Team-Up Feature Discussion



  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hmmm, another random fun thing to try:

    1. Load up on green generating TU's (like Deceptive Tactics and Thunder Strike, Thunderclap)
    2. Pick your favorite green hero
    3. Profit
  • I personally don't care for the new TU tiles at all. I have found myself LOSING fights with my 166 Lazy Cap and 166 Patch to a level 94 thor and OBW because they kept blasting off those stupid TU's. And like someone else mentioned before, there's no way to delete the **** TU's so you end up trying to burn them up every match and even going for TU tiles sometimes just so you can fire them off and get rid of your level 1 Hulk Smash or some other stupid tile. Please fix the TU's as they have made it almost a game of chance more than strategy.

  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    This does some interesting things that they have been planning on making to the meta.

    1. This nerfs tanking as the level of your opponent dictates your collected move. If I want to go into LRs, I also have to collect some lvl 1-20 moves.
    2. It encourages trying to step out and fight higher level opponents to get better abilities. However, I have noticed that defensive wins are on the rise as a result.
    3. It encourages longer (or more) games as the player now has to manage and constantly consume TU moves so stay under the limit. I've found myself either going to prolog or extending my normal fights to use up bad TUs. This may also be why strike tiles dont impact your TU match damage.
    4. Defensive TUs were purposely left random to prevent exploits as well as bring random danger to fights.

    While not perfect, I think this implementation was well thought out.

    These are all reasonable, but i vehemently disagree with point 3: forcing players to use up bad tus seems like busy work and poor design, especially given how people are going to end up prologue burning these as a result: there really should be a delete button on these things.
  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    My TU collecting and TU drop recommendation team:


    Targeted ap collecting sure helps
  • TU collecting and drop team:

    - Miss Marvel
    - Modern Storm / Morroro
    - OBW

    Thats right folks, the ladies dream team.

    Higher level goons, and get Miss Marvel out front to get a smack bottom if an ability is going to go off, might as well benefit from it. Generate Red. Fire off Storm's TU killing abilities. OBW to steal green and red, fire off Storms TU collecting abilities.

    DUMP bad TUs...
  • Demiurge_Will
    Demiurge_Will Posts: 346 Mover and Shaker
    akboyce wrote:
    scottee wrote:
    Defensive team ups are random.

    Random from what? The entirety of characters levels and colors?

    Random from all of the possible Team-Up powers.

    The character level and power level of the Team-Ups are based on the characters on the defensive team.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    So, Team-Up Math is funky. Just now, I got a TUAP match-5, which cascaded into a TUAP match-3. Result: +6 TUAP.

  • orionpeace
    orionpeace Posts: 344 Mover and Shaker
    Tonzil wrote:
    TU collecting and drop team:

    - Miss Marvel
    - Modern Storm / Morroro
    - OBW

    Thats right folks, the ladies dream team.

    Higher level goons, and get Miss Marvel out front to get a smack bottom if an ability is going to go off, might as well benefit from it. Generate Red. Fire off Storm's TU killing abilities. OBW to steal green and red, fire off Storms TU collecting abilities.

    DUMP bad TUs...

    Ummm...those Powers are now Yellow, not Red for Storm.
  • Demiurge_Will
    Demiurge_Will Posts: 346 Mover and Shaker
    ZenBrillig wrote:
    scottee wrote:

    My alliance just noted that using a Team-Up of Ares' green consumes your actual green AP, because the ability says it depletes your green AP.

    Good observation - can't tell if that's a bug or a feature.

