Comic Con Announcements



  • Haha Arkos, now I'm curious who your source is and if I had bumped into them at the D3 booth since the Dino stuff was right on with what I had seen.
  • I'm not sure if anyone has said this...but I would like to see the following third abilities for Doom, Rags, and Loki:

    Doom: Some form of board shake-up that damages the enemy team with base damage plus tile destruction damage. AP accrual I could go either way. The guy is supposed to be a nasty right? Or how bout a doom bot attack on the enemy team that is reminiscent of Nick Fury's yellowflag.png

    Rags: Honestly, just have it be a 14 blacktile.png that calls up an electrical storm that does X damage to the enemy team and +X to the target...complete with the ragnarok symbol for the animation.

    Loki: A phase strike. Honestly...bring back the MHawkeye avoid ability but mod it up so that Loki does some serious damage to the enemy in the rear of the line-up that isn't downed. That would be epic.