How long did it take for your first maxed 3*?



  • farlus
    farlus Posts: 119 Tile Toppler
    Started in September/October and was in a 5 man alliance for a long time... took me probably 4-5 months to get my first 141 which was Punpun. Joined my current alliance near the beginning of Season 2 and I now have 5x166, 4x153, and a slew of other covered or near covered 3* waiting to be leveled. Being in a 20-man alliance helps tremendously, from an iso, covers, and motivation standpoint... plus once you get a team of covered 3* that helps you compete in PVP it's like a domino effect to getting more and more. Once I covered and leveled Patch, the covers started rolling in. Now I can't even keep up, which is a good problem to have.

    F2P player by the way.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    I am on day 232 and becuase I did not get into a 20 person alliance I did not get a max punisher until Season 3. I know have 2 maxed 166 and 2 at 153. and several 3* over 100. I have only bought 1 cover a yellow Sentry.
  • Katai
    Katai Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    Christ, that was a long time ago. My first was Patch Wolverine, probably a month after he was released. This is was when they had "First Time Completion" rewards for each node in PvE (so doing those level 30 minions was actually worth your time).
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    I will let you know if it ever happens. Been playing for almost 4 months now. I have most of them cover maxed because as soon as I get the first cover of a color, I buy 2 more to put the character at 3/3/3. I play them like that for a bit until I find the build that best suits me, then I would buy the rest.

    So, even though they have the covers, they don't have the levels. I only bought iso one time, that was to level Patch and Magneto in season 2 to help me get Fury blue.

    My problem is, I can't save iso and spread it out over all my heros instead of concentrating on 1 or 2, or saving it all up.

    However, 3* Steve Rogers is the first 3* hero I got when I started playing. Which means he HAS to be the first 3* to get leveled to 166. Since he was my first 3* acquisition, it is only fair to him that he be the first to get completely maxed. (some of you, .... ok, most of you, will see this as stupid or weird. but anyone with OCD will understand exactly what I mean).

    So, TL; DR,... dont have any maxed 3* after almost 4 months, but my first one, coming soon, I hope, will be 3* Captain America Steve Rogers.

  • I joined mid-February and fully covered my LCap ~2 months later when they gave him out 4 times in a row. To this day I haven't pushed him past 145 because he's a pve god anyway and the last 20 levels won't make him any better on pvp defense. I fully maxed my FatThor at the end of July.

    So 2 months for first fully covered, and 5 for first fully maxed.
  • (some of you, .... ok, most of you, will see this as stupid or weird. but anyone with OCD will understand exactly what I mean).

    Lol I get it..for me it is not buying skills...its either win or pull
  • TazFTW
    TazFTW Posts: 695 Critical Contributor
    Day 196. Not yet. icon_neutral.gif

    I only recently got my 11th cover for Hulk during TaT and took him to 140. I also got my 10th and 11th covers for Spidey for finishing Top 100 in TaT but I don't have to iso to level him to 140.
  • I'm only 104 days in so far with no maxed 3*s, but I will tell you that since joining a great alliance and all of us working to be top 100, I've seen my roster jump considerably almost overnight.
  • Adventfire
    Adventfire Posts: 76 Match Maker
    I joined only a few months ago and 15 of my 28 roster slots are 3* most with only 1 or 2 covers so, none maxed. I have an alliance of friends who are all kind of new as well, so I don't get covers as quick as the top guys/alliances do but, we do have fun and I think that's more important. When the game turns into work that's when it's time for me to find a new game.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    I finally took Rags to 115. Only a few hours before he was funbalanced icon_lol.gif