    It's meant to be a feature: this and similar abilities care about the same colors they do when they're Team-Ups as when they're not. We hope that sticking to that rule means that if you're familiar with the regular version of the ability, it's easier to remember/predict how the Team-Up version will work.
  • Hey will, So what about the fact that the AI can have multiple versions of a move while we can't? I saw someone post how they were fighting a wolverine that had adamantiam slash as a TU. Seems pretty annoying that the AI can do that and we can't. Any plans to change that? Also, Why no delete button for TU's?
  • Will, any chance of allowing us to dump unwanted team-ups coming soon?
  • orionpeace
    orionpeace Posts: 344 Mover and Shaker

    It's meant to be a feature: this and similar abilities care about the same colors they do when they're Team-Ups as when they're not. We hope that sticking to that rule means that if you're familiar with the regular version of the ability, it's easier to remember/predict how the Team-Up version will work.

    I guess we'll just add that Power of Ares to the list of "Peel in the Prologue" then.

    The effect of the Power as a TU isn't increased by how much Green you collect, but consumes it all.

    A feature indeed...

    I guess we have different definitions of that word.
  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    akboyce wrote:
    scottee wrote:
    Defensive team ups are random.

    Random from what? The entirety of characters levels and colors?

    Random from all of the possible Team-Up powers.

    The character level and power level of the Team-Ups are based on the characters on the defensive team.

    Storm1* black power wad limited to levl 50
  • Demiurge_Will
    Demiurge_Will Posts: 346 Mover and Shaker
    sms4002 wrote:
    Hey will, So what about the fact that the AI can have multiple versions of a move while we can't? I saw someone post how they were fighting a wolverine that had adamantiam slash as a TU. Seems pretty annoying that the AI can do that and we can't. Any plans to change that?

    Yeah. The AI will no longer be able to do that as of R59.
    Also, Why no delete button for TU's?

    One is on the way, though it isn't clear right now when it will land. R59 or R60.
  • Demiurge_Will
    Demiurge_Will Posts: 346 Mover and Shaker
    orionpeace wrote:
    The effect of the Power as a TU isn't increased by how much Green you collect, but consumes it all.

    I'm seeing the Team-Up version of Onslaught deal damage based on how much Green AP you have. Are you seeing something different? Can you tell me more?
  • akboyce
    akboyce Posts: 285 Mover and Shaker
    akboyce wrote:
    scottee wrote:
    Defensive team ups are random.

    Random from what? The entirety of characters levels and colors?

    Random from all of the possible Team-Up powers.

    The character level and power level of the Team-Ups are based on the characters on the defensive team.

    I am glad that it is not punishing people with diverse (but lower leveled) rosters but am not thrilled that I can randomly get terrible powers on defense (or my opponent randomly gets the good stuff when attacking).
  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards

    Cascading & TUAP seems buggy!
    Bug report on link above
  • CNash
    CNash Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    I can confirm that TU Onslaught is functioning exactly as it should; I just got hit by it and it dealt as much damage as I'd expect from the amount of Green that the enemy team had. Unfortunately, as it KOed me (really blindsided me, too - I wasn't expecting it at all! I'll have to remember to check enemy teamups...) I wasn't able to see whether it depleted the correct amount of Green.
  • Chrono_Tata
    Chrono_Tata Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    So far, I'm finding that it just gives the AI more options to hurt my team and thus causes me to end the match with even less health, which means I can play even less in one session than when True Healing was introduced.

    Apart from that it's actually an interesting feature, but the balance seems to have been poorly thought out. Makes matches feel even more random than they already were.
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,704 Chairperson of the Boards
    So far, I'm finding that it just gives the AI more options to hurt my team and thus causes me to end the match with even less health, which means I can play even less in one session than when True Healing was introduced.

    Apart from that it's actually an interesting feature, but the balance seems to have been poorly thought out. Makes matches feel even more random than they already were.

    When I saw that your opponents' teams were able to use the TUs on defense I thought this was going to be the case. I'm resisting upgrading for a while and reading the forums.

    Some randomness is a good thing. A lot of randomness sucks. Maybe they'll reduce it's use on defense (give the defensive team 1 or 2 TUs, maybe?) If not... I don't know. I really don't see the value in giving it to your opponent -- there's a certain "balance" to it, but since they always get three and you don't, it isn't really balanced. Kind of like if your opponent always got boosts...