Powered up hero pulls

I have bought the 200 loony one day deal 3 times now and just finished high enough to get a free one a few minutes ago.

Guess what I got every time?

Cap peacemaker. Why? Is this like the common powered up hero cover? On the plus side he now has level 5 peacemaker. On the negative side...yeah...a bit boring. Particularly when each time you click it on you silently say to yourself...please be punisher.


  • 2 red Captain America for me....That's all I been getting also
  • I bought a ten pack and half of them were Caps. 1 Classic Spidey, 3 Wolverine, and the guaranteed Punisher. I've gotten four powered up tokens from events and it has been 1 Cap 3 Wolv.

    About even for me. 7 Cap, 6 Wolv, 1 C Spidey, 1 Punisher in all.
  • itstime1234
    itstime1234 Posts: 369 Mover and Shaker
    I bought the 200 HP twice now and both times was cap which I already have maxed out. I won the buffed heroes for each contest and had 4 chances, got 2 more caps and 1 wolvie which was also maxed. My final pull was the rare punisher, very happy to get him for future battles that require him present.
  • radiopy
    radiopy Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    Four Wolvies for me. I'm all maxed out.
    I bought 2 packs and got back to back caps - I was pretty disappointed with that. The four tokens I won from the Hulk event got me a blue spidey, a red punisher and the two wolvie's I needed. Aww yeah!
  • Nice luck on the punisher, itstime1234.

    Also I did my math wrong because it was my 6th peacemaker cap cover. So just sold it off for 125. Sigh.

    Sure would be cool if we could trade covers.
  • Sure would be cool if we could trade covers.

    Never going to happen. Or are you ok with the number of covers being given out dropping 2-3 magnitudes to compensate?
  • Wow nice job jpknockout. I just got top 100 in Greenland so only got 1 cover. I didn't even check the Romania event rewards as I was pretty uncompetitive against that level AI, is that where the 4 token award came from?
    Wow nice job jpknockout. I just got top 100 in Greenland so only got 1 cover. I didn't even check the Romania event rewards as I was pretty uncompetitive against that level AI, is that where the 4 token award came from?

    Yeah. Well, I was more so meaning the single token that came from each event -- and there's been 4 events total so far
  • Hey, at least you're getting blue Caps. Between the powered up pulls and a couple of heroics I cashed in, I pulled 4 yellow Caps in the past 2 minutes. And my Cap already has 3 yellow, so...
  • Ha! Ok. I saw the rewards in Greenland were x2 covers for 1st and 2nd so I was thinking Romania and it's harder difficulty could easily reward x4 for 1st and 2nd.

    Thanks for clearing it up.
  • Ha! Ok. I saw the rewards in Greenland were x2 covers for 1st and 2nd so I was thinking Romania and it's harder difficulty could easily reward x4 for 1st and 2nd.

    Thanks for clearing it up.

    The rewards are identical in every sub-event.
  • Just used 4 powered up tokens got 2 Captain red & blue and 2 Punisher black & green. Pretty good, but I really wanted some Spider-Man covers.
  • TheVulture
    TheVulture Posts: 419 Mover and Shaker
    So far from 12 powered-up pulls (10 pack + 2 prizes) I've had the guaranteed Punisher and 11 Cap/Wolverine.

    Really really really tempting to say they are just lousy tokens (since the common pulls are from a pool of just 2 covers which are incredibly easy to come by already), but I suppose if the chance of getting 3** heroes is at least slightly better then that might be what's most important.
  • 3 pulls, Wolvie yellow, Wolvie yellow, Cap yellow.

  • out of 4 i got a blue spidey (already maxed, sadface) and a green punisher
  • 2-star Wolvie I didn't need, green Punisher I did.

    Very, very pleasantly surprised it wasn't just a bunch of Caps.
  • All I've had is caps and wolverines which are useless to me from 6 or so tokens.

    Completely zapped all of my interest in this event.
  • Kelbris
    Kelbris Posts: 1,051
    abuelo wrote:
    All I've had is caps and wolverines which are useless to me from 6 or so tokens.

    Completely zapped all of my interest in this event.

    Man, all that free ISO sucks huh?
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    I was happy, since it let me finish my wolvie's green. But I'm going to hold onto my tokens on the off chance that hulk is added to the pool when we reach the goal