    (they still haven't come up with a buy back offer for that, have they?)
  • Xiltyn
    Xiltyn Posts: 61 Match Maker
    Just hit day 160, and closest I have to maxed is Patch at 117 with 9 covers (4/4/1). Next is IM40 at 114 (2/4/5), then Daken at 104 (1/4/3) I haven't bought any skills or cover packs, nor am I in a large alliance, so I think I'm doing pretty well.
  • I don't remember exactly, but it was definitely over 100 days. Punisher was my first to get covered and hit 141. Hulk was next, but I haven't put as much into him since he's the same colors as Pun. Trying to get my last for BP, Spidey, Magneto, and Hood, but I don't play as much as I used to.
  • 60 days for a 3/5/5 Hood. Closest upcoming ***'s are at 8-10 covers. F2P but have spent some of the HP on tokens.
  • Shadow
    Shadow Posts: 155
    I'm a pure F2P. I maxed my Punisher at the 3rd month into the game. Currently, I'm at day 182. I have 8 maxed 3*s and 2 which are 150+ which can also be maxed. I have other lower level chars which can also be maxed. I'm a bit of a crazy player I suppose icon_lol.gif
  • El_Dude
    El_Dude Posts: 53
    3*? I only have one 2* level maxed and just hit 80 days. They get too pricey after level 75 or so. It will probably be Deadpool. Currently at level 87 at 4/3/2. I broke down and bought ISO before his PvP to level him up...I felt dirty.

    Actually my 4* xWolvie might get maxed before any of my 3*s.
  • ThatOneGuyjp189512
    ThatOneGuyjp189512 Posts: 543 Critical Contributor
    got my punisher max covered first, then got him to about 115 when they had the super cap cover pve/pvp at the same time, i stopped leveling pun to get cap to his soft cap of 115 so i'd have a decent pvp team, worked out really well, a week later pun was maxed. Wasn't till about a month later i finally got cap maxed.
  • rbdragon
    rbdragon Posts: 479 Mover and Shaker
    ... 3* Steve Rogers is the first 3* hero I got when I started playing. Which means he HAS to be the first 3* to get leveled to 166. Since he was my first 3* acquisition, it is only fair to him that he be the first to get completely maxed. (some of you, .... ok, most of you, will see this as stupid or weird. but anyone with OCD will understand exactly what I mean).

    I get it - this is why Psylocke was my first maxed.
  • Tharos
    Tharos Posts: 129
    My first maxed 3* was after 5 months. And only because I spend 1250HP for its last cover.
    My second 3* was after 6 months, and I bought him two covers with my HP.

    I never won the missing covers I bought, so if I had never bought these covers, I would still be at 0 maxed 3* after more than 7 months.

    Note that after True healing, I greatly reduced my play time and my play habits:
    - most of the time, I play only to achieve 400 points (token+25 HP, not top 100)
    - from times to times (nice character reward), I push a little more, to 600 points (+25HP, always top 100, so one 3* cover)
    - for a highly wanted character, and if I have time, I push much more (well, for me, it means about 800/900 points), with a shield: it nullify my HP gain, but I have a second 3* over as reward. Happened only once since true healing, and I did not even remeber the event

    Now, I a winning HP pretty fast, so I can choose to buy some covers instead of waiting months and months to win only one during an event.
    I know that it is less expensive, but instead of having covers for all characters, I can focus on only one character at a time.
    Without playing a lot, and in a top 500 alliance only, I have enough money to buy 1 or 2 roster spot, and 1 or 2 3* cover in a single month (2500 to 3000 HP won).

    tl;dr version: To have more covers overall, use shields. To have one more maxed 3* at a time faster, buy the covers.
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jjosh wrote:
    I joined mid-February and fully covered my LCap ~2 months later when they gave him out 4 times in a row. To this day I haven't pushed him past 145 because he's a pve god anyway and the last 20 levels won't make him any better on pvp defense. I fully maxed my FatThor at the end of July.

    So 2 months for first fully covered, and 5 for first fully maxed.
    This is pretty much my exact experience. I was stuck on 2/5/5 LT for maybe a month or so, so I went ahead and made punisher my first 141 since he was given out a ton as well ( I think it was the hulk pve that gave all 3 covers in progression to practically everyone). So I maybe beat you to a maxed char by a month or so.

    Gotta say, with just the max pun I was able to start racking up a lot of covers. I've now got something like 17 or 18 fully covered 3/4* and another 3 or 4 on 12 covers. I think there's a pretty steady high rate of roster development with all the pvps they run until you get to the point where they repeat rewards sooner than later and you've finished off that char. Just gotta stay patient as long as you're still having fun with the game.
  • Spoit wrote:
    I finally took Rags to 115. Only a few hours before he was funbalanced icon_lol.gif

    (they still haven't come up with a buy back offer for that, have they?)

    Maybe you can join the Arktos lawsuit