because at that time it seemed that they where just going to announce a two new 4*, give one on the 365 day and not much else. But after the anniversary week started I realized that this was just the beginnig. Anniversary tokens are really GREAT, double ISO is GREAT. I won 2 Devil Dino's in the PvP event, I will soon win a Black deadpool in the progression rewards and then we have all the great prices I won in the tokens (2 dinos, 1 Fury). And I even bought some HPs in the sale, so I am happy and they earn some good money
So after all, I think it has been a good celebration, and the week is not over yet, so maybe we will have other events where DevilD will be featured. I think the author of the post should have waited until the end of the weel to make this post, but of course, it is his opinion and has some valid points, maybe it is too furious, but it is an opinion we have to respect.0 -
Is the OP over the top? Yeah.
Does he have a good point about the restrictive roster for the Venom PvE? Yeah (admittedly, I have 42 characters and can only use 4 of the worst of those)
Would you be hacked off if you couldn't take part in an event because they limited the roster an insane amount, choosing characters that are pretty much people's least favourite? Yup
Looks to me like a blowing off steam (as in relaxing, not as in sucking off Gabe Newell) post that just went a bit too far tbh.0 -
I've been thinking a lot about this as honestly, any time I see a Heroic PVE, my heart sinks. Rubberbanding has tried to burn me too many times.
Anyway, as has pointed out numerous times, it's a question of expectations. Normally a period between seasons is a little quiet, a little calmer. This time, we have a bunch of extra rewards on offer, with a three star progression reward that for once is within the hands of lots of players (1200 across three PVPs is definitely doable for anyone with 2* rosters and above).
But, there are a few hiccups that undermine things. The bizarre culling of the anniversary tokens from anniversary events. Yet again a PVP with an 'EU-friendly' end time being **** with atrocious rewards. The absolute state of that Heroic limited roster.
I think there is definitely an over inflated sense of entitlement from some, perhaps boosted by the fact that they have already had one or two nice pulls from anniversary tokens and have gotten a little greedy. But I also think that is at least partly the fault of the awful communication thus far that has led people to expect more than they are getting.
Anyway, I'm off to rely on Thor to try to scrape me a Lazy Cap, have fun everyone0
